MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 125: The Witch Hermione

Goo! The colorful medicine is poured down.

Zhang Yang's body immediately spun five faint brilliance, and then quickly retreated into his body. There was an additional buff effect on the portrait: all magic resistance +1000!

With a finger of Hermione's staff, another fireball flew towards him!


Compared with the blood deduction of 1600, the instant discount is 1000, which is better than any jumping price in a hypermarket!

Zhang Yang's sword was fluttering, and after the five layers of broken armor were filled, the damage increased again. He also summoned the puppet Qinglian. As a person who is extremely harsh on damage, he naturally has to wait until the five layers of broken armor are full before summoning the puppet, even if the output of the puppet is increased for a few seconds!

"Damn warriors, I hate warriors the most!" Hermione murmured while holding up her staff. Suddenly, three black lights shot at Zhang Yang, puppet Qinglian, and NPC Malinda at the same time.

"Ding! You have been affected by a weakening effect. All damage and healing effects are reduced by 50%. It cannot be dispelled and lasts for 10 minutes."

Shit, how do you play this?

Zhang Yang immediately tapped the stand-in skill to transfer the negative effects on his body to the puppet.

"Small tricks!" Malinda shouted coldly, "Hermione, don't forget that I am a faithful believer of the Moon God!"

She also held up her staff, swiped, and a white light radiated from her center in all directions, and the weakening effect on her and the puppet Qinglian was immediately removed!

This npc still has this hand?

Zhang Yang couldn't help thinking, if he didn't do the 9th floor mission, he wouldn't get Malinda's help. Meeting this boss who would throw weakness would be a huge headache, and he could only fill it up with the sea of ​​people!

It's just that most of the bosses in the field have group damage skills, and it doesn't necessarily work if there are too many people. Sometimes five people can push down, but 500 people can't push down!

However, if I knew that NPC could dispel the debilitating effect of the boss, I shouldn't waste the stand-in skills! It's also because Zhang Yang's nerve response is too fast. It was originally a good thing, but sometimes it is self-defeating.

Sha Sha Sha!




In the face of spell-type bosses, the blocking gear has completely lost its effect, and the natural shield slam can't be used half a time, and two very powerful output skills are missing. Zhang Yang gives priority to using sweeping and destroying blows, coupled with powerful blows to vent his anger. Blessed by the mother of luck earlier, Sweep made a lucky attack. With the triple damage bonus, it reached a terrifying 5070!

If this damage breaks out on the player, it can definitely kill any non-tank class in seconds! It's a pity that the chance of a lucky strike is too low, and it's uncontrollable, otherwise it would be too cool to pk.

"Damn bug, let the shadows devour your soul!" Hermione's staff pointed at Zhang Yang, and Zhang Yang's body was immediately covered with a layer of dark light and shadow.

[Shadow Nova]: Explodes after 3 seconds, causing 3000 points of shadow damage to the target and all creatures within 10x10 meters around.

Zhang Yang scanned the description of the Shadow Nova effect on the head portrait, and immediately ordered the puppet Qinglian to stay away from him, and at the same time he moved in the opposite direction.

One second, two seconds, three seconds!


The Shadow Nova exploded, but only caused damage to Zhang Yang.

The puppet Qinglian immediately cut back with a shadow step and continued to output.

Not long after, the boss swung his staff again to activate the debilitating effect, but it was dispelled by Malinda a few seconds later. Zhang Yang couldn't help but secretly praised himself for his foresight, and he didn't save the npc just because he was in a hurry, otherwise, even if there were colorful potions, he would never have passed this level!

What's more, he even got a golden ring! This deal is absolutely worth it!

Hermione's most commonly used skill is fireball, which is fired every two seconds, causing 600 damage. Zhang Yang has the effect of the true recovery technique, which restores 269 points of blood per second, and the blood-sucking ring can also replenish 30 points per second, which can offset the damage of the fireball technique.

But Shadow Nova belongs to the "extra" damage, and it will bomb once every 20 seconds on average. Zhang Yang's blood loss is quite considerable. After a minute, he had to activate the fury recovery to restore the blood volume to full, and the boss was also bombed by him. After losing more than 50,000 HP, coupled with the output of puppets Qinglian and Malinda, Hermione's HP suddenly lost more than 80,000!

Two minutes later, Zhang Yang's blood volume reached a dangerous level again, and he immediately activated the special blood-sucking effect of the Lover's Sword, brushing and brushing, and after three injuries, he recovered nearly 4,000 blood, and then swallowed a blood bottle, and his health returned to full .

Three minutes later, Zhang Yang summoned the shadow of Malinda to try the power of this shadow.

This is an elven beauty who looks exactly like Malinda Forest Song, but her body is translucent, she wears a long milky white dress, she holds a staff in her hand, and her tall weapon fills her breasts Full, squeeze out an unfathomable gully. .



As soon as Malinda's shadow appeared, he began to cast healing spells on Zhang Yang, adding one per second, and the blood volume of each addition was 1000! Swipe, swipe, and Zhang Yang's blood volume was filled up in two or three strokes!

Extremely...too tmd's best!

It is worthy of being a level 50 gold weapon! Han Yingxue can be regarded as the priest with the best equipment in China, but she can only cast more than 1100 powerful healing spells, but her healing spells take 2 seconds to read!

In 10 seconds, Malinda's Shadow had a total of 10,000 HP. Except for the first few hits, the next few times were over-healed, which overflowed a lot! When the time is up, Malinda's shadow will disappear automatically.

90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, the blood volume of the boss also dropped rapidly under the siege.

Zhang Yang discovered that it is really useless to fight this boss with too many people!

Under the bombardment of Shadow Nova, the more people die, the faster they die! On the contrary, the elite squad can exert the greatest efficiency here, just like Zhang Yang's squad, or the Sword and Fire Mercenary Corps.

53%, 52%, 51%, 50%!

"I've had enough of you bugs, let me use the light of destruction to crush your souls!"

Hermione suddenly hit the staff heavily on the ground, with a solemn expression, muttering in her mouth, singing incomprehensible incantations. A long casting bar appeared under her head, singing at an extremely slow speed, but Hermione's blond hair danced soaring into the sky by itself without wind.

One second, two seconds... five seconds, seven seconds, the chant is not over yet!

Zhang Yang felt trembling in his heart, and decisively went down the shield wall!

Nine seconds, ten seconds!

Hermione finally finished reading this big move, and suddenly pulled out her staff, a black ball of light gushed out from her chest, instantly soared from the size of a fist to a huge volume with a diameter of at least three meters, and suddenly exploded, flying around A black flame radiated.

"Ding! Hermione casts the Light of Destruction, causing 10000 points of shadow damage to all targets within 100x100 meters around!"




Three damage numbers floated up from the puppet Qinglian, Malinda, and Zhang Yang respectively. The puppet Qinglian immediately screamed and died, but Zhang Yang and Malinda remained firm.

What a powerful big move, 10,000 group damage deducted blood!

Zhang Yang couldn't help wondering, if the boss is so fierce, is there really a team that can kill her? Not everyone can open the shield wall, how can you block this big move! If it depends on the number of people alone, it may cost tens of thousands to fill in it.

Ma Linda's true recovery technique varies from person to person. It restores blood volume by percentage, and when added to her 45,000 health points, this jump is 2250 points. It only takes 4 seconds to restore her life points. full!

Zhang Yang suddenly thought that even if he didn't fight, Malinda could still kill the boss slowly! It turned out that he hugged the npc's thigh!

Thinking of the thighs, Zhang Yang couldn't help but glance at Malinda's two snow-white, slender and elastic thighs. As expected of her elf origin, these two thighs are even more charming than the most standard models. The game company here The above has worked hard!

"Impossible! Under my forbidden spell, you can still survive!" Hermione looked at Zhang Yang with shock in her eyes.

Fake! Fake!

While Zhang Yang was talking to himself, he couldn't help but feel elated about it. He slashed with his sword, and said with a smile, "I've been fertilized! I've been fertilized!"

The boss couldn't understand Zhang Yang's teasing, and immediately went to chant the fireball technique again.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The fireballs flew up one by one, but Zhang Yang's colorful potion reduced the damage by 1000 points, and there was a healer standing behind him who only added recovery, the boss had no way to deal with him!

As soon as the puppet Qinglian was hanged, the output dropped a bit, and the boss's health bar dropped a bit slowly.


Hermione's blood volume is close to the bottom, but Zhang Yang also discovered a bad situation - the time of the colorful potion is about to expire!

Oops, you have to hurry up!





When the blood volume of the boss drops to around 22000, the duration of the colorful potion will end!


A fireball hit, causing huge damage immediately!




After three fireballs, Zhang Yang immediately turned on the fury recovery, returning to full health!

The increase in damage also means that the anger will skyrocket, and the number of uses of powerful strikes will increase immediately, greatly increasing the damage output!


-2400! Shadow Nova.

**...The shadow of Malinda is summoned!







"Ah——" Hermione was finally knocked out of the last drop of life, let out a miserable cry, and slowly fell to the ground, her eyes were still wide open unwillingly.

Finally dead!

Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, his blood volume was only over 2000 points, and he would definitely die if he took two more fireballs.

"May the moon god bless your soul!" Marinda stood next to Hermione's body, showing a compassionate expression. She swiped her staff in the air, and a white light surged through. Immediately, an illusory wave appeared on Hermione's body. ghost.

The ghost nodded towards Ma Linda, and then turned into thousands of broken shadows and disappeared without a trace.


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