MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1817: Will shameless

After ten minutes of intermission, the second game continued.

Before starting, choose the battlefield.

Under the unscrupulous signal, Wang Yu chose the ancient forest.

"Nima ..."

After seeing Wang Yu's choice, the audience on stage suddenly became restless.

The ancient forest is known as the first of the four maps of the world of rebirth. The area is so far that no one has fully explored it. Even the official information is very small. Ordinary players will get lost within a short time.

Seeing the map of the meeting place turned into an endless black pressure on the big forest, the audience seemed to have expected what the shameless group of Uzbekistan would want to do next.

As for the opponent of the Wuhezhong team, Arirang cried when he saw the map selected by Wang Yu.

I do n’t know what I did. I met such a group of shameless guys. The tactics played in the first game are at least reluctant to accept. In the second game, the Uzbekistan team obviously wants to use shamelessness to the extreme. .

"Which ... what are these Wuhe clan teams thinking about?" On the commentary, thunder was already sweating, looking at the changes in the venue with surprise, and his eyes were full of fear: "Could ... Do they want to hide and seek here?"

"Who said no ..."

Feng Shuang rubbed his cold sweat and sincerely sighed: "I have been playing professional for so many years, this is the first time I have seen this team."

After entering this broken map, he ran blindly with his eyes closed, and even couldn't find himself. If it was used to hide and seek, the result would be self-evident.

It has been some years since the rise of the e-sports industry. Which team is not fighting for you on the field? Like this shameless play, everyone is unheard of.

Even the organizer was completely collapsed by the shameless spirit of the Uzbekistan.

The shameless play style of the Wuhezhong team has been taught by the organizers in the domestic professional league. In order to limit this group of kings and **** not to make the game so angry, the organizer deliberately changed a few rules. On the court, the organizers only found that changing the rules had little effect on this group of sluts.

You can change it, anyway, you can keep me shameless and lose me ...

At this moment, the organizers often want to punish the Wuhe team directly out of the court, but this group of **** cunningly outrageous, the organizers read the rules back and forth more than ten times and found no reason to ban them.

So annoying ...

The staff of the organizer who is watching the game on the spot can't wait to screw down the heads of this group of guys to kick the ball.

The cost of hosting a world-class game is quite large. The organizer also wants to use the game to refute the world ’s attention. However, the game of the Uzbek team must disturb the game.

Now the audience will have to refund the ticket and leave, if the security measures are not done well, I am afraid that the competition room will have been smashed.

In the game, the players who watched the live broadcast in the arena are extremely angry about the behavior of the Uzbekistan clan team. Everyone has watched the game for so many years, and they have never seen such a boring team. Entering the s-level world professional league, what kind of stuff is this, shady, there must be shady!

"Wuhe's team is shameless!"



At the competition venue, I didn't know who started it. All the audience shouted slogans uniformly, and the languages ​​of various countries were intertwined and deafening, and they went straight to the sky.

Scolded by so many people, the Wuhezhi team felt a sense of flutter, and they all proudly rushed around and said: "The prize is over, the prize is over!"

Its shameless behavior instantly exploded the world.


Scolding and scolding, the game still has to continue dropping.

Under the random selection of the system, players from both teams enter the game in turn.

As everyone expected, after entering the venue, the players of the Wuhezhong team did not confront the opponent at all. Without turning their heads, they ran to the depths of the forest. , Which took thirty minutes.

This group of guys who were taught by Quanzhen was chased and killed by people who used to be street rats all the year round. It was a battle-hardened one. There was no other skill, and the means of escape was more professional than all the front-line professionals present.

For the two and a half hours of the second game, everyone's only gain was to see what is called professional hide-and-seek. After returning home to play with children, there is absolutely no shortage of ideas.

Under the contempt and insult of everyone, the second game ended with a result of 0 to 0. Such a desperate record and style of play will surely be recorded in the annals of history and become the most shameful sum in the history of e-sports.


After the second game, both players returned to the lounge again.

Although there was no fight for two and a half hours, but after playing hide and seek in the forest for so long, everyone really worked hard.

Out of the game warehouse, Wang Yu could even feel the murderous face of the staff, and could not help but fight the twelve points of spirit, protecting the whole truth behind him.

Wuji also specifically told everyone: "Be careful when you go to the toilet, don't be shot dead by a brick, otherwise you will not find surveillance video."


In the lounge of the Arirang team, after the ravages of the Wuhezhong team, this group of guys is almost on the verge of mental breakdown.

Even playing chess with the smelly chess basket, even after playing for so long, only played a draw, which is not a big blow to the spirit of everyone in the Arirang team.

After all, everyone is referring to the world champion. As a result, when I went out, I met such a team. The whole team didn't have any temper, so why not justify it.

"Everyone gets together!"

Seeing that his men have no fighting spirit, the wind in March is also very helpless, but of course he cannot be discouraged as the captain, otherwise the next game will not be compared ~ ~ can't beat the spirit! "Jue Xue was depressed:" The third game was a team game, playing tactics, we might not be able to play by that group of guys! " "

After two games, the group of Arirang's sad reminders have obviously chosen to admit their fate ...

"rest assured!"

The rumors in March quickly comforted: "Their personal strength is actually very average, each of us must be stronger than theirs."

"What's the use of that?" Everyone whispered: "On the shameless play of that group of bastards, will we be opponents in playing tactics?"

"Why do you have to play tactics with them?" March's wind smiled and said: "Since tactics we are weak, then do not attack the enemy with their own short."

"Team match eh, how to play without tactics?" Everyone puzzled.

"It's simple, just choose a map without tactics." The wind in March said indifferently.


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