MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 150: The Third Floor of the Palace

Zhang Yang sighed, and said, "Only you rich second generations can do this! The plan of life has already been arranged, you just need to go in that direction."

"Stupid Yu, don't be envious of you. At least you are a rich man with a net worth of tens of millions. It's much better than the rich second generation," Han Yingxue said very pertinently.

When Xingguang Wuwu heard it, his eyes lit up immediately, and he rushed to Zhang Yang's feet, hugged his legs, and said, "Brother Zhan Yu, please help*"

"If you want to pack* you have to pack* the top grades like Xue Meimei and Yu Meimei, why don't you be the younger brother behind Fat Brother?" Fatty Han stretched out his big hand full of fat and patted the shoulder of Infinite Starlight .

Han Yingxue and Sun Xinyu were irritated by him, one said: "Fatty, don't think about my sister adding blood to you in the future." A spinning star immediately floated above the fat man's head.

Sun Xinyu appeared, and the two gleaming daggers danced perfectly in her hands. After the two control skills of "Sneak Attack" and "Kidney Shot" were over, the dead fat man was left with only a trace of blood. Today's Sun Xinyu's equipment is of the highest level. A sneak attack and a kidney shot can kill non-tank occupations in one round, and there is no need for a second round.

The current period is the most common stage of the second man. The damage provided by the silver-level weapon is too high, but the physical strength added by the equipment is relatively small, which has caused the phenomenon of the second man to emerge endlessly. Only when entering the age of golden equipment, the increase in physical strength will greatly exceed the increase in damage. It becomes more and more difficult to kill people in the same level of battle-is it difficult, not impossible, for example, a sudden critical strike plus luck Six times the damage of a hit

Sun Xinyu stopped when Fatty Han had only about 100 remaining blood points, and put the two daggers back into her waist with a "ding", with a pair of beautiful eyes flashing with shame, and said: "If you say such things again, I will kill you!" keep you at level 41 forever"

If you really want to fight, with Fatty Han's skill and physique, you may not lose to Xinyu Sun, but when it comes to pk skills in the game, Fatty Han can only bow down, and Fatty Han can beat him to death even if he is a master. Fatty Han also knows this. What I cherish is this level, and I hope to return to the top of the rankings, bragging with those feet-washing city beauties

Hitting the snake for seven inches, Fatty Han was immediately taken care of by Sun Xinyu and lost his temper.

The team continued to move forward, rushing towards the entrance of the fourth floor like a bamboo shoot.

After walking to about one-third of the palace, the types of monsters have also been changed, turning into monster bone wolves

[Magic Bone Wolf] (Elite, Undead)

Grade: 44

HP: 88000

Mana: 44000

"Magic Bone Wolf should have similar skills to Demon Explosive Wolf," Zhang Yang guessed.

Swipe, he rushed over with a charge.

The Demon Explosive Bone Wolf immediately fell into a coma for two seconds. Zhang Yang raised his sword and dropped it, causing huge damage in an instant.



The Demon Explosive Bone Wolf woke up from a coma, and immediately bit Zhang Yangcheng, causing physical damage, and at the same time spit out a fireball from his mouth, causing another spell damage.

Zhang Yang nodded, and said: "The damage is not too high, Xingguang, you also go to pull monsters, let's speed up."

The two tanks pull monsters together, and the speed of advancement is higher. In addition, the number of monsters on this floor is not as dense as that of the bottom two floors. It took about three hours to clear the monster bone wolves along the way. Entered the territory of a new kind of monster.

【Flamingo】(Elite, Undead)

Level: 45

HP: 60,000

Mana: 50,000

This is a very large bird creature, and it can fly in the air with two bone wings, which amazes everyone.

"Anemia warrior, why can bone birds fly?" Wei Yan'er asked curiously.

Zhang Yang suddenly had black lines all over his head, and said: "This is a good game, even if a pig can fly, what's so special about it"...

"Hmph—" Wei Yan'er pouted dissatisfiedly.

Zhang Yang opened the monster first, and Sun Xinyu and the others immediately surrounded him.

The Fiery Bone Bird gave a strange cry, and opened its mouth to spit out a long wave of flames. It first hit Zhang Yang's body, and then quickly spun around, causing considerable damage to every melee around him, and a lot of 1000+ numbers floated up. .

"This is similar to the third child in Banga Crypt, the spinning fire-breathing dragon. It would be cool if players can also learn this skill," Fatty Han said with emotion.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and said: "It seems that the mage can learn similar skills, and can also stun the player for three seconds, but the duration of the flame is very short. If you want to get everyone around you, you need a very good operation."

Narcissus bloomed with a very interested expression, and said, "Is it taught by a professional tutor, or by a skill book?"

"It should be a skill." Zhang Yang really didn't know much about other professions.

No matter how fierce the flamingo was, it was no match for the wolves and tigers. It soon croaked twice and fell from the air.

After clearing and clearing all the way, I finally came to the entrance from the third floor to the fourth floor.

A female centaur is curling her limbs, sitting and lying at the entrance, surrounded by three animals, namely the saber-toothed bone tiger, the devil's bone wolf and the flamingo. The originally ferocious beast is now very well-behaved. The bone wolf and demon wolf are still lying on their backs, revealing their white bellies, and are constantly scratching with their four paws. They are no different from cats and dogs raised by ordinary people. .

[Queen Shima Luo Gudan] (silver-level leader, undead)

Grade: 46

HP: 920,000

Mana: 500,000

The tiger, wolf and bird are called Taitai, Wowo and Gugu respectively, and they have a uniform blood volume of 100,000.

"how to spell?"

All eyes were on Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang spread his hands involuntarily, and said, "Do you think I know everything?".

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and nodded in tacit understanding at the same time.

"Damn..." Zhang Yang almost got his nose twisted by these slackers, thought for a while, and said, "The saber-toothed bone tiger will stack and tear, so you must be the first to kill it, otherwise, if there are too many stacks, no tank will be able to withstand it." "

He thought about it, and then said: "Starlight pulls the bird, that's a spell—"

"Pfft—" Fatty Han and Baifa Yizhong laughed at the same time. Fatty Han was even more exaggerated, clutching his stomach, and said, "Xingguang, quickly pull the little bird out for a while."

"Stop, stop, stop" Seeing that Xingguang infinitely took out his war hammer and wanted to fight Fatty Han desperately, Zhang Yang quickly stopped him and said, "The flamingo is a magic monster. If the starlight tank is better, you can pull the monster aside alone. Let's take the sabre-toothed bone first." Kill the tiger, then kill the demon blasting bone wolf, then the flaming bone bird, and finally fight the boss"

"Yeah." Everyone nodded in unison.

Zhang Yang said to Xingguang Wuwu: "I'll go up and open the monster first, and then you can use taunts to pull the monster out alone."

"Understand" Xingguang nodded infinitely.

Zhang Yang pulled out his lover sword and rushed towards the boss and her three pets: "Then it will begin."

"Foreign race? How dare a foreign race invade the great centaur palace?" Queen Himaro Gudan immediately stood up and shouted angrily, "The guards immediately killed these invaders."

After waiting for a while, Seeing that no guards appeared, Xima Luogudan couldn't help but become even more angry, raised his right hand, and said, "Taitai, Wowo, Gugu, kill all these alien races for this queen!"

The three monsters immediately screamed and rushed towards Zhang Yang.


Zhang Yang slammed into the saber-toothed bone tiger, clicked Blood Fury, the anger value immediately soared a lot, and swept away




The three damage numbers jumped up on the three pet beasts at the same time, and Starlight Infinite immediately threw a "hand of reckoning" on the body of the flamingo Gugu, pulling the monster out alone.

Hand of Reckoning is a new taunt skill learned by the guardian knight at level 30. It also forces monsters to attack themselves for two seconds, and can also cause holy damage equivalent to 100 strength. …

Zhang Yang stepped on his foot immediately, and the thunderbolt was launched, slowing down the two pet beasts, and then continued to run towards Xima Luo Gudan.

The boss is a spell-type monster. After ordering the three pets to attack, he also began to read the light of punishment.


A damage figure suddenly floated above Zhang Yang's head. Although the value is not low, as a boss, Xima Luo Gudan's attack power is really low


Han Yingxue's "Great Brightness Technique" added a super high blood volume to Zhang Yang. She found this when she was visiting the auction house. After asking Zhang Yang about the effect of this skill, she immediately bought it for 100,000 gold coins.

Of course, she also took away Zhang Yang's 90,000 gold coins afterwards. The reason is: my sister learned this skill to increase blood for you, and didn’t let you pay the full amount, it’s my sister’s dowry.

However, this healing spell is indeed powerful.

[Great Light Art] (Level 1): Pray for the blessing of light, and restore the target's HP equivalent to 200 spell damage. Cooldown: 15 seconds. Casting time: 2 seconds.

If it reaches level 10, it will have a 6-second cooldown, which is quite a top-notch skill.


Zhang Yang rushed to Hima Luo Gudan, and immediately slashed across with his sword, spraying blood on the opponent's body.

"Bold, how dare you attack this empress. Only death can erase your sins." Sima Luo Gudan roared angrily, "Boom", another disciplinary light fell on Zhang Yang's body, and he jumped up with a "- 1603" damage figures.

The attack of this boss is really bad

Taitai, the saber-toothed bone tiger, and Wowo, the devil-toothed bone wolf, also chased after him. One man and two beasts joined forces to attack Zhang Yang.

Broken Armor Broken Armor

Zhang Yang took the saber-toothed bone tiger as the first attack target, first filled the five layers of broken armor, and then used the deceleration of the thunderous blow to minimize the damage that the two pets might cause to him. As for the boss, she attacks with spells, so it doesn't make any difference whether she is slowed down or not.



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