Chapter 179 Level 50!

"Everyone should know that there are eight main cities in China, and each main city has a level 10-50 mirror map. But after the player reaches level 50, he must leave this small area and enter the leveling map of 50+. But this is not to say that you can go out by walking, and all players need to do a very lengthy task to open the level leading to the 50+ area.”

Zhang Yang sighed in his heart, this dream technology is really good at making money, it is obviously plundering the player's property, but it is covered up with a very beautiful packaging.

"What mission do you want?" Wei Yan'er asked first.

"This version is called an expedition. That is to say, we want to go out to fight the enemy, but the so-called three armies have not moved, food and grass go first, and there is no war reserve. How can we win this battle? So, from now on, players can go to the main city to go on an expedition Going to the quartermaster to hand in various materials is a repeatable task. For example, hand in 20 cotton bandages and 10 bottles of healing medicine. Anyway, the npc will charge everything. Go up a little, and if there is a progress bar reaching 100, the army will start, attack the level fortress, and open the passage to the 50-level area"

"Wow, this system is really dark enough," Narcissus Hua Kai said immediately.

Zhang Yang nodded, and said: "However, even if the player does not hand in the materials, the progress bar will increase by itself, but the speed is slow. Many players who have handed in a certain amount of materials will be rewarded with a treasure box, which has a 99% chance of being opened. A Medal of Prestige, rewarding 50 points of alliance prestige. In addition, there is a 1 chance to get equipment, professional blueprints, gems, etc., ranging from black iron to gold level."

"Yellow and gold utensils" Starlight stuttered infinitely.

Zhang Yang laughed, and said: "However, don't expect too much. The probability of getting equipment is only 1. If you want to get a golden weapon... maybe the probability is one in a hundred thousand or one in a million." less than"

"That's a chance anyway." Xingguang tried eagerly, "We can only pick up gold artifacts from the evil wizard Shaq, and we can only drop two pieces in seven days, which is not enough."

Everyone else nodded, who wouldn't want the best equipment right now? However, the drop rate and the refresh time of the boss determine that it is impossible to popularize top-quality equipment. If it is really popularized, it will become a high-end item.

Zhang Yang said: "The 64 major cities in the world have their own independent reserve progress. Whichever major city completes the accumulation of materials first, the expeditionary force will launch and attack the fortress occupied by the demons. This is a very large and epic battle. The fortress There will be a wave* of enemies coming out, about ten waves, each wave is countless mobs plus a boss, all players must be dispatched as a whole to be able to withstand the impact of monsters NPC army will help players, but the number is not enough There will be more, but the main force still has to be played by the players.”

He continued: "After topping out the attack of the ten bo monsters, it is considered a victory to kill the general of the fortress. Otherwise, it will take two days for the expeditionary force to launch a second attack. The first to complete the capture of the main city of the fortress, All players in the main city will receive rewards such as temporarily increasing their experience points by 100. In addition, players whose contribution points reach the top ten in the battle will have additional rewards, which may be silver or gold rewards, or It may be a skill book or a skill point"

"The fortress will drop the city lord's token after death, and the player who gets it will become the nominal owner of the fortress and get the title of 'Hero of XX City'. In the main city, repair equipment, embed gems, use teleportation circles, etc. to charge permanent Reduce 64 main cities in the world by 50, as long as one main city completes the battle to conquer the fortress, then the remaining 63 main city fortresses will be automatically occupied, there will be no battles with ten bosses, and there will be no rich rewards."

"After occupying the fortress, the teleportation array of the eight main cities in each region will be officially opened, and players can reach any main city through the teleportation array. The banks and auction houses of the eight main cities will communicate with each other, so you don't have to go back to your original main city "

"Then, the level 50 copy of Fire Poison Land behind the fortress is open. This is a copy with a limit of 20 players. Players must pass the level once before they can complete the level 50 professional task."

Zhang Yang shrugged and concluded: "This is probably the content of the "Expedition" version."

"That is to say, we not only have to compete with the other seven major cities in China, but also compete with 56 major cities around the world?"


"After level 50, players from the eight main cities in China will go to the same map to level up?"

"Yes, but not one, but many"

"Then what are we waiting for, hurry up and hand over supplies, and strive to be the first to start the war to seize the fortress"

Zhang Yang nodded, and said: "Transferring materials cannot be handled by a few people. All players must be mobilized to do it. Baifa, Narcissus, please release the news in the guild immediately so that everyone understands the meaning of seizing the fortress."

"Okay." Baifa Yizhong and Narcissus Huakai both nodded.

After listening to Zhang Yang's introduction, what should everyone do?

This collection of materials was a lengthy and huge task, and Zhang Yang rode his horse to the flight point, rented a griffin and flew directly to the Arakyu Grand Canyon, and first raised his level to level 50.

Two days later, Zhang Yang's body flashed with golden light, and he successfully reached level 50. After putting on a series of level 50 equipment such as dragon tooth battle axe, blood tiger boots, and permanent cloak, his various attributes soared again.

Health: 11230, Attack: (1528-1728) x105, Strength: 437, Dexterity: 169, Armor: 420, Absorbed Damage: 450

He has added the skill points rewarded for the first pass in the castle area and level 50 to the "Shield Wall" skill, and the cooling time of this skill has been reduced to 5.5 minutes

After tearing off the teleportation talisman and returning to Baiyu City, Zhang Yang went to find a professional tutor to learn new skills.

"Young warrior, your growth rate is getting faster and faster, but the road to practice is difficult, like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat. Are you ready to move on?" Aini looked at Zhang Yang with a serious expression.

Zhang Yang immediately said: "I am not afraid of any challenge"

"Very good, at least you proved that you still have courage" Ani nodded in satisfaction.

"Ding, you accepted the mission: Level 50 professional mission"

[Level 50 professional task] (task difficulty: optional)

Mission description: Kill Rothian Bronze Hammer to prove that you still have the qualifications to become a warrior. Rothian Bronze Hammer is hiding in the Fire and Toxic Lands, it is a very dangerous place, please bring enough friends with you for this quest There are three levels of difficulty: Level 1, you need to kill Rothian Copper Hammer in death mode. Level B, you need to kill Rossian Copper Hammer in Hard Mode. C level, you need to kill Rossian Copper Hammer in normal mode.

Completion: Kill Rothian. Copper Hammer 01

The highest difficulty is only * level but not s level? Zhang Yang smiled. At present, he should be the only one who knows. There is also a hidden option for this mission: After killing Roxian, and then killing the hidden boss Medusa nv Xi Lika in Fire Poison Land, you will get an S-level reward

However, it is quite difficult to hide the boss. No team can take down this boss in four or five days, or even ten days? After defeating Roxian, they must all go to assign missions. Hurry up and try new maps with 50+ points. Who will save the missions?

Therefore, this hidden difficulty option has not been triggered until later, when a high-level player came back and dragged the friend who had just started playing, and killed Roxien and the hidden boss together in one xing, only then did he discover this hidden S-level difficulty

Aini only gave Zhang Yang such a task, and did not teach him new skills. Starting from level 50, there are fewer and fewer skills that can be learned from professional tutors, especially those powerful and practical skills that appear in the form of skill books.

To complete the level 50 professional task, you must wait until the materials are collected and the fortress is captured before entering the dungeon of Fire and Poison Land. Zhang Yang encouraged everyone in the meeting to actively hand in materials, and at the same time, he was looking for candidates for the 20-person base of Fire and Toxic Land, and upgraded their equipment as soon as possible in these days.

"Server notice: Player Qixi Little Buffalo opened a military supply box and obtained a piece of shiny silver equipment. He took a closer look and found that it was a flying dragon armor."

All of a sudden, the system sent a message in red font, and the flying dragon tui still had a link attribute, and it immediately jumped out of the attribute of the equipment.

[Flying dragon armor] (silverware, leather armor)

Armor: +12

Stamina: +120

Strength: +60

Agility: +60

Secondary setting hole 1

Secondary inlay 2

Equip: Increases attack power by 60 points.

Requires level: 50

Players who saw the attributes of this equipment were excited. You should know that currently, only dungeons in death mode drop silverware——the field silver-level bosses are basically reserved by big guilds, and people with small guilds or those without guilds can't get their hands on them—— But where is the difficulty of the death mode? For the vast majority of players, the death mode can only wait for them to exceed the 20th or 30th level before going back to crush and enjoy the game.

But who doesn't want good equipment? In the past, suffering from the lack of a strong team, they could only watch other people drool over the shiny equipment, but now, they can get silverware without downloading dungeons or robbing bosses, which immediately ignited the enthusiasm of all low-level players , Handing in supplies, taking military supply boxes, all to fight for the pitiful and explosive winning rate

And the system is also very cooperative, as long as a player offers silver-level equipment, they will make a big announcement. Although the winning rate is indeed low enough, it can't stand the base of nearly 200 million players in the world. It seems that every once in a while, the news that a certain player has opened silverware will be swiped back and forth.

The power of role models is infinite, especially when a lucky player opened a golden artifact, which burned everyone's passion to the extreme, even the officials of the big guild couldn't hold back— Silver wares are fine, but gold wares...they don't even have them

In short, the enthusiasm of players around the world has been completely ignited

This dream technology is not only good at making games, but also its marketing strategy is even more clever. As a result, a large amount of materials are recycled by the system, which undoubtedly promotes consumption, and the game company will make a lot of money again.

Zhang Yang sighed for a while, then connected to Han Yingxue's voice contact and said: "Snow Monster Girl, do you have a relationship with the high-level executives of Mengmeng Technology? Why did you hit the golden weapon with such a low probability?"

That's right, so far the only lucky player who has opened a gold artifact from the military supply box is Han Yingxue

Han Yingxue giggled, and said, "Yes, I slept with him for two nights, it's really rude, I pinched his chest so much that it still hurts now."

Zhang Yang couldn't help but think of Han Yingxue's towering breasts, and his blood surged, and he hurriedly said to him, "How much have you practiced in runes?"

"Oh, don't tell me I forgot, hurry up and give me another batch of 40+ black iron and bronze wares, I'm going to practice the runes to an advanced level, support my sister"

Zhang Yang broke into a cold sweat immediately, and said, "Sister, how many black iron and bronze wares have you taken from me in the past two days? My small business can't stand your profligacy."

Han Yingxue is the only one in the team who switched to rune major, because this major needs to constantly disassemble equipment to improve proficiency, which is very expensive and ordinary players can't afford it. Usually, a guild supports a rune master.

Naturally, Han Yingxue will not be polite to Zhang Yang. For the past two days, she has taken equipment from the grocery store to disassemble. In two days, she has tossed at least 50,000 gold. Moreover, because of the launch of the rune profession, some bad equipment that was not popular in the past has also been brought back to life. , anyway, it is the same when decomposed, and the price suddenly soared, so tired that the purchase price of the canteen had to rise accordingly

Moreover, because the rune profession has just been launched, many people have tried new things, resulting in the current bad equipment becoming priceless, and it is hard to find one.

Han Yingxue chuckled again, and said, "Siyu, do you want to subtly rule my sister? That's bad."

This bad word is really irritating, it makes people's blood boil, and it softens the whole body and hardens one place

Fairy girl, girly girl, Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "That's right, you continue to come over to get the equipment from the head office."

"Let's say it earlier, it made my sister spend all her energy seyouing you." Han Yingxue got stuck and cut off the conversation with Zhang Yang.

Cultivating a rune master is what every guild must do. Moreover, because of the huge investment in training rune masters, all major guilds will carefully select personnel, so as not to just train a rune master and leave for another guild tomorrow.

Han Yingxue's character is naturally nothing to say, besides, she and Wei Yan'er founded Damo Guyan, and it is even more impossible for her to defect. Besides, this woman is definitely a billionaire rich sister, playing games is just to pass the time, it is not realistic to buy her with money

Zhang Yang took out some bandages and medicinal materials, went to the expeditionary army quartermaster to hand over the supplies, and got twelve quarters boxes, and when he opened it, there were only twelve reputation medals. It's not black, it's just a normal situation, it's rare to be able to get equipment


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