MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

One hundred and fortieth chapters have been upgraded


Waking up the next morning, Zhang Yang had breakfast after exercising, first checked the news on the official website, and then switched to the forum.

In the dungeon battle report area, the major guilds frequently posted their results to increase their popularity and attract the attention and joining of players from all sides. Popularity, for a commercial guild, directly means the level of sponsorship fees!

Now everyone is clearing up the level 40 dungeon Moon Shadow Castle: Castle District, so this battle report is naturally about the boss of the Castle District. About five days ago, a guild gathered a five-member team of level 40 and started playing the castle area in the hard mode to accumulate experience and open up the death mode.

At present, most guilds have won the first two bosses in the death mode of the castle area, and are working on the third boss. Moreover, the first kills of these two bosses came from the hands of an angry beauty! It seems that the overthrow of the mountain giant Charvo has greatly improved the strength of the main group of angry girls, so that they can overwhelm the other big guilds in the China region and dominate sao.

There is also a post dedicated to analyzing the progress of the major guilds, who can get the first kill of the final boss, and thus get the first pass in the castle area! The post is very long, with a lot of circumstantial evidence, and finally predicted the result.

This player named "Return of Mars" believes that the best chance to get the first pass in the castle area is the Light Guild. play!

The second is an angry beauty. This all-female guild performed brilliantly in the first two boss battles, leading all the way, maintaining its advantage to the end, and its strength should not be underestimated.

Next came the Glory Guild, Yanbi Guild, Lingtian Guild... It was not until the tenth position that they saw the name of Da Mo Guyan.

Martian came back and said that he was very optimistic about Damo Guyan, and he also ranked Damo Guyan in the top three. But for some reason, it seems that Desert Dust doesn't intend to participate in the competition for the first pass of the dungeon, and there has been no movement until now! Therefore, this ranking can only go down all the way, and if Da Mo Guyan doesn't make any moves in a few days, this ranking will continue to go down!

His post was supported by many players, but there were also many players who disagreed. Taking Mazawi's lair as an example, he said that at the beginning, the major guilds led the way and once pushed the boss into the fifth stage." But Although Desert Dust was at least four or five days late to open up wasteland, he took down the boss in just one day!

This example was refuted again, saying that Mazawi is a very special boss, and the fifth stage cannot be passed without dark resistance medicine, which does not mean that Desert Dust is really that strong!

Fan Damo Guyan's players continued to retort, how do you know that the three bosses behind the castle area in death mode don't need any special items to pass? Otherwise, the land reclamation groups of the major guilds would have already reported success." It wouldn't be a few days without new battle reports!

The debate between the two sides was very lively, and no one would accept the other, and the post had been built up to more than 4,000 floors.

Zhang Yang couldn't help smiling, seeing that the time was almost nine o'clock, he put on the game helmet and went online.

As soon as he went online, he saw Fatty Han and Xingguang Wuwu huddled in the corner talking about something. Although the fat and thin people are very different in size, they have the same wretched expression on their faces." If you want to bring the two groups together in the future, you can also It is said that they complement each other, and they smell like each other.

"...So, like a pregnant woman, a rotten carrot is pulled out too late!"

This was the first sentence Zhang Yang heard, and it was said by Xingguang Wuwu.

Fatty Han's fat body shook suddenly, his face was filled with admiration, and he said, "Tall! It's really tall!"

"By the way, fat brother, what did you say at the beginning that we will talk about this topic?"

"……Good morning!"

"Uh...haha!" The two wretched men laughed loudly.

After a while, Baifa No. 1 High School also logged into the game. The four big men all huddled in the corner. After this night, all the monsters that died yesterday were refreshed, densely packed, and walking a few steps would definitely attract a riot of monsters.

But the women came online late, obviously last night they agreed to go online at 9:00 in the morning, but the first narcissus came online at 9:09, Sun Xinyu was the second at 9:11, and Han Yingxue He Wei Yan'er didn't go online until 9:15.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but said: "What's the matter, didn't you agree yesterday that you will be online at nine o'clock in the morning?"

Han Yingxue gave him a white look and said, "Don't you have time to put on makeup?"

Zhang Yang was stunned immediately, and said, "You want to put on makeup when you go online to play a game? It's not like you're going to pick up customers!".

This sentence immediately aroused public anger, and the four women glared at him at the same time. Zhang Yang understands, they all put on makeup before going online...

The thoughts of women and men are as far away as the earth and Namek!

"Forget it, let's continue fighting monsters!"

In fact, "Even if there is no boss, this is a holy place for leveling, and the experience value is so rich that it makes people crazy! But if you want to spawn monsters here, you also need a strong team, at least you must be able to hold the monster hatred and add blood!"

Sweeping along the way, countless cotton cloths, sundries, and coins fell. Wei Yan'er and Han Yingxue are naturally responsible for picking up corpses. Whoever wants to rob them is the class enemy of the people! But there are too many monsters.” Although the number of items that can be stacked has been raised to 200 groups, the equipment can only be placed one by one, and the backpacks of the two women are quickly filled.

Helpless, the two of them had no choice but to give up the task of picking up the corpse to others.

The harvest is good, not only a lot of black iron wares, but also a few pieces of 40-level bronze wares, which made the stars and daffodils who have never seen the world drool. Although Zhang Yang gave them all the equipment they could use , but neither of them has reached level 40, so they can't wear it temporarily.

But it's coming soon. After brushing so many monsters yesterday, although the two of them haven't leveled up, they still don't have much difference in experience points. Narcissus can rise to 40 within an hour at most, while Starlight is slower, but after clearing the first floor, it is estimated that it will not be far from level 40.

After last night's running-in, Starlight Unlimited, Narcissus Blossom, and Zhang Yang's team became more and more proficient. After another hour, Zhang Yang, Narcissus Blossom, Starlight Infinity, and Baifa No. 1 High School were promoted to a higher level.

Zhang Yang added the newly acquired skill points to the "grid file", and set this skill point to Climb. Although this skill has been greatly weakened, it is still the best defensive skill for shield warriors, and it is still the skill that needs to be upgraded first. Player: Zhan Yu, (Shield Warrior)

Level: 40

Cow health: 6320

Armor value: 360

Strength: 285

Melee injuries, etc.: 729-781*110

He equips the "Heart of the Lost Warrior". Although it doesn't improve the attributes at all, as long as the effect is activated, the armor value can be temporarily increased by 2000 points. Bosses below the silver level will definitely not be able to break the defense!

As the tacit understanding of the team improves, Zhang Yang pulls monsters more and more boldly, from only 10 at the beginning to slowly increasing to 20, 30!

But once the number exceeds 20, Zhang Yang needs to confess a big skill or a long-lasting equipment. But who made Zhang Yang have more cards now? When the shield wall cools down, you can turn on the fury recovery, and when the fury recovery cools down, you can turn on the special effect of the lover's sword. If you can't do it, there are also the shadow of Malinda, the puppet's stand-in skill, the heart of the lost warrior, and the shield wall!

A series of blood recovery, or powerful injury-free skills are so star-studded that they are dumbfounded!

He believes that even if Zhang Yang is alone, as long as Zhang Yang is willing to use his big move, he can play group killing here alone!

Starlight Unlimited never knew that tanks could be so awesome! Zhang Yang's strength could not help but inspire him greatly, this kid blushed with excitement, he was already imagining that one day he would be so powerful and live a happy life surrounded by a group of beauties!

Not to mention him, even Fatty Han and others who are more familiar with Zhang Yang are also speechless!

"Anemia warrior, you are really a pervert!" Wei Yan'er said seriously, "I'm not scolding you, but praising you sincerely!"

Zhang Yang sighed, and said: "Then I will also praise you sincerely, you are perverted, your whole family is perverted!"

Han Yingxue was furious, put her hands on her waist, and said, "Siyu, who are you scolding?"

Forget, this witch is also from the little girl's family!

Zhang Yang quickly raised his lover's sword and said, "Go, keep going!"

From nine o'clock in the morning to twelve noon, Zhang Yang and the others cleared half of the first floor of the palace. Zhang Yang announced the temporary disbandment of the team, and gave everyone an hour to eat and rest, and they will be online at 1:00 on time**!

He quickly added another sentence: "For those who want to put on makeup, five minutes in advance!"

Han Yingxue chuckled and said, "Silly Yu, you can tell at a glance that you are not a man who understands women!\

,"Narcissus opened the interface and said, "Actually, I started putting on makeup at 8:30, but I still couldn't make it in time!"

Zhang Yang broke into a sweat.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the team regrouped and continued to move forward. Fortunately, Meimei didn't put on makeup this time, and the time to go online was relatively accurate.

Countless monsters fell one after another, and the huge amount of experience points allowed several people who were originally 40 to rise to a level one after another, and the two lowest levels of Starlight Unlimited and Baifa Yizhong also reached level 40.

It's almost seven o'clock in the evening." And the team is only a stone's throw away from the end of this floor, and after clearing dozens of monsters, they can meet the boss of the first floor.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and said: "Everyone should go to dinner first, don't be hungry, the body is the capital of the revolution! Moreover, when people are hungry, their spirits are poor, and they may make mistakes again and again!"

An appointment was made for another hour to go online**, and the team disbanded again


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