MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 165: No. 1 Boss Jenny

Starlight Infinity immediately made a "flying shield" shot, directly hitting three elite monsters, and with a thud, the group of eleven monsters rushed over shouting "unwelcome guests".

Holy Shield!



He immediately started to hate.

Wei Yan'er and the others waited for a while, and then activated their group killing skills one after another.

Zhang Yang didn't join the battle, but walked straight forward, and soon entered the hatred vision of the second group of monsters. Immediately, ten monsters let out a series of angry shouts and rushed over one after another.

The blood rage is activated, and the anger will be increased by 30 points!

As soon as Zhang Yang attracted the monster, he backed up in a row, but only three or four steps back, the monster had already rushed to him.

Sweep! Immediately, a series of 1500+ damage numbers jumped up, this skill is too powerful when pulling in groups!

Thunder strike! Another series of 200+ damage numbers jumped up, and all ten monsters fell into a deceleration state.

Zhang Yang led the monsters to retreat and merged with the starlight infinitely, so that other people's group damage skills could also cause damage to these monsters.

In the dungeon, the more monsters there are in each group, the attack power of a single monster must be very weak, otherwise a few monsters will shoot a volley, and all tanks will be defeated! The single damage of these elite monsters is only about 800, and it is only in the early 300s when they are hit by Starlight Unlimited and Zhang Yang, and Han Yingxue can fill up his blood volume easily.

Besides, Zhang Yang currently possesses the skill Oscillating Wave, which can stun all monsters for 4 seconds every 20 seconds, which is awesome!

The firepower of the crowd was already fierce, and with the addition of a few halo effects, the speed of killing monsters was a little faster. In just one minute, the monsters in the first group were already dead, and the monsters in the second group only had one-third of their health.

"Xingguang, go on to the next group!" Zhang Yang ordered. The hatred of the second group of monsters is all on him, even if Starlight Infinity runs away, no monsters will follow.

Xingguang Infinite went to pull the third group of monsters as promised, but he pulled the monsters back, and the second group of monsters has also been cleared.

Sun Xinyu and the others had no time to rest and immediately started killing the third group of monsters.

Zhang Yang smiled and went to pull the fourth group of monsters.

"It's so enjoyable!" Every time Wei Yan'er swung the whirlwind, it could cause nearly 1900 group injuries. With only a 5.5-second cooldown, the ability of this group of injuries has surpassed Zhang Yang's! Even a tank like Starlight Unlimited can't hold back all the monsters' hatred, and several monsters with low hatred have already shot at her.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang quickly pulled the monster back and swept it a few times. After the thunder struck, the monster's hatred immediately shifted to him.

"You are going to exhaust me to death..." Han Yingxue said angrily.

Output occupations can be lazy, and it’s okay to stop and not fight! But the treatment is not enough, the tank may fall if it is stopped! Zhang Yang and Xingguang infinitely took turns pulling monsters, which did not give Han Yingxue a chance to breathe, she was so busy that she was about to fly.

Zhang Yang laughed, and said, "You can't run out of blue bars, isn't resting a waste of time?"

"Ahhh, I'm so pissed off!" Han Yingxue couldn't just watch her teammates lose blood and refuse to add more, so she could only grind her teeth and get angry.

Group after group, under the two tanks taking turns pulling monsters, they quickly lay down one after another. The speed was so fast that everyone didn't even have time to pick up the corpses, they just kept moving forward! go ahead! go ahead!

Narcissus Bloom does not have any skills to reduce the consumption of basic mana. The professional skill she got at level 30 is a passive increase of 15% fire damage--the completion is A-level difficulty. If it is S-level, then the increased damage percentage It can be increased to 20%!

It's cool when the Flame Mage is outputting at full power, but the disadvantage is that the battery life is insufficient, especially for the uninterrupted mass killing of monsters like now. In combat state, eat snacks and return to blue!

Under the strong firepower of the team, hundreds of monsters in the living room were wiped out in only a few minutes of Zhang Yang's time, and the coins, sundries and equipment burst out all over the floor, and it only took three minutes to pick up the loot!

"How to fight the boss?" Wei Yan'er asked.

After picking up the loot, the corpses of the monsters on the ground disappeared one by one, and the whole living room suddenly seemed empty.

"Boss has three skills!" Zhang Yang recalled how to play this dungeon a long time ago and wrote it down in his special notebook, "First, she will randomly send a target to the cage for five or six times. Seconds. During this time, the person who is teleported will continue to lose blood, but he cannot activate skills or drink red, so he can only be healed to refresh blood! Theoretically, double healing is required here, and when someone is teleported At the same time, one continues to farm the tank, and the other goes to farm the person who was passed!".

With tears streaming down her face, Han Yingxue said, "Silly Yu, add another treatment to the team, my sister really doesn't want to be so tired!"

"All right, all right, as long as you find someone who is pleasing to your eye, you will definitely be drawn into the team!" Zhang Yang said irresponsibly and perfunctorily.

"What if it's my cousin who sent the roll call? She can't brush herself!" Wei Yan'er pointed out the fatal flaw of single treatment.

Zhang Yang said with a smile: "I have two skills, abandon me, harmony, and sacrifice. If the Snow Demon Girl is named more than twice, it can only prove that our luck is too bad!" "What else?" Wei Yan'er asked again Ask Zhang Yang: "Just like her sister, this boss will also randomly control a target. It seems that it can't be dispelled. It can only wait until the time is up!"


"The boss's third skill is berserk! It should be said to be a kind of soft rage, which increases the damage every second, but there is no upper limit. After the battle, the ground of this hall will randomly spawn ice layers, as long as the assistant Step on it, and the berserk state can be lifted!"

Zhang Yang concluded: "Generally speaking, this boss is quite simple!"

"Then start! Baifa, attack the boss and pull her down, there will be no ice layer on it!"

"Okay!" One hundred shots aimed at the boss, and the sword shot across the ground.

"Where is the savage who dares to break into my banquet?" Jenny ran down the stairs angrily, her eyes locked on Baifa, she swiped the floor, and took out a whip from nowhere, and it was from afar. All of a sudden, he pulled over.

Blood Rage, charge!

The lover's sword was raised, splashing blood on the boss's face.



- there are 29!

Zhang Yang quickly built up hatred, and then began to wear broken armor to reduce the boss's armor value by 50%.

Jenny immediately regarded Zhang Yang as a thorn in her side, whipped her past, and said, "My carefully arranged banquet was ruined by you! You killed my guests! I'm going to kill you, you bastards! "

Block +30 Rage.

-321 Block counter-injury.

-642 Shield Slam.

But two seconds later, the boss came over again with a whip. Zhang Yang had no more grids to use, and a damage number of "-2112" floated above his head.

"It's not bad. "The normal attack is about 3000 points!" Zhang Yang said to Han Yingxue while fighting back, "When the boss rolls the name, you go to the person who is called, I can hold it for five seconds." of!"

"The daffodils are blooming, accept the punishment of lightning!" The boss "suddenly called out, and then swiped the ground, the daffodils were sent to the gate, and a light-shaped cage surrounded her. Continuously issued a series of lightning strikes on her body.

"Ding! Jenny released the Lightning Prison, causing 2000 points of nature damage per tree for 6 seconds!"

-2000! Narcissus Bloom's body immediately jumped up a damage figure, with her current blood volume of 3840 points, she would die if she ate it twice!

Han Yingxue first added a holy shield to Zhang Yang, and then cast a great light spell on the daffodil flower, and then read a link healing, adding up to about 4000 blood volume and then throwing a recovery spell, it doesn't matter up.

The holy shield has been able to absorb about 2000 points of damage. Zhang Yang opened the block again, and he only suffered 2000 points of damage within 6. For his blood bar near his heart, it was a piece of cake.


"You have insulted a noble family! A real noble family! You have to pay the price in blood for this!" Jenny raised her head to the sky and let out an angry roar, her plump and charming body suddenly swelled rapidly and instantly transformed from a noble family. The beautiful woman of the Yi tribe turned into a silver-brown werewolf!

"Ding! Jenny released the recovery of the wolf soul..." The damage increased by 10% every second! "

Zhang Yang swept his eyes, and saw the ice gap in the hall, and hurriedly dragged the boss to move in that direction.

10%, 20%, 30%... Every second, the damage of the help will increase by 10% of the attacks that are not blocked, and the damage to Zhang Yang will also increase from 2000 points to 3000, 4000...

Fortunately, the ice layer is not far away from Zhang Yang. When the recovery of wolf souls in B and C reached the 8th layer, Zhang Yang also pulled Jenny onto a large ice layer.

"Ding! The revived wolf soul has disappeared from Jenny!"

The boss returned from a werewolf state to a normal human form, but her clothes couldn't be changed back. There were strands of fragments hanging on her body, barely covering a few important parts, and the infinite spring was looming.

"so big!"


Fatty Han and Unlimited Xingguang's two wretched men immediately opened their eyes and said droolingly.

"This is called Broken Armor!"

"Brother Fat, this should be 34d?"

"Absolutely, must!"

"I really want to touch it!"

"You two can die!" Han Yingxue spat.

"Starlight Infinity, become my slave, be my faithful servant!" Jenny suddenly pulled out a bow and arrow, and shot at Starlight Infinity.

"Ding! Player Starlight Unlimited is affected by the soul charm effect!"

"For the master!" Xingguang Infinite suddenly uttered a sentence, then turned around and ran towards Fatty Han, swung his hammer and hit him.

"On the 1st, you bastard, why are you attacking me instead of others?" Fatty Han screamed again and again.

Wei Yan'er laughed loudly, and said: "A dog bites a dog, a hair on the mouth, haha, hahaha!"

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