The set works great! It's a pity that the quality is so low, it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Yang to equip bronze wares without wearing gold wares. It's even more pity that the effect of the second suit should be the reverse of the effect of the first suit! As long as you put on a necklace and a cloak, a few hits can make the Vulnerability on the Concave Stack stack, which is equivalent to a high-spirited (level 1) scroll!

It's a pity, it's a pity, only shield warriors and guardian knights can equip shields, and it is doomed that only shield warriors and guardian knights can display the effect of the second suit!

Bronzeware, although Zhang Yang doesn't like it, but for the majority of ordinary players, it is a mainstream level of equipment! If you can make a four-piece suit, you can definitely sell it at a good price----four-piece suit parts and a set of four-piece suit, that is a completely different meaning!

Good start!

Zhang Yang's spirit was lifted and he continued to move forward.

There are many monsters in the tomb, and you will encounter one every ten meters or so. Zhang Yang's HP will drop to the lowest level every time he fights three monsters. He must either recover with rage, or sit down and eat snacks to recover.

If it were someone else, at least a three-person team would dare to break in and output a large amount of milk. But Zhang Yangsheng has a strong ability to avoid injuries and an astonishingly strong attack power. He can kill monsters in a short time without needing treatment.

Of course, if there is a treatment, he doesn't have to stop to eat snacks to recover, the effect is even higher!

In the passage of the tomb, a torch is inserted every ten meters. Although it is impossible to illuminate the tomb brightly, it is not enough to see the five fingers. It is enough to see the general appearance.

However, although the first elite monster dropped the shield of the evil spirit suit, it does not mean that this suit is easy to produce. Zhang Yang killed at least a hundred monsters before finally getting another set part of the evil spirit suit—the evil spirit necklace.

"It's not easy to get rich without this!" Zhang Yang couldn't help sighing, throwing the evil spirit necklace into his backpack.

Half an hour, an hour, two hours...

Three hours later, Zhang Yang obtained two sets of evil spirit suits, two evil spirit necklaces, and an evil spirit sword. His level was also upgraded to witch level and he came to the middle of the entire tomb.

This is a small tomb, about 50 square meters in size, divided into upper and lower floors, with an entrance on the left and right, and a staircase on each side leading to the bottom. The upper floor is smaller, at most only a quarter of the entire tomb's area, while the lower floor is much larger. In the middle, there is a half-person-high stone platform lying on a girl in a gorgeous palace dress. Serena seen in the video!

It's just that Serena's eyes are closed now, and her chest doesn't even rise and fall. She obviously stopped breathing, and she doesn't know if she's dead or not!

In front of the stone platform, there stood a man in a black robe, covered in black cloth from head to toe. Because his back was facing Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang couldn't see his long hair, and couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman. , I can only see that he is very thin and short, holding a staff that is a head taller than him in his right hand. On the top of the staff is a fist-sized skull, and faintly burning ghosts in the eye holes. Green flame.

[Necromancer Sigma [Baidu Sword Master shares hands with you]" (silver-level leader, undead)

Grade: 58

Cow life value: 2 million

Armor value: 600

"Why is it only 2 million HP?" Zhang Yang couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but then he thought, at least the terrain is narrow, and too many people can't enter at one time. I'm afraid this boss is designed for a team of five! However, can I defeat the boss alone? "

Wei Wei hesitated for a moment, then Zhang Yang said to himself again: At least try to hit it first, anyway, if you hang up once, you will only lose some equipment repair fees! If you really can't beat it, call the Snow Demon Girl over! It's best to be able to wipe it off alone, otherwise you have to wait for the Snow Demon Girl to come, and it will take 3 or 4 hours to refresh all the monsters outside, and you have to fight it again, you will be exhausted! "

He drew out his battle-axe, lifted his shield, walked into the stone room, and rushed down the stairs with great strides.

Sigma immediately noticed Zhang Yang's intrusion, he turned around abruptly, and finally revealed his true colors with a skull, with extremely intense dark green flames burning in the eyeholes!

"Few souls? How could you possibly enter here!" Sigma pointed his staff at Zhang Yang, and a spell casting bar appeared immediately under his head. Three seconds later, a black light shot from the skull on the top of the staff and flew towards Zhang Yang. past. .

"Ding less! Sigma unleashed Shadow Bolt!"


Halo, Zhang Yang couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart, how could he do it alone!

Continue to fight, explore the bottom of the boss, and find Han Yingxue and the others to push it later!

Smashing Armor, Destroying Strike, Sweeping... Zhang Yang began to output crazily, the longer he persisted, the b. The lower the blood volume of a, the more clearly the skills of the boss can be felt.

Sigma continued to read Shadow Arrow, and when the boss's three-second casting time was about to finish, Zhang Yang suddenly shot him with a magic-breaking blow!

"Ding less! Sigma's Shadow Arrow has been interrupted!"

Can be interrupted to cast spells

Not only that, the boss also fell into a countermeasure for three seconds, and could only punch and kick Zhang Yang!


The special effect of the shield was triggered, and a green number +100 floated above Zhang Yang's head! 0!

Sigma quickly punched Zhang Yang again, but a mage monster, even with the status of a boss, could hardly cause damage to Zhang Yang today!

The three-second counter time expired, and the boss began to read Shadow Arrow again.

Shock wave!

A ripple of air surged past, and Sigma didn't fall into a coma, but the spellcasting was interrupted!

Zhang Yang remembered one of the instructions in the first version update: Control skills are not effective against boss-level monsters, but control skills may interrupt the spellcasting of boss-level monsters!

However, Oscillating Wave can only interrupt the boss's spellcasting, but has no counter effect, and the boss immediately started reading Shadow Bolt again. This can't help but make Zhang Yang sigh, it's a pity, I should have waited until the boss was about to finish reading the spell before using the oscillatory wave! -3909! -3882!

When the boss's third Shadow Bolt started to read, Zhang Yang's magic-breaking blow had finished cooling down. However, Zhang Yang didn't use it immediately, but waited until the boss was about to complete the spell, and then slammed the shield on the boss's skull.

"Ding! Sigma's Shadow Arrow has been interrupted!"

Get in the loop!

Zhang Yang calculated in his mind, on average, he would take damage from the boss twice every 12, and the shock wave could give him 3 seconds of output time every 20 seconds! Summon the puppet Qinglian, activate the shadow of Malinda, and make Zhang Yang crazy output.

It's a pity that the puppet Qinglian can't be upgraded at any time, and still only has the highest level. Due to the huge suppression on the level, her attack is like nowhere for the boss, which can be completely ignored! But no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it's still meat. Besides, there's a stand-in skill!

Chop chop!

After the effect of Malinda's Shadow disappeared, Zhang Yang successively activated the stand-in skill, shield wall, and fury recovery, and hit the boss with 130,000 HP. Only then did the HP bottom out. He immediately activated the Void Shadow and exited the battle. When I got to the high platform, I showed myself, sat down and ate some snacks to recover.

And the hatred of the boss was immediately transferred to the puppet Qinglian, and she was killed in two or three strokes. The puppet immediately turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared without a trace, leaving no corpse behind.

"This boss is very watery. It's just a shadow arrow. It seems that there is no other attack method!" Zhang Yang thought, it's a pity that if the Snow Demon Girl is brought over, the boss can be bombarded in at most 15 minutes..."

Zhang Yang looked at the sewing assistant in surprise, and suddenly found that although the boss left the battle, the blood volume was not recovering at all!

In "Miracle", as soon as the boss in the dungeon leaves the battle, he will immediately recover full health. Although the wild boss is not so good, generally speaking, he can recover 1% of his health per second, up to 100 It can be restored to full state in seconds!

But Sigma didn't talk about the speed of returning blood, the blood bar didn't move at all!


Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly lit up. Undead are not living creatures, so this kind of monster does not have the ability to passively recover blood. Instead, it must rely on eating the corpses of living creatures to restore health! Generally speaking, the player either kills the boss or is killed by the boss, and rarely escapes!

And once the corpse of a player or even a hunter's pet appears, the undead can use the skill "Less Cannibalism" to recover 10% of the life value every two seconds in the non-combat state, and return to the full blood state in 20 seconds!

But now, Zhang Yang has only one person, and he used the shadow of the void to hide shamefully. Sigma couldn't find the corpse to "eat corpses", and his blood immediately froze!

However, Zhang Yang can recover his state through bandages and snacks!

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing, as long as he used the shadow of the void to get out of the state, he could grind the boss to death bit by bit!

When the blood volume recovered, Zhang Yang immediately rushed towards the boss again. After blasting down more than 100,000 blood volume, he immediately reloaded, activated Shadow of the Void again, and left the battle!

After ten minutes, the shadow of the void has cooled down, and then go on.

twenty minutes……

thirty minutes……

Two hours later, relying on reloading to immediately end the cooldown of the Shadow of the Void, Zhang Yang used the previous Shadow of the Void in total, grinding the dick to death!

"Ding! You killed the necromancer Sigma and gained 2 million experience points!"

Pa, the boss fell down with a bang, shattered into a bone frame all over the place, and seven or eight pieces of trophies burst out.

"My god, I'm finally grinding to death!" Zhang Yang let out a long breath. In fact, the real fighting time was only 17 and 18 minutes, and the rest of the time was spent waiting for the cooldown of the shadow of the void! .

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