"Level up by 5!"

"Siyu, haven't you been promoted to level 60?"

"What is an indiscriminate skill book?"

Zhang Yang spoke on the team channel, so Han Yingxue and the others all yelled. When he talked about the characteristics of the indiscriminate skill book, everyone in the team couldn't help but be envious. Being able to tame wild beasts is equivalent to having half the strength of a hunter!

"Soldier, you go back first, and I will personally reward you in the future!" Serena smiled at Zhang Yang, with a kindness in her eyes.

"Ding! You have gained the favor of Princess Serena!"

Zhang Yang was taken aback, favorability is different from prestige, only npcs with high AI will have the attribute of "favorability", although I don't know what it is useful for, but it is definitely not a bad thing to win the favor of a princess!

The task is completed, there is really no need to stay here anymore! Zhang Yang gave an adventurer's salute, and said, "Your Majesty the King, Your Highness the Princess, Zhan Yu will retire!"

Out of the palace, I saw the players of Desert Dust gathered around the square outside. More than 10,000 people crowded into a large area. When they saw Zhang Yang coming out, they all raised their weapons and cheered! You know, they used the power of a guild to fight against the entire player group in China, and finally successfully helped Zhang Yang complete the task. Everyone felt a sense of accomplishment and excitement in their hearts!

Zhang Yang also drew out his battle axe, and said, "From now on, we will declare war on the three major guilds, Tyrant, Aoshi, and Ax Gang, and we will never stop until we drive them out of Baiyu City!"

"Never give up!"

Baifa No. 1 High School, Starlight Unlimited and others led the expedition one after another, forming a team of hundreds of players from the desert lonely smoke, and began to hunt back and kill the members of the three major guilds including Tyrant! Poor Gentleman Qianqian was still locked in the prison. He didn't receive a call to know the situation until he went offline for dinner at night. At this time, because most of the Tyrants were arrested and sent to the prison, there was no leader among them. Da Mo Gu Yan, who attacked angrily, was killed so much that he didn't dare to resurrect and went offline!

Many players couldn't bear the pressure, and just this day and night of chasing and killing them made them choose to quit the guild.

Gentleman Qianqian was in a hurry. In order to come out to preside over the overall situation earlier, he didn't go offline to rest at night, and stayed in prison to serve his sentence. Even so, when he was "released after serving his sentence" the next afternoon, Tyrant Guild lost at least one-tenth of its players.

But the Desert Guyan did not relax the intensity of the attack, and the super conferences such as Yi Nuo Hongyan and Ling Tian even took advantage of the fire and joined the killing team.

In just five days, the three guilds, including Tyrant, were devastated. They all huddled in the main city and dared not go out. Every day, a large number of players couldn't bear the pressure and chose to withdraw! The humble gentleman was forced to have no choice but to shamelessly apologize to Zhang Yang himself.

Zhang Yang said that if a gentleman can kneel at the entrance of the auction house for a day and a night, he can stop.

This was originally just a humiliation, and a gentleman would definitely not accept it. But to everyone's surprise, the gentleman Qianqian was so shameless that he actually had to kneel in front of the auction house for a whole day!

Zhang Yang is not the kind of person who doesn't count his words. Although he despises the humble gentleman, he still temporarily withdraws his troops. However, after this battle, the Prestige of the Overlord Guild has been greatly lost. Many players feel that this guild has a bad backbone and no future. This triggered another wave of withdrawals and lost a large number of elite players!

Affected by this, the strength of the Overlord Guild has dropped sharply, and it has already fallen out of the top guilds in Baiyu City. Although the background is still there, the decline has already shown, and the reputation is even worse.

On the contrary, Ao Shi and Ax Gang have to be tougher, can't afford to fight or hide? The two guilds moved to Yehliu City and Chisun City respectively, so they dare not beat the edge of Desert Dust.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of debate on the forum!

Some said that these three guilds deserved it. Who told you to guard the corpse of the lonely smoker in the desert and kill it over and over again. Why didn't you complain when you killed it so well?

Others said that Da Mo Gu Yan was too domineering, and the guilds were full of conflicts and competitions. It was normal to have a little friction, but it was a bit too much to force the other guilds to evacuate from the main city!

But more people agree with the strength of Desert Dust, and actually forced the old online game guild to almost disband, as if it has the momentum of a new generation of king guild!


Baifa No. 1 Middle School bears the title of "Director of External Liaison of Desert Guyan". In the past few days, I don't know how many companies have received news of their sponsorship intentions. Han Yingxue was so happy that she praised her foresight. .

Zhang Yang has been promoted to five levels in a row, and his level has already surpassed Han Yingxue, becoming the veritable No. 1 person in China! Putting on a set of level 60 gold weapon set, ring of flame and rage, and magic barrier, his various attributes have made great progress again!

HP: 24090, strength: 730, armor value: 1000, damage absorption value: 988, attack power: (1938-2138)*1.05%.

The new skill learned at level 60 is beheading.

[Beheading]: Attempt to execute the target, it can only be launched on the target whose health value is lower than 20%, it needs 20 anger to activate, causing physical damage equivalent to 100% of the melee attack on the target, and converting every extra point of anger into 3% bonus damage. This damage ignores the target's armor and cannot be dodged or blocked. Requires: melee weapon. Consumption: All rage points. Cooldown: 15 seconds.

If this skill is activated with 100 points of anger, it will cause 340% melee damage, and the attack power is quite terrifying! However, if it is used to output bosses, the cost-effectiveness is not very high, because a slash with 20 rage is equivalent to a powerful blow, and if a slash with full rage, each point of rage only causes 3.4% melee damage, far It is far inferior to the 10% rage per point of sweeping or the 8% rage utilization rate of whirlwind (level 10)!

If you hit a player, since the target's HP must be lower than 20% to kill, the current non-tank occupation only has 8,000 HP, and only 1,600 HP at 20%, changing other skills can also make people lie down! Only in the middle and late stages of the game, after the increase in the player's blood volume exceeds the increase in damage, this beheading may have the final effect!

Of course, when other skills are all cooling down, this is a good way to fill them up. Ignoring defense, being unable to dodge, and parrying are also highlights, but for Zhang Yang who has eagle eyes, this seems tasteless again! However, the tank has been taking damage to pull the boss, so there is no need to worry about insufficient anger. This skill also ignores armor, which can increase the damage of shield warriors with poor equipment, and hold the boss better.

Zhang Yang has been upgrading with the Golden Ear Bear King for the past few days. Pets need much less experience points to level up than players. In addition, Zhang Yang is pulling a bunch of monsters to kill them. The big white bear is upgrading very fast. Finally caught up with Zhang Yang's level and reached level 60.

The big white bear didn't understand any skills, but Zhang Yang bought two pet skill books at the auction house. As the name suggests, they are naturally for pets to learn. Originally, riding a pet could not learn the pet skill book, but after Zhang Yang learned to "Tame the Beast", the great pyrene became a combination of a battle mount and a pet.

[Cold body] (passive): When receiving a frost attack, the damage is reduced by 90%.

[Wild Regeneration]: Convert 10 points of concentration into 5% of life per second, lasting for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 2 minutes.

"Wild Regeneration" is relatively common, and only cost Zhang Yang 20 gold coins, but "Frozen Body" is extremely expensive, and he took it all the way to 20,000 gold coins, but after seeing the effect of this skill, Zhang Yang felt that the money was well spent!

And after the golden-eared bear king reaches level 60, the attributes are even better. The biggest difference between pets and players is that they do not rely on equipment. As long as the level increases, the attributes will soar, which is in line with its proper level!

[Golden Eared Bear King] (Gold Level Battle Mount)

Level: 60

HP: 16800

Armor value: 1200

Attack power: 3692-3892 (attack interval: 3 seconds, damage per second: 1264)

After Zhang Yang obtained the skill of "Taming the Beast", the Golden Ear Bear King also obtained the attribute of armor value, which only works in the non-riding state. In terms of armor value alone, it is higher than Zhang Yang's skin! And compared to the basic damage of a single attack, the big white bear far surpassed Zhang Yang.

Now, the golden-eared bear king is divided into two states. When riding, he can only use the three skills of life sharing, savage dash, and claw strike. When appearing in pet form, you can use the three skills of savage charge, claw strike, and wild recovery, and the cold body will only work in pet form.

The time is already October 24th, mainstream players have crossed the line of level 50, Zhang Yang's stockpile of iron ingots has been sold out, the average price of each iron ingot is around 13 gold, 17,000 groups The solid iron ingots were sold for a total of 44.2 million gold coins. With the current ratio of 1:3, a total of 130 million was cashed out, far exceeding his estimated final profit of 50 million!

And the fire resistance medicine has also ushered in hot sales, and the supply is definitely in short supply, which makes Zhang Yang feel very embarrassed. If he focuses on making medicines, his level lead will be gradually reduced, and if he continues to upgrade, it will be difficult. It's like watching a lot of money thrown into the ditch for nothing!

It's best to find a player of the life department, and let him specialize in rubbing medicine! However, can you find such a person you can absolutely trust? One must know that Zhang Yang can make a lot of money every time he obtains the formula with all his efforts. In the face of huge benefits, it is really difficult for this person to guess. Zhang Yang can absolutely trust Fatty Han. But if this fat man rubs medicine all day long... that guy definitely doesn't have such patience! .

Zhang Yang thought about it for a long time, and suddenly his heart moved, he went offline and made a phone call.

"Hello—" Yu Li's voice was tinged with fatigue.

"I'm Zhang Yang, is Auntie still in good health?"

"Well, now that I've moved to the best ward, and the source of my kidney has been secured, the doctor said that the operation will be ready in a week!" Yu Li said excitedly, then smiled lightly, and said, "Finally thought of calling me to sleep with you." Yet?"

Zhang Yang broke into a sweat and said, "I came up with a good idea, so that you can repay the debt you owe me!"


"I plan to hire you as my full-time pharmacist. From now on, you will make potions for me in the game. I will give you a salary of... 60,000 yuan a month, so that you can pay off my debts in five years, and you can pay off my debts." Some savings!"

"Zhang Yang, I told you that I don't want to owe you..."

"You stupid, have you forgotten the potion you sold for me before? In the future, there will be similar potions for sale, but I don't have that much free time, so I thought of letting you work as a hard worker? Do you understand, I can make money Tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, you can only get a fraction, I am exploiting you!"

"... Zhang Yang, thank you!" Yu Li was silent for a while before suddenly saying. She naturally understood that Zhang Yang was looking for her instead of others, in fact, he was looking for her to help her, just making an excuse.

"When Auntie gets better, you can go back to the game and I'll help you improve your alchemy. You also come to Baiyu City, lest I have to send the materials back and forth!"


After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and finally solved a problem.

Rubbing medicine every day, leveling up, as for Fire Poison Land and Centaur Palace, Zhang Yang has given the task of the main tank to Starlight Infinity. This guy has great potential. After these days of training, he has already demonstrated the quality and strength that an excellent tank should have.

After level 60, the time for each level has been increased to about 8 days. Zhang Yang has to take care of rubbing medicine. On the first day of November, he only rose to a level. Currently, the top ten players on the ranking list in China are:

1. Zhanyu, shield warrior, level 61.

2. Good Xueer, holy priest, level 57.

3. Frost Night, assassinate thieves, level 57.

4. Slender and handsome man, beast king hunter, level 57.

5. Hookah, Berserker, level 56.

6. Narcissus blossoms, flame mage, level 56.

7. Baifa No. 1 Middle School, Beastmaster Hunter, level 56.

8. Allure with one sword, shield warrior, level 55. .

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