MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 292 Defending the Territory (2)

Han Yingxue followed Zhang Yang closely, and kept throwing recovery and divine healing spells on Zhang Yang's head one by one to maintain his blood volume.

The advantages of high-level and top-quality equipment were brought into full play at this moment. Zhang Yang was like Zhao Zilong who entered and exited seven times in Changbanpo, where the sword danced and the cold light flickered, monsters screamed to death one by one, and fell down densely. one place.

The long-distance occupations on the city wall were divided into parts, and hail and fire rained at one end of the gate in the city, killing all the flame imps and falling to the ground.

The first two rounds of attacks were obviously just appetizers, and the difficulty of resisting was not too great. Although some people died on the side of Desert Dust, they immediately came back to revive, but the 10% attribute weakening was a bit annoying.

After 50 minutes, the leader of the second wave of monsters appeared!

"Ding! The demon servant Hongmorak has joined the battle!"

At a distance of 500 meters, a humanoid monster with a height of about 10 meters appeared. It was brown and blue in color, with two horns on its head, a tail behind its thighs, cow hooves, and a human face! He strode towards the castle, and every time he took a step, a flame emanated from his feet, radiating outward in a circular shape, spraying out about 60 meters before disappearing!

【Servant Morakot】(silver-level leader, demon)

Grade: 68

HP: 12 million

Mana: 6 million

Armor value: 700

Zhang Yang immediately waved his sword, and said, "The first team, follow me!"

The first team he mentioned refers to Han Yingxue, Sun Xinyu, and Baifa No. 1, the ten players with the best equipment. This boss has its own flame halo, causing 1000 points of fire damage every two seconds, covering a radius of 60 meters! Whether it's melee, long-range or healing, they are all under the influence of the boss aura. Ordinary healing light is enough to add to oneself, so how can it be added to others!

Although Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart have good equipment, and holy priests are indeed suitable for group supplementation, there is also an upper limit to the number of people. Two people are in charge of a ten-person team. This is their limit and the number of people who can best exert their healing ability!

The ten-man team flew towards the boss, Zhang Yang was at the front, and when he entered the maximum range of 30 meters from a distance, Zhang Yang flew away with a broken spear.


Morakot roared suddenly, stopped, and stretched out his right hand, a ball of flame immediately appeared in his hand, and rapidly expanded.


At this time, the flame halo of the boss was burned, and the heads of the non-tank professions jumped with "-1000" damage. Two healers quickly jumped off their mounts and began to replenish the blood volume of everyone.

Zhang Yang rushed close to the boss, the blood rage was activated, and the magic-breaking blow was blasted out!


The bosses that appear in this kind of siege battle are quite awesome, just looking at the blood volume is more than some gold-level or even purple-gold level bosses! There is no way, there are so many players on the battlefield, if the blood volume is low, everyone will die when they shoot the boss the last time!

Therefore, the bosses that appear at this time must be immune to interrupting spells and control skills, otherwise dozens of thieves form a control chain, which can make the boss from dizziness to death, that would be too easy!

Morakot's spell was also chanted, flames flashed, and a huge fireball hit Zhang Yang's body immediately.

"Ding! You suffered 3806 points of damage from Morakot's fireball (1200 points were reduced and 994 points were absorbed)!"

It hurts a little bit, what a joke!

Zhang Yang cooperated with Wei Yan'er, let's not worry about the trivia, just fill up the five layers of broken armor!

Ping pong pong, everyone started fighting around the boss. Their ten-member team is so luxuriously equipped that there is no other team like this in China! They were all like wolves and tigers, beating the boss until he screamed, and his blood volume plummeted!

Within eight minutes, Morakot roared in the sky and hung up.

"Hmph, how dare this kind of poor level act wild!" Wei Yan'er was triumphant.

"I don't know how Huangtian's fight is going there?"

"It's best if the territory order has already been robbed!" Han Yingxue said angrily.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "If the territory order changes hands, the system will send a server notification! And with the personality of a sword, he may not be relieved to hand over the territory order to others for safekeeping before the battle is over!"

Fatty Han immediately slapped his head and said, "I knew earlier, Fat Brother should have swallowed up the territory order for himself! Why do you want to return it to Yangzi?"

"Fatty is so stupid!" Wei Yan'er laughed out loud - her smile was always low.

Putting away Morakot's drop, everyone hurried back to the castle. The next wave of attacks will start in only a minute or two!

60 minutes.

"Ding! The third wave of monsters has launched an attack!"

"Hey, where's the monster?"

"Why can't I see it? Is there a system error?".

"Great, save a little effort!"

"You are stupid, just killed so many monsters, look at how much experience you have gained!"

"Well, I noticed just now that my experience points have increased by 17%!"

Although the system prompts that the third wave of attack has begun, there is no monster in the sight of everyone. The sky is still so gloomy, and the ground is still so empty, but it just keeps raising the sky. It seems that there is an invisible army galloping at full speed!

Hearing everyone's discussion, Mengbuhui couldn't help laughing and said: "Actually, Huangtian and the others have done a good deed, they have given us so much experience!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Yang kept staring at the dust flying all over the sky, and his brows were slightly furrowed. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he said, "Get ready to fight, the monster is under the ground!"

"Under the ground, what's that strange? Undead?"

"No, it's an earth borer!" Zhang Yang said loudly.


While speaking, a big hole suddenly opened in a piece of ground under the city wall, and a monster shaped like an earthworm came out. It was seven or eight meters long, thick as a bucket, covered in pink, and covered with black mud. It looks indescribably disgusting!

As soon as the monster got out, it didn't know whether it was the tip of the top or the tail, and shot out a green slime, which was sprayed towards the players on the city wall.




Wherever the green slime passed, damage numbers jumped up on the heads of all the players, and even the city walls showed signs of corrosion!

【Earth Burrower】(Normal, Beast)

Level: 70

HP: 7000

Armor value: 70

"Oh, that's disgusting!" The female players covered their noses one after another, and their fighting power dropped by 90% instantly!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another, the earth-boring worms sprang out from the ground, spraying out streams of green liquid and attacking Thunderstorm Fort. The spray attacks of these monsters are very annoying, not only group damage, but also instantaneous, but there is a two-second cooldown after each spray!

In this way, the players on the city wall could not use the method of card perspective to protect themselves, and the casualties surged suddenly.

Zhang Yang waved his sword and said: "All melee combat, rush out of the city gate to kill! These monsters will burrow into the ground, and the castle's defense will not be effective against them. Instead, it will limit our combat power! Rush! Rush out and kill!"

The melee professionals held back for two rounds. When Zhang Yang said that there was a fight, they all shouted excitedly, summoned their mounts one after another, and rushed out after Zhang Yang.

The fierce battle begins!

Burgers are very, very nasty, and very, very cunning!

They will only drill out of the ground when they can attack, and will hide in the ground when the skills are cooling down. This is a very headache for the magic system that needs to sing time to attack!

And the physics career is much better! Like thieves and hunters, they recover energy and concentration at a fixed time. Monsters hide underground. They just wait for the recovery of energy and concentration. Although it will also lose a part of the damage of the flat cut, but the impact is not very big!

At this time, after all, there is a feeling of war. Although the monsters die very quickly, the players also suffered heavy casualties. Let's go to Baiyu City!

"Siyu, are you going to use the magic cannon?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "It's not yet time, this is the third wave! Besides, these monsters are hiding underground, and it's hard for magic cannons to kill them!"

The fierce fighting is still going on, a large number of monsters die every moment, and many players die! These earth-boring bugs don't have a clear aggro, they will automatically clear the aggro list as soon as they burrow into the ground, and then randomly pick a target to attack when they burrow out!

In the face of these monsters that can run rampant underground, the tanks are helpless! Monsters can cheat to bypass them, which makes it impossible for tank professions to block them!

Finally, it lasted until the 80th minute, and finally no new burrowers were refreshed, but the boss appeared!

"Ding! Tumorash, the burrower king, has joined the battle!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the distant place, the ground is arching, forming a ripple that is rushing towards Thunderstorm Fort!

The boss is currently still underground, and the specific level and attributes cannot be seen!

Zhang Yang greeted the boss in the direction, and said loudly: "Get out of the way, don't stand where the boss passes! Otherwise, you will be caught!"

The "ripple" on the ground was getting closer and closer to Zhang Yang. Suddenly, the soil flew up, and a huge earth-boring worm broke through the ground. It was more than 30 meters long and more than five meters thick in the horizontal direction. There are eyes in a circle, and in the middle is a huge mouth full of fangs, which is spitting out an extremely disgusting fishy smell.

[Earth Drilling Bug King Tumorash] (Silver-level leader, beast)

Grade: 71

HP: 14 million

Armor value: 800

As soon as Tumorash appeared, he spit out a large ball of green mucus at Zhang Yang, but he didn't immediately dive into the ground like other earth-drilling insects, but waved its thick and long body and bumped towards Zhang Yang. . 【To be continued】.

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