MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 185: Reins of Hell's Warhorse

Chapter 185 - The Reins of Hell's Steed

The guild that got the boss this time is Temple Glory, which is just a medium-sized guild. Although the number of guilds has reached the full 10,000 people of the first-level guild, the level of members is uneven. The average level is only about 25. A good person is only a level 30 silverware, how can he stand up to the ravages of the boss

Like his subordinates, Naisisi had a spear in his hand with a piercing effect. When the ten-meter-long spear pierced out, a series of human-shaped candied haws immediately hung up, and one after another 5000+ damage numbers floated up. If the spear sticks out, at least seven or eight people will die

But what is even more powerful is his "sweeping" big move, swinging the spear with both hands in a circle, immediately causing 5000 points of damage to all targets within 10 meters around, one sweep is a big sweep, whoever touches will die, no room for bargaining

In a minute, the Temple Glory guild blasted out about 12 HP of the boss, but the main force of the guild is basically dead, and the lower the level, the more tiring it is for the players to fight the high-level bosses, and it is even possible to hit unbroken bosses. If the fight continues, they will probably stay here before the boss dies.

The mood of the president of Temple Glory can be said to be like riding a roller coaster. At the beginning, he saw the boss running towards them, and he was very happy, but right now it belongs to the fall of the silver-level boss, but it has to be defeated.

"We don't want the glory of this boss, anyone who wants to fight it can come and fight it." He endured the heartache and shouted, while leading the surviving guild members to retreat.

Zhang Yang shook his battle axe, and said: "Baifa, bring a team of long-distance occupations, follow me to kill the boss Snow Demon girl, follow me closely"

Because the mobs on their side have been cleaned up, everyone is out of the fight and is sitting on the ground eating snacks to recover. Baifa Yizhong immediately named a hundred or so hunters and mages, and everyone summoned their mounts one after another, and followed Zhang Yang to the direction of the boss.

"Anemia warrior, you must bring me a horse back." Wei Yan'er did not forget to remind her.

The guilds that want to take the boss as their own are not limited to Damo Guyan's family. Angrily Beauty, Tyrant, and Ling Tian have all sent their own killing teams. But for those capable of killing bosses, in addition to the four super guilds, large guilds such as Lost Paradise and Miracle Homeland also have considerable strength, and naturally joined the competition

All of a sudden, at least ten centurions rushed to the boss, all led by one or two tanks, and then the pure long-range output and treatment. The No. 1 and No. 3 bosses are relatively weak in melee combat, and they are basically given away.

Zhang Yang reined in his horse and stopped 50 meters in front of the boss, and said loudly: "Everyone, the enemy is in front of us. We should not kill each other. Let's kill the boss together. If you have any equipment, you can choose according to your own means. It depends on who you are. hand fast"

Becoming the first main city in the world to complete an expedition, this is the consensus of everyone, and it overwhelms the equipment, and the sense of honor resides in everyone's heart. Those who come here to fight the boss are all elite members of various guilds, no one can afford to lose

Seeing that everyone agrees, Zhang Yang immediately rode his horse and ran towards the boss, feeling secretly happy: his motor nerves are unstoppable, he is faster than his hands, and no one is his opponent. It is unrealistic to want to get everything, but if he gets Some of the best things in it are easy to come by

Nesius was chasing and killing people from the Temple of Glory, and at the same time, he killed at least 1,000 people from the Temple of Glory, beating them until they ran away crying. Although Zhang Yang entered the boss's vision of hatred, the hatred of the boss was still on those members of the Temple Glory who attacked him earlier, and he ignored Zhang Yang at all.


Zhang Yang canceled the call of the horse in an instant, and slammed into the boss with a swipe of the ground.



Blood rage, immediately increased 30 rage, Zhang Yang immediately hit out with a sweep and a normal attack.



The duration of the five layers of broken armor on the boss has long expired. The only ones who can deal nearly 3000 points of damage to a boss with 600 points of armor in one blow are those who hold gold-level weapons and have eagle eyes minus 50 defense. Make a fuss

This terrifying damage immediately caused the elites of the guilds who gathered around to see it tightly.

After the two injuries, Nesius' hatred had already come to Zhang Yang, and the boss immediately turned his head and swung his spear at him. There is no way, the main members of the Temple of Glory are dead, and those who are still on the boss hatred list are all players at level 20 and 30. Their damage to the boss has not broken the defense at all, and the damage they have blasted in a minute has not yet Zhang Yang attacked Gao twice, this hatred was naturally taken over by Zhang Yang

Grid file

Zhang Yang held up his shield and blocked the boss's piercing attack. And since the boss's attack was blocked, it will naturally not penetrate through the player's body and continue to cause damage to the people behind. .

"Everyone, don't stand in a straight line with me and the boss, and attack friends from other guilds at the longest attack distance of 30 meters. Don't forget to turn on the main city attack mode," Zhang Yang said loudly.

In "Miracle", there are a variety of attack modes to adapt to various battles. For example, in the international battle of the eight major regions, as long as the upper region attack mode is checked, the group damage skills will not cause damage to the players in the own region

In battles based on the main city, such as now, as long as the main city attack mode is checked, players in the same main city will not be accidentally injured.

In addition, there are ally attack mode, guild attack mode, team attack mode, indiscriminate attack mode and so on.

When Zhang Yang said this, he took a special look at Mr. Qianqian.

The gentleman Qianqian suddenly changed his face, and said angrily: "Zhan Yu, why are you looking at me like this, am I the kind of person who doesn't care about the overall situation?"

Wu Tian snorted immediately, and as soon as his eyes made contact with Zhang Yang, both of them nodded slightly, and reached a consensus in an instant - after completing the capture of the fortress, they will immediately join hands to encircle and suppress Tyrant

Elites from a dozen or so guilds immediately started attacking, and the tanks also stepped forward one after another—it wasn't that they were afraid that Zhang Yang would be unable to hold back the monsters or die, but that other professions were too thin-skinned to dare to come forward, no Put a person up, and when the boss dies, the equipment will explode, how to grab it?

At the beginning, people from other guilds didn't know the depth of Zhang Yang, and they didn't dare to let go of the attack, but when they occasionally scanned the damage list, they all stared wide-eyed——**, this shield warrior has eaten *yao, the damage Ranked number one and knocked out number two by several blocks

The higher the boss's armor, the greater the effect of the eagle eye, which is almost a geometric progression. Besides, the weapon in his hand is still a level 50 golden weapon

Although Zhang Yang is frankly shooting cold arrows, especially Tyrant, if he really wants to hand over his back to them, he just waits to be full of swords

He dared to stand in front of the boss, so he naturally had his backing—after using the Shadow of the Void, he immediately left the battle and entered another plane, where no one could see him or attack him, but this was his secret weapon , if it is not necessary, he does not want to expose

Han Yingxue's nipple power is strong, combined with Zhang Yang's high armor and high damage immunity, as long as there is enough time, the two of them can slowly grind the boss to death, not to mention there are a large group of output occupations like wolves and tigers around

The blood volume of the boss plummeted, 70, 50, 30, and soon approached the bottom

The wandering players standing on the outer layer and even more small guilds are envious of the boss, but now there are more than ten big and super big guilds working together to kill the boss. No one dares to open their eyes and grab it. The tone offended so many powerful forces at the same time

10, 5, 0, the boss fell from his horse, his huge body shook the whole ground trembling heavily

At this moment, nearly twenty pieces of war weapons burst out and were thrown all over the ground

grab it

The tanks standing nearby rushed to fish. This time, everyone learned how to behave and changed the distribution mode to free picking

Zhang Yang's eyes are quick and his hands are quick, brushing and searching with both hands, he caught three things

Nearly twenty trophies lay on the ground for no more than a second, and immediately went into everyone's pockets. Those who got the silverware were naturally full of joy, while those who got the bronzeware were sad and unhappy. The most important thing is that he is empty-handed and he is the president, but if he is not, he will have to be scolded later, and his hard work is not in vain.

Zhang Yang called out the bones of the war horse, and shouted: "Return to the original position at the speed, and the fourth monster will start attacking in two minutes at most."

After experiencing the previous three boss monsters, everyone also has some experience: the mobs will brush for 50 minutes, and then the boss will appear, but the player only has 10 minutes to kill the boss. An hour later, the next monster will appear

Xue Qianxun immediately came over and said, "President Zhan Yu, what good things did you get?"

Zhang Yang laughed, and said, "Where is President Xue?"

The two looked at each other, but both refused to say what they got. Although the two parties were allies, they were not in the same guild after all, so there was no way they could be in the same guild.

Back in his own camp, Wei Yan'er immediately went up to meet him and said, "Mama, is there any Mama?"

"Little stutterer" Han Yingxue despises.

Wei Yan'er was about to get angry again, Zhang Yang said with a smile: "It's really luck, I got out of the stiff rope of the hell horse."

"Really?" Wei Yan'er's eyes sparkled.

Zhang Yang posted the information of an item on the team channel for everyone to check - the maximum capacity of the team is 10 people, every five teams form a team, and every 20 teams form a large group. .

Those who can stay in the same team with Zhang Yang are naturally Han Yingxue and other eight people, plus Lao Na Aojiao and Tie Tong Jiangshan, who are either the main players or the backbone of the guild.

[Reins of Hell's Warhorse] (ground mount)

Use: Summons and cancels a rideable Hellsteed. Summoning time: two seconds.

Requires level: 30

Bind after use.

"My, my..." Wei Yan'er was overjoyed.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "Play the guild channel, and auction according to guild points."

Wei Yan'er wrinkled her nose immediately, and looked at Zhang Yang with pearly eyes, pitifully.

Zhang Yang laughed loudly and said, "Little girl, don't look at me when I talk about guild points with that kind of eyes. How many people are higher than you? If I just give you this war horse, wouldn't it make the hardworking members feel chilled?"

"But, there are three more points than me, you, my cousin, and my grandson."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I have a white-boned war horse, so I won't fight with you. You just need to settle your cousin and Ice Cube. Slowly flatter, I'm going to start shooting things."

Wei Yan'er immediately pulled Sun Xinyu and Han Yingxue together, and started talking ghostly. Looking at the slightly raised corners of Han Yingxue's mouth, she guessed that the little girl was going to be blackmailed again.

Zhang Yang posted the reins of the hell horse on the guild channel, and said: "Everyone, calm down, this is the loot from the boss fight just now. According to the principle of fairness, everyone can use the guild points to bid for the auction. Use guild points to shoot, don’t say how much money I have, this is a guild, not a local guild that only recognizes your contribution, and doesn’t care about anything else.”

"Okay, now everyone can give out points. If the points are the same, the first person will prevail. Also, during the auction period, except for bidding, it is forbidden to use the guild channel, otherwise 200 guild points will be deducted immediately."

Everyone in Desert Dust was stunned. According to the previous practice of playing other games, the rare items released by this kind of boss are directly distributed among the guild officials. How can ordinary members get their share?

Besides, the amount of black iron and bronze wares dropped by the mobs, and the rich experience they have provided have already made everyone feel very satisfied. Now they are still qualified to bid for top-quality items. This way, I don't know how many people's hearts have been bought by Zhang Yang

Guild points, everyone is crying. If I had known that guild points were so useful, I should have done guild tasks every day.

100200300500... Everyone is bidding.

"1200" Wei Yan'er made the final decision, calling out a number that everyone could only look up to.

Zhang Yang naturally wanted to cooperate, and immediately said: "1200, is there a higher bid? The first auction of 1200, the second bid of 1200, and the third auction of 1200 are over. The mount is owned by Shisha, and 1200 will be deducted from her." Guild Points"

Although they didn't get the mount themselves, the members of Desert Dust were full of fighting spirit and motivation, and they didn't feel dissatisfied at all because they saw the hope of getting the best things—guild points

When it comes to obtaining guild points, Zhang Yang does not show any favoritism. No official will get extra points. Everyone can only rely on guild tasks and dungeons to get guild points. It can be said to be quite fair.

Zhang Yang took out the other two pieces of silverware obtained from Naisisi to bid for guild points, and persuaded Han Yingxue and other main members not to participate in the auction. This kind of appropriate welfare distribution can better unite people's hearts


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