MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 310: Ancient Dragon Soul

As soon as the blue dragon curse came out, Fatty Han, Baifa Yizhong, and Mengbuhui all complained. They and Sun Xinyu were all professions that relied heavily on the agility attribute, and the 20 agility reduction had a great impact on their output.

But only fifteen seconds later, a green light flashed on the body of the ancient dragon soul, and another negative effect appeared on everyone.

"Ding, you are affected by the effect of the green dragon's curse, and your physical strength is reduced by 20"

Baifa Yizhong said: "The dragon shadow we saw just now, in addition to the green dragon and the blue dragon, there should be red dragons, black dragons, and bronze dragons? Quite a few words. This boss is estimated to be the five curses of the five-color dragon. Corresponding to the five basic attributes of the player"

Zhang Yang couldn't help smiling, and said, "Little girl, the curse of boss is much stronger than yours."

"Hmph, what's the use of being strong, it's not about getting killed by this lady," Wei Yan'er said, swinging the axe.

Unsurprisingly, every 15 seconds, the boss will release a curse of various dragons. The black dragon curse reduces strength by 20, the red dragon curse reduces intelligence by 20, and the bronze dragon curse reduces spirit by 20. Each curse has a 15-second pause, which will be filled by the boss again.

Warrior's Wrath, Ice Barrier, and Holy Shield can all remove the effect of the curse, but it cannot be removed the second time after solving it once. The frequency of bosses casting curses is too high.

The attribute was reduced, and everyone's attack power suddenly plummeted. Fortunately, the curse of the boss did not reduce the defense. Although Zhang Yang's upper limit of health was deducted by 20, the damage received by a single time did not change.

"Maus Lidoka" the ancient dragon soul spat out a word of dragon, raised its claws, and everyone couldn't control themselves at all, and fled around with their heads in their arms.

"Ding, you have been affected by the Dragon's Might effect and fell into fear for 10 seconds"

The boss's huge paw immediately slapped Zhang Yang.


Zhang Yang, who was in a state of fear, couldn't control his body, and suddenly received a heavy blow to his back, jumping out with a high damage figure.

Boss won't let others gain power, followed closely, and slapped him again

10 seconds of fear, this time is a bit long. The average attack interval of the boss is 2 seconds, and 5 attacks can be played in 10 seconds. If there is no healing and blood replenishment, and the block defense cannot be activated, it is enough to kill him.

Zhang Yang activated Warrior's Wrath to get rid of the state of fear, blocked the boss's next attack with a block, and swallowed a three-polar healing potion at the same time.

But the number of times the ancient dragon soul's fear of Longwei was released was also very frequent, and after only one minute, everyone ran away in fear.

Faced with this fear, Zhang Yang resisted with a shield wall.

Then summon the puppet Qinglian, and use stand-in skills to deal with the boss's third terror

Reloaded and ready to go, clear the cooldown time of all skills

The fourth fear is still resolved with Warrior's Wrath.

The fifth fear is to open the shield wall.

But at this time, the boss still has about 3 million blood. At least, they have to endure the fear of dragon power three times before they can bring down the boss. All the life-saving skills that can be advertised have been activated. What about the next three fears of dragon power? manage?

Zhang Yang looked at the hatred list, if Starlight Infinity was ranked second, then he could use Shadow of the Void to get out of the battle, and Starlight Infinity would take over the boss. Guardian knights also have life-saving skills such as Holy Shield and Holy Shield, which can last at least two rounds of fear

It's a pity that people like Sun Xinyu, Wei Yan'er, and Meng Buhui's output was too strong, and their hatred values ​​soared so high that they left Xingguang infinitely far behind. However, thieves and hunters have the ability to clear hatred. If he uses the shadow of the void to escape from the battle, it will only kill Wei Yan'er and Narcissus Blossom. It is still worth fighting

Zhang Yang first throws a taunt to the boss, if the ancient dragon soul eats the taunt, then there will be no problem


Sure enough, if you can taunt, the difficulty of this boss will drop sharply

"Ice Cube and Laomeng are going to disappear with the use of Fatty and Baifa are going to feign death. Before the boss launches the next fear of Longwei, I will use the Shadow of the Void to get out of the battle and Xingguang will take over the boss," Zhang Yang said in the team. …

Wei Yan'er was immediately dumbfounded, and said, "Anemia soldier, what should I do?"

"You can't help it, prepare to be honorable"

"...Wow, heartless person, how dare you be irresponsible" Wei Yan'er groaned strangely.

Zhang Yang broke into a sweat, and said, "Little girl, watch less romantic TV series, it will affect your outlook on life."

He counted the time silently, and when the boss had two seconds left to activate Longwei Fear, he said: "The thief disappeared, the hunter suspended animation, and I'm going to activate Shadow of the Void too."

slap, slap

Both Sun Xinyu and Mengbuhui raised their hands, releasing a cloud of gray stuff, and forcibly entered the stealth state, while Fatty Han and Baifa Yizhong lay cleanly on the ground.

Seeing that the four people had cleared their hatred, Zhang Yang also activated the Shadow of the Void, and all the living objects in front of him disappeared immediately.

1, 2

When he counted to two, he canceled the Shadow of the Void state, and the figure immediately appeared, and saw that the boss had already activated fear, and was running after Wei Yan'er's ass, and slapped the little girl to death, and then the ancient Dragon Soul chased after Narcissus Blossom again.

ice barrier

It's a pity that the "refrigerator" can only be invincible and incompetent for a short period of time, and it can't clear up the hatred that has already been caused, but it also managed to hold the boss for 10 seconds, allowing Xingguang infinitely to pass through the most dangerous ten seconds of time.

After the refrigerator was finished, the boss slapped and slapped it twice, and sent the daffodils to the cemetery again.

At this time, the hatred of the boss fell on Xingguang Infinite.

Zhang Yang hurriedly used his best ability to create hatred, lest the boss go to Han Yingxue after Xingguang's death.

"...Woooooooo, anemic warrior, why can't he release his soul?" Wei Yan'er yelled.

Zhang Yang asked Narcissus, "What's going on?"

"The system prompts that the soul cannot be released in combat state"

"Probably because of the unique mechanism of this boss battle. You lie on the ground and rest for a while, and we will rescue you after we defeat the boss."

The fight continued. It's just that after hanging Wei Yan'er and Narcissus, the team's firepower dropped a lot, and they played a little slower.

One minute.

two minutes.

three minutes.

Starlight Infinity's life-saving skills have been used once, but when the third Longwei was afraid, he was chased by the boss and beaten to death.

Fortunately, the hatred of the priest's increased blood is very small, and Zhang Yang added the hatred for three minutes again, and his ranking in the hatred list has already surpassed Han Yingxue, and he is firmly in the second position. Immediately took over the hatred of the boss.

The boss has only 1.2 million HP

Zhang Yang's Warrior's Wrath has been cooled down (currently level 8, only 3 minutes cooldown time), and the shield wall still has a half-minute cooldown time, which is enough to support the boss's fear of Dragon Might twice

1 million, 800,000, 400,000, 100,000

Beheaded in anger


The ancient dragon soul was emptied of the last trace of blood, and let out a mournful cry: "Defiler, you insult the dignity of the sacred dragon, and all dragons will regard you as a sworn enemy"


This monster made up of countless dragon remnants suddenly burst open, re-formed into countless remnants, and flew to every corner of the temple one by one, not even a corpse remained, and without a corpse, there is no loot

Fatty Han was immediately annoyed, and said: "This stingy system, we beat life and death, but it doesn't even lose a bird's feathers."

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, pointed in the direction of the red spar, and said, "Look over there."

Where the red spar should have been placed, a golden treasure chest suddenly appeared

"Wow, sister, save me quickly, I'm going to open the box." Wei Yan'er was in a hurry.

Han Yingxue rescued Wei Yan'er first, the little girl didn't say anything, and didn't care about recovering, she ran to the side of the treasure box in three steps and two steps, with a look of wealth on her face, holding a treasure box With a smirk, that appearance immediately made everyone laugh. …

After Wei Yan'er hugged her for a while, she opened the box. At this moment, a black air gushed out from the box, and a damage number of "-10000" immediately floated above the little girl's head, and she lay down again.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo," yelled in the team channel.

"Who told you to open the box if your blood volume is not full?" Zhang Yang said.

"Sister, save me again"

"The redemption spell has a 5-minute cooldown, you wait slowly"

Narcissus Blossoms and Starlight Infinity had already gone to run away the corpses by themselves, Wei Yan'er had no choice but to release her soul and join the army of running away the corpses.

The box was opened by Wei Yan'er herself after she was resurrected for the second time. There were a total of three gold objects, seven silver objects, and the quest item dragon crystal. There is only one piece of dragon crystal, but anyone in the team can take it, and the task progress of others will be displayed as completed.

The three pieces of gold are leather gauntlets, cloth armor boots and defensive rings. Because everyone wanted to maintain the effect of the suit, no one wanted the gauntlets and boots, so they could only be sold at Zhang Yang's canteen. As for the ring, Zhang Yang took it down.

The team went back to hand in the task, Zhang Yang went directly to Thunderstorm Fort with the teleportation talisman, and then returned to Baiyu City to identify the ring first.

[Ring of Immortal Heroes] (Gold Item, Ring)

Stamina: +84

Strength: +34

Equip: Absorbs 66 damage when attacked.

Equipment: After hitting the target, there is a 1 chance to summon an immortal hero, causing 1000 shadow damage to the target.

Requires level: 70

Zhang Yang's current two rings are both level 50 gold utensils, Ma Linda's Ring of Gratitude and the Ring of Flame and Fury. After thinking about it, Zhang Yang still kept Malinda's Ring of Gratitude, which restores 10,000 points of HP every three minutes, which is still very powerful at the current stage, far stronger than the damage absorption of 50 points

Putting on a new ring, Zhang Yang teleported back with the Lovesickness Talisman.



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