MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 100: Moon Shadow Castle

100 chapters, integer, leave a claw.


[Heart of Light (Passive)]: Your heart is full of devotion, reducing the consumption of all spells by 75%.

As soon as Han Yingxue posted her skills, Zhang Yang became "fine"!

It saves 75% of the mana consumption, which is equivalent to four times the previous one in terms of durability. What an amazing thing!

Zhang Yang was extremely excited, and said, "Originally, I didn't have much confidence, but with this passive skill, our chances of passing Moon Shadow Castle have increased by at least 50%!"

The standard equipment for a team of ten is 2 tanks, 2 milk and 6 outputs! But Zhang Yang can complete the workload of two tanks by himself, and Han Yingxue is also full of milk, so she can handle two tanks with one! In addition, Zhang Yang itself is a strong output, that is to say, their six-man team is almost comparable to a ten-man team!

Zhang Yang's heart turned, he originally wanted to find four more people to make up a team of ten, but the more people there are, the higher the possibility of making mistakes! The so-called not afraid of enemies like gods, but teammates like pigs! Since the six-man team can be used as a ten-man team, it is better to use this lineup to promote Moon Shadow Castle!

Because in some boss battles, a person's mistake does not only mean his own death, but also causes a chain reaction that leads to the collapse of the team!

Zhang Yang waited while rubbing the medicine. If there were a few more team members who passed the S-level professional task before the dungeon trip at night, the possibility of winning the dungeon would increase!

It's a pity that until dinner time, the three of Baifa No. 1 Middle School were still struggling and never completed the task. This had to make Zhang Yang marvel at Han Yingxue's powerful healing ability, and she was born to be a nanny!

Because he has the technology and awareness of the next five years, he can pass the S-level mission in a short period of time, but Han Yingxue has just started the game, but he can perform so amazingly, which has to convince Zhang Yang!

Extraordinary talent, big tits!

After dinner, Zhang Yang gathered six teams and set off for Moon Shadow Castle.

According to the background story of the game, a long time ago, there was a village that worshiped the wolf god very much, and sacrificed a large number of treasures to the wolf god every year. Therefore, they were also blessed by the wolf god and obtained magical powers, allowing them to borrow The supernatural power of the wolf god is invincible!

However, countless victories have made these people blind and arrogant, gradually losing their initial humility, and losing respect for the wolf god!

The wolf god was angry, and it cursed the people in the whole village, so that those people would turn into werewolves at night, and could no longer be accepted into human society, and were forced to move to the barren mountains!

Moon Shadow Castle is their lair! There are two dungeons in total, both of which are ten-person books, namely the garden area and the castle area. Each dungeon has five bosses, which is the dungeon group with the most bosses so far!

You don't need to complete the pre-quests to enter the two dungeons of Moon Shadow Castle, and you can directly enter the dungeons. However, the garden area is a level 30 dungeon, while the castle area is a level 40 dungeon.

All the way from the main city to the Kongmeng Mountain with a griffin, and then climbed to the top of the mountain, which is where the Moon Shadow Castle is located.

As soon as Zhang Yang and the others got off the "plane", they saw that besides them at the flight point, there was actually another team of ten people - all bearing the guild name of Tyrant.

It's really a narrow road for enemies!

Gentleman Qianqian came out in front of the crowd, with a hypocritical smile on his face, and said: "So it's the president of Zhanyu, why, are there only six of you in Damo Guyan? Tsk tsk tsk, if there are only so few people, let's go honestly." Scrub Mazawi's nave and nave!"

In front of everyone, a humble gentleman has always maintained his "gentleman" demeanor, no wonder Wu Tian always calls him a hypocrite.

Zhang Yang laughed loudly and said, "President Qianqian, do you want to add a few more bottles of dark resistance medicine?"

The humble gentleman's face immediately changed. He always boasted of his resourcefulness, but Zhang Yang gave him a slap in the face. It was a shame and humiliation to him! The scars were uncovered by Zhang Yang, how could he not be furious, with a bit of murderous look in his eyes, he pondered whether to take advantage of this to kill all six of Zhang Yang and let them run back in despair!

But self-proclaimed smart people don't do things simply, and like to calculate gains and losses-with 10 vs. 6, the Overlord is naturally sure to win, but Zhang Yang's team is extremely powerful. Annihilating the enemy will inevitably bring losses to the Overlord himself !

I can't afford to hurt now! The Overlord also formed a land reclamation group of ten people. As long as one of them died, once the level dropped to 30, there would not be enough manpower for land reclamation! Gentleman Qianqian is full of ambitions for the new dungeon, he has already issued a death order in the guild, and must win the first pass! .

If only Ba Zhe competed with Da Mo Gu Yan, then the humble gentleman would not think about it at all, and just waved his hands to fight! But in Baiyu City alone, there are still two big rivals, Yinu Hongyan and Ling Tian. This competition between cranes and clams will only benefit the fisherman, and it is definitely not the work of a wise man! Not to mention that there are a total of eight main cities in China, and there are at least twenty other guilds comparable to Tyrant and the others. How huge is the pressure of competition!

I have to say that a modest gentleman is by no means a hot-blooded person. He looks forward and backward in doing things, cares too much about success or failure, and lacks motivation!

He glared at Zhang Yang viciously, and said, "I'd like to see how your six-member team can beat the ten-person team!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and the two teams immediately rushed to the castle on the mountain. This time is precious, all major guilds are racing against time, Ling Tian, ​​who is the fastest, entered the dungeon half an hour ago, and the angry concubine is about to arrive, so I can't afford to waste a minute!

"Let's go too!" Zhang Yang led the team up the mountain.

Soon, everyone came to the top of the mountain, and a huge bluestone castle appeared in front of them. The gate of the castle was open, and there was a faint green portal on the left and right, leading to two copies of the garden area and the castle area.

"Zhan Yu, which book should we enter?" Han Yingxue asked.

"The left is to enter the garden area, and the right is to enter the castle area... Shit, I was fooled by you too! The castle area is a level 40 dungeon, and you can't enter it!" Zhang Yang shook his head repeatedly.

"Damn Zhang Yang, who do you want to rub?" Han Yingxue put her hands on her waist, trying to put on an angry posture, but she was naturally charming, and this posture was like leaning on the door to be coquettish, and the anger could not be seen at all. There is only endless coquettishness.

Wei Yan'er was in the same breath as her, and took Sun Xinyu with her by the way, and the three girls all stared at Zhang Yang. But one is charming, one is pure, one is absolutely cold, each has its own charm, each has its own temperament, which is completely a visual enjoyment.

"Enter the dungeon!" Zhang Yang was defeated, and with a wave of his hand, he entered the dungeon first.

At present, the competition for the first pass of the dungeon in China is becoming more and more fierce. The established strong guilds are of course unabated, and many emerging guilds are slowly showing their strength! According to the previous life, the Huangtian Guild, which is like a sword that can conquer the city, under the leadership of the so-called "No. 1 tank in China", has overcome all obstacles and won the first pass of many dungeons. The strength must not be underestimated! And the sword and fire mercenary group is the strongest competitor of the five-person and ten-person corps, and their strength is extremely powerful!

Even so, Zhang Yang is still very confident, the key lies in his superb skills!

When he reached level 30, the system rewarded him with three skill points, he got the first pass of four dungeons, and he was rewarded with another four skill points. He also rewarded one skill point for completing the hidden professional task, plus the special effect of the shield to improve the "grid file". "The skill level is one level, and the "grid" has reached level 9 at this time, and the cooling time has been reduced to 2 seconds!"

It can be said that with just such a skill, he can beat any physical boss!

However, such a good day will not last long. In the first update of the "Miracle" version five months later, this skill was greatly weakened, and the original 10-second cooldown was extended to 15 seconds. Many shields Soldier A has never enjoyed the happiness of consecutive grids in his life.

In the final analysis, the 1-second cooling block is too powerful, so powerful that many physical bosses lose their meaning of existence! In terms of adjusting boss skills and professional skills, the game company unceremoniously slashed this knife on the shield warrior!

But at least the knife hasn't been cut yet, the 2-second cooldown can make most physical bosses stare at Zhang Yang and sulk!

"Ding! You have entered Moonshadow Castle: Garden Area (death mode)!"

Zhang Yang and the others appeared in a huge garden square. In the center of the square was a fountain. Standing by the side of the pool was an old man dressed as a butler. He was dressed in an aristocratic dress. There are five passages connecting the square. Zhang Yang and the others are standing on one of them, but behind them is the dungeon portal, and they will exit the dungeon as soon as they exit.

Because the old butler was very eye-catching, everyone naturally focused their attention on it.

[Big Steward Mark] (Silver-level leader)

Level: 34

HP: 3 million

"It's really convenient to fight the boss right after entering the door! However, his blood volume is too much!" Wei Yan'er pulled out the hammer, her face full of eagerness to try.

"No, if we hit him now, it will be a kill!" Zhang Yang quickly stopped. .

"Why?" Wei Yan'er is better than others in this point, she will never pretend to understand, and ask whenever she has any doubts.

"There are a total of five bosses in this dungeon, and this big housekeeper, Mark, is the bottom box!"

"Since it's in the bottom box, why put it where the dungeon came in?" Wei Yan'er was even more puzzled.

"Of course it's to deceive people!" Zhang Yang shook his head. In the last life, how many teams didn't understand the situation, saw that the entry was a boss, and naturally pushed it up, and the result, it was destroyed! He continued to explain, saying: "Every time you kill a small boss, the butler Mark will reduce his blood volume by 50% and his attack power by 25%. Let's fight him now, it's purely courting death! However, if we really want to kill it, There is also an achievement, 'I am the strongest'!"

"Then let's... take a detour now?" Fatty Han asked.

"Well, this garden area is a circle, here is the center of the circle, and the four small bosses are distributed on the circumference. No matter which way we go, it doesn't matter which small boss we fight first!"

Zhang Yang led the crowd to the first fork on the right: "Be careful, walk along the side, don't disturb the boss, the old man is old and blind, and his vision of hatred is very large!"

The six people walked in a single file, walked close to the side of the square and walked into the first branch path on the right, and after walking for more than ten meters, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Ahead, there are two NPCs dressed as maids, each of whom is sweeping the road with a broom.

【Hardworking Maid】(Elite)

Level: 32

Health value: 50,000


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