MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 244: The Great War Begins

Ding! Because you hold a territorial order, it will be displayed with a special mark!

"Ding! You can't leave Thunderstorm Fort, otherwise the territory order will automatically drop!"

"Ding! If you are killed, the territory order will have a 100% chance to drop!"

Above Zhang Yang's head, a huge cyan token suddenly appeared and shot straight towards Yunxiao. This thing completely ignored the existence of the building, and it could be seen clearly even after a distance of one or two kilometers. It became the most obvious target!

"Hahaha!" Wei Yan'er rolled on the ground laughing, out of breath, "Anemia warrior, you really look like the prisoner who was killed by Qiuhou in ancient times, with a sign stuck in his head and neck!"

When Han Yingxue and the others heard this, they also laughed.

"I said, this is more like a grass bid. Yangzi is going to sell himself! Everyone Meimei, are you interested in taking Yang's hand for a reserve price of one gold coin!" Fatty Han said, patting Zhang Yang on the shoulder.

"It's too expensive! It's too expensive!" Wei Yan'er shook her head again and again, and said, "If it only sells for one copper coin, I can buy it for my cousin!"

"Damn, I'm so poor, hurry up and go to your respective positions!" Zhang Yang yelled with a straight face, these guys really disrespected his authority as the president and captain!

The battle has begun!

Although most of the guilds were still rushing over from various places, the guilds who guessed that Zhang Yang had the territory order had already surrounded Thunderstorm Fort in advance. Before the battle started, there was an invisible barrier in front of the gate of Thunderstorm Fort, and it was impossible to rush in.

But, who will be the first to stand out?

The name of Desert Dust has spread all over the world after he blocked all the players in the China Region from chasing Zhang Yang a few days ago, and even the players in the other seven regions know that there is such a bull in the China Region. The forced guild not only progressed surprisingly fast in the dungeon, but it was also extremely fierce in comparison!

All of a sudden, no one dared to attack first!

Dita, Dita, time is slowly passing!

"Kill!" Finally, a guild couldn't bear it anymore and launched an attack first!

At this moment, it was as if a barrel of explosives had exploded. More than a dozen guilds immediately joined forces and launched an attack on Thunderstorm Castle almost at the same time.

"Boss, why don't we go up?" Global Pig looked at the modest gentleman and asked, his voice full of hatred for Desert Guyan. The guild was almost forced to disband by Da Mo Gu Yan, which made Tyrant's elders very angry.

Gentleman Qianqian looked at the brilliance of the huge token flying above the castle. Although he couldn't see the person making Zhang Yang, he could clearly know where he was. The sooner it is, the greater the chances of quitting the fight! It’s not the same as the length of time holding the territorial order, there is a saying that it’s better to come early than to come at a good time!”

"Then why are we waiting?"

"Hmph, when people are dead, we'll go pick a bargain!"

However, although the idea of ​​a modest gentleman is good, you have to look at the reality! The terrain at the entrance of the castle is narrow, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Ranged players from four guilds, including Desert Dust, stand on the top of the castle, and the entrance is supported by melee combat skills. One hundred die!

Another advantage of defending the city is that there is a city wall as a cover. If you are attacked, you can squat down. Even if you are hit a few times, you will be fine after the treatment and blood! To deal with them, there are only a few mages or hunters aiming at one, and killing them at the same time, so that the other party has no chance to dodge!

Thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge. Although the attackers have millions, the number of players who can attack in a unit of time is similar to that of the defenders, or even less. This team cannot advance at all!

Before the emergence of siege weapons, it can only rely on the sea of ​​people to rush and fill!

Time passed slowly, and more and more guilds were gathering around. In this kind of large-scale team battle, the strength of individuals is extremely small. Those wandering players cannot get the aid of treatment, and they die so fast. Every second, countless players turn into white light Back to the main city to resurrect.

Zhang Yang traded the land order to Fatty Han, and said, "You keep it for me first, I'm going to kill someone!"

"Damn, fat brother also wants to kill people!" Fatty Han complained.

Zhang Yang laughed out loud, and drove the great white bear away.

"Server notice: The player's slender and handsome man has obtained a territory order!".

"Fuck, the fat guy doesn't want to sell it!" Fatty Han looked at the cyan token light that suddenly floated above his head with a bitter face.

When Zhang Yang came to the gate of the castle, he immediately swung his ax and killed him.

As the rows of players in front died, Zhang Yang finally stepped up, swiped his tomahawk, and made a sweeping shot, immediately splashing a series of high damage, among which the jumping crit damage could even instantly kill a person!

Shock wave!

A cone-shaped shock wave gushed out, and a large number of players in front were knocked unconscious at the same time. Zhang Yang and others took the opportunity to bombard them out, pushing the battle line forward three or four meters abruptly!

"That's the president of Desert Dust, kill him quickly!"

"The one who rides the bear is Zhan Yu!"

"Damn, this guy is too fierce, focus on him!"

Zhang Yang laughed, this kind of charge-style combat is not suitable for spellcasting professions at all, because magic professions have no way to read the text, people can't stop at all, they have been pushed forward by the people behind, and the spell has just begun The chanting was immediately interrupted. Except for instant cast spells, the rest of the time was like a useless person!

Therefore, the ones rushing to the front are all melee professions such as fighters, knights, and thieves!

Faced with these physical damage types of players, Zhang Yang is not afraid at all. At most five or six people can attack him at the same time. With his super high defense, a round of attacks can cause one to two thousand damages. Thank goodness for that!

But this mere damage is nothing compared to Zhang Yang's current blood volume of over 40,000. Behind him, Han Yingxue and other four nannies are full-time brushing him, and his blood volume is immediately brushed up as soon as his blood volume drops!

Like a super god of war, Zhang Yang stood guard at the gate of the city, forcing a million troops to hardly get an inch! It's quite like Zhang Yide's roar in the past, and the invincible tiger's might of thousands of troops!

"Quick, the mage stepped forward and killed Zhan Yu!"

The presidents of the major guilds all shouted. When encountering a tank with super defense equipment like Zhang Yang, the melee physics profession is simply a gift. Only the mage army can change quantity into quality and kill instantly in one fell swoop!

The attacking side no longer has a melee class to fill in, but replaced it with a pure mage class. But Zhang Yang is not stupid. If the mage stepped forward, wouldn't he retreat? Just in time, the remote occupations on the city wall took the opportunity to drop their group damage skills, knocking out pieces of mages like wheat!

The advantage of the defender is that it can attack from both directions at the same time. The melee occupations block the door at the bottom, and the long-range occupations do group damage at the top, forming a three-dimensional attack. The firepower is at least stronger than that of the attacker. Two or three times!

Zhang Yang couldn't help but rejoice that this is not a territorial battle after level 100! Because players can get flying mounts after level 100, there are no natural dangers at that time, and they can only fight hard in street battles!

The gate of Stormcastle became like a meat grinder, and it was unknown how many players died in just one hour! However, after all, the attacking side had far more people than the defending side, relying on the infinite charge of ten lives for one life, or even thirty or forty lives for one life, finally killed the city gate!

"Back!" Zhang Yang shook his axe. Although the road in this castle is not narrow, it is no different from a single-plank bridge in front of a million troops! However, the previous three-dimensional strike effect is gone, so you can only stab the blade and fight recklessly!

Fortunately, the goal of the defender is not to completely annihilate the enemy, but as long as they can last for three hours is enough!

Looking at the vast enemy army like a tide, Zhang Yang couldn't help but miss Serena. If this princess could be invited, a sword of life of the dead would be blasted out, and millions of troops would be slaughtered, and the whole world would be clean!

"While fighting and retreating, use the terrain as much as possible!" Zhang Yang played the role of the rear. Unlike the castle gate which only has one entrance, the roads inside the castle can be said to extend in all directions. There are seven roads leading to the highest point of the castle. Best signpost ever!

Street fighting, start!

Zhang Yang's advantage of owning a mount is brought into full play in this kind of team battle. The "Life Sharing" skill has supported his HP limit to more than 40,000, and he has a strong ability to avoid injuries. Four or five healers are standing behind him. It's really a one man guarding the gate, and ten thousand men can't open it!

However, his bravery alone is useless, because there are seven roads leading to Fatty. As long as one of the lines of defense collapses, Fatty Han may be killed and the territory order will be issued, making the offensive and defensive sides change positions!

Baifa and Yizhong are in command, and reinforcements will be sent to whichever front is tight.

Persistence is victory!

The four guilds such as Desert Dust and One Angry Beauty are not so mad that they want to wipe out the enemy, as long as they wait for 3 hours! And now, just stick to it for another 1 hour, 52 minutes and 37 seconds!

"Zhan Yu, I didn't expect to meet again so soon!" Yi Lean Qingcheng rode out slowly on his blood wolf, with a strong fighting intent in his eyes.

Zhang Yang laughed, and said: "Stop talking nonsense, don't you just want to grab the land order? Don't pretend to be noble, if you want to go up, do it quickly, and see if my brother doesn't beat you up!"

Wei Yan'er clapped her hands and laughed loudly, and said, "Anemia warrior, rejoice!"

"Hmph!" Yi Jian Qingcheng screamed, slammed the mount under his seat, and rushed towards Zhang Yang and the others.

"Looking for death!" Zhang Yang shouted coldly, circled the tomahawk in his hand, and greeted the opponent.

Destroy blow!

This kind of chaotic team battle, not to mention any positioning, just fighting for healing and firepower, Zhang Yang couldn't dodge at all, and immediately received a devastating blow with a single sword, and a negative effect of reducing the healing effect by 75% was attached to his body !

Don't forget, in Zhang Yang's last life, Allure With One Sword was the only fighter in the Middle Kingdom who had completed the S-level difficulty of a level 30 professional task!

"Jie Huo Zhan Yu, he has the negative effect of reducing the healing effect, and the healing can't add up!" shouted with a sword all over the city. (to be continued).

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