MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 144: Qinglian·Ice Whisperer

If the monster had an EQ, it would probably spit out a mouthful of blood!

Cheating! How can you add blood as a soldier! Moreover, the additions are actually more than priests and knights, are you still letting the monsters live?

Taling evil mage smacked his mouth and roared a few times, tirelessly reading Shadow Arrow, unremittingly trying to kill people.

But Zhang Yang can blow away two-thirds of the monster's blood volume with just one tube of blood volume, and at this time, Xin Chun's blood is full, so the monster can only be unlucky!

Ten seconds later, the Taling evil mage "slapped" and turned into white light, fell to the ground and died.

"Mage monsters really know how to toss!" Zhang Yang exhaled, took out a snack and ate it, and restored his blood to full.

"Anemia soldier, where are you?" Wei Yan'er connected to his voice communicator again and started yelling.

"I'm on the third floor! How about you, are you all here?" Zhang Yang returned to full health and went to touch the monster's corpse. In addition to a few pieces of cotton cloth and some coins, he actually produced a level 30 bronze ware, although he couldn't sell it. What a big price, but at least it is worth more than ten or twenty gold!

"Don't mention it, the outside is full of people. The inner three floors and the outer three floors are all lined up from Misty Valley to Tuluner Town! It is impossible to squeeze in, and some people have already started fighting! Haha, good fight! Fight Well done! Anemia Soldier, we can’t make it through, what should we do?”

"No, you guys should go do something else first, don't mix in, wait until the crowd is almost gone, come in if you have a chance, forget it if you don't have a chance!" In front of tens of thousands of people, the power of an individual is insignificant at all, unless A super boss can be attracted, and a forbidden spell is issued, and the whole world will be quiet!

"Oh! What a disappointment!" Wei Yan'er snapped and cut off the communication with Zhang Yang.

"Little girl is really rude!" Zhang Yang smiled and shook his head.

Zhang Yang continued to move forward, and when he was fighting the second evil wizard, he activated the blood-sucking effect of the lover's sword. Then you can only sit on the floor and wait for the cooling time of "Fury Recovery" to end before continuing to drive monsters forward.

One skill and one special effect were used in combination, and Zhang Yang's speed of advancing was not very slow. After half an hour, he also cleared to the other side of the square, and the evil wizard he killed at the beginning had already been refreshed.

"Then, it's the fourth floor now! I believe those people outside are still tossing around on the first floor!" Zhang Yang showed a smile, and walked up the stone steps to the fourth floor.

It's different!

The space on the fourth floor is no longer a square, but a maze! Zhang Yang could see the intricate roads from the high stone steps, but his eyesight couldn't reach the end of the maze, so he couldn't deduce the correct route at all.

"It's like those rpg games from a long time ago, using mazes to waste the player's time!" Zhang Yang exhaled, walked down the steps, and strode into the entrance of the maze.

After walking about seven or eight meters, a three-way intersection appeared.

"Always turn right on every road, at worst, take a few more steps!" Zhang Yang muttered to himself. There is no complete dead end in the game. exit.


An inconspicuous fluctuation appeared faintly in the air.

Zhang Yang's eyes lit up immediately, and he swiped his sword horizontally.


At the same time as a damage number jumped up, a figure also appeared out of thin air, holding two shining sharp swords in both hands, and slashed towards Zhang Yang fiercely.

Zhang Yang clicked on the grid, slapped a shield and slammed it up, and then he saw the appearance of the attacker—an undead thief, with a skeleton body wrapped in a light gray leather suit, and a pierced face. A mask of the same color, with dark flames burning in the dark eye holes.

[Tomb Death Assassin] (Elite)

Level: 36

Health value: 50,000

The death assassin missed a hit, and immediately swung his sword again. The dual-wielding monster has a very short attack interval!

Zhang Yang's blocks were opened continuously, and at the same time, he swiped his feet, passing the attacks that were not blocked one by one. But this death assassin not only has fast normal attack speed and short attack interval, but also has special skills! Zhang Yang saw a black light flashing on his body, and he was already hit by a dot.

[Deadly Poison]: Deals a total of 500 points of nature damage within 15 seconds, stacking up to 5 layers.

Rub, damn poison, damn dot!

Zhang Yang hastily slashed vigorously, he can dodge and block this physical attack, but it's a big headache when encountering dots!




Among the series of damage figures, the death assassin's blood volume plummeted, and the 50,000 blood volume only lasted for a minute before it turned into a white light and shattered into bones.

Zhang Yang quickly sat down, took out some snacks and began to eat and drink. Fortunately, this monster is no better than a player, and the frequency of deadly poison is not high. He is only stacked two times at most. Killing a monster has more than 300 HP left, and has not activated any long cooldown skills or skills. special effects.

After recovering, Zhang Yang bent down to pick up the monster's drop.

【First Aid: Level 1 Cleansing Bandage】

Use: Teaches you how to craft a Tier 1 Cleansing Bandage.

Requires: Advanced First Aid.

Zhang Yang's eyes lit up immediately, this is really sleepy sending pillows, whatever is missing, he will come here! He hurriedly slapped the skill book on his body, and said after learning it.

[Level 1 detoxifying bandage]: Immediately remove a poisoning effect not higher than level 60 on the caster. Requires: Advanced First Aid. Cooldown: 15 seconds.

Made with slightly more expensive materials than cotton bandages: two pieces of cotton!

Zhang Yang giggled, immediately opened the first aid interface, and rubbed ten sets of detoxification bandages. He has long been a master of first aid, he can make six materials at the same time, and it only takes thirty to forty seconds to complete.

Continue to move forward, and encounter a lot of surprise attacks from death assassins along the way, but Zhang Yang has too much experience in catching stealth thieves, how can he let the monster succeed, he is the first to beat the monster out of stealth with a single swing of the sword, without the threat of poison , Zhang Yang easily eliminated the monsters with the shield warrior's natural suppression of thieves, and could almost kill them without damage!

Sometimes, a skill, an item, or an equipment special effect may be able to reverse the outcome of a battle! Before Zhang Yang didn't have the detoxification bandage, he could only barely kill a death assassin, but now he can kill with ease, which is completely two realms!

It's this maze that goes around and around, it's too dizzying! In addition, there were monsters jumping out to attack along the way, when Zhang Yang successfully walked out of the maze, it took two hours!

"Huh, what a tosser!" Zhang Yang exhaled, looking at the sealed entrance of the fifth floor more than ten meters away, just about to move forward, but suddenly felt a little inappropriate!


Zhang Yang slammed his sword to the left, blood splashed in the air immediately!


A slender figure with a slender waist immediately emerged from the stealth state, but it was a hot elf beauty with long pointed ears, blazing pupils, and a fair skin that no human woman could match!

Undead! Advanced undead!

Because, only high-level undead will get rid of the shape of the skeleton and have the same appearance as before! Judging from the appearance alone, there is absolutely no difference between a high-level undead and a normal creature!

[Qinglian · Ice Whisperer] (silver-level leader)

Level: 36

Health value: 400,000

Note: The Wind Ranger of the Flame Wolf Legion was transformed into an undead by the evil wizard Tepoliha!

Shit, no wonder the valley outside is full of undead and mobs. It turns out that all high-end characters have come to this underground tower mausoleum! If there is such an existence as Qinglian Ice Whisperer from the fourth floor, wouldn't it be necessary to kill 10 bosses all the way to the bottom?

Because wild bosses are rare, unlike the bosses in dungeons, every player can challenge them. Therefore, the drops of wild bosses are generally better than dungeon bosses! Those most precious skill books, recipe blueprints, or pets and mounts have always been patents dropped by wild bosses!

10 silver-level field bosses, that's a huge benefit!

Think about the final boss Surian of the Bone Spirit Cave, how many good things have they contributed to Zhang Yang?

I don't know how many floors I can reach by myself?

For physical bosses, Zhang Yang has no fear, but legal bosses are different. He can still fight with 30,000 to 50,000 blood, but with hundreds of thousands of can he fight?

"Forbidden area, intruder—death!" Qing Lian made a crisp voice, and slashed the two daggers in her hand, slashing Zhang Yang's throat extremely quickly.



"-447!" The shield slammed.

Zhang Yang immediately retaliated. After a normal attack, he followed up with a sweep, which also produced a critical strike effect, and a big "-2472" jumped out!

The boss was furious, and danced the two daggers more urgently.




"+100!" The success of the grid can also trigger the blood recovery effect of the suit.

In the face of a once-a-second block skill, any physical boss will have a feeling of depression whether you are the boss or I am the boss!

Suddenly, two black lights flashed on Qinglian Meimei's dagger, and a dot effect appeared on Zhang Yang's head.

"Ding! You are affected by the effect of undead corruption (one layer), and you will suffer 800 points of nature damage every three seconds for 30 seconds!"

"Ding! You are affected by the effect of undead corruption (second floor), and you receive 1600 points of nature damage every three seconds for 30 seconds!"

As expected of a boss, two layers of poison at once!

Zhang Yang hurriedly applied the detoxifying bandage, but it could only remove one layer of poison, and it took another 10 seconds for the second layer of poison to be removed with the detoxifying bandage.




Within 10 seconds, a total of three damage figures jumped up on Zhang Yang's body, deducting 1920 points of his health!


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