, Chapter 167 Vampire Lanier


Zhang Yang let out a soft drink, and ran towards Lanier with his sword in hand.

"Intruder? Hahaha, I'm bored, I can pass the time." Lanier immediately flew towards Zhang Yang.



With a flat slash, a cloud of blood splashed on the boss, Zhang Yang immediately switched on the grid to block the punch from the boss

Broken Armor Broken Armor

When encountering a boss, Zhang Yang will usually give priority to using Broken Armor, reducing the boss's armor by 50 first.

Sun Xinyu's figure flew gracefully, waving two gleaming daggers behind the boss, bringing up strings of blood flowers.

It suddenly occurred to Zhang Yang that he hadn't whispered anything to this "female friend" since he went online. After thinking for a long time, he still sent a secret message, "Hello—"

"Pull the monster well," Sun Xinyu immediately replied secretly.

Without being pointed at by a gun, Zhang Yang felt much more relaxed, and said, "I'm under a lot of pressure to fall in love with you, an ice cube."

"Stop being slick, I hate smooth talkers the most, you don't have to bother trying to please me, if I like you, I will naturally like you, if I don't like you, you give me the whole world and I won't bother you "


Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Then... we will be the same now as before?"

"What else do you want?"

I really don't want to do anything, I'm afraid of what you want to make public, I secretly said in my heart, but Sun Xinyu can't let Sun Xinyu know this, otherwise this woman will get mad, maybe she will break into his house with a gun and kill someone

"Narcissus Huakai, I will give you the gift of blood, and become my great vampire." Lanier suddenly pointed at Narcissus Huakai, and a crimson light immediately sank into Narcissus Huakai's body.

Narcissus Hua opened her eyes and immediately turned blood red, two sharp fangs protruded from her mouth, ten fingers protruded sharp nails, her fair skin became pale, revealing a sickly and bewitching beauty .

"Ding player's narcissus blooming is affected by the blood sacrifice assimilation effect"

"Wow, so handsome." Wei Yan'er looked envious, "Sister Narcissus, you look so beautiful."

The narcissus bloomed but was already controlled by the boss, and with a long roar, she rushed towards Xingguang infinitely with incomparable agility.

Fatty Han suddenly laughed, and said: "Sure enough, the road to the enemy is narrow. Narcissus Meimei was the first to go to Starlight after being controlled by the boss. I wonder if she did it on purpose."

Starlight Infinity immediately cast a purification technique, and the Narcissus flower returned to normal state immediately.


Lanier turned around, pointed at Wei Yan'er, and said, "Weak human beings, become my delicious meal." Circles of bloody light and shadow immediately appeared on the top of Wei Yan'er's head.

"Ding Lanier Unleashes Feed Preparation"

"Beat the little girl in melee, stop when you reach 10 HP, don't beat her to death," Zhang Yang said hastily.

Sun Xinyu and Starlight Unlimited immediately attacked Wei Yan'er.

"Tap lightly..." Wei Yan'er couldn't resist, so she kept yelling.

However, because Sun Xinyu didn't save energy and skill cooldown, she dealt about 2,500 damage in five seconds, and with Starlight Infinity's output of about 1,000 points, Wei Yan'er still had 900 points of health left. 20 as a percentage.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang immediately hit with a powerful blow, "-1566", no coincidence, unexpectedly a critical blow, killing the little girl immediately

"Ah—" Wei Yan'er got angry and shouted, "Anemia warrior, I can't stop talking to you"

Zhang Yang laughed dryly, and said, "There's nothing to do if you make a mistake, the critical attack is uncontrollable."

"I don't care, I will write your name on the paper at night," Wei Yan'er said viciously.

"Little girl, you are still young, love affairs are far away from you"

"Bah, do you think this lady will write you a love letter? Huh, this lady will write your name on paper, then tie it to a paper figurine, and curse you every day."

Zhang Yang turned to look at Han Yingxue, and said, "What TV has this girl been watching recently?"

"My Date with Witchcraft"

Killing Wei Yan'er was an accident, but there was no way for the boss to continue sucking blood later on. It was a luxurious way to resolve the boss's big move.

Although there is one less firepower point, the team's output ability is still strong, and Lanier's blood volume was quickly knocked down by 11.

"Infinite starlight, become my delicious meal" Lanier pointed at infinite starlight.

"Play Starlight all the time, stop when he has 30 HP left, and let Frost Night knock out the remaining HP." Zhang Yang changed his strategy. …

Ping pong pong, even though Xingguang's skin is thick and thick, but without the use of skills to resist, the blood volume is still hit very fast, from full blood to 24 in an instant. The others stopped immediately, and Sun Xinyu took care of it alone.

Because of the dagger she used, and the characteristic of the dagger is that the single damage is low, but the attack frequency is high, even if the occasional critical hit is not fatal

8. When Sun Xinyu stopped, Starlight had 472 HP remaining.

"A group of weak guys, I will kill you all after I have enjoyed the food and regained my strength." Lanier suddenly pounced on Xingguang Infinite's body, and pierced two long and sharp fangs into Xingguang Infinite's head and neck.

"Ding Lanier frees the blood to eat"

"Very pornographic and violent," Fatty Han murmured.


A blood recovery number jumped up on the boss, which looked beautiful, but in terms of percentage, it was only 0.2 because the boss only sucked 0.8 blood from Starlight Infinity, and it also had the negative effect of Destroy Strike minus 75 healing. The blood volume further decreased sharply.


A second later, green blood recovery numbers continued to float on the boss's body.




With the reduction of Starlight's infinite blood volume percentage, the blood volume absorbed by Lanier gradually decreased, and a total of more than 10,000 health points were recovered, which is not worth mentioning.

After the blood sucking, Lanier's hatred returned to Zhang Yang, and everything returned to the original rhythm.

Control, purify.

suck blood

When the blood volume dropped below 50, Lanier could no longer maintain the noble demeanor of the vampire, and began to scream again and again, and the damage value immediately increased to a higher level.

"Ding Lanier has obtained the effect of the blood clan Jiji, and all damage caused is increased by 20"

"Hey, Silly Yu, why didn't you mention that the boss still has this trick?" Han Yingxue said.

Shit, I’m still fighting this boss several years ago. It’s not bad to be able to remember the two skills. My memory really needs to be that good, and I won’t just be admitted to Zhousu University. , said: "forget"

Although the damage of the boss has increased a bit, because the base damage is not particularly high, increasing the damage by 20 will not cause much threat. Han Yingxue's nii capacity is already at the top among the priests in China, so it's just a trivial matter.

40, 30, 20, 10...

Lanier struggled in vain for a while before falling under the firepower of the crowd.

Han Yingxue rescued Wei Yan'er, and the little girl pouted to open the body.

【Magic Origin Battle Axe】(silverware, two-handed axe)

Attack power: 699-799

Attack interval: 3.5 seconds

Damage per second: 208


Requires level: 40

"Wow, mine, mine..." Wei Yan'er immediately turned from anger to joy, and rubbed the big silver ax against her face.

"Unfortunately, the attack interval is only 3.5 seconds, which is still a bit faster," Zhang Yang said with regret.

"Why not unify the speed of weapons?" Wei Yan'er's resentment disappeared quickly, and she asked Zhang Yang shamelessly.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and said: "I think, probably let the unimportant bosses drop the weapons with fast attack speed, and let the final boss drop the best weapons to make a difference. In addition, the number of times the special effects of weapons with fast attack speeds There are also many, and it can also make up for the shortcoming of low damage when using skills.”

Like the No. 1 boss Jenny, Lanier only produced one silver wares, and then three bronze wares. Everyone didn't even look at the attributes, and threw them directly to Zhang Yang, and added them to his Qingqing canteen.

"Yangzi, the first two bosses are very simple, why do those guilds need to open up wasteland for two or three days to destroy them?" Fatty Han said.

The reason why he can fight so fast is not because Zhang Yang knows the skills of the boss in advance, so he can arrange reasonable tactics. In addition, Zhang Yang's tank ability, Han Yingxue's healing ability, and the team's powerful firepower all combine to make the battle easier. so easy and simple

Zhang Yang shook his head and smiled, and said, "We have a little girl with a strong output?"

Wei Yan'er immediately flaunted his power and said, "Anemia fighters are bad or bad, but they still have a little vision."

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Going up the stairs, the team came to the third floor of the castle. In terms of architectural style, there is almost no difference between the upper and lower floors, just a long corridor with rooms on both sides, but the types of monsters in this corridor are different on each floor.

This floor is full of male servants in elegant dresses of different ages, just like the shinv on the second floor, standing in groups of two in front of the doors.

【Castle Master】(Elite, Humanoid)....

Grade: 44

HP: 88000

Swipe, Zhang Yang rushed over with a charge, swiped and clicked, and two 1500+ numbers jumped up at the same time.

"Don't disturb the guests," the two masters shouted at the same time, and punched Zhang Yang with their fists raised.

"Ding, you are affected by the uppercut effect, faint for 5 seconds"

This time, after the monster knocked out Zhang Yang, he left him alone and went on a killing spree against other output professions.

Fortunately, Starlight Unlimited's "Justice Defense" pulled back the hatred of the two monsters, replacing Zhang Yang as the main tank temporarily.

Wei Yan'er smiled exaggeratedly, and said: "Anemia warrior, you are so inferior, you can't even hold back a monster—"

I was despised by the little girl

This uppercut was not only dizzy, but also temporarily cleared the hatred, making group killings impossible, so everyone had to move forward little by little. Fortunately, there are two tanks, one is stunned and the other is pulled. If Zhang Yang is the only one, then the output profession needs to use control skills to survive the time he is controlled.

Soon, the team came to the third boss. This is a sturdy man, in his thirties, dressed very gorgeously, sitting on a chair, holding a wine glass in his hand, slowly tasting.

[Earl Demison, Wolfe's younger brother] (silver-level leader, humanoid creature)

Grade: 46

HP: 1.4 million

"This boss will be a little more difficult." Zhang Yang cleared his throat.

One hundred shots scratched his head, and said: "I heard that many guilds are stuck by this boss."

"Yangzi, don't be tricky, hurry up and tell me how to fight." Fatty Han was a little anxious. He is eager to break through the castle area to prove to everyone that they are the strongest

"The battle of the boss is very simple. He only has two skills. One is for tanks, and the other is for tanks. I won't talk about the skills for tanks. In short, it is a very heavy damage. I will pay attention to the other skills. , the boss will randomly pick two targets to attack blasters. If they are not killed in time, when the bugs hatch, the two players will... smack, the damage is based on percentage, so even if you are level 300 wearing With a set of artifacts, it’s still a death.”

"It's nothing, just kill the bugs when they come out, at most turn the fire a bit" Narcissus Huakai was a little puzzled.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "Bugs are invisible, and only those who are parasitized will get a buff effect lasting 20 seconds, allowing them to see blasters. Moreover, because the bugs are parasitic in the body, I can still see them." You can't fight, you have to help each other and hit each other's parasites. The hatching time of the blaster is only 20 seconds, but the life value is 10,000. If you want to kill the output profession, you have to spend a lot of effort. If the profession that is parasitized is a healer or A profession with low output like tank is very, very difficult to handle.”

Starlight stared infinitely, and said, "Your shield armor combat is also considered a low-output profession?"

"Yeah." The others nodded in tacit understanding at the same time.

Zhang Yang shrugged, he just got a few more skills, especially Eagle Eye, ignoring 50 armor and combining with five layers of broken armor, the increase in damage is not a star.

"Here, keep the firepower medicine water, only drink it if you are infected by parasites, you must find the same person who is also parasitized as soon as possible," Zhang Yang said cautiously, "The difficulty of this boss is the parasitism. If the parasites are killed well, the boss will not If the difficulty is not good enough, we will destroy it.”

"Hurry up, kick Xingguang out of the team quickly. This kid's output is definitely a shortcoming. Whoever is named with him will definitely die. This kid is the material for being an insider." Fatty Han began to respond to Xingguang Infinite.

Xingguang Wuxian immediately said with a mournful face: "Brother Fat, we don't bring such fun."

"Fatty, don't bully Xingguang all the time, he is an honest person," Baifa Yizhong said.

"If this kid is an honest person, a pig could go to heaven," Fatty Han murmured.

"Okay, let's say it again after opening the boss, kill the parasites well," Zhang Yang pulled out his sword and shield, and turned around to give instructions.

"Understood, grandma" everyone said in unison.


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