MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 288 Great Reversal of Good and Evil

"Online Game Battle of Yutianxia" Chapter 288: Great Reversal of Good and Evil

"Bai Xue, I will never hand Oz into your hands. Your evil will plunge all the people of Oz into endless darkness." Seunita shouted righteously, holding a black staff high in her right hand , sending a black light to the astrologer tower in the distance.

She was stunned for a moment, showing a dignified look, and said, "You destroyed the mirror of truth?

Seunita glanced at Zhang Yang and said: "The Mirror of Truth is Baixue's nemesis, she would never dare to destroy it herself! It was you" It was you stupid adventurers who helped her! You idiots, why are you helping such an evil person?"

Zhang Yang and the five couldn't help but looked at each other, shocked by this sudden change!

"It seems that we helped the wrong person?

"It turns out that Snow White is a wicked person, but the old witch is a good person"

"Damn, we've all been misled by the plot of the fairy tale! This is "Miracle", not "Grimm's Fairy Tales". Snow White doesn't have to be a good person, and stepmother doesn't have to be a bad person either."

"The system is horrible"

"It seems that when we first met Snow White, the system gave us two choices, to kill or not to kill, it was our choice to help Snow White."

"No wonder I haven't seen the seven dwarfs, she must have killed them"

Snow White laughed triumphantly, and said: "That's right, these adventurers are too stupid, they just got fooled by me for a few words, and they foolishly fetched Herlo's heart for me, sneaked into the palace, and destroyed it." Mirror of Truth! Seunita, without the Mirror of Truth, you are no match for me. Today, I want to rain blood on the entire city of Hera, and I want dark clouds to cover Oz forever. live in fear"


Her body suddenly emitted streaks of black brilliance, rushing in all directions like water waves, the momentum of the powerful text provided by Qihang Update Group surged on her body, and streaks of black light spurted from her body Coming out of his body, it was like a sharp sword surrounded by black air!

The evil breath swayed, and Snow White's black hair danced without wind, her pupils glowed, a black light flashed, and her level and rank suddenly jumped three steps!

[Snow White] (Purple-gold leader, humanoid creature)

Level: 80

HP: 8 million

Armor value: 2400

All the women of the "Purple-Gold Level Leader" exclaimed!

"Adventurers, you must make amends for your stupid behavior! Kill Baixue, and don't let Oz fall into darkness forever." Seunita said to Zhang Yang.

"Ding! Your mission: Take back the throne and give up automatically"

"Ding! Seunita has given you a mission: atonement, do you accept it?


[Atonement] (Task Difficulty: S Level)

Mission description: Because of your stupidity and gullibility, Oz is facing the most dangerous difficulties! Without the suppression of the Mirror of Truth, the evil Snow White is invincible, and you must make amends for your actions! Kill Snow White and save Oz!

Quest limit: 5 people

Completion: Killing Snow White 01

This task went around in a circle and went back to the original requirements! It's just that Snow White in the wanted mission is just an elite monster, but now she is a purple-gold boss, and so far, the first purple-gold boss in the game!

Different difficulty means different rewards!

If he had chosen to kill Snow White immediately, he would only have been rewarded for killing the elite monsters, but now the task has become S-level! S-level tasks are rare in the game, but any task marked as S-level must have generous task rewards!

Zhang Yang met Snow White, swiped, and cut it with a sword-


Facing a boss with 2400 points of armor, Zhang Yang can only deal just a little over 1000 damage even with the Eagle Eye skill!

Snow White let out a stern whistle, raised the long sword in her hand, and slashed at Zhang Yang with force.



The sword and shield clashed, Zhang Yang was shocked by the huge force and backed up again and again, the power of the purple-gold level boss is too powerful!

But only two seconds later, Snow White swung her sword again, this time Zhang Yang had no choice but to force himself! -


Even though Zhang Yang has the most powerful tank equipment at present, after receiving the blow from the boss, the floating damage is extremely terrifying!

"Wow, you dare to lie to me, Miss Ben is going to cut you down!" Wei Yan'er angrily rushed towards Snow White, and launched an attack! .

Sun Xinyu and the others also immediately met the boss and launched an offensive.

However, Snow White is a level 80 purple gold boss, and her armor is terrifyingly high. Secondly, except for the fact that this text is provided by the Qihang update team, no one else has reached level 70, which is at least ten levels lower than the boss. The attacks played will be greatly weakened due to the large difference in level!

Because Wei Yan'er uses a two-handed weapon, she can still deal some damage. Like Sun Xinyu, she is just tickling the boss, and can only deal damage within a hundred figures! Although Narcissus Huakai doesn't have to worry about the armor value, her damage is pitifully low because of the level suppression!

The only thing that can cause considerable damage to the boss is Zhang Yang! He is currently level 71, only 9 levels behind the boss, and has not been affected by the damage reduction caused by level suppression, and after completing the five pieces, any boss has 0 armor in front of him!

But the problem is, Snow White's damage is too severe! Although it wouldn't be enough to lose Zhang Yang in seconds, it was so strong that Han Yingxue couldn't add it up at all. Although Zhang Yang's blood volume was already fully activated, Zhang Yang's blood volume was still dropping!

Moreover, when fighting Angelo before, Zhang Yang had already activated all the big skills, and now the shield wall and fury recovery are still in the cooling state!

"Stupid and weak untouchables, dare to use force against me, die!" Snow White shouted angrily, and the long sword swirled suddenly! -

27080! -

27000! -

27160! -

27160! -


"Ding! You suffered 27080 points of physical damage from Snow White's whirlwind (120 points were reduced)"

"Ding! You suffered 19966 points of physical damage because of Snow White's whirlwind (6240 points were reduced and 994 points were absorbed)"

The boss's Whirlwind Slash covered a huge area, even if Han Yingxue stood far away, she still suffered damage! The damage was extremely terrifying. Except for Zhang Yang, Sun Xinyu and other four girls were instantly attacked at the same time. They didn't even have any reaction when they opened the "refrigerator" and used "disappear!"

Although Zhang Yang was not killed, he only had more than 10,000 points of residual blood left. He hurriedly jumped off his mount and escaped with the shadow of the void-


The big pyrenes immediately became the target of the boss's attack, and the epee slashed, and the golden-eared bear king, who had only a little blood left, stood upright!

Zhang Yang got angry, took out the Friendship Wearing Equipment from his backpack, and canceled the Shadow of the Void status.

His image immediately underwent a huge change, the flesh and blood on his body corroded and fell off one by one, revealing a ruthless skeleton—he became an undead!

After Snow White wiped out the players, she targeted Seunita, and the two bosses are fighting fiercely!

But Seunita is only a gold-level boss. Although there are four elite maids to help, Snow White casts whirlwind again and again, killing the four elite maids and knocking down Seunita's health. , but she herself lost 10% of the blood and didn't arrive!

Zhang Yang reached out and tapped on the Friendship Pendant, and shouted, "Shadow of Smailloo, appear!"


Amid the strong power fluctuations, a phantom emerged from the Friendship Wearing, and evolved into the image of Smailo, the king of the Forsaken in the air! He has bone wings on his back, and only bones are left in his body, but he is full of majesty that makes people tremble!

[Phantom of Smailo] (Earth Holy Leader, Summoner)

grade:? ? ?

life value:? ? ?

Armor Value: ? ? ?

Note: Although it is only the phantom of Smailo, it is still full of frightening power!

When Smailo appeared, the powerful fluctuations of power actually stopped the battle between Snow White and Seunita! The two bosses looked at Smaillow with eyes full of shock, feeling terrified by his strength.

Zhang Yang pointed at Snow White and said, "Kill her!"

"Roar" Smailo let out a roar, and the phantom of the blood shadow sword in his hand flashed a scarlet light, and swept towards Snow White wildly.


Snow White hastily greeted her with her long sword, and when the two weapons collided, there was a thunderous bang! Immediately, she was directly blasted by the huge force, and she drew a distance of tens of meters, leaving two deep footprints along the way! -


A huge damage figure immediately floated above Snow White's head.

"Anemia warrior, what's the situation now? Han Yingxue and the others are running away, Wei Yan'er couldn't wait to ask.

Zhang Yang laughed loudly and said, "Hurry up and watch the play."

Smaillow's phantom showed no mercy, after one sword cut, another sword was drawn towards Snow White!

Snow White, who was still majestic just now, immediately became a doormat, and her health dropped rapidly under the attack of Smailo's phantom! You know, above the purple gold level, you have to go through the mysterious spirit level and the phantom spirit level before you can reach the earth holy level. There is a difference of three ranks between the two bosses. Can this be compared?

Han Yingxue and the others ran over one after another. After being resurrected, they ran aside to eat snacks to recover.

"Silly Yu, how did you become so virtuous? When all the girls saw Zhang Yang, they were startled.

Zhang Yang spread his hands and said: "If I don't become like this, how can I call out that big killer? He posted the attribute of the friendship pendant on the team channel.

"Wow, Anemia Warrior, you didn't tell me that you have such a good thing." Wei Yan'er said angrily, "Give me the remaining two chances to use it."

"Silly girl, 'has been bound', didn't you see it?

Wei Yan'er was furious, jumped up and said: "Anemia soldier, if you dare to call me stupid again, I will break up with you."


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