Thanks to Admiring Stars, .ady, Long Xiang, and Du Du Tingting for their rewards yesterday!


Zhang Yang had just used the parry skill three seconds ago, and facing the boss's huge foot like a hill, there was no way to dodge it! Can only eat hard!

For a moment, Zhang Yang made a calculation in his mind.

His upper limit of health is 5780. He suffered a shock wave damage earlier, which deducted 2112 points of blood, leaving 3668 points of remaining blood. If the boss's attack is still 4000 points, then he will receive about 3000 damage, and he will not die if he gets hit!

But just to be on the safe side, Zhang Yang drank a blood bottle, Zi, his HP immediately rose to 4668.


The boss's big foot stepped on it, and a huge damage figure immediately floated on Zhang Yang's head, and at the same time, there was an additional negative effect on his body!

[Collapse]: You were crushed by Charvo's big feet, the armor on your body was greatly damaged, and all damage received increased by 100% for 10 seconds.


Zhang Yang immediately said: "President Xue, why didn't you mention that the boss will use this skill!" The mountain giant who fought in the previous life did not have this negative effect!

"Ah, I forgot!" Xue Qianxun showed an apologetic expression, and covered her mouth with her slender hands to emphasize.

Wow, I'm going to be killed by this woman!

The boss's stampede also caused vibration damage, and the person who had just fallen and hadn't had time to get up was hit hard again! The two damages are only about one second apart, adding up to 6000 damages, instantly killing all beings!

Fortunately, there are ten healers standing behind Xiangxun Baby and Duoer who are continuously adding blood, plus their original blood bars are very long, so they managed to survive! I just stood up and fell down, and had to get up again, wasting a lot of treatment time!


The boss knocked down another pillar.


This time the grid file is undoubtedly very timely, giving Aromatherapy Baby and Duoer precious time to read the article.



Zhang Yang's blood volume returned to 3807 points.

"Little one, Charvo is going to break your bones!" The boss laughed loudly, waved a stone pillar and knocked at Zhang Yang.

There is no doubt that with the negative effect of increasing the damage received, even if it is only a concussion, it can cause 4000+ damage, which is enough to wipe out Zhang Yang's health bar! And once the main tank died, it meant that the regiment would be wiped out without any suspense!

It's no wonder that the angry beauty was killed more than 30 times yesterday. In this situation, the tank can only survive with the life-saving skills. The question is, how many times can the tank use life-saving skills?

Zhang Yang rolled sideways again, out of the way of the boss's direct attack, and tapped the shield wall at the same time.


fear! Zhang Yang opened the shield wall and received 1000+ damage!



Aromatherapy Baby and Duoer's healing skills finally came.


Three seconds later, Charvo slammed his head down again.




call! The negative effect of increasing damage taken on his body finally disappeared, and Zhang Yang was relieved!

Xue Qianxun frowned! As far as she knows, warriors have two life-saving skills: shield wall once every seven minutes, and fury recovery once every two minutes. In addition, the blood-sucking special effect of the lover's sword once every three minutes can also be counted as one time.

After the whole day of destroying the group yesterday, she also knows the skills of the boss very well: Dasha is released once every minute! Then, the most reasonable skill arrangement sequence should be: 1 madness, 2 passion, 3 madness, 4 shield wall, 5 madness, 6 passion, and 7 madness, so that you can last for seven minutes without making mistakes in the middle!

An angry girl can knock down 14% of the boss's HP in a minute, so there is a very high chance of killing the boss!

But if the shield wall is used at the beginning, it can only last for 4 minutes at most! Once the 4 minutes are up, it will definitely destroy the tank and destroy the regiment!

Of course, this is only a theoretical situation! In fact, even a small accident may cause the team to collapse. Yesterday they played all day, and the best record was only 5 minutes. There will always be this and that accident, leading to a sudden collapse!

Therefore, she specially invited Zhang Yang to tank the boss, and she was interested in Zhang Yang's tank strength!

"Forget it, it's my fault that I didn't make it clear at the beginning, this is just a tuition fee!" Xue Qianxun secretly said.

99%, 98%, 97%... Although there are many people participating in the battle, there are only fifty people who can output at the same time, and they are constantly affected by the knockdown effect. Four or five skills will return to the graveyard! .

When one batch dies, another batch will be replaced. Ten groups of 50 output teams form an assembly line. If the first batch dies, they will immediately run back to resurrect and recover. The cemetery is not close to here. These 10 groups of people just formed a circle, either outputting or running corpses. Only one group of people stayed behind to recover.

But in the game, every time you die, the equipment will suffer 10% damage, and if you die ten times, the equipment will be all red, and you can only go to the blacksmith for repairs! After everyone dies ten times, the output will decrease...unless they have a second set of equipment!

One minute later, the boss's blood volume was knocked out by 14%.


Zhang Yang raised his shield high, blocked the stone pillar that the boss flew towards, and immediately slammed back with the shield.


After five layers of broken armor, all his output skills have been maximized!

The boss roared angrily, suddenly raised his big feet, and pressed towards Zhang Yang overwhelmingly.


Zhang Yang immediately suffered a huge injury, and at the same time, he was affected by the negative effect of "Collapse"!

Aromatherapy Baby and Duo'er just read half of the healing spell and immediately interrupted, they all fell down, their legs were in the air, their battle skirts slipped off, revealing their pink underpants, and their four white thighs were extremely attractive.

"Hahaha, Charvo had a great time!" The boss laughed loudly, and another pillar knocked over!

Whether it is a direct attack or an oscillation damage, with a 100% damage bonus, Zhang Yang's current 2868 residual blood points, even if he immediately drinks a blood bottle + 1000 blood, it is definitely a second!

Fury restored!


Zhang Yang regained full blood in an instant, and at the same time rolled sideways, avoiding the frontal blow from the boss.


A terrifying injury floated from Zhang Yang's body!



Aromatherapy Baby and Duo'er's healing skills were finally thrown over, alleviating Zhang Yang's urgent need!




Three seconds later, Zhang Yang's block skill finished cooling down, giving the two holy knights enough time to read the bar, and finally filled up the bar.


The "shattering" effect on his body finally disappeared, and Zhang Yang immediately drank a blood bottle, raising his blood to 2448 points.

Survived another "collapse"!

Continue to gnaw the blood bar of the boss with difficulty.

85%, 84%, 83%... Charvo's health bar dropped extremely slowly!

After the cooling time of the block skill is revised, the tank has returned to the era when it needs to watch the boss's action before ordering skills, otherwise the duration of "block" for one second cannot afford to be wasted! However, because of Zhang Yang's chaos in this life, apart from him, there is no other fighter who has enjoyed the one-second block at all, so it doesn't matter whether he is used to it or not.

However, the blocking every five seconds at most reflects the difference between an excellent tank and an ordinary tank. Every time Zhang Yang's blocking skills are used just right, he has never wasted a skill, which saves countless healing and reduces The possibility of defeating the tank and destroying the regiment!

72%! The battle is on for the third minute!

Zhang Yang once again used a block to defuse the boss's attack, but at this time, Charvo brought up his big feet again!



Shield wall, cool down! Fury recovery, cooling down!

The blood-sucking special effect of Lover Sword is on!

And survived the third "Tashai" in a very thrilling way!

In the third minute, the fury recovery cooldown ended, and he survived again.

In the fourth minute, the boss still has 44% HP, and the fifth "shattering" is coming!

Xue Qianxun couldn't help sighing, all the life-saving skills are cooling down at the moment, what do you use to block them?

Even though she thought so, Xue Qianxun still admired Zhang Yang, because from the beginning until now, apart from the mistakes in the use of skills, Zhang Yang has performed flawlessly in other aspects, and the grid has never been wasted. Every time I only get vibration damage, it relieves the huge pressure of treatment!

In contrast, the main tank Xingyan'er, who is angry and beautiful, is not so strong. First of all, the cooling time of the grid file is much longer than that of Zhang Yang. Moreover, it is impossible to only suffer vibration damage every time, so theoretically it can It lasts for seven minutes, but Xingyan usually dies in two or three minutes.

call! Charvo raised his big feet and stomped Zhang Yang firmly again.


Boom boom boom, mud and rocks pierced through the air, Aromatherapy Baby and Duo'er's healing skills were interrupted, and they all fell over!

Charvo waved the stone pillar and blasted towards Zhang Yang with an unstoppable momentum!

drink red! The Shadow of Malinda is summoned!



In an instant, Zhang Yang's blood volume increased to 4868!





Malinda's Shadow will not suffer any damage, nor will it take any control, and three more healing techniques will increase Zhang Yang's blood volume.


Malinda's shadow also lasts for 10 seconds, which is easily surpassed by "Tashai"!

"Zhan Yu, what kind of skill do you have?" Xue Qianxun stared wide-eyed, not to mention her, the others were also surprised by Ma Linda's plump breasts and breasts!

"Hehe, keep it secret! Keep it secret!" It's better not to reveal the hole card as much as possible, Zhang Yang laughed quickly.

"Stingy!" Blood Rose snorted angrily.

"It doesn't matter whether it's a small weapon or a big weapon, as long as you can beat the boss!" Zhang Yang replied to Blood Rose. I don't owe you anything, but I always target my brother, and I got angry and crossed you in circles!

Blood Rose involuntarily looked down at her big weapon, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help twitching!


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