MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1812: Appeared, Wuji exclusive play

"I'm so **** shameless!"

The venue of the competition was received at the same time. Simultaneous interpretation, without words, fell into the ears of all the audience.

Suddenly the audience on the spot was boiling.

Okay, this dog said that this is the idea, and I want to spend time to the end by giving myself milk.

If Chunxiang and Ming both rely on tactics in the first two games, it would be shameless to have no trouble.


March's wind-cold sneered and said disdainfully, "I really think I can't take you? Flames of fire, rise!"

During the speech, March's Wind Staff lifted upwards, and a sea of ​​flames suddenly rose under Wuji's feet.

"Ha ha!"

Wuji saw a chuckle, and threw the Holy Healing Technique on his head in a hurry.

Although the wind of March can also use fire spells, as a wind mage, the improvement of wind magic in March is all a bonus of wind, so the continuous damage of this flaming sea is not high, and it will fall every second. More than three hundred points of blood.

The unscrupulous Holy Healing is a continuous blood increase skill, which can restore 500 points of blood per second.

As a result, the output speed of March's wind could not keep up with Wuji's recovery speed. Wuji was called a leisurely walk in the sea of ​​fire.

Seeing Wuji so arrogantly walking around in the fire he set up, the mouth of March's mouth slightly raised, a slight grin leaked, and then his left hand stretched forward, and the blue of his right hand flashed.


Only a gust of wind screamed, and the whirlwinds rose from the platform.

A huge tornado rose under Wuji's feet.

The so-called fire borrowed the wind, and the sea of ​​fire at Wuji's feet was blown by the tornado. It immediately rolled up a flaming flame of more than three feet high, forming a fierce flame whirlwind under the blessing of the tornado.

"This is a combined magic, whirlwind of flames!"

In the end, Thunder is a professional master, and he is still very knowledgeable. At a glance, he saw that the wind of March is a combination of magic.

The damage of wind magic is not explosive, but once the fire element is combined in the wind magic, the fire magic will also get the same level of elemental upgrade.

In other words, this flame whirlwind magic not only has the speed of wind magic, but also has the high damage of fire magic.

It is worthy of being a top-level master, and he really made an extraordinary shot.

Under the ring, Mingdu's eyes widened even more.

Combining magic, that is Mingdu's best skill at learning. Mingdu naturally understands the horror of this whirlwind of fire more than anyone else. This wave of output will continue. If the unscrupulous treatment cannot keep up, it will be seconds.


Of course, the wind in March knows how shameless his opponent is, and how hard it is for his opponent. Naturally, he will not think that a whirlwind of flames will give Wuji a second.

After the whirlwind of flames will be covered, the wind of March waved with his left hand, and a large group of fireballs ignited around him, then the blue of the staff in the right hand flashed, and the big fireball swelled into a huge flame with the wind and the wind. The whistling wind continued to hit Wuji.

"Boom rumbling !!"

With a series of violent explosions, Wuji was smashed and sturdy, and was instantly engulfed in flames.

The position where Wuji stood on the ring was even blown out of a pink smoke.

"Huh? This smoke is kind of interesting."

Seeing the pink smoke, thunder frowned slightly, and although he was puzzled, he didn't say much.

After all, Thunder only knows the setting of combination magic, but it is also the first time to see combination magic. Who knows what special effects combination magic has?

The March wind on the ring is a face of stunned expression.

Fire magic will have special effects of smoke, but the wind will disperse when the wind blows, so the combination of fire magic and wind magic will definitely not have smoke. This pink smoke is the priest's blind eye method?


Thinking of this, March's wind was shocked, and immediately summoned a fire dragon again. When the violent wind blew, the fire dragon touched the ground and blew towards the powder mist that had spread to less than two meters from him.


The wind, fire and dragon screamed through, the pink smoke was blown away completely, and the smoke was scattered, revealing the unscrupulous figure.

At this moment, Wuji's body shone with the golden light of the Holy Light Shield, which was less than two meters away from the wind in March.

"Martyrdom !!"

Wuji's eyes narrowed and his arms were slammed.

"not good!!"

The wind and sound of March suddenly thought of something like that, and he would run back when he turned around, but it was too late when he reacted.

Before the wind of March opened its legs, the wind of March suddenly became uncontrollable and was generally dragged to the front.

Wuji's arms were firmly on the wind in March.

"let me go!!"

The wind in March was terrified, struggling desperately, trying to break free of the shackles.

Fortunately, March's wind is a legal profession like Wuji, and there is no slight advantage in strength attributes. Naturally, it is useless to let him struggle.


After holding the wind in March, Wuji gently spit out two words.

At the same time, Wuji's body burst out with a dazzling light.


With a loud noise, the March wind was blown into a white light, and there was only a little blood left on the blood strips on Wuji's head.


Players in the national service see this familiar scene, and they all reveal a clear smile.

Appeared, the priest of the Halal stream of the Quanzhen Department exploded.

After the death of the wind in March, Wuji casually applied a treatment to himself, and he said helplessly: "If you have said that we are tied, you don't listen, look, it's almost a bit."


After being blown off the ring, the March wind didn't even react. After hearing unscrupulous self-talk, the lungs of the March wind under the stage exploded.

As for Wuji, the wind in March is also very preventive, for fear of getting caught in it, but he never thought that Wuji was a time-consuming party to let himself take it lightly ~ ~ and then slowly After approaching himself, he made such a hand and killed himself alive. Can Nima make a face?

In the third game, the Uzbekistan team won.

The score is now opened again.

"I get it! I get it!"

The result of the game was announced, and Thunder also shouted to the audience afterwards: "I know why I have to fight like this."

"I bother!"

Seeing the appearance of Thunder, the audience rolled their eyes together. This commentary is still watery, and it can't keep up with the rhythm of the game. What is it called here after the game is over.


Of course, in the eyes of the Quanzhen Religion, shameless and shameless are purely basic operations. In the end, they are the leaders of the Quanzhen Religion. Chun Xiangming and other young people are so stinky and shameless. The leader of the teaching, the rank of shamelessness is naturally higher than that of the Quanzhen religion.


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