Both opponents entered the virtual arena five minutes before the start of the battle. Desert Dust is displayed in red, while Youth is displayed in blue.

"The opponent is the chopper team." Looking at the opponent's professional composition and blood volume, Zhang Yang said, "Don't underestimate the opponent. None of the teams that can get here is a weak team. We can't lose Jingzhou carelessly."

"Then what tactics should we prepare?"

"Set the fire first and kill them one by one"

"...Is this called tactics?" Except for Sun Xinyu, the other three girls rolled their eyes.

"There is no fixed tactic in the first place. It depends on the opponent's formation and adapts accordingly. I just remind you not to underestimate the enemy."

"You still need to say"

"They have two Berserkers. I think they are capable of oscillating waves. The formation must be dispersed later. Don't hold them down and use Whirlwind, it will kill people," Zhang Yang said.

Oscillatory Wave is a rare item in the level 40 era, but after more than three months, more and more players know that there is a reputation called Kukuro Centaur, and the higher the level, the faster the reputation will be earned. Players who have basically reached level 60 must have learned the skills that can only be purchased with worship reputation.

"Anemia warrior, you can become a babysitter with your wordiness." Wei Yan'er spread her hands.

"Little girl's butt itches?" Zhang Yang asked feigned anger.

"Stinky rascal," Wei Yan'er said angrily with a blushing face.

"Rogue" Han Yingxue, Narcissus, and even Sun Xinyu also scolded.

Zhang Yang burst into tears, his love for the little girl is completely the love of the big brother for the little girl, but there is really no slant in the slightest, besides, even if he wants a loli, he will not pick this poor breast

"Ding Desert Dust's match against Youth will start in ten seconds"

10, 9, 8... 3, 2, 1

The air wall was withdrawn suddenly, and ten people from both sides rushed to the center of the field at the same time.

Zhang Yang, one man and one bear, naturally acted as the vanguard, piercing the heart of the opponent's formation like a sharp knife

savage charge charge charge charge charge charge

Wei Yan'er, Baiyun Wuxiu, Frozen Star Trace, and Golden Ear Bear King launched their charge skills one after another, and they stunned each other. Zhang Yang was hanging behind the big white bear, but he survived. The body of Baiyun Wuxiu was touched.


Anger soared, Zhang Yang immediately swung a sweep.



The Son of Holy Light was startled, who is so cruel, and Bai Yun's 6,000 HP was blown away in two hits, so he hurriedly chanted a healing spell.

The narcissus bloomed in a flash, and directly entered the range where the Son of Light could attack. With a "counter-magic" attack, the holy light of the Son of Light was interrupted immediately, and he fell into a three-second forced cooling of holy spells

"I've been countered. Speed ​​up and blast their mages!" The Son of Light shouted in the team.

He originally thought it was safe to hang at the back of the team, but he never thought that Narcissus Bloom would flash up to the front to perform counter-spell Suddenly, the Son of Light was caught off guard

But since Narcissus Blooming has come to the front, she is the best target for fire while her flash skill is still cooling down


The opponent's thief Gentle Fire appeared from the stealth state, and a "sneak attack" stunned Narcissus Blossom, but before he started to output, Sun Xinyu also emerged from behind him, and also stunned him with the "sneak attack" skill , the praying mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind

Wei Yan'er, Baiyun Wuxiu, Frozen Star Mark, and Golden Ear Bear King woke up almost at the same time, and the other two fighters immediately ran towards the daffodils, and Fuwa took up their bows and arrows and aimed at them. The narcissus blossomed and shot out the sharp arrow.

"Get rid of Baiyun Wuxiu first." Zhang Yang threw the sacrificial skill on her the moment before the opponent's attack touched the daffodil. …




Baiyun Wuxiu and Frozen Starmark swung a destructive blow and a horizontal slash at the same time, and Fu Wa also hit a flat shot and an aimed shot, but the damage was transferred from Narcissus Blossom to Zhang Yang.

"The beautiful Zhanyu player added the sacrifice skill to the Narcissus Blossom player at the most critical time. It really only took 0.01 seconds, so the two fighters of the blue team had no way to stop. They confessed a skill in vain."

"Turn the fire to play the water smoke!" Bai Yun Wuxiu and Bing Feng Xinghen immediately exchanged a word in the team, and at the same time turned to greet Wei Yan'er.

Although the first wave of concentrated fire attack failed, it also forced Zhang Yang's sacrifice skills, which is not too bad

Seeing the two opponents attacking, Wei Yan'er couldn't help showing a happy and militant smile, her blood rage was activated, and she swung the big ax in her hand



She also swung a whirlwind

Compared to the two Baiyun Wuxiu, Wei Yan'er not only has a gold-level weapon of level 60, but also has more skill points, and has already added Whirlwind to level 10, with an attack power of 170 melee damage, far Much better than the 150 melee damage they cast on Devastate.

Zhang Yang added a devastating blow to Baiyun Wuxiu, and a strange number "-4444" jumped up. Although Baiyun Wuxiu had poured a three-polar healing potion, he couldn't save his life, so he fell to the ground and died. .

At this time, the Son of Light broke away from the counterspell, and just read half of a healing spell, but when the person died, the spell was naturally interrupted

He quickly put the treatment target on Wenrou Huo, because after Sun Xinyu got the new weapon "Spider Tooth Blade", the damage was even more terrifying, and already knocked down half of Wenrou Huo's blood volume

But at this time, the great white bear had already rushed to the side of the Son of Light, and a thick bear paw patted it, immediately prolonging the chanting time of his spell.

In the game, if the player is attacked while chanting a non-instantaneous spell, there will be a 70% chance to extend the spell chanting time, but at most it will not exceed double the time. In other words, a spell that can be read in 2 seconds can be delayed for up to 4 seconds before being released when attacked

The Son of Light is very embarrassed, he can activate the Holy Shield to enter the "invincible" state, and then he can heal without any interruption. But just because of the harassment of a pet, it is necessary to confess a life-saving skill, isn't this a huge loss? But if you don't activate the Holy Shield, this seemingly gentle fire will die

The situation on the battlefield changed suddenly, so there was no room for him to hesitate, and Sun Xinyu swung his dagger like lightning, without giving Gentle Huo a chance to resist, directly killing him


Youth resolutely admit defeat, lest the loss be too ugly and affect morale. After all, losing a game does not mean losing the chance to advance to the next round

Desert Dust successfully entered the winner group.

"Oh, it's really useless." Both sides were teleported out of the arena, Wei Yan'er took off the game helmet, and stuck out her little tongue.

Zhang Yang also thinks the same way, although everyone has played PK before, but such a professional game is the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair. Although there is the baptism of the main city trials, it is only a mere 16 rounds, it is a mob Crowds can't play exquisite coordination, can't play novel tactics

After all, there will be an official team league after this sword-pointing event, and everyone's level will rise steadily. Unlike Zhang Yang, who has been fighting in the already mature team league for more than two years, looking back Looking at the current game, it does feel extremely rough.

The second match followed ten minutes later, with Angel Wings taking on The Return of the King. The strengths of the two teams were relatively close, and in the end, Angel Wings won miserably, kicking Return of the King into the loser group, and they challenged the mighty Desert Dust Team. …

Another ten minutes later, the winner's group match started first.

"It seems that they replaced all the inlaid gems with physical strength." Zhang Yang said after observing the opponent's equipment for a while, "Otherwise, with their equipment attributes, it is impossible to reach more than 15,000 HP."

"Anemia fighters, their shield fighters are very powerful." Wei Yan'er said with blinking eyes. In the previous match between Angel Wings and The Return of the King, Mei Chaofeng, the shield warrior of Angel Wings, performed very eye-catchingly. The deceleration of the thunderbolt, the immobilization of the shock wave, and the sacrifice of saving people were wonderful. It can be said that without him, Angel Wing's strength would definitely be a notch lower than Return of the King's

Zhang Yang nodded, he saw the shadow of himself "before" from Mei Chaofeng. At that time, he lacked strong partners around him, and he also led the team struggling in the first division league by himself.

He smiled and said, "Leave him to me to deal with, and you can handle the others."

"Okay, Miss Ben doesn't bother to shell the tortoise and the others will be left to Miss Ben. Don't worry about Miss Ben's work." Wei Yan'er patted her chest and took care of everything.

"Don't shoot, maybe there is still a chance to develop, but if you shoot like this again, there is really no hope."

"bad guy"

"Ding Desert Dust's match against Angel Wings will start in 10 seconds"

ten seconds flies by

Zhang Yang made the big white bear stare at the other party's treatment, while he himself rushed towards Mei Chao madly.

charge charge

The two shield warriors immediately collided into a ball and fell into a coma at the same time.

A mere second later, the two woke up at the same time. Mei Chaofeng obviously felt that it was pointless to entangle with a thick-skinned shield warrior. Injured tanks, whether they can deal damage that breaks the defense are two things

The significance of shield warriors in team battles is, first, to provide sacrifices and self-sacrifice to increase the survival rate of the team; second, to use various control skills to control the field; third, to provide the effect of destroying blows and reducing healing

Therefore, Mei Chaofeng immediately turned around and ran towards Wei Yan'er.



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