MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 136: Fort Stonehammer

Back in Baiyu City, Zhang Yang took the "Serious Injury" skill book, couldn't help smiling, patted his body, and learned it.

[Serious Injury] (Passive): When your attack causes a critical strike, additional bleeding damage equal to 30% of the melee damage will be added for 6 seconds.

This is a very good passive skill, as long as any attack causes a critical hit, it will be automatically triggered! Although 30% melee damage is not much, but first, it is given for free, and second, bleeding damage is not reduced by armor.

Of course, for Zhang Yang who has the eagle eye skill, the effect of not being immune to armor reduction is a bit tasteless, but in pk, unless the tank fights the tank, there is not so much time for you to use the broken armor, and the bleeding damage ignores the armor properties are still very useful.

It didn't take much time to fight Charvo, but the time wasted on the road was very long. This trip took more than an hour. Zhang Yang thought for a while, took out the "Luoyue Bow" in his backpack, and decided to complete the task of "relic" and send back the sacred object of the dwarves.

Stone Hammer Castle is quite far from Baiyu City, and it spans two 30+ leveling maps. It is located in Shivar Mountain in the Red Cloud Stone Land.

Baiyu City does not have a direct "flight" to Stonehammer Castle. Zhang Yang needs to take a griffin to fly to Hutaan, an alliance town in Red Cloud Stone Land, and then walk into Shivar Mountain by himself to reach Stonehammer Castle.

After paying the money, Zhang Yang got on the griffin, and it took nearly an hour to arrive at the small town of Hutaan. This journey was so boring that he wanted to sleep, because in the flying state, the player could not perform any actions other than chatting, not even rubbing medicine to pass the time.

After getting off the "airplane", Zhang Yang summoned a white-boned war horse, clamped the horse's body, and the extremely rumbling horse immediately threw off its four hooves and started galloping.

Even though the leveling map of Hongyunshidi is a bit remote, Zhang Yang still saw a few players who were leveling along the way, and when he saw Zhang Yang stepping off that eye-catching mount, they all stopped involuntarily. Hope, envy is beyond words.

The level of monsters in Red Cloud Rock ranges from level 30 to level 39. Because Zhang Yang is only level 31, many 35+ monsters hate him along the way, chasing after him. It's just that the bone horse directly increased the character's movement speed by 300%. How could those monsters catch up?

After another 40 minutes of galloping, Zhang Yang finally arrived at Stone Hammer Castle, a castle carefully built by dwarves.

The castle is very big, but it is only three stories high, which is far from the design of a human castle with more than ten floors at every turn. The height is not high, but the castle occupies a large area, giving people a heavy and solid feeling. A bit like a dwarf: not tall, but fat.

In terms of city defense, dwarf castles do not rely on natural dangers and moats like humans do. There is no moat or drawbridge in front of the gate of Stone Hammer Castle. Patrol back and forth, take a closer look, they are all elites at level 60, and it is estimated that they can kill the current players in seconds.

But this does not mean that the defense of Stonehammer Fort is poor. On the top of the city wall, there are cannons placed here and there, and it is unknown how much damage it will cause if it is bombarded!

It is said that because the dwarves are a race that likes to dig underground, many years ago they actually dug up an upper stone ruins, and obtained a lot of technology ahead of the times! In addition, dwarves are the best craftsmen, so there are big killers such as artillery and ballistas.

"Stop, this is the territory of the dwarves, no trespassing!" At the gate of the castle, Zhang Yang was stopped by the eight elite guards.

Zhang Yang didn't want to test whether the opponent would be rough, no matter how powerful he was, he still couldn't deal with eight level 60 elites!

Honestly canceling the war horse, Zhang Yang stepped forward and said, "I am an adventurer from the Alliance. I have ordered Baojia Mead to return his relics!"

"What, Lord Bulgaria!"

"Didn't he die in battle twenty years ago?"

The eight dwarf guards immediately whispered to each other.

After a while, a dwarf guard said: "Soldier, Master Baoga died twenty years ago, and you are only twenty years old now. Would Master Baoga entrust a baby to fulfill his will! Hahaha !"

The dwarves all laughed.

It's so hard to get in!

Zhang Yang took out the Luoyue Bow from his backpack, held it with one hand, and said: "Baojia died a long time ago, but his soul is immortal, so after meeting me, he handed over the sacred object of the dwarves to me. I, command me to deliver it to his son Singer Mead!".

"This, is this the Falling Moon Bow?"

"The Falling Moon Bow, one of the seven sacred objects of our dwarves?"

"Oh my god, I can feel the aura of the sage master craftsman surging from it! That's right, only the master craftsmen of our dwarves can forge such a sacred object!"

The eight dwarf guards couldn't help but show extremely excited expressions.

"Young warrior, please forgive our previous rudeness! You have brought back the sacred relics that have been lost for many years for our dwarves, and you are the most honored guest and friend of our clan! Please come with me, and I will take you to see Mag'an immediately grown ups!"

A dwarf guard bowed to Zhang Yang, and Zhang Yang was slightly satisfied with his arrogance and respect.

The dwarf guard led the way and led Zhang Yang into the castle. After passing through several corridors, he walked up the stairs to the third floor.

Along the way, I met many dwarf children and dwarf aunts. When they saw Zhang Yang, a human being, they all looked at him with strange eyes. If they were not accompanied by dwarf guards, Zhang Yang estimated that these npcs would rush up and fight in groups.

Although the four major races have formed an alliance to fight against the invasion of demons and undead, it does not mean that they are as close as a family! In fact, these four major races had been fighting for dominance of the continent before the demons and undead had caused disasters, but they had to unite after being beaten too badly by the demons and undead.

When they came to the third floor, the dwarf guards led Zhang Yang to stop in front of a stone room, and said in a very respectful tone: "Master Mag'an, a human adventurer sent a sacred object, the Falling Moon Bow, which he said was Baojia Honey. Master Jiu's will!"


The door of the stone room opened immediately, and a male dwarf with red hair and red beard walked out. His long beard was hung in his crotch, enough to tie a few braids.

[Great craftsman Mag'an, leader of Stonehammer Castle] (gold-level leader, humanoid creature)

Level: 80

life value:? ? ?

The gold-level leader npc can't even see the blood volume!

"Young warrior, welcome to Stonehammer Castle. You have worked hard all the way! Please take a break first, and we will hold a dinner for you later, and then I will listen to your story in detail!" Mag'an said very humanely.

Zhang Yang hurriedly said: "Lord Mag'an, I have ordered from Baojia Mijiu to hand over the Fallen Moon Bow to his son Singh Mijiu. Please let me fulfill my promise to the deceased first!"

Mag'an smiled and said, "Young warrior, you have a noble heart! Alright, Tuma, take our distinguished guest to see Singer!"

"Yes, Lord Mag'an!" The dwarf guard saluted Mag'an.

Mag'an returned to the house, while Zhang Yang, led by the dwarf guard, went from the third floor of the castle to the fourth underground floor.

The dwarves are born to like to make holes, and even the buildings are more below than above! From the outside, this Stone Hammer Castle is only three stories high, but in fact, it has five floors underground!

The three floors above the ground are where the dwarves live, while the five underground floors are all workplaces. Many dwarf craftsmen are making items, clattering their hammers until they fly.

The dwarf guard led Zhang Yang to a young male dwarf and said, "Artisan Singer, a distinguished guest wants to see you!"

The young male dwarf was designing some kind of blueprint, he turned around and said, "Well, who is it?"

[Artisan Singer Mead] (common, humanoid)

Level: 40

HP: 4000

Zhang Yang took a step forward and said, "Mr. Singer, my name is Zhan Yu, an adventurer from Baiyu City! A few days ago when I was exploring in the Misty Valley, I accidentally found the soul of your father Baojia, and I was ordered by him." By my will, I will hand over to you the sacred object of the dwarves, the Falling Moon Bow!"

"What, my father's... death!" Singer showed a dazed and inexplicable look.

After a while, he said: "Dear soldier, please follow me, I want to know all the details!"

Shit, you won't be allowed to hand in the task directly!

Zhang Yang had no choice but to follow Singer back to the third floor of the castle and into a room. After the dwarf guard completed his task, he returned to the gate to stand guard again.

Singer poured Zhang Yang a glass of wine and said, "Dear soldier, please tell me, how did my father... die?"

The dwarves are addicted to alcohol, and wine is their drink, just like humans use tea to entertain guests.

Zhang Yang took out the Moon Bow, put it on the table, and said: "Your father was transformed into a... undead by the evil wizard Bodetriha, but because of the protection of the Moon Bow, his soul has never been destroyed. Complete control, so he was able to give me the Fallen Moon Bow, and asked me to bring it to you!"

"Thank you..." Singer stood up and bowed to Zhang Yang.

"Ding! You have completed the mission: the relic and gained 50,000 experience points!"

Shit, after traveling so much, they only gave me 50,000 experience points? If I had known this earlier, I wouldn't have made this trip! Zhang Yang couldn't help but regret it.

Singer picked up the Luoyue Bow on the table, stroked the bow lightly, showing nostalgia, and said, "My father was the greatest archer in the clan when he was young, so the King will send Luoyue Bow to you." Moonbow bestowed on father, let him use this sacred object!"

Could it be that there is a follow-up?

Zhang Yang had already planned to tear up the teleportation talisman, but he couldn't help but pause when he heard this, and planned to see the situation.

"My father——" Singer just said three words, and a black light suddenly shot out from the falling moon bow, and got into his body!


Singer suddenly let out a roar that shook the sky!


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