"Sister Sun! Sister Sun! Let me touch it!" Wei Yan'er didn't care about getting angry, and rushed over to touch the boss's body. Sun Xinyu just thought she was too slow, and didn't want to compete with her for the job, so she stepped aside.

Wei Yan'er smiled openly, and reached out to touch the bottom of the boss's body.

[Skill Book: Rage Recovery]

Use: Teaches you how to restore rage.

Requires: Warrior.

"Hey, anemic warrior, what is the effect of this rage recovery?" Wei Yan'er raised her head and asked Zhang Yang.

"It's a very practical skill. Consume all the anger to restore full health!" Zhang Yang said. This skill is very, very useful. However, the drop rate of this skill book is quite high, and almost all professional fighters can have a copy, but it is quite precious to have this skill at level 30.

"Oh! Then I'll give it to you first, lest you die of old age!" Wei Yan'er gave up without hesitation. For a team, the survival rate of the tank is the most important. Although she is naughty and troublesome, this point is still clearly distinguished.

The others naturally gave up. After Zhang Yang got it, he slapped him, and there was another skill in the skill bar.

[Fury Recovery]: Burning anger, immediately restore 100% health. Consumption: All Rage. Cooldown: 2 minutes.

After picking up a few more pieces of cloth and some money, the body of the butler Mark also slowly disappeared.

"Disband, do what you need to do!" Zhang Yang took out the teleportation talisman and tore it apart first.

Back in Baiyu City, Baifa No. 1 Middle School, Sun Xinyu, and Wei Yan'er continued to do professional tasks. Han Yingxue, a priest, couldn't practice level without someone to accompany her, so she simply went offline to rest.

Zhang Yang continued to rub the anti-darkness potion. It is the time when the anti-darkness potion is selling the most, and every second is worth money!

As the day passed, none of the three members of Baifa No. 1 Middle School had completed their professional tasks, so they had to come back the next day.

But it was not until the afternoon of the third day that Sun Xinyu was the first to complete the task, becoming the third person in the team to complete the S-level professional task!

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing with satisfaction—just kidding, there are only a dozen people in China who have completed the S-level professional tasks, and he has three of them in his team!

On the fourth and fifth days, time passed day by day, and Baifa No. 1 Middle School and Wei Yan'er still could not pass the S-level difficulty. Wei Yan'er was in a hurry, and beating the blue giant every day made her want to throw up. She couldn't take it anymore, so she chose the A-level difficulty and passed it smoothly.

Baifa No. 1 Middle School persisted for another two days, but there was still no hope of completing the task, so they had no choice but to change to the A-level difficulty and successfully won it. So far, the six members of the team have all completed the level 30 professional tasks.

Zhang Yang then issued an order: From now on, unless you are playing a dungeon, or a task that you can't handle personally, or a field boss, you will no longer conduct activities in the form of a team.

Sun Xinyu welcomes this very much. She is indifferent and withdrawn, and her ideal is to be a lonely heroine. Although the others were a little puzzled, they didn't object. Anyway, it wasn't that the team was going to be disbanded. If they practiced separately, there would be more room for everyone to make their own arrangements, without having to accommodate others.

Zhang Yang's arrangement was also after careful consideration.

First, leveling in the wild, it would be a waste for the six of them to act together! Because unless they are bosses or elites, if they fight once, the damage they cause far exceeds the monster's health, causing a lot of damage overflow, which affects the efficiency of leveling!

Second, this is also the most critical!

He didn't want to affect the future development of Baifa No. 1 Middle School and Sun Xinyu! Of these two people, one can be favored by the Red Dragon, and the other can get the inheritance of "Shadow Dance", and the future achievements will be immeasurable! But if he interferes too much with the game progress of the two, it will definitely have a huge and unpredictable impact, and may cause them not to get what they should have!

Therefore, Zhang Yang acted decisively and gave them more freedom! Although he has inevitably affected the two of them, the time is short after all. If he corrects it immediately, everything should be brought back to the original track.

Zhang Yang has been taking medicine these days, and he didn't let Fatty Han and Wei Yan'er take the lead in training, but let them upgrade their speed, and they can't let the level drop! He didn't want to see Moon Shadow Castle: The first pass of the death mode in the castle area was taken down!

As for himself, as long as the peak sales of dark resistance drugs pass, he will finally have time to level up! Moreover, he has several Holy Lands that can be quickly upgraded in his heart, and he can definitely catch up with the level quickly! .

After entering level 30, the experience value required to advance to a level has soared a lot. Even if you lie down online and practice leveling every day, it will take three days to advance to a level! The castle area is a level 40 dungeon, so it will take at least the beginning of September for the major guilds to gather a team that reaches the level.

As for the bosses in the castle area... Zhang Yang laughed again, the first two bosses were delivering food, but the last three were more difficult than the last one! In Zhang Yang's memory, the three bosses in the previous life were stuck in the major guilds for a full month!

So, he is in no hurry!

By August 12th, the sales of primary dark resistance potions finally dropped sharply, from 5,000 sets on the 9th to 3,500 sets on the 10th, 1,800 sets on the 11th, and 700 sets on the 12th. The drop was extremely alarming! However, this does not mean that the dark resistance drug has lost its market since then, it just has become a steady stream!

But when it comes to the total sales, the dark resistance drugs sold in the future will be far more than the current 90,000 groups! Currently, there are only about 5 million players in China, but this number will jump to 900 million in the future! A full 900 million! Even if only 1% of them bought dark resistance medicine once, that would be 9 million bottles and 450,000 groups!

Of course, that is the amount that can only be accumulated in the next five years, unlike the current sales of 90,000 sets that were generated in just 22 days!

Zhang Yang looked at the amount of bank deposits - 34.87 million!

Although he had estimated before that that he would earn tens of millions of dollars, seeing this amount with his own eyes still shocked him a lot!

In terms of the amount, his bank deposits in his previous life were close to 40 million, but he earned it after three years of hard work! But now, only 22 days! 22 days!

Knowledge is wealth!

Zhang Yang couldn't help grinning. Now, he only needs to make 500-600 groups of dark resistance drugs every day to meet the market demand, and it only takes an hour to rub the drugs. The finished products are still distributed in the eight major cities, and the price has dropped from 4 gold per bottle. It's 1 bottle per bottle, but the price of herbal medicine has also dropped to the old price of 20 silver, and there are still considerable profits.

After this period of time, Zhang Yang naturally made the most money, but because of his "eccentricity", almost half of the medicines sold in Baiyu City, and Fatty Han also got the most share, earning 1.7 million. Except for Yu Li, all of them earned about 300,000 yuan, all of them were smiling and grateful to Zhang Yang.

Old classmate, you can count on it!

Finally heaving a sigh of relief, Zhang Yang began to prepare for his next crazy leveling, first putting gemstones on the two sockets on the weapon. Although there is a certain failure rate for upper gemstones, the failure rate for first-level gemstones is only 10%. Zhang Yang's luck value is high, which also reduces the failure rate.

Even so, it cost 20 gold to buy gems, and another 10 gold to ask npc to inlay, 30 gold was lost in an instant! The current ratio of gold coins to cash is 1:5, which is 150 oceans! His eyes disappeared in the blink of an eye, and Zhang Yang couldn't help sighing that the most profitable game company was the game company. Compared with the game company, his income of more than 30 million yuan was completely scum!

Of course, if you want to save money, it doesn't matter if you don't use gems! But how many people can bear it?

In "Miracle", the stamina attribute is the least valuable, and the relationship with other attributes is 2:1. They are also first-level gems, and the stamina gem is +10, but the four attributes of intelligence, spirit, strength, and agility are all +5.

Zhang Yang made some intelligence potions, agility potions, strength potions, healing potions, and mana potions and mailed them to Sun Xinyu and the others. Then he brought enough strength potions and healing potions and left the city for the leveling area.

Putting on the whetstone and drinking the potion of strength, Zhang Yang's attributes are currently:

[Player: Zhan Yu]

Level: 30

HP: 4750

Armor value: 260

Strength: 226

Melee damage: (646-698) x110%

Critical rate: 11%

Lucky hit rate: 0.5%

Summoning the bones of the war horse, Zhang Yang turned over, and with a soft drink, the war horse ran all the way to the flying point on its hot hooves, which shocked countless players to stop and watch, and there was a series of shouts for friendship and fit.

Talk to the Griffin Administrator, Zhang Yang gets on the flying mount and flies to Tuluner Town.

Even though the flying mount moved much faster than the ground mount, the map of "Miracle" was too large, and it took Zhang Yang nearly 20 minutes to fly before arriving in the town of Tuluner.

Zhang Yang summoned the bone mount and ran towards the foggy valley outside the town.

There were also quite a few players in the town. Seeing the bone mount that exploded, the male players were all drooling, while the female players were screaming and chasing Zhang Yang out of the town. But how could the two-legged one run faster than the four-legged one, so they could only chase farther and farther, watching Zhang Yang leave.

But it was enough for them to chat for a while.

Misty Valley is a 30+ leveling map, with monster levels ranging from 30-39, mainly undead monsters. According to legend, there was a fierce battle here, and the dead soldiers were full of resentment, and finally became undead, wandering in the valley all day long.

Because these undead never left the valley, the imperial army did not send troops to clear these undead. Although once and for all is the safest thing to do, the elimination of the undead will also bring a lot of casualties. At a time when the situation is tense, any loss will be a huge blow to the strength of the empire!

Zhang Yang stopped outside the valley, put away his bone horse, and walked towards an NPC with a yellow exclamation mark on his head.


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