MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 242: The Territory That Suddenly Appeared

Losing Zhang Yang's hatred again, Ludwig had no choice but to read Frostbolt to the big white bear again.

Zhang Yang ate and drank enough, and then went up to kill with a tomahawk.

Time, 2 minutes have passed, and the cooldown of the pet's "wild recovery" is over...a perfect cycle has formed!

Because Zhang Yang cleared the hatred twice, plus the big white bear's second damage was more than 1600, and Zhang Yang intentionally controlled the firepower, the hatred of the boss was always firmly locked on the golden-eared bear king!

Feral recovery, fusion, fury recovery, separation of pets...

The blood volume of the boss continues to decrease in this continuous cycle!

Ten minutes later, Zhang Yang's Shadow of the Void was cooled down, and after using it again, he didn't need to think about hatred at all, and let go of his hands and feet to slash the boss!

A full 40 minutes later, Ludwig was drained of his last trace of blood, and suddenly let out an unwilling roar, and with a "snap", he fell down like a golden mountain or a jade pillar!

"Ding! You killed the ice witch spirit Ludwig and gained 10 million experience points!"


Zhang Yang heaved a long sigh of relief. He was able to single out this boss due to countless coincidences. Riding a pet, taming a beast, recovering from rage, recovering from wildness, and the shadow of the void are all indispensable, and finally created the boss. A miracle happened!

As a gold-level boss, Ludwig is not stingy about the drops. There are seven gold items alone, and there are a lot of silver items, which is very powerful!

With Zhang Yang's current appetite, he didn't need to think about the silverware at all, and stuffed it directly into his backpack. Only the goldware could attract his attention!

Among the seven gold items, there are two leather armors, one cloth armor, and one armor, all of which are level 60 gold item sets! The other two pieces of gold, one is a cloak and the other two are accessories, which can also be said to be a pair.

[Flawless Defense Cloak] (Gold Item, Cloak)

Health: +84

Stamina: +21

Equip: Absorbs 40 points of damage each time it is attacked.


Requires level: 60

【Lovesickness Talisman: Yang】(gold utensils, accessories)

Use: Instantly teleports you to the corresponding target wearing Lovesick Talisman: Yin. Cooldown: 3 hours.

Gender limitation: male

Requires level: 60

【Lovesickness Talisman: Yin】(gold utensils, accessories)

Use: Instantly teleports you to the corresponding target wearing Lovesick Talisman: Yang. Cooldown: 3 hours.

Gender limitation: female

Requires level: 60

Good thing, after killing someone, immediately fleeing with the Lovesickness Talisman is equivalent to saving one life—of course, the premise is that the person wearing the other Lovesickness Talisman must be in a safe place!

However, who is the Yin Talisman for?

The most ideal object is naturally Han Yingxue, if you want to fight the boss in the future, just let her teleport it with Yin Talisman! But God knows if Sun Xinyu will be enraged with jealousy when she sees such an ambiguous equipment name?

Besides, Wei Yan'er also likes to be haunted by ghosts, if she doesn't let her play with this novelty and fun thing, the little girl will probably not want to live in peace!

Forget it, talk about it later!

Zhang Yang picked up a key made of frost on the ground, and a silver staff, and stuffed them into his backpack. This is the Frost Key and the Staff of Prophecy required by the mission, but it's a pity that the staff of prophecy is still an artifact, but it can't be used!

Go back and turn in the quest!

Running back to the nave, Malinda immediately said: "Soldier, have you succeeded?"

Zhang Yang took out the Frost Key, opened the cell door, and untied the shackles on Malinda's body, and said, "Fortunately, it's not a disgrace!"

"What about the staff of prophecy?" Malinda looked at Zhang Yang nervously.

Zhang Yang took the staff out of his backpack and handed it over, saying, "Return it to its original owner!" If it's not a mission item but a real one, it must be hacked anyway!

Ma Linda suddenly showed a relieved expression, took the staff with both hands, and her body trembled with excitement!

"Seven thousand years! Seven thousand years! The staff of prophecy has finally returned to the elves!"

"Ding! Malinda has obtained the artifact of the elves, automatically advanced!" A golden light surged across Malinda's body, and this npc who was originally only level 45 and elite level immediately experienced a triple jump in strength!

[Malinda. Song of the Forest] (gold-level leader, humanoid creature)

Level: 65

HP: 15 million

Mana: 10 million

Armor value: 1200

After being agitated for a while, Malinda straightened her expression and said, "Soldier, the elven tribe in Danila Forest is being threatened by King Arthur. We must eliminate this demon as soon as possible! The world is urgent, and we can't waste a minute!".

"Ding! Your task: kill King Arthur, the completion requirements have changed, please assist Malinda to destroy King Arthur together!"

After going around for a long time, I finally went back again!

Zhang Yang nodded in agreement, and said, "Let's set off immediately!"

After the two rushed out of the front hall, they began to summon their mounts one after another.

"Oh——" Malinda's mount is a white tiger, majestic and mighty, no smaller than a great pyrenes!


A tiger and a bear spread their limbs one after another, quickly shuttled through the forest, and rushed towards Thunderstorm Fort.

After more than half an hour of galloping, the two mounts stopped in front of Thunderstorm Fort one after another. This castle, which had been slaughtered not long ago, is still full of bloody smell. From a distance, you can see the damaged buildings in the battle. The city gate is wide open, but there is no one guarding it!

In terms of time, the monsters should be refreshed, but it is currently in the story mode, so it is normal not to see the monsters.

The two rode their mounts and slowly entered the castle. The road was full of corpses of robbers or elf warriors. Malinda showed a strong expression of sadness, but more of it was anger!

Stepping, stepping, the mount unknowingly accelerated its speed, and the two of them soon arrived in front of a cathedral at the highest point of the castle. The entrance was a huge training ground, filled with rows of wooden targets .

In the very center of the training ground, King Arthur is standing with his sword, his tall body looks like a rock! Surrounding him, there were eight elite bandits who were chopping wooden targets with weapons for training.

"Devil, your time of death has come!" Ma Linda still did not change her sense of justice, she rushed up the white tiger with a swipe of the ground, and rebuked righteously.

King Arthur chuckled and said, "Little ones, kill this woman for me!"

The eight thieves immediately stopped their training, and waved their swords to welcome Ma Linda.

"Soldier, help me block them, I want to concentrate on dealing with that demon!" Malinda turned her head and said loudly to Zhang Yang.

Damn, every time this npc rushes to the front in a hurry, but she has to wipe her ass by herself! Zhang Yang cursed secretly, and hurriedly drove the big white bear to meet him. After entering the range of the charge, he immediately jumped off his mount, charged into the front bandit monster, blood rage was activated, and swept away!

A damage figure of 3800+ jumped up, Zhang Yang followed up with a block, and then added 30 anger, shock wave!

The eight monsters were knocked into a coma at the same time. Malinda took the opportunity to rush out of the bandits' siege, and went straight to King Arthur.

"Idiot, the battlefield belongs to men. Women only need to stay on the bed and give birth to strong offspring!" King Arthur looked at Ma Linda contemptuously, "The sad elves are actually dominated by women. What a weak race!"

"Devil, let me, a weak woman, send you to hell!" Ma Linda stopped 30 meters in front of King Arthur, raised her right hand, and threw out a holy light punishment.


King Arthur raised the huge sword in his hand high, let out a deafening laugh, and said, "Stupid woman, this is the sword in the stone given by God, and the holder will have invincible power! Die!" Squatting slightly, he jumped up suddenly, and the powerful impact smashed the stone bricks under his feet!

"Great Prophecy: Retreat!" Malinda raised the prophecy staff high.


The figure that King Arthur jumped out immediately bounced back at a faster speed, bang bang bang, breaking a dozen wooden targets behind him in a row, and then rolled to the ground.

Damn, is this the power of the artifact?

Zhang Yang secretly exclaimed while pulling the monster.

"Hahaha", King Arthur immediately got up, "Even if you can knock me back, so what, I have the sword in the stone, and I will never be defeated!"

"Then you won't have the Sword in the Stone!" Malinda raised the staff of prophecy again, and said softly, "Great prophecy: Deprivation!"

With a swipe, the sword in the stone in King Arthur's hand immediately turned into a silver light and shot straight into the sky, disappearing instantly.

"No, impossible!" King Arthur yelled, "Girl, give back my sword in the stone!"

He roared angrily, his green skin flashed with a scarlet light, and he rushed towards Ma Linda.

"Ding! King Arthur became angry because he lost the sword in the stone, the damage dealt increased by 100%, and the damage received increased by 100%!"

"Great Prophecy: Shock Repelling!" Malinda simply raised her staff, and immediately blasted the boss back. At the same time, she chanted a light of punishment, and blasted a "-4000" damage number on King Arthur's head— — This attack power is still as weak as ever! .

King Arthur charged again, was knocked back again, and then ate another light of punishment... The two npcs happily played the game of bumper flying.

Three minutes later, after throwing out a lot of life-saving skills, Zhang Yang finally blasted and killed the eight elite monsters, rode on the big white bear, and killed King Arthur vigorously.

Although Malinda is a gold-level boss, her damage is extremely weak. Zhang Yang quickly built up hatred and held King Arthur firmly.

Unsurprisingly, Malinda was indeed born with the life of a nanny, and immediately cast a real recovery spell on Zhang Yang.

It still recovers 5% of its health per second. Although this npc has advanced, but... the milk has not improved at all. Except for the last real recovery operation, it is still the same as before in the underground tower, continuing to throw punishment on monsters Light.

However, from time to time, Zhang Yang's blood volume was low at the beginning, and 5% of his health was not enough, but now he has reached 40,000+ blood volume in the riding state, and this 5% of his health is in the early 2000s. !

Restore 2000+ HP per second, this spell alone can make 99% of the current healing players burst into tears with shame.

With the current attack power of the boss, one punch on Zhang Yang can cause more than 6,000 damage, and a blow can be blasted in two seconds, but counting the block every 6 seconds, the second damage is only more than 2,000, and it can be recovered by a real The technique is easy to settle!

And the damage received increased by 100%, which immediately increased Zhang Yang's damage per second to about 5000, making the boss gasp and ecstasy!

With the support of Ma Linda's true recovery technique, Zhang Yang is in an invincible position, and it is only a matter of time before he can defeat the boss!

80%, 60%, 40%... Although the boss has 4 million health, but because of the effect of increasing the damage taken by 100%, the blood volume drops very fast. In just over six minutes, the blood bar has been empty up!

Finally, after Malinda blasted out the last light of punishment, King Arthur screamed, fell to the ground, and burst out a lot of spoils.

Although the battle was won, Malinda showed no joy. After a while of silence, she said, "Soldier, thank you for your help! I'm going back to the tribe to see if my people are safe, Sinrosrk!"

In the Elvish language, Shinrorsk means goodbye and take care.

"Ding! You have completed the mission: kill King Arthur and get 1 million experience points!"

Malinda patted the white tiger, and with a roar, the white tiger took Malinda away quickly.

No, gone?

After working so hard for a long time, defeating a silver boss and a gold boss, and running so many roads, he actually gave 1 million experience? It's a fucking loss to grandma's house!

Zhang Yang sighed, so he had no choice but to pick up the boss's drop. Although they are all silverware, they are sold for money, which can always make people happy!

[Sword in the Stone, fake] (silverware, one-handed sword)

Attack power: 320-520

Attack interval: 2.5 seconds Damage per second: 168

Use: Removes all negative effects and makes you immune to any damage and effects for 2 seconds.


Requires level: 60

Weapons with invincibility effects! This is definitely a pk weapon, and if there is no identification, there will be 2 seconds of invincibility, so after the identification, it must be 3 seconds!

Zhang Yang looks infinitely familiar, but although the special effects are awesome, the weapon itself is too low-grade, and the second damage is too low even after identification. It is really not worthwhile to give up the dragon tooth battle ax and replace it with this fake sword in the stone!

It can only be sold!

Just for this special effect, there must be countless people who are willing to empty their pockets for this sword!

Zhang Yang finally felt better. After putting away the other silver and bronze wares, his gaze suddenly stopped on a light blue token.

He just picked up the token, and before he had time to check its specific attributes, he saw the system-specific red text swiping on the world channel.

"Server announcement: The first territory order has appeared, and the battle for the territory will start at 7 o'clock tomorrow night. All players, please get ready! The location of the territory is Danila Forest, and the specific coordinates will be announced when the battle for the territory begins! The battle for the territory will last for 3 hours, and when the battle ends, the player who finally holds the territory order will become the master of the territory!".

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