The valley is very big, and there are neat rows of houses made of wooden boards. From time to time, centaurs pass by in twos and threes. When they see Zhang Yang, they all have very strange eyes, as if they saw some monsters. .

Perhaps, just as humans see their four-legged appearance as strange, they also think that two-legged humans are like monsters!

As Banga Kukuro came to his residence, the task was prompted to be completed, and Zhang Yang gained 50,000 experience points.

"Ding! You have activated the reputation of the centaurs, and the current reputation is: cold!"

Zhang Yang opened the prestige interface and saw that there was indeed an entry for a centaur, which is currently indifferent 03000. Going outside again, the centaurs whose original names were displayed in red have all turned light red.

In "Miracle", the monster whose name is displayed in red is an active attack type. As long as it enters the monster's hatred vision, it will be attacked. If there is a reputation system, it corresponds to hatred.

The name is a light red monster, and the corresponding prestige is cold. This kind of monster will not actively attack the player, but if the player fights with this kind of monster, as long as there are monsters of the same type nearby, it will attract group fights. It's like someone fighting with someone on the street. If a relative of the other party passes by, he will definitely pull out his old fist to help.

The name is displayed as a yellow monster, and the corresponding reputation is neutral. Neutral monsters will not actively attack the player, and when the player attacks this kind of monster, even if there are monsters of the same type passing by, they will not get hatred. It's like a village where people fight, just watch the excitement from the sidelines.

The name is displayed as a green monster, and the corresponding prestige is Friendship, Respect, Revered and Worshiped. Players cannot attack Green Names unless the indiscriminate attack option is turned on. But the green monsters are usually NPCs in the main city. Once players attack them, they are very likely to be expelled from the main city.

Not long after Banga Kukuro returned to the camp, he suddenly disappeared without a trace. As an npc who guides the player to unlock the reputation of the centaur, his mission is to be constantly hunted down by monsters, and then ask the player for help to bring the player back to unlock the reputation of the centaur.

Zhang Yang thought that since the prestige of a centaur was released, there must be prestige merchants selling some goods corresponding to various levels of prestige. He turned around in the valley and soon found the prestige merchant.

[Turon Kukulo, Prestige Merchant] (Elite, Humanoid)

Level: 80

HP: 120,000

"Hey, human, do you want to buy some good things? Our centaur's things are all natural and authentic, and there is absolutely no fake!" Turon Kukuro is worthy of being a businessman, regardless of Zhang Yang's indifferent reputation, Sell ​​him immediately.

As he spoke, he opened the sales catalog to Zhang Yang.

The first thing you see is the fountain of soul! Each bottle sells for 1000 gold!

It turned out that the fountain of soul needed for the mission was bought directly from the npc! Moreover, there is no doubt that this is definitely the only way to obtain the fountain of souls!

It's fine if the price is a bit higher, but since it is a prestige merchant, the products sold by Turon Kukuro naturally need prestige requirements! And the prestige requirement for purchasing the Soul Fountain is: Worship!

The Fountain of Soul is bound when picked up, so don't let players who meet the prestige requirements buy it on their behalf!

- In fact, anything that requires prestige to buy is bound on pickup.

However, this prestige is not for nothing. In addition to the fountain of soul, Turon Kukuro really has several good things, including skill books, professional formula blueprints, small pets, etc.!

There are a total of six skill books, corresponding to the six major occupations, and the purchase requirements are worship! The warrior skill book is "Oscillatory Wave". Zhang Yang has seen this skill in his previous life. Its effect is to send a shock wave straight ahead, causing damage to all enemies within the range and stunning all targets for 4 seconds.

The blueprints and recipes for casting and alchemy are "Casting Diagram: Centaur Furious Axe" and "Recipe: Primary Firepower Potion" respectively.

Zhang Yang didn't know what the attribute of the centaur mad ax was, but he clearly remembered the effect of the primary fire potion: it increased the damage output by 20% within 15 seconds. This potion is quite good, and it can work wonders in some places where you need to focus fire and rush.

During pk, drinking a bottle of firepower potion might be able to complete the comeback! The disadvantage is that all the potions are co-cooled. If you drink the firepower potion, you can't drink red or blue. .

Zhang Yang has no love for small pets, and the ones that are picked up and bound can't be sold for money, so he just skipped it.

In addition, there is a special whetstone—the assault whetstone, which can provide 1% extra crit chance when rubbed on the weapon.

Among them, the purchase of the skill book requires the reputation of worship, the formula of professional blueprints requires the reputation of worship, and the small pets and whetstones only need the reputation of respect.

However, Zhang Yang is a little strange. Since the mission items are bought by reputation, why is this mission S-level? In "Miracle", if the level of the monster is higher than that of the player, and the difficulty of the task is increased, it will only change between levels b, c, and d. A-level missions mean that the boss must be killed, but the boss will not be too difficult to kill, and if it is an S-level mission, it must definitely kill the big boss, such as Surian in the Bone Spirit Cave, and Tepoliha in the underground tower mausoleum !

A mission with S-level difficulty means both difficulty and great reward!

That is to say, in the process of raising the reputation, one must fight a certain big boss!

"How is it, are you excited?" Turon Kukuro grinned with a wicked smile of a businessman, "Unfortunately, you are a stranger, and there are rules in our clan that you cannot sell some precious goods to strangers! However, you You can do something for us, some things that are not convenient for us to do, so that our people will trust you and gradually regard you as a good friend!"

After finishing speaking, a yellow exclamation mark suddenly appeared above Turon Kukulo's head.

The mission is here!

Zhang Yang immediately said: "Okay, Turonkukulo, I am willing to serve the great centaur race!"

This flattery was firmly slapped on Turonkukulo's ass, which made the prestige businessman smile and said: "Okay! Let's see your sincerity first. If you can prove your sincerity, then I can consider giving you some more tasks! Winter is coming soon, we need to store food for the winter, you go hunt some prey and come back!"

"Ding! Turon Kukuro has issued a mission to you: food for the winter, do you accept it?"

After accepting the mission, the exclamation mark on Turonkukulo's head disappeared, which means that there are no other missions released.

"Ding! You got the meat cleaver!"

Zhang Yang summoned the bone warhorse, left the camp of the centaur, and opened the task list to check.

[Food for Winter] (Mission Difficulty: C Grade)

Mission description: We want to eat meat! Turon Kukulo, the centaur, wants you to collect as much meat as possible for the coming winter! You can use a cleaver to carve off flesh from the carcass of any beast on Mount Shiva.

Completion degree: collect meat pieces 0100

Task reward: 50,000 experience points, 250 centaur reputation.

[Cleaver] (quest item)

Use: Cuts off the flesh of the beast.

Zhang Yang galloped on his horse, pulled a dozen saber-toothed tigers, grizzly bears, devil wolves and other beasts in one breath, and then dismounted and started to kill. The basic damage of these normal-level monsters is only in the early 600s, and they can only cause about 250 damage when hitting Zhang Yang.

Relying on positioning and blocking, Zhang Yang can easily kill all the monsters, and then use the meat cleaver to cut the meat.

A beast can probably cut out 2-4 pieces of meat, the specific number is completely random. After one round of meat cutting, Zhang Yang already had 44 extra pieces of meat in his backpack, and after pulling the monsters twice to clear them, the number of meat pieces had reached 127.

But these pieces of meat can be stacked up to 200 pieces in one group, so Zhang Yang didn't bother to divide and discard the extra pieces of meat, and went directly to Turon Kukulo to hand in the task.

"Ding! You have completed the task: food for the winter, gained 50,000 experience points, centaur reputation +250!"

Looking at Turon Kukulo again, this npc has another blue exclamation mark on its head—repeatable tasks can be completed.

It is better to kill wild beasts and cut meat, collect 100 pieces of meat to hand in the task. According to the game's practice, this kind of repetitive task will only stop publishing when it reaches a "qualitative change". For example, the player leveled up, or the prestige went up to another level.

To upgrade from apathy to neutrality requires 3000 reputation points and 250 points for one task, so you need to complete 12 times in total and collect 1200 pieces of meat.

Trifle! Set off!

Zhang Yang called out the bones of the war horse and started hunting. This time, he had to collect 1,100 pieces of meat before going back to Turonkukuro to hand in the task, raising his reputation to neutral at once.

With Zhang Yang's current equipment, skills, and strength, he can fight at most 30 to 40 monsters of similar level at the same time, but the beasts here are too scattered, and he can pull at most ten or so, otherwise the monsters pulled at the beginning will be too far away because of the pursuit distance. Automatically disengages from combat. .

From attracting monsters, gathering monsters to killing monsters and cutting flesh, the whole process takes about two minutes. Time is mainly wasted on finding monsters, and cutting flesh is also a waste of time, but the process of killing monsters is the fastest.

After more than an hour, Zhang Yang collected 1100 pieces of meat and went back to Turon Kukuro to hand in the task.

"Ding! You have completed the task: food for the winter, gained 50,000 experience points, centaur reputation +250!"

"Ding! You have completed the task: food for the winter, gained 50,000 experience points, centaur reputation +250!"

"Ding! You're done..."

After 11 missions were handed over, a green light flashed on Zhang Yang's body, which meant that his prestige had increased by a level.

"Human, I feel your admiration for our centaurs. As an encouragement, I decided to give you a new task!" Turon Kukuro smiled with satisfaction, "There is enough food for winter, but we And a lot of fur is needed to keep out the cold! Humans, go hunt the zealand and skin them for me! The more the merrier!"

"Ding! Turon Kukuro issued a task to you: winter clothes, do you accept?"

Can you not accept it?

[Winter Clothes] (Mission Difficulty: C Level)

Mission description: It's freezing cold, hurry up and get some blankets made of high-quality antelope skin! Turon Kukulo asked you to collect the fur of the zealand to help the centaur solve the problem of keeping out the cold. Chivar Mountains are full of zealands.

Completion: Gathering Zebra Skins 020

Task reward: 5000 experience points, 250 centaur reputation.

This is also a repeatable task.


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