"Quack quack quack, a group of tiny creatures can actually defeat my baby, I really underestimated you." Shaq fell from mid-air, but with just a wave of his staff, he fell lightly to the ground.

He grinned, showing two rows of withered and yellow teeth, and said, "Since you killed my baby, let me take out all your bones and make a new baby."

During this conversation, Han Yingxue has already seized the time to apply the recovery technique to everyone, and then read the Holy Prayer, combined with healing, and filled the team's blood volume as soon as possible.

Zhang Yang didn't rush out immediately either. Now it's probably the opening time for the boss, giving everyone precious time to recuperate. If they go up to fight the boss, the boss will immediately launch an attack

But the time for this opening remark was too short. After Shaq yelled a few words, he aimed his staff at Infinity Starlight. In his hate list, although everyone is the same 0, but because of the influence of the giant skeleton, he temporarily locks Starlight Infinity as the first target.

Swipe, Zhang Yang charged and bumped into it.


After cutting with a sword, Zhang Yang couldn't help being speechless, the boss's skin is really thick enough



Destroying Strike followed by sweeping, quickly completing the initial accumulation of hatred.

Shaq suddenly flew into a rage, switched his target to Zhang Yang, and began to chant spells.

Naturally, Sun Xinyu and the others immediately besieged them.



Sun Xinyu slashed across with two daggers, but two unacceptably low numbers floated up. You know, after Sun Xinyu is equipped with a level 40 dagger, the average damage value of the main hand's normal attack is around 600 points, but she only hits 89 points. point of low damage, and the off-hand attack is simply unbreakable

How thick is the skin of this boss?

Although most of the thieves' skills have special effects that ignore defense, and the attack value is much higher than the normal attack, and is less affected by the armor value, but the energy value is limited. The white damage of the normal attack is in the output of the rogue. accounted for a very large proportion of the

Sun Xinyu immediately said to Zhang Yang: "Get on the broken armor!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing secretly, thinking that you, the ice cube girl, also begged for brother, although Sun Xinyu's tone of voice was quite different from that of begging, but Zhang Yang still classified it into the scope of begging, and his vanity was greatly relieved satisfy.

Broken Armor Broken Armor Broken Armor

In fact, even if Sun Xinyu didn't say anything, Zhang Yang would put the five layers of broken armor on immediately to improve the team's overall output capability



After five layers of broken armor, the damage of Sun Xinyu's main hand has soared a lot, but the damage of her off-hand is still not ideal. For a keen thief, the damage of her off-hand is not important, it is mainly used for poisoning

But for Sun Xinyu, who is pursuing the strongest, this is not enough. The second damage of the off-hand basic attack is also 135, and this part of the damage should not be underestimated.

"Hawkeye", Sun Xinyu thought silently, she must get the skill of Hawkeye

The higher the monster's armor, the greater the impact on weapons with fast attack speed, especially the keen rogue, who dual-wields the dagger with the fastest attack speed in the entire "Miracle", and the damage per second is not low at all, but the single damage But it is very small, this profession is actually the skill that most needs to reduce monster armor

"Small creatures, give up unnecessary resistance, and return to the embrace of death. Only death is eternal, and only death can obtain eternal life." Shaq's staff clicked, and a shadow arrow hit Zhang Yang's body after singing.


Shaq's current attack power is completely different from that of the first stage, and his damage has tripled

"Quack quack, tiny creature, do you feel death?". Shaq is also a "trash talk" boss, talking too much

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Wei Yan'er frantically swiped her weapon, "I can't take it anymore, kill this stinky boss quickly, or I'll be annoyed to death by him"...

"Quack quack, you want to kill me? You little guys, you actually want to kill the great Shaq? Wishful thinking, daydreaming, let Shaq tell you what is greatness." The boss waved his staff, snapped , slap, slap, and shot one after another Shadow Bolt.

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing, and said: "As expected of a gold-ranked boss, this ai is powerful, and can respond to non-dramatic words of the player."

Ordinary npcs will only act according to the script when the plot is triggered. If there are no keywords that trigger the plot in the player's words, then the npc will repeat some irrelevant words. Only npcs with higher ai will respond reasonably to any words of the player.

Fatty Han became interested and said, "Small and ugly, come and hit me!"

"A fat elf like a pig? Quack quack, how could the elves who pride themselves on being aristocratic have such a vulgar clansman?" Shaq rolled his eyes, showing a contemptuous expression, "Could it be that a boar raped a What kind of female elf was born? Or which male elf swallowed hundreds of catties of medicine and killed a female boar?"

This... is poisonous enough

Everyone couldn't help mourning for Fatty Han.

Fatty Han was taken aback for a moment, his face flushed quickly, and he yelled loudly: "What kind of shit are you, what kind of shit is your whole family?"

Those who are as wretched as Fatty Han have suffered a lot from the mouth of the boss, and everyone dare not speak anymore, lest they be scolded for nothing by this trash talking boss. Turning anger into strength one by one, they cut down the boss' blood bar step by step.

98, 96, 94...Because of the extremely high armor value of the boss, the damage output of this team whose physical output occupies an absolute majority suddenly dropped by a notch. In addition, the boss's blood volume is extremely high, and the percentage of the health value drops by a huge amount. very slowly.

"Small creature, the game is over." Shaq raised his staff to Zhang Yang, and suddenly a black light enveloped him.

"Ding, you are affected by the effect of darkness amplification, all damage caused is increased by 100, and all damage received is increased by 50 for 10 seconds"




Shuang's normal attack broke through a thousand, and the damage of the sweep reached 3000+, and the destruction hit a lucky blow, which even soared to 9000+

Everyone was dumbfounded

Wei Yan'er hurriedly shouted: "Short boss, hurry up and give me a dark buff too!"

-4813 A shadow arrow floated up, and a large damage figure floated above Zhang Yang's head.

The damage is soaring, but the damage received is also very good. Although it can't kill Zhang Yang in seconds, it is enough to make him drink a pot

But it was Han Yingxue who was even more miserable. She was wearing a shield and adding blood. Hurry up and raise Zhang Yang's blood to above the safety line of 5,000 within the three-second spell casting time of the boss.



Slap, the boss threw another shadow arrow over.


The holy shield preferentially absorbed 2000 points of damage, but still hit Zhang Yang's HP below 2000 points.

The boss's Shadow Arrow is pushed once every three seconds. During the 10-second dark boost period, he can only shoot it three times. In his heart, he must restore the fury, "+6380", a huge green number floated above his head , instantly regenerate blood volume

"Anemia warrior, you can change your career to become a nanny," Wei Yan'er said with a smile.


The last shadow arrow shot at Zhang Yang during the darkness boost.

Han Yingxue's treatment was also unbelievable, and she brushed and raised Zhang Yang's blood line, finally overcoming a difficult time.

"I almost jumped out of my heart just now." Han Yingxue said while patting her plump chest, causing the two towering peaks to continuously squeeze and deform, and then tenaciously return to their original shape, showing amazing elasticity.

The waves of breasts rippling, immediately stunned the four men in the team.

Wei Yan'er looked enviously at Han Yingxue's turbulent waves, and pouted, "Sister, be careful not to ruin the picture."

"Yan'er, are you thinking of committing the following crime again? Be careful that you won't have dinner tonight"

Wei Yan'er was not afraid, and said: "If you don't give me dinner, I'll call Luo, he must be very happy to invite us to dinner"...

Han Yingxue couldn't help but choked, showing a disgusted expression, and said, "Don't mention that annoying guy in front of me."

Zhang Yang seemed to have heard the two women mention someone surnamed Luo before, so he asked, "Little girl, who is this surnamed Luo?"

"My cousin's suitor started chasing my cousin since high school, and then went to college. Later, my cousin got scared by him, so she hid to study in England." Wei Yan'er blinked at Han Yingxue without even looking at her. He betrayed the other party's secrets without hesitation, "Then Luo Yangming still wanted to go to Cambridge, but the school refused to accept him. He just followed the old habit in China, throwing a lot of money at others, but was rejected. Kicked out of school, listed as people who are never welcome at Cambridge University, and finally ran back in despair, I really laughed to death”

"Smelly girl, you're doomed!" Han Yingxue couldn't stop Wei Yan'er who was talking fast, so she could only make a vicious threat on the side.

Wei Yan'er giggled, and said, "Sister Sun, it seems that I can only go to your place for dinner tonight."

"Good" Sun Xinyu is always so concise.

While talking, the boss' blood volume is also dropping. Shaq is a Shadow Arrow and Dark Amplifier from beginning to end. The threat is great, but only tanks and healers are under pressure. The output profession is completely chopping stakes, without any pressure.

90, 80, 70... 40, 30, 20

"Damn creature, why haven't you died yet? I'm going to be angry. I'm going to be angry." Shaq said fiercely, showing an impatient expression, "Then I'll get serious."



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