MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1837: Real Madrid

In addition, the combatants' attack and defense are also relatively weak.

However, the dragon's roaring dragon damage and dragon shield defense complement the combatants 'weaknesses. It is worth mentioning that the cannon, which has a full range of 800 attack skills, also greatly compensates for the weakness of the combatants' means.

As for the last power accumulation skill, it has the special effect of breaking defense.

It can be said that this pair of gloves has made up for all the weaknesses of the fighters in the past.

The proud is just young and inexperienced. Its own strength is quite weak. If you choose a relatively weak profession such as the fighter, and the weapon level can not keep up with the times, its combat level will not be lower than Bao Bao at least.

Now with this boxing glove, Jiao even has the power to fight even the first-line professional master.

Originally, the strength of the Wuhe team was uneven. Except for Wang Yu and the three, the strength of Quanzhenjiao's group of guys fluctuated too much, and there was no way. Relatively speaking, only Chunxiang and Beiming had fish.

Now that he is proud to have acquired new weapons, and Ming has acquired new skills, these two people can be regarded as even more powerful. Although the strength level is not as good as punching the top masters, they have also made a big leap.

Thanks to Quan Zhen, everyone took advantage of the rest time of the game to stroll around in the game, but I didn't think there was even this unexpected gain.

Heavenly Dragon City, finally guarded.

According to the agreement, after the success of the city defense, Du Gu Jiu Qiang signed a contract of 1.1 million gold to Quan Zhen Jiao.

Wuji took the contract and gave Wang Yu 300,000 gold, and the others were divided into several others, but Jiao and Mingdu were not given.

Obviously, the extra 200,000 gold given to Wang Yu is money for gloves and skills.

From this point, the Quanzhen religion is still very clear.

Brothers and sisters have settled their accounts, and it is not as good as paying the money directly for what you said.

In the next two days, all the real people took advantage of the game to close the level.

On the third day, the knockout of the US service officially started.

Unlike the Asian uniform, due to the presence of the Japanese national team, the strength of nearly half of the teams is not too high, so the standard is relatively poor, the opponents are not strong, and none of the qualifying teams have shown any stunning. Strength.

The six teams from the US service are all top-ranked teams, and all are top professional players.

After this day's game, the audience can be said to be a feast for the eyes, sweeping the previous discomfort caused by the Uzbekistan's team.

In the end, three U.S. service teams were successfully promoted, namely North American RLT (Rebel Team), and Country A's Free (Freedom Team) and SFI (Science Fiction Team).

These three teams are also veteran strong teams in the e-sports circle. For their smooth qualifying, no one is surprised at all. Everyone regrets the defeat of the other three teams.

Such a strong team actually lost in the knockout. If it is put into the game a few days ago, it is obviously another result.

It's really tricky, it seems that esports competition also depends on luck.

At the end of the game, the audience left.

The audience dissipated, and the venue became deserted. Wang Yu and others also got up and left, but when they first walked to the entrance of the venue, a group of blonde young people came over.

It is not difficult to see from the uniforms of these young people that these teams are the European service teams that will be playing tomorrow. This group of guys should also be familiar with the game in advance.

"PTN?" Looking at the letters on the group of players, he was awkward and he muttered to himself with his chin: "It turned out to be the Pantheon!"


Wang Yu's ears are so sensitive, he whimpers casually. Wang Yu heard clearly and couldn't help repeating it.

"You don't know them!"

Wu Ji smiled and explained: "This is a celebrity in the e-sports circle. You probably haven't heard of this game Xiao Bai."

"Not bad!"

Others also talked gossip: "This pantheon is the world's strongest club, Real Madrid, known as the e-sports circle. It has won five championships and is the club with the most championships in the history of e-sports."

"What is Real Madrid? What is the relationship with e-sports?" Wang Yu's curiosity is extremely strong.

"It's not bad money!" Mingdu said enviously and jealously: "This club no matter whether the esports player is suitable for their team style, as long as the top players will spend a lot of money to dig into their team, it is exactly Because their team configuration is quite luxurious, almost every player has won the most valuable e-sports player honorary title, so it is also called the Pantheon. "

Speaking of which, Mingdu still did not forget to shoot Wang Yuniu fart: "But this time I think Lao Niu you are very likely to be noticed by the boss of the Pantheon."

"Haha." Facing the flattery of Mingdu, Wang Yu smiled slightly and thought secretly in his heart: "Could it be that the group of masters I met in the game not long ago was the Pantheon?"


Just when Wang Yu was thinking wildly, a thick voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "Is it you? !!!"


Wang Yu quickly raised his head when he heard the sound, and saw a big man who was almost as burly as his body, and a big man with blond hair was pointing at himself, his face filled with surprise.

Although the big man looks very strange, Wang Yu always feels like he has seen it.

"do we know each other?"

Wang Yu asked wonderingly.

"Me ..." the big man excitedly said in a rusty Mandarin: "I am Uranos, the Pantheon, we have seen it."

"Uranos ..." Wang Yu finally remembered the name when he heard the name, "It turns out to be you, you are more handsome in the game than now."

"Hahaha ..."

Uranos smiled embarrassedly: "We need to pay attention to our image."

Isn't it? E-sports stars are also stars. As the top professional at the level of Uranos, the personal image in the game is still very important.

After all, the appearance is the club's facade ~ ~ crooked melons are not good, and the history is not.

"You also come to see us?"

Then, Uranos asked Wang Yudao again.

"No!" Wang Yu shook his head and said: "I'm here to participate in the competition."

"Participate in the competition?"

Uranos was shocked by the words: "I didn't expect the Kyushu team to have a master like you! This time it seems that we are going to play very difficult."

Uranos is a top player, he can see the team, Kyushu team is one.

Things gather like people and divide into groups. With Wang Yu's powerful strength, he is also a Chinese national. In the eyes of Uranos, it must be the Kyushu team.

"I'm not from the Kyushu team." Wang Yu shook his head again. Remember the site's website, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu, you can enter this site

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