MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 176: A Gentleman Like a Clown

When it went online the next morning, Han Yingxue and the others waited for him to go to the first floor of the Centaur Palace to spawn monsters and upgrade.

Not to mention the 100 extra experience bonus in these three days, even if there is no, the dense melee monsters there are also very suitable for group killing. It is a sacred place for upgrading because the entrance of this valley is very safe, unless you receive related quest lines, Normal people won't find this.

Of course, if it falls from the mountain like the daffodils bloom and the stars are infinite, that's a different story

After brushing for a whole day, everyone's body danced with golden light twice, and they went up two levels in a row. Now, everyone was on the ranking list of Baiyu City, among which Han Yingxue and Han Fatty took the top spot with level 47. Top and second in China

Such a fast upgrade speed naturally shocked the players in China, but soon everyone understood: they have an extra experience bonus of 100

But people who were a little smarter immediately noticed something was wrong: even if there was a bonus of 100 extra experience points, it would take a day to level up. However, it would take five days to earn experience points by killing monsters desperately Upgrade to a level

Definitely, those masters on the list have found some sacred place to spawn monsters

The presidents of the major guilds are even more not idiots. They immediately thought of Zhang Yang's first kill in the field of the gold-level boss they had obtained a few days ago. They immediately launched spies buried in the lonely desert to find out the area where Zhang Yang and the others were located.

However, although Zhang Yang and the others can be seen in the guild list in the Red Cloud Stone Land, they need to find out where they are.

But the map of Red Cloud Stone Land is so huge, and the valley of the centaur is so remote. When they find it, Zhang Yang and the others probably have left there at level 50

After dinner, Zhang Yang went online at 6:30, and rode to Qingqing Commissary to prepare for the upcoming auction.

But as soon as he came to the canteen, he saw a lot of people outside from a distance, all of them were circling around the door of the canteen, poking their necks to look inside, and their anxiety was palpable. Zhang Yang canceled the war horse, walked over and looked in the door, be good, the inside is already crowded with people

The more people there are, the fiercer the competition will be. It is a good thing to be able to fetch things at a satisfactory high price. I suddenly burst into anger

At least 90% of these people in the canteen belong to the Tyrant Guild

To buy a guild upgrade order, a guild only needs to send one person over to bring so many people over, obviously not to buy a guild upgrade order, but to make trouble

Because the game is set to impenetrable objects, so as long as the overlord fills up the space of the Qingqing canteen, others will not be able to enter the main city. PK is banned in the main city. Want to kill someone and step on the dead body

Zhang Yang looked sullen, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said to someone beside him, "Brother, are you here to shoot the guild upgrade order?"

"Yeah." The other party is a human male mage named Luo Feng, "But now I can't get in at all, how can I shoot it? Level two, recruit 20,000 people, and slaughter them every day."

There are still a few people around who are also full of anger. It seems that Tyrant's hegemonic behavior has successfully aroused righteous indignation

Zhang Yang sneered in his heart, thinking to himself, you hypocrite, do you think you can beat yourself up with such a low-handed method? He said solemnly: "Everyone, everyone, I assure you that each of you can go in today. As long as you prepare enough money, you will have the opportunity to buy a guild upgrade order."

A dozen people at the door looked at him at the same time, their faces full of suspicion.

Zhang Yang laughed, and casually revealed his character information.

"Battle Royal, Crypt Slayer, Physician's Friend, Hero of Xueling City, Centaur Warrior, Level 46, Human Male, Shield Warrior, Desert Dust"

It's a long title, it's too loud

"Zhan Yu, it really is Zhan Yu"

"Too rambunctious and overbearing"

"Are you interested in coming to my guild, I will give you the position of vice president, and a monthly cash reward of 100,000"

Those people outside are very excited.

"Hahaha", the modest gentleman walked over from the other end with a hypocritical smile on his face, and said, "There are quite a lot of people here, and after the guild upgrade order is issued, we will definitely be able to bid a lot of money, alas, this time, Guild Master Zhan Yu Congratulations if you make a lot of money."

When Luo Feng and the others saw it, they all showed angry expressions, and shouted: "Gentleman Qianqian, what do you mean, people have blocked the entire store, how can we go in and take pictures?"

Gentleman Qianqian smiled even more complacently, and said: "Several, you are wrong to blame me. When they open a store, they naturally sell things, and there is no rule about who can enter and who cannot? As the saying goes, open a store to welcome the world, come here They are all customers. Do others have to get your permission when they go to the store? I said, you can’t be too domineering.”

This is the only sentence that is stirring in the hearts of all the people present with my mother. This is what he did. Not only did he set up a chastity shop, but he also sued others for not paying for prostitution. A hypocrite can reach this level, which is much more powerful than the relevant departments.

Zhang Yang also smiled, and said: "Some people just like to pretend to be smart, but they are actually a bastard."

Although Zhang Yang didn't name his name, the gentleman Qianqian has already taken his seat very consciously. He sneered and said, "Zhan Yu, I'll just put my words here today. You can only sell your guild upgrade order to me, and, Hmph, since I toasted you and refused to drink, you can only drink fine wine."

He stretched out his left hand, spread out five fingers, and said: "500 gold coins, if you dare to offer a higher price than this today, in the future, hehe, those customers will come every day, and your store will be opened for nothing."

Zhang Yang hadn't spoken yet, but Luo Feng and the others were furious, they all jumped out and scolded the humble gentleman for being shameless, for being the president of a big guild in vain

A modest gentleman, but the more you scold him, the more complacent he becomes, as if he was born as a lowly breed, and he doesn't feel comfortable if he doesn't get scolded.

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and said: "Everyone, why bother to be as knowledgeable as an idiot, and pull yourself to the same level as the other party for no reason?"

"Zhan Yu, let's see how long you can laugh. It's almost seven o'clock. Hurry up and get ready for the auction. You won't want to break your promise and give up this auction. Tsk tsk tsk, then there will be news tomorrow." The gentleman smiled more and more complacently.

He was scammed by Zhang Yang for tens of thousands of gold. These days, his heart hurts so badly that he can't eat and drink every day. If he can't take this revenge back, how can he be willing?

Zhang Yang shook his head, and said, "Hypocrite, what a pity, how much knowledge can a frog at the bottom of a well have? How can summer insects talk about ice?"

The gentleman Qianqian was annoyed, and said: "You bastard, what are you talking about?" He has a low level of education, and what he hates the most is when others lose his words in front of him.

Zhang Yang smiled and said: "When you have real estate, you will know how stupid you are today, just like a clown, for no reason let me watch the ugly show for a long time"

"Hmph, you should smile more while you can still laugh now, and wait until you cry," the gentleman Qianqian said harshly.

Zhang Yang shook his head again, immediately called up the real estate option, and entered the operation interface of Qingqing Commissary. He can operate the commissary at any place, and he must enter the commissary only when accessing, checking the items in the store warehouse and marketing conditions

Clicking on the blacklist option in the canteen, Zhang Yang selected the guild blacklist, filled in the Overlord Guild, then smiled at the humble gentleman, and said, "I'll show you a magic trick."

"What—" Qianqian Junzi just opened his mouth, but suddenly found that all the people he arranged to "stand guard" at the Qingqing Commissariat were refreshed ten meters away from the Commodity Commissary

The members of the Overlord's Guild were also full of blank expressions. They didn't know how they were suddenly teleported outside from the store. Some people wanted to rush into the store again, but they were immediately bounced back after taking a step. , as if there is an invisible wall in front of you.

"Boss—" the member of Bazhe immediately whispered to the gentleman, "I can't enter the store, the system prompts that I have been listed as refusing to accept customers by Qingqing Commissary"




Similar secret words were sent to the humble gentleman one by one.

Gentleman Qianqian immediately turned pale. No wonder Zhang Yang has always been confident. It turns out that the owner of the real estate still has the right to expel the guests. Who would let Gentleman Qianqian have no real estate? He thought he could confuse Zhang Yang, but he turned into a clown-like performance. I left it at grandma's house

Zhang Yang made a gesture of invitation to Luo Feng and the others, and said, "Everyone, the inside is very spacious now, please."

Luo Feng and the others laughed loudly. They walked past Gentleman Qianqian and walked into the canteen one by one. They didn't forget to give him a contemptuous look, which made Gentleman Qianqian turn blue and then red with anger. It was extremely exciting.

"Zhan Yu, you—" the gentleman Qianqian exploded.

But Zhang Yang said "Yeah" and said: "It's almost time, I have to prepare for the auction, hypocrite, I will not be angry with you."

"Don't run!" Gentleman Qianqian was furious, and was about to run after him, but bumped into an invisible wall of air, and immediately bounced him back

"Ding, you have been listed as refusing to accept customers by Qingqing Commissary, so you cannot enter"

The gentle reminder from the system sounded in the ears of the modest gentleman, and he was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood

After humiliating the modest gentleman, Zhang Yang was in a good mood, humming a tune and waiting for seven o'clock. Not long after, besides Sun Xinyu, Han Yingxue and others arrived one by one to watch the hot scene of the auction.

There are more and more people. Although the Qingqing Commissary has a four-storey storefront at this time, it is still crowded and very lively.

Zhang Yang immediately issued an announcement in the name of Qingqing Commissary, saying: "Dear friends, because there are too many people coming now, only guests who come to auction guild upgrade orders from 7:00 p.m. Forgive me friends who have upgraded orders, I will temporarily withdraw from the canteen. In addition, each guild can send one representative. If there are more than two, I will use the rights of the shop owner to kick people. Please be considerate.”

After three consecutive announcements, people left the canteen one after another, but some people who didn't even join the guild were still walking around pretending.

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing, thinking to himself, is that hypocrite still unwilling to give up? Asking his subordinates to withdraw from the guild to make trouble?

Opening the blacklist option of Qingqing Commissary in the real estate again, Zhang Yang, as the shop owner, pulled some specific players into the blacklist. He didn't need to know the other party's information at all, as long as he identified them, the system would automatically record them.

After a while, many people were kicked out of the shop again.

Finally, when the time came to seven o'clock in the evening, Zhang Yang officially opened the auction of the second-level guild upgrade order.

"I kept everyone waiting for a long time. Now, the auction of the second-level guild upgrade order is officially started. You can open the item search page, enter the keywords of the second-level guild upgrade order or guild upgrade order, and upgrade order to search and find the item. Then press the refresh button to view the current price of the item"

"The upgrade order of the second-level guild, the base price is 50,000 gold coins, and each price increase must not be less than 1,000 gold coins. There is no upper limit. Everyone can increase the price freely. When no one increases the price of the item within 20 seconds, I will report the current price of the item. If no one raises the price after three times, the transaction is successful."

Zhang Yang smiled slightly and said, "Then, let's begin."




In front of Zhang Yang, there was a display screen showing the changing price of the second-level guild order, and beside the price was the ID of the bidder. This price cannot be randomly set. Once a player bids, the money will be removed by the system immediately. When the bid is exceeded, the money will be transferred back to prevent malicious bidding.

Han Yingxue and the others also gathered around Zhang Yang, watching the price rise with joy. Wei Yaner and Han Yingxue are not short of money, they just enjoy the process of making money, but Fatty Han and the others are different. For them, tens of thousands of dollars is a huge income

"It's still rising, it's still rising," the daffodils cried excitedly.


This price has suddenly increased to the lowest limit that everyone can accept. However, although the second guild upgrade token in the game is not as precious as the first one, it is still extraordinary. Take it down, take this opportunity to vigorously promote your guild

Therefore, this is far from reaching the psychological bottom of buyers, and the price is still rising, but not as fast as it was at the beginning.


The price seemed to be frozen at 700,000, and it hadn't changed for a long time. Zhang Yang waited for 20 seconds, and then said: "The current price is 700,000 gold, 700,000 for the first time... 700,000 for the second time... 700,000 for the first time... "


The price number on the display suddenly changed and suddenly soared by nearly 50

Zhang Yang was stunned, it wasn't the unexpected price, but the ID of the bidder—Xue Qianxun

really rich

Chapter 176 A gentleman like a clown.


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