A single mage monster is much faster to kill than a physical monster because of the low health of the leather book. But when you encounter a bunch of mage monsters, if you shoot them in volley, all tanks will fall!

The team didn't dare to pull too many monsters at all, and killed two or three at a time. Although a single one was quick to kill, the efficiency was far from comparable to the group killing on the first floor. Therefore, the advancement speed of the team was slowed down, and the accumulation of everyone's experience points was also slowed down.

Of course, the slow upgrade speed is also relative to the first level, and it is still much faster than when everyone brushes alone.

After one day of fighting, more than half of the area was cleared. But everyone's backpacks were full, so they had to throw away the worthless sundries to make room for more valuable items. Han Yingxue and Wei Yan'er, the two money fans, suddenly had messy eyes, unhappy expressions, and distressed endlessly.

But at this time, if you use the teleportation talisman to go back to the city to clean up your backpack, you have to start all over again, which is simply impossible!

Zhang Yang couldn't help sighing: "When will Baifa learn the engineering drawings of "Portable Bank"! "

, portable bank,

Use: Immediately summon a portable bank for all players to access items in the private bank. The portable bank disappears ten minutes after summoning. Cooldown: 1 hour. [Baidu magician first release]

Requires: Grandmaster Engineering

When he talked about the function of the portable bank, everyone was full of anticipation, and kept encouraging Baifa Yizhong to practice engineering quickly.

But let's not talk about how difficult it is to rush to the master level of engineering, and how rare it is to drop the blueprint of "Portable Bank", as for now, it is impossible to think about it! Everyone was excited for a while, but they had to face reality.

The team disbanded, everyone went to bed and rested, and fought again tomorrow.

Early in the morning, after exercising, Zhang Yang took out his wallet with four ten-yuan bills left, and bought a breakfast to eat while walking. I have been beating the centaur's palace for the past two days, so I don't have time to go to the bank to withdraw money! When the task is over, the first thing [Updated Fastest Baidu Magician] does is to withdraw money, otherwise he will really starve to death!

It was still nine o'clock, and everyone went online one after another." Continue to move forward.

At ten o'clock in the evening, I finally cleared the last mob on the way forward, and stood in front of the Shoumei boss on the second floor of the palace.

, Prince Shatolatak, (silver-level leader undead)

Grade: 44

Health value: 880,000

The centaur prince stood majestically at the entrance to the third floor, holding a spear in his right hand, and circles of sharp sword-like brilliance flashed on his body from time to time. Whenever this layer of brilliance floods, Shatolatak will have an additional buff effect.

, Sword Backlash: Any attack on you will be reflected to the opponent, causing 300% rebound damage.

This effect appears very frequently, about once every thirty seconds, and lasts for ten seconds.

"If there is a sharp sword backlash, everyone should stop immediately!" Zhang Yang pulled out his lover's sword and rushed forward, "The boss seems to be a warrior-type monster, don't go up in melee, don't be cut by the whirlwind again, lie on the floor from head to toe!"

"This is death, why do you want to break in! Sin should be buried forever, why open it!" The handsome prince noticed that Zhang Yang's handsome face immediately became distorted and ferocious, as if he had just been raped by ten people. Seven or eight centaurs seemed to burst through chrysanthemums, and immediately swung their spears with both hands, spread their legs and ran towards Zhang Yang.


Zhang Yang slammed into it with a swipe of the ground, and swung out his lover's sword, flashing a chill.


Broken Armor!

A 1504 Devastate Strike.

One 1618! sweep.

Charging gained 10 points of rage, normal attack also increased by 37 points, plus 30 points for blocking, Zhang Yang was full of anger, and after a broken armor, he was followed by a devastating blow and a sweep, causing a lot of damage and quickly building up hatred.

Sun Xinyu and other melee professions didn't step forward." They were all waiting for the boss's whirlwind and the frequency of use of this whirlwind.

Wei Yan'er couldn't bear loneliness the most, and she was also a warlike master, so she couldn't help but tightly squeezed the weapon in her hand, muttering incessantly.

"Damn guy, why did you come here! Why did you wake me up!", when the battle started, Shatolatak shouted frantically, "Die! Die for me!"

Swipe, he danced his spear in the air, creating a circle of spear shadows.

"Ding! Shatolatak cast a whirlwind, causing 6000 points of physical damage to all targets within a 5*5 radius!"


A huge damage figure immediately floated above Zhang Yang's head. [Update the fastest Baidu magician].


Zhang Yang quickly clicked to block, so as not to lose weight from the boss's attack, and Han Yingxue had time to draw up his blood.

"Don't do it yet, let's make sure the interval between the Whirlwind Slash!" Seeing that Wei Yan'er was about to move, Zhang Yang hurriedly stopped her.

Wei Yan'er immediately pouted, baring her teeth at Zhang Yang.

Another ten seconds later, a flash of light suddenly flashed on the boss's body, forming the shape of sharp swords around his body.

"Ding! Shatola Tucker has gained the sword backlash effect!"

Zhang Yang quickly stopped, just dodged as much as possible, and added the e-block skill to avoid injury. Otherwise, all the damage dealt would be reflected back, just like the boss and three Zhang Yang teamed up to attack Zhang Yang, Han Yingxue couldn't add up at all.

Ten seconds later, the sharp sword's backlash effect ended, and after only two or three seconds, the boss immediately released another whirlwind.

Now, the boss's skills probably have a bit of context: Whirlwind and Sword Backlash are cast every 30 seconds.

Zhang Yang said: "Everyone in melee combat! Remember" to dodge in time! "

Wei Yan'er let out a joyful cry, and immediately rushed forward with a charge, launching a strong attack with a roar!

Ten seconds later, a circle of sword shadows suddenly appeared on Shatola Tucker's body, and the sharp sword backfired. Several people had already thrown the attack, and it was impossible to take it back. Too busy to fly.

"Retreat from melee combat and stop all of them! Don't rush to attack after the sharp sword backlash is over, [the fastest updated Baidu magician] will follow a whirlwind immediately, and whoever hits will die!" Zhang Yang shouted in the team.

Sun Xinyu and the other three melee fighters retreated as promised, while Fatty Han and the other long-range fighters could only stop and wait for the sharp sword backlash to end.

In this way, ranged occupations only spend 2/3 of the time outputting, and melee occupations are even worse, because they have to avoid the whirlwind, even if the sharp sword backlash is over, they can't go up and chop immediately, and the output time is even worse. It's down to about a third!

The output ability of the team has dropped severely, and the blood volume of the boss has decreased very slowly!

Shatola Tucker's output was already fierce, and after a long delay, even the powerful combination of Zhang Yang and Han Yingxue was in danger frequently! Fortunately, Zhang Yang has a lot of life-saving skills, and the effects of Fury Recovery, Lover's Sword Materials, Malinda's Shadow, and accessories are switched on and off, and he is able to maintain his immortality!

The situation was stable, Zhang Yang also summoned the puppet Qinglian, and controlled Sun Xinyu and the others to fight and retreat.

90%, 80%, 70%...

The boss's blood bar is falling with difficulty!

"You bedbugs, disgusting ugly monsters, die to me! Die!" the handsome centaur prince roared, hysterical, full of madness to destroy everything.

"The boss's reaction is too big!" Xingguang said infinitely.

Fatty Han curled his lips, and said, "Probably because we came at the wrong time, disturbing the circles between him and the maids, wanting to be dissatisfied, burning with lust, what is this madness!"

"Brother Fat hits the nail on the head, he is really brilliant!" Xing Guang admired infinitely. [Update the fastest Baidu magician]

"Xingguang, you are really good at using the sharp point. You vividly described the scene of the prince and the maid in the first night. Let me tell you one by one."

"You two, shut up!\

,"The others spoke in unison and shouted at the same time.

Fatty Han and Xingguang looked at each other infinitely, both showing innocent expressions of bewilderment.

"...I have become a joke of the centaur family, do you foreigners also want to laugh at me?" Shatolatak hissed, and suddenly thrust his spear into the ground, and suddenly, "Boom boom boom "A strong wave radiated to the surroundings, setting off a layer of stone waves at least two meters high!

Clap clap!

The four melee fighters were knocked back one after another, and fell into a coma at the same time, which lasted as long as 10 seconds!

"Ding! Shatolatak released the ground smash!"

The boss took a step forward and stabbed at Zhang Yang.

Unable to block while in a coma, if the boss takes all the damage, it is impossible for Han Yingxue to increase the blood! And "the boss is about to launch a whirlwind, you have to stay where you are, Sun Xinyu" they will definitely be killed in seconds!

Zhang Yang made a decisive decision and immediately activated his stand-in skills.

At this moment, Starlight Unlimited also lifted the coma with a holy shield technique, threw a "Justice Defense" at the boss, and ran away immediately after mocking it! Obviously, he also understands that the boss is about to launch Whirlwind!

Good sense! Zhang Yang's eyes lit up. This unexpected and sudden situation can best reflect the player's level!

And Shatola Tucker actually suffered from the effect of ridicule, so he chased the starlight infinitely away.

Zhang Yang also ran over immediately, and said at the same time: "Xingkong, keep running, don't pull the boss, I'll pull it, you can't stand Whirlwind!\

,""Okay!", Starlight Infinity didn't want to compete with Zhang Yang, it was just that Zhang Yang was in a coma just now, and he had no choice but to step forward. At this time, Zhang Yang's state returned to normal, and he naturally retired! [Update the fastest Baidu magician]

Zhang Yang also threw a taunt in the past, and Shatola Tucker immediately turned his head and ran towards Zhang Yang again.

"Ding! Shatolatak cast a whirlwind, causing 6000 points of physical damage to all targets within a 5*5 range!"


Zhang Yang was guarding. As soon as the boss's spear started to dance, he raised his shield to meet him.

Shuashuashuashua, Han Yingxue threw a few healing spells up, raised Zhang Yang's blood line, and successfully passed a difficulty!

(to be continued)

Do you still remember Regan's masterpieces "Running the Tide", "The History of Beauty in Jiangshan", "The Boundless Magic Luck", and "Safari in Different Time and Space"?

Welcome to the new work Magician! ! !

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