MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 127: The Thirteenth Floor of the Pagoda Mausoleum

【Light in the shadows】(silverware, necklace)

Stamina: +10

Intelligence: +20

Equipment: Increase spell damage or healing effect by 1%.

Requires level: 30

This necklace can be regarded as the best of the legal system at this stage, at least it can be sold for 1,000 or 2,000 gold coins! If it can be turned into a store, it would be good to use it as a signboard.

In addition to these two pieces of silverware, there are only seven or eight pieces of bronzeware, and there is also a chaotic bead. All players have 50% more backpack space!

It's good to just swipe it alone, and you don't have to share it with others when you get a good thing, just put it in your bag!

Alas, it would be great if this underground mausoleum had 30 floors! Zhang Yang thought dissatisfied.

"Warrior, let's move on! Time is running out, every second Tepoliha becomes stronger!" Malinda said loudly.

Zhang Yang nodded quickly, and said, "Let's go, let's kill that heinous guy!"

After turning around, Zhang Yang found a mechanism handle in a very inconspicuous corner, and pushed it open, only to hear a loud rumbling sound, and the ground under his feet immediately parted, revealing a stone ladder.

He picked up the steps and walked down the stone steps. After walking for more than half a minute, he suddenly saw a laboratory about the size of a basketball court. The walls are surrounded by rows of medicine cabinets filled with test tubes, and in the middle of the laboratory are the corpses of beasts, and a man in a black robe is shuttling back and forth.

The man's whole body was covered in a black wizard robe, but his exposed face was as dry as a skeleton, his eyes were sunken like two deep pits, and his hands were like chicken feet.

"Server notice: Player Zhan Yu is the first to enter the 13th floor of the underground tower mausoleum, getting closer and closer to the title deed!"

When Zhang Yang stepped down the last stone step, the server sent out another notification.

It doesn't matter, we've reached the last floor anyway!

Zhang Yang stared at the final boss.

【Evil Wizard Tebriha】(Silver Rank Leader)

Level: 40

HP: 1 million

How should I fight? The colorful potion has already been used up, and Malinda is a half bucket of water healing that only adds recovery. Unless the fury recovery and the blood-sucking special effect of the lover's sword have no cooldown time, otherwise it will be free!

"Evil wizard Tepoliha, I want to destroy you on behalf of the moon god!" When Zhang Yang was worrying, Malinda had bravely rushed out, pointing her staff at the boss, and shouting fearlessly.

"Quack quack, you escaped?" Tepolija looked up at Malinda, then turned his gaze to Zhang Yang, " this nosy guy who let you out?"

Damn, I was shot while lying down!

Zhang Yang expressed his innocence, but in fact he has already entered the boss's hatred list and was involved in a battle state. His anger value began to increase at two points per second!

No matter, let's talk about it after fighting, at least you have to know what the boss's skills are!

Zhang Yang immediately drew his sword and rushed towards the boss.

"Evil wizard, go to hell!" Malinda shouted, and read out a punitive light that fell on the boss.


I strangled it! real or fake? Blow off 20% of the boss's HP at once! Zhang Yang almost staggered and fell down.

Could it be that this npc has been crossed by the boss in circles, and the anger exploded and started to burn the small universe?

Hit it, hit it, hit it four more times, and I'll touch the corpse and leave!

Zhang Yang was full of anticipation.

With a swipe, he ran into the boss with a charge, and began to chop fiercely with the blade in a circle.

"Damn woman, tie it up for me!" Tepolija made a hoarse voice, pointed at Malinda with the staff in his hand, "clang clang clang", and immediately six black lights appeared out of thin air, covering Malinda's body. Hands, feet, waist, head and neck are bound one by one!

Malinda couldn't move for a moment, and the staff in her hand fell to the ground with a "slap".

How come it's just a fork? It's totally unreliable!

After the boss dealt with Malinda, he turned his attention to Zhang Yang, pointed at Zhang Yang with his staff, and began to chant spells.

Three seconds later, countless spears made of black flames descended from the sky, shooting down in unison, covering the entire thirteenth floor space!

"Ding! The evil wizard Tepolija has cast a rain of evil fire spears, causing 2000 points of chaos damage to all targets within the range!"


A huge damage figure immediately floated above Zhang Yang's head. .

Chaos damage is a very special magic attack in the game, it will not be weakened by any magic resistance! Just like certain skills that ignore armor.

Another three seconds later, the boss sent out a rain of evil fire spears again, and immediately after that, he still read the rain of evil fire spears!



Like Anduin, a boss who only throws group damage spells? However, the big move of this boss fell from the sky, it is simply not something a big rock can block!

what to do? what to do!

Zhang Yang regained his rage subconsciously, filling up his blood bar on the verge of death, while thinking hard!

"Pull the boss to the intersection of the twelfth and thirteenth floors, and use the special terrain to fight and hide? However, this is at least 200 meters away from the entrance, and it will take at least 20 seconds to run there, enough for the boss to put six Seven ultimatums, if you don't run halfway, you will die!"

You can only die one time first, and then use the puppet to drive monsters, stand at the entrance, and hook the boss to kill!

"My people, get up from the ground and fight for your master!" Tepoliha paused slightly, raised his staff, and released a different spell.

"Ding! The evil wizard Tepolija has cast Summon Undead Servant!"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Under Zhang Yang's feet, a pair of white bone arms suddenly broke through the ground, and 20 skeleton monsters climbed up from the ground, and after a slight pause, they immediately attacked Zhang Yang.

[Servant of Tepolija] (Normal)

Level: 35

HP: 3500







A series of injuries jumped up, those less than 100 were Zhang Yang who was hit from the front, and the ones in the early 200s were attacked by monsters from behind! At the same time, the blood recovery effect of the suit was triggered frequently, and green numbers of +100 kept floating above Zhang Yang's head.

Zhang Yang originally planned to give up resistance, die quickly and start again, but the appearance of these 20 skeleton monsters gave him hope!

The attack power of the mobs is...about 400 points!

Zhang Yang immediately replaced the thigh bones of the stitched giant beast in his backpack, increasing his armor to 360 points, and adjusted his position so that the monster could only attack him from the front!




After the mob's 400-point attack is reduced by 20%, it can't break through the defense immediately, and can only cause 1 point of compulsory damage, but the blood recovery effect of the suit is soaring!

The boss continued to chant the rain of evil fire spears, and countless black flame spears fell overwhelmingly.


+100! +100! +100! +100! ...

While Zhang Yang was losing blood rapidly, he was recovering blood 100, 100 times, and he was able to almost maintain the balance of blood volume!

Do the math, the attack frequency of this mob is about 2 seconds, there are 20 of them in total, and there is a 50% chance of returning 100 HP, that is, 1000 HP within 2 seconds and 3000 within 6 seconds. The boss reads a rain of evil fire spears in three seconds, 1600 damage per time, 3200 in 6 seconds!

In other words, on average, Zhang Yang would only receive 200 points of damage within 6 seconds! Only 4000 points of damage in two minutes, a fury recovery will solve it!

A boss that couldn't be wiped out by itself, but because of a skill that was supposed to kill the player, turned the boss to death!

Inexplicable irony!

Zhang Yang circled around the boss, facing the group of monsters and continuously retreating, while dealing damage to Tepolija. Of course, group damage skills must never be used, so as not to hit those skeleton soldiers who send blood!

79%, 78%, 77%, the blood bar of the boss began to drop slowly.

Sweeping cannot be used, Zhang Yang's output ability has dropped slightly, but the cooling time of this skill is as long as 10 seconds after all, it has an impact on the output of a single target, but it is not critical!

One minute... three minutes... five minutes...


Step by step firmly towards victory!

"Boss, there is a battle inside!"

"It must be Zhan Yu!"

"Haha, it's better to come early than coincidentally!"

"Kill him, the boss is ours!"

Amidst a series of yells, the eight-member team of the Sword and Fire Mercenary Corps rushed into the 13th floor of the tower mausoleum, and those eyes that looked at Zhang Yang were full of pity and arrogance!

——Can you fight against the eight of us alone? Milk can milk you to death!

At this moment, the reading of the boss ended, and the rain of spears fell all over the sky!

-2000! -2000! -2000! -1600! -1500! ...

Immediately, numbers of injuries floated up on the bodies of the eight people, among them, the one who suffered the least damage! Guardian knights have 15% immunity to all injuries, and another 10% bonus to magic attacks.

"Damn, what a bad luck, just bumped into the boss to zoom in!"

"You have big breasts, seven feet big breasts, hurry up and add blood!"

At this moment, the quality of the Sword and Fire mercenary regiment was reflected, the treatment increased blood, and the others continued to rush towards Zhang Yang and the boss without any panic.

Swipe, three seconds later, another wave of evil fire spears rained down!

"Day, why come again!"

"Why is the boss's big move so frequently!"

"Damn it, Qichi, don't patronize Gatan, give me a bite too!"

The Sword and Fire mercenaries were a little flustered.

Swipe, the third wave of evil fire spear rain hits overwhelmingly, and they are at least 60 to 70 meters away from Zhang Yang and the boss!

"Ding! The player came to a barrel and died!"

"Ding! Player Chrysanthemum Can died!"

"Ding! The player is dead with injuries!"

The treatment couldn't keep up with the boss's damage, and three members of the Sword and Fire mercenary group died instantly! And the others... are only one breath away!

The Sword and Fire mercenary group collapsed instantly!


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