Chapter 183   Narzubu

The blood loss can be added up, but if you die, you have to go back to Baiyu City to watch a show. It's time for the npc to be cannon fodder

The three guilds retreated in unison, slipping past the npc army like flowing water, and retreated to the back.

"Warriors of Baiyu City, for His Majesty the King, go!" A knight riding a white horse drew his sword and shouted at the NPC army.

"Come on"

Immediately, the npc army rushed towards the demon army with uniform steps.

Zhang Yang also roared: "Follow the npc, kill!"


In fact, only Zhang Yang's side is now allowing npcs to join the battle. The npcs on the other fronts were at the forefront as early as the first round. After two rounds of attrition, only half of the npcs in the place with the most lost troops are still alive. Moreover, there is still blood

With the npc army at the front, the pressure on Zhang Yang and the others suddenly eased. Cooperating with the npc to kill, they immediately stabilized the situation, and in turn killed the monsters to pieces.

50 minutes.

"Narzubu, the leader of the second wave monster, has joined the battle"

Following the system's prompt, a giant little devil with a height of 20 meters appeared on the battlefield, his whole body turned crimson, jumping towards the direction of the player. Every time you take a step, there will be a rumbling tremor on the ground

The other little devils all stopped refreshing.

[Narzubu] (silver-level leader, demon)

Level: 52

HP: 12 million

Armor value: 500

"Haha, is such a big guy still a little devil?" Xingguang infinitely complained to the boss, "Then we should be residents of the Lilliputian Kingdom."

I don't know whether it is lucky or unlucky, Narzubu jumped directly to Zhang Yang's side.

Zhang Yang immediately came out of the crowd and said, "Get ready to face the boss, and disperse according to the predetermined tactics."

The members of the three guilds immediately formed a large net to surround the boss, forming two fronts, inside and outside. The inner circle is for attacking bosses, and the outer circle is for defending against others from robbing monsters. The three guilds work together. Leaving Paradise Lost aside, Damo Guyan and Yiran Hongyan are both top-level guilds, unless Tyrant and Ling Tian The great guilds join forces, otherwise no other guild would dare to beat him up

After all, everyone's roots are still in Baiyu City, and you can't see up and down. If you want to grab the boss, you have to weigh yourself if you have enough weight


Zhang Yang flew out and bumped into the boss, the blood rage was activated, instantly increased his rage by 30 points, and Destroying Strike received the broken armor and blasted out immediately.

Naerzubu yelled in the devil language luan, raised his claws, and read the fireball technique at Zhang Yang.


Pa, a big fireball hit Zhang Yang's body, causing a considerable amount of damage immediately. Moreover, the remainder of the fireball also shot out a circular sea of ​​flames with a radius of at least three meters to the surroundings. The tank class next to Zhang Yang suddenly had a red number of about 4000 floating above his head.

The basic damage of Narzubu's fireball is about 5000, but it also adds splash damage of the same power. Other tanks have no damage-absorbing equipment, so they only have a fixed passive immunity, which takes 450 more damage than Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang immediately said: "All melee occupations stand behind the boss to output, and keep a distance of more than three meters from me."

Ping pong pong, the most elite members of the three major guilds immediately launched a sudden attack.

After five broken armors, the boss still has 300 points of armor, but Zhang Yang has eagle eyes. As far as he is concerned, as long as any boss is covered with five layers of broken armor by him, he is naked and has no defense left. The attack can cause the theoretical maximum damage, and the damage output is absolutely staggering

Not to mention the members of Angry Beauty and Paradise Lost, even the members of Desert Dust, except for Han Yingxue, who have been teaming up with Zhang Yang, have not had many chances to see Zhang Yang make a move, and he was immediately overwhelmed by his inhuman high output I was shocked

"Panda, tell me, Zhan Yu is really a shield warrior?"

"Fake, must be fake"

"I x, this is so fierce!"

Hearing the comments of the other two guild members, all the members of Damo Guyan were full of glory and face. Although the one standing in front of the boss was not himself, but that was his own guild leader. The fiercer the boss, the more glorious he was.

90, 80...Although Narzubu's blood volume is 2 million more than Bakla's, Zhang Yang's firepower is much stronger than Ling Tian's because of the gathering of elites from the three major guilds. Percentage drops faster than bakrah

On the other side, in the Tyrant Guild's camp.

"Boss, do we want to grab the boss?"

Gentleman Qianqian didn't even think about it, and immediately said: "Give it up, of course you have to grab his own, even if others don't want to grab it, you still have to grab theirs."

"However, Zhan Yu not only has Desert Dust, but also Angry Beauty and Lost Paradise. Moreover, we also robbed Ling Tian's boss just now. I'm afraid they won't look at it. When the time comes, we will fight against four... ...".

The man didn't say any more, but the meaning in the words was already expressed clearly enough.

Gentleman Qianqian sank slightly, and said: "As long as we make a start, those small guilds will definitely not stand idly by, just like before. Huh, how can I let them kill the boss so comfortably and prepare me for battle? Attack when the boss has 20 health remaining"

Although Narzubu was held hostage by Zhang Yang, he still throws fireballs in all directions from time to time, and a large number of -5000 jumps up when he throws it. The attack power is extremely fierce. This is also the characteristic of big *oss in the wild, group damage particularly fierce

Even though the healers are working hard, there is no way to remedy the instant kill situation, and there are still a lot of casualties. After paying the price of more than 400 people killed in battle, the boss's blood volume has finally reached 20

The humble gentleman immediately shouted: "Brothers, grab the boss for me!"

Wow, Tyrant's army immediately rushed towards the boss.

Zhang Yang thought about it, and said, "Open a gap and let them come over."

Although the crowd didn't know why, they still opened a gap and let Tyrant's people rush in.

Zhang Yang, on the other hand, dragged the boss and ran towards the crowd that Tyrant rushed over. He rushed to the ground and directly crashed into Tyrant's crowd.


The boss blasted out a fireball, hitting Zhang Yang's body, and at the same time caused 5000 points of splash damage to a large group of people around him

A player with a level 40 bronze weapon only has about 4500 HP, how can he stand up to the boss's torture, and immediately fell down in pieces like cutting wheat

clap clap

Among the damage numbers of "-5000" piece by piece, Zhang Yang entered and exited seven out of Tyrant's crowd, using the boss's hand to kill all directions, killing at least a thousand of Tyrant's main members in an instant

Gentleman Qianqian was so angry that his face turned blue, he shouted anxiously: "Kill him, hurry up and kill Zhan Yu first!"

Zhang Yang laughed out loud, even opened the shield wall, the stand-in skills, and killed hundreds of Tyrant's people, and then turned around and let other people push up, and started a hand-to-hand combat with Tyrant.

Tyrant's strength is not comparable to the combination of the three guilds such as Da Mo Gu Yan, who dared to send troops brazenly, but also wanted to provoke the greed of those small guilds and wandering players, and play the role of a leader, but Zhang Yang used the hands of the boss, Instantly killed thousands of main force members of Tyrant, and immediately frightened those people's greed, seeing them break out in cold sweat, how dare they come over

The Overlord Guild has a total of 10,000 people, and more than 700 people were lost in the previous battle with Ling Tian. When fighting against the two boss monsters, although only more than 300 people died because they used npcs to block the front, but counting the bombardment by the boss just now. Nearly 2,000 people were killed, and the total number has dropped to 7,000. How can it be defeated by the cooperation of the three major guilds?

On the other side, the Lingtian Guild also started to move, obviously wanting to take the opportunity to beat the dog in the water

The humble gentleman hurriedly shouted: "Get out quickly!"

When he fled back to his original place after throwing away his soldiers and armor, the Overlord left behind more than 1,000 corpses along the way.

Gentleman Qianqian was so angry that he jumped up and down, but how could he have thought that Zhang Yang would actually use the boss to massacre them, frightening everyone's foolishness in one fell swoop, and he could only swallow it forcefully.

5, 3, 1, 0

Naerzubu let out a strange cry, jumped up three or four meters suddenly, and fell down with a bang, bursting out a lot of spoils on the ground.

Zhang Yang was quick, and Papapa grabbed the equipment with a silver-white halo flashing and a few skill books first, and stuffed them directly into his backpack.

Both Xue Qianxun and Chi Lianhuo rushed over quickly, and also went to pick up the equipment on the ground, but Zhang Yang was so quick, they only picked up seven or eight bronze wares, and all the good things were in Zhang Yang's hands. Although they form an alliance, they are not in the same team, so although they are assigned by the captain, they are all eligible to pick up equipment.

"President Zhanyu—" Xue Qianxun didn't talk nonsense, and directly spread her hands out.

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'm afraid of being robbed."

"You are really sharp-eyed, and there is not a single piece of silverware left." Chi Lianhuo shook his head and laughed.

Zhang Yang each threw out three silver wares to Xue Qianxun and Chi Lianhuo, and said, "There are eight pieces in total. I'm at a disadvantage, so I'll take two for that one, and give me a few more bronze wares to subsidize."

Immediately, Chi Lianhuo was filled with joy, traded out the four bronze wares, and carefully put the three silver wares thrown by Zhang Yang into his backpack. For Lost Paradise, silverware is a rare commodity, and they also gnawed down the first two bosses in the death mode castle area. At this moment, they can get silverware at level 50. Naturally, they are overjoyed, and they return to their own with a smile on their faces. in camp.


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