MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 304 Investigating the Demon Territory

Comrade, please stop, you must know the rules~~~~

"Why doesn't Meimo have any boys?" Wei Yan'er asked curiously.

, "...,... Can a man still be called a mermaid?"

"Then they won't give birth to a boy baby?" Wei Yan'er obviously didn't buy it so easily.

Zhang Yang was about to go crazy, he thought hard for a while, and said: "This is a very magical race. If a baby boy is born, it will inherit the racial characteristics of the father, and only a baby girl will inherit the characteristics of the demon!"

"Wow!" Wei Yan'er's eyes brightened, but she immediately tilted her head and said, "Why is this happening?"

, "." How could I know, you can ask the designer of this game! "Zhang Yang couldn't take it anymore.

Han Yingxue looked at Zhang Yang sympathetically, and said, "Siyu, you have felt my pain now!"

Thinking about Han Yingxue having to endure Wei Yaner, a curious baby, for more than ten years, it is indeed pitiful! Maybe she hid in England to study, not to avoid Luo Yangming, but because she was afraid of Wei Yan'er!

"Let's fight!" Zhang Yang patted the big white bear and rushed forward.

There are already three people in the team who have riding pets, and their fighting power has soared! Especially the Bear King Sheer and the Crimson Devil Tyrannosaurus, both of which are gold-ranked pets, their combat effectiveness is comparable to that of players of the same level who are dressed in silver!

"Well, human man, come and have some fun with me! Slap!" A succubus quickly involved Zhang Yang and the others in the battle, flicking the whip, making a frivolous sound, swaying her fat buttocks, sexy Incomparable.

Swipe, the whip was whipped towards Zhang Yang.

"Sao Fox, look at the axe!" Wei Yan'er scolded coquettishly, and was the first to charge forward.

The powerful firepower of the five people and the three pets could not survive the elite monster for a few seconds. After a while, it wailed and fell to the ground, bursting out a few pieces of silk, dozens of copper coins, and a fragment of the devil stone. Wei Yan'er snatched it away in no time.

"You really don't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, and you are really cruel!" Zhang Yang said with a smile, "It really is the most poisonous woman's heart!"

"Nonsense, she's still a little girl!" Wei Yan'er stuck out her tongue.

Han Yingxue gave Zhang Yang a wink and said, "Sister is still a girl, not a woman!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help sweating, it's fine for the little girl to be ignorant, what kind of fun are you messing with!

There are countless monsters in this camp. The team cleaned up all the way, and they didn't know how many monsters they killed before they came to a small castle. This is the center of the entire demon territory. The castle looks like a cylinder, only one story high, and four huge banners are planted at the entrance, under which are eight elite-level hellfire demons.

[Hellfire Demon] (Elite, Demon)

Grade: 76

HP: 76000

Armor value: 600

This stone creature is naturally thick-skinned. The average 70+ elite monster only has 400 points of armor, but they have 50% more armor! These hellfire demons have their own flame halos, which cause 1000 points of fire damage to all creatures within 40 meters around every two seconds. Fortunately, the effects of similar halos cannot be superimposed!

"80% of the places we want to investigate are inside!" Zhang Yang said.

"Go!" Han Yingxue added a holy shield to Zhang Yang, as if you could die.

"You are so poisonous before you become a woman, and you will pay back in the future!" Zhang Yang threw down a sentence that made Han Yingxue's teeth itch, and patted the big white bear and rushed towards the eight stone monsters.

"Aww!" The eight hellfire demons are in a chain of hatred with each other, as long as one monster's hatred is attracted, the other eight will all rush forward together. With heavy steps, he raised his stone fist burning with blue flames and punched Zhang Yang in the head.

If Zhang Yang was single-handed, then he would definitely use his position to avoid some of the attacks, but since he brought Han Yingxue with him, Zhang Yang couldn't bear to let her have nothing to do, so he didn't dodge or dodge, fighting with these monsters Hard up.

Fortunately, the flame halo can't cause any damage to him at all, and the monster's melee attack only deals about 1400 damage, and the eight of them add up to more than 10,000. At most, he confessed that one fury recovery would be enough, and the cooldown would be over in two minutes , don't use it for nothing!

"It's also thanks to the president, if it's another tank, it won't be able to withstand the siege of so many monsters!" Narcissus blossomed in admiration. .

Han Yingxue made fun of her and said, "Narcissus, if you like Silly Yu, just say so! Anyway, we are not outsiders, so why not be embarrassed, we still have to go around!"

"Nonsense!" Narcissus Blossom immediately blushed, bowed her head and said nothing.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "Snow Demon Girl, don't you feel uncomfortable if you don't flirt with servants all day?"

It hurts? "Han Yingxue pointed her cannon at Zhang Yang.

"Sister, you are really a rascal!" Wei Yan'er expressed that she wanted to kill relatives righteously.

Zhang Yang blamed the monster, and said: "When I was fighting the rhinoceros just now, I heard two rhinoceros talking, a male and a female. The male rhinoceros said, "Run, dear, the snow demon is here!" The female rhinoceros said Li: who is she, why am I running away! The male rhinoceros said: The snow demon girl likes bragging the most! So, the female rhinoceros immediately ran away!"

Sun Xinyu and Narcissus Blossom showed a shy smile, while Wei Yan'er was in a daze, and said, "Why does the female rhinoceros run away?"

"Silly Yu, you want to die!" Han Yingxue waved her fist.

Zhang Yang said again: "The female rhinoceros ran for a long time, but she saw the male rhinoceros running with her. She couldn't help being surprised and said, "My dear, why are you running?" The male rhinoceros stared and said, "That snow demon girl not only I like to brag, and I also like to bullshit!"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help laughing out loud. This was the signature of a certain player he saw when he was on the forum a few days ago.

Bie Xinyu and Narcissus Blossom couldn't help laughing, while Han Yingxue was so angry that her teeth itch. Only Wei Yan'er still looked at the four of them innocently with a dazed face.

Like a storm, five people cleared all eight hellfire demons and walked into this strange cylindrical building.

After entering, there are two circular passages on the left and right, and a wall in front of it, and no further progress is allowed.

"Which way?"

Zhang Yang said casually: "Anyway, it's a circle, and the two sides are probably about the same. You have to go to the other end of the circle to get an exit. If you are a man on the left and a woman on the right, then go to the left!"

"Go square!"

The four girls said in unison, and after speaking, they looked at each other and laughed.

Zhang Yang was outnumbered, so he had no choice but to lead his team to walk through the passage on the right. This passage is not unimpeded, there is a void walker guarding every twenty or thirty meters, and the blue and fat body is unusually conspicuous.

There is nothing to say, kill it!

"Baby Zi is so cute, I want to raise one too!" Wei Yan'er started to shine again.


As soon as she finished speaking, the blue fat man was killed with the last trace of blood, but before dying, he blew himself up, causing Zhang Yang, Sun Xinyu, Wei Yan'er and the big white bear who were within the melee range to suffer 1 Ten thousand points of shadow damage!

"Is it cute now?"


After killing all the way to the other end along this circular corridor, the five of them also harvested a large pile of devil stone fragments. However, the devil stone fragments are not mandatory, and the drop rate is quite low, at most 10% - this is an elite monster, and if you fight mobs, the chance is not even 1%!

As for the complete Devil Stone, I haven't encountered a single piece, and it probably needs a boss to drop it.

After making a semicircle, what appeared in front of Zhang Yang and the others was a short path leading to the interior of the building, with a distance of only ten meters. After passing this short path... Everyone was depressed again, and there were still two bypass paths left and right. .

It's like drawing a small circle inside a big circle.

The five of them had no choice but to continue walking along the passage. After fighting for a long time, they came to the other end of the passage on the second floor. A short path of about ten meters also appeared in front of them.

Wei Yan'er said with a bitter face: "I bet it will be the same loop again!"

Being guessed right by her, the team had no choice but to continue killing monsters in the circular passage on the third floor.

There are circles in circles, although the distance between the floors is shorter than the floor, but it still makes Zhang Yang and the others complain endlessly! After going around seven and a half circles, the short path that appeared ahead was finally no longer a passage, but a large stone hall. There were torches inserted on the walls of the hall, illuminating the entire stone hall. Every detail is visible.

The stone hall is very simple, with a huge magic circle arranged on the ground, black lights shoot out from the top corners of the six-pointed star, forming a black light gate, every 30 seconds there is an elite-level monster with ten ordinary-level monsters The demon monsters walked out of the light gate. .

On the edge of the magic circle, there was also a dark, human-shaped monster made of a mass of gas, without feet, and the whole body was floating lightly in the air. Whenever a demon team appears from the portal, it stretches out its right hand, and a black air mass immediately envelops and floats the demons, and then a dark hole suddenly opens in the sky above the stone chamber, packing up the demons and sending them away .

[Nightmare Netmir] (gold level leader, demon)

Grade: 78

HP: 7.8 million

Armor value: 1400

Han Yingxue gritted her teeth angrily, and said, "We have to go around for a long time, and they got out so easily?"

If calculated according to the straight-line distance, the distance from the entrance to here is only a hundred meters at most, but surrounded by rings one after another, it will take at least 1500 meters!

"Ding! Mission: The goal of investigating the demon territory has been achieved, you can go back and report to Captain Kang Na!"

The five of them watched there for a while, and then received a notification from the mission assistant.

"Do you want to beat the boss?" Wei Yan'er was eager to try.

"There are mobs that keep spawning, it might be a little troublesome!" Narcissus Blossom said pertinently.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and said: "Try it once, if you can't pass it, think of another way! If the small monsters are spawned, you should clear the small ones first! You can fight the elite monsters. I only need to sweep the ordinary monsters to trigger Xuan Mingxi once." The special effects can almost wipe them all out!"

"superior!". ).

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