MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 323: Death Star Sword

Liag got on his horse and quickly left in the dust.

"Stupid Yu, I can't tell, you're such a ghost that you even hooked the princess! In addition to the elf priestess of the moon, you are really merciful!" Han Yingxue pouted.

Zhang Yang was puzzled, why did Serena seek him?

Generally speaking, npcs will only interact with players passively, even highly intelligent npcs are no exception. But Serena would actually send someone to look for him, this is so strange!

He took out the City Return Talisman and said, "You guys continue to level up, I'll go back to Baiyu City to have a look!"

Swipe, with a flash of white light, he returned to Thunderstorm Castle, and immediately took the teleportation array to Baiyu City. Riding on the big white bear, Zhang Yang ran all the way to the palace.

"The royal palace, no one else is allowed to enter!" At the gate of the palace, eight guards stopped Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang said: "I am Zhan Yu, and I have been ordered to meet Her Royal Highness Princess Serena!"

"You are Zhan Yu?" A guard looked left and right at Zhang Yang.

"Replacement as fake!"

The guard nodded and said, "Follow me!"

Led by the guard, Zhang Yang came to the Xingyue Temple.

"Wait here, I will report to Her Royal Highness the Princess!" The guard turned around and said something to Zhang Yang, and walked into the temple. After a while, he came out of the temple and said, "You can go in!"

When Zhang Yang walked into the temple, he saw a guard in full armor standing beside the twenty-four huge pillars in the temple. They were all elite soldiers whose ranks could not be seen. The power of this defense had been upgraded!

Serena was sitting on the throne and flipping through the documents. When she heard Zhang Yang's footsteps, she closed the book and said, "Zhan Yu, come and sit!" She pointed to a chair beside her.

Zhang Yang sat down honestly and bluntly, and said, "Your Highness, I don't know if you are in such a hurry to summon me, is there something urgent?"

Serena did not answer him immediately, but looked directly at the sky, and said: "Zhan Yu, do you know the Mighty Tian Empire?"

"Well, the Tianwei Empire is the only empire in the history of mankind. It fell apart about a thousand years ago, and now there are countless kingdoms of all sizes!" Zhang Yang said, this is one of the background stories of "Miracle".

Serena withdrew her gaze and said, "My ideal is to expand the Baiyu Kingdom into a great empire like the Tianwei Empire!"

Before inheriting the throne, he already has the ambition of being a queen! It's no wonder that if she didn't have such an ambition to expand the kingdom, she wouldn't have conquered the Tukula Fortress in person, and was captured by the design of the undead.

Zhang Yang said: "His Royal Highness is ambitious, and women do not give in to men!" Anyway, flattery does not cost money, and you can shoot casually.

Serena nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Your performance is very good. You have planted the flag of the White Jade Kingdom in the Danila Forest, demonstrating the national prestige of the White Jade Kingdom!"

Zhang Yang thought, do you want to nationalize the territory? This is the root of my life, if you dare to grab it, I will push you away!

"However, this is far from enough!" Serena stood up suddenly, and she said in a heroic manner, "I once advised the father to go back and march beyond the Great Wall, but the father only wanted to defend the kingdom and had no intention of expanding the territory of the kingdom! After my succession Before taking the throne, I can't mobilize a large army, so I have to find another way!"

She paused, and said, "Zhan Yu, do you know why the Mighty Tian Empire can unify mankind and become the only empire in history?"

"I don't know!" There is no introduction in this game's backstory.

Serena cut her hands behind her back, and slowly walked down the throne, saying: "It is said that the Mighty Tian Empire obtained the ancient artifact, the Death Star Sword, and was able to overwhelm all other races and establish an immortal feat! Unfortunately, although the Mighty Tian Empire at that time had a strong army, Overwhelming the clans, but forcing them to rebel because the royal family wanted to forcibly seize the power of the seven border ministers, and finally caused the huge empire to fall apart!"

She stopped, looked back at Zhang Yang, and continued: "The lineage of the Tianwei imperial family was completely cut off, and the army of the seven ministers was also exhausted, and at this time, the imperial courts rose up, and the Qin king defeated the rebels." For the sake of the name, they wielded their teachers in the imperial capital one after another, intending to seize the Star Sword and re-establish Wushenwei. The seven ministers had many internal conflicts, and had no choice but to use the forbidden method to throw the entire palace into the void. But they put the The key has been left behind, and each descendant of the seven ministers has a part of the key, and if you take the seven key fragments, you can open the door of space, enter the mighty imperial capital, and get the Star Sword!".


Serena said again: "Since the millennium, countless people have been looking for the descendants of the former seven ministers, collecting key fragments, in order to seize the Star Sword! But, so far, no one or any kingdom has succeeded! I am in seven I sent spies a few years ago and spent countless money looking for the descendants of the seven ministers. Now, I have finally collected their locations! But my father does not agree with my search for the Death Star Sword, thinking that this sword is an unknown thing! So , I can only pin my hopes on you!"

"Ding! Serena has issued a mission to you: Find the Death Star Sword. Do you accept it? This mission is a step in the main mission chain. Completing the final main mission will give you generous rewards!"

This... the main task is automatically delivered to your door!

Zhang Yang finally felt the usefulness of being favored by Serena back then! If not, how could Serena find him? He hurriedly said: "Your Highness, I am willing to serve you!"

Serena smiled in satisfaction, handed over a pamphlet, and said, "This is the current location of the descendants of the seven ministers! Due to the order of my father, I cannot send the kingdom's army to help you, you can only rely on your own strength Come and complete this daunting task!"

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, I will definitely complete the task smoothly!" Zhang Yang took the booklet.

"Well, you set off quickly! Not only I am looking for the whereabouts of the Star Sword, but the other seven kingdoms are also on the move, you must hurry!" Serena said cautiously.


After returning from the palace, Zhang Yang opened the booklet and checked the locations of the descendants of the seven ministers.

Well, the seven NPCs are divided into seven maps, without any repetitions, just running around is tiring enough!

Among them, three npcs are on three level 70 maps, three npcs are on three level 80 maps, and the last npc is on a level 90 map! If you want to complete this task, you must be at level 90!

However, now you can get the three key fragments on the level 70 map first.

Zhang Yang opened the task list to see if the task introduction can be shared.

[Looking for the Star Sword] (Mission Difficulty: S Level)

Mission description: Princess Serena asks you to find the ancient artifact, the Death Star Sword! The Excalibur exists in the treasury of the Mighty Tian Empire, but the treasury was sealed into the void together with the mighty Tianwei Imperial City! You must first find seven key fragments and combine them into a complete key to open the door of space. Plus, that key is the only way to open the vault. Provided by Qitian Huolongjun

Completion: Find the Star Sword 01

It cannot be shared. In the task list, the "Share task" button is grayed out.

"Anemia warrior, what did that princess tell you to do?" Wei Yan'er asked in the team channel.

"Hey, I gave you a main task!" Zhang Yang laughed.

"...Wow, share it quickly, I will do it too!"

"Can't share!"


Zhang Yang returned to Thunderstorm Castle first, then rode on the big white bear and rushed to the country of Oz. Among the descendants of the seven ministers, the first NPC was in the town of Longuta in the country of Oz.

The name of the npc is Alonsus. It is not mentioned in the pamphlet where it is located in Longuta Town. Players are required to find it by themselves.

Speeding all the way, Zhang Yang spent more than three hours on the road and came to an ancient town. There is a huge clock tower at the entrance of the town, and the time is fixed at 1:37, but the clock seems to be broken, and it hasn't moved for half a day.

Zhang Yang patted the big white bear, and the golden-eared bear king immediately slowed down, twisting his big butt and walking on the ancient streets of the town. It's weird, the sun is shining brightly outside the town, but as soon as you step back to the street, the whole sky is gloomy, the sky is not visible, it is terribly gloomy!

Phew, a gust of cold wind blows through, blowing up a few shreds of paper in the street, which is empty, giving people the feeling of a ghost town.

What about people?

In the dead silence, only the pattering footsteps of the great white bear spread into the distance, forming waves of echoes.

Zhang Yang couldn't help feeling chills, this place is too weird! He walked all the way to the center of the town, but he never saw a single person, as if a plague had happened here and took away everyone's lives!

despair! despair! despair!

Suddenly, footsteps sounded behind Zhang Yang, and there was a faint sound of heavy breathing, like a bellows, which made people feel chills in their hearts!

Zhang Yang's hand is on the hilt of the sword. It's not good if the game is too realistic. This kind of immersive feeling is enough to scare many people who are not strong enough to be sick! "Young man—" a hoarse voice sounded. .

Zhang Yang also turned around abruptly. Before he could strike out the long sword in his hand, he saw a hunched old man standing in front of him with a crutch in his hand. It was that thing that kept making rattling sounds!

When Zhang Yang saw the name on the old man's head, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and retracted the long sword into its scabbard.

[Alonsus] (common, humanoid)

Grade 1

HP: 150

Armor Value: 10

It was one of the descendants of the seven ministers he was looking for!

This npc is so weak, can he just push him down, pick up his things and leave? Zhang Yang thought silently in his heart, logically speaking, not to mention the main task, even the general tasks are not that simple, just killing an ordinary monster will complete the task! Eighty percent of the time, this npc won't drop anything after killing it, instead it will cut off the way to get the key fragments!

Of course, it is also possible that the game designer did the opposite and deliberately made the players think this way, but in fact, all they need to do is kill the npc with a single sword!

After thinking about it, Zhang Yang still decided not to act rashly, and said, "Old man, what's going on here, what about the other townspeople?"

Alonsus leaned on crutches with both hands, showing his old age, and said: "They have all fallen into an eternal sleep! Young man, this place is too dangerous. Get out of here while you still have the chance!"

Zhang Yang turned over and got off the big white bear, and said, "Old man, tell me clearly why the other townspeople fell into an eternal sleep?"

Of course it is impossible for him to leave, otherwise, who is going to get the key fragments?

"Hey, don't be obsessed with it! For many years, many adventurers like you have come to the town, and many of them refused to listen to my advice and insisted on staying. I won't wake up!" Alonsus sighed.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but said: "Then, old man, why did you escape the bad luck and never fall into a deep sleep?"

"Me? That's because I'm not that greedy!" Alonsus shook his head, looking confused, "Young man, do you really want to stay?"


"Ah!" Alonsus sighed again, and said, "This was once a beautiful town where people lived and worked in peace and contentment. Until... maybe twenty or ten years ago, maybe thirty years ago. A while ago, an evil witch came here, and she tricked the townspeople into believing that if they drank the alchemy potion she made, they would never grow old!"

The old man shook his head and continued: "On a certain night, at one thirty-seven, the time in the whole town suddenly froze, and even the bell tower stopped turning! No one can wake up from sleep Come on, they will never grow old, but they will never wake up again!"

"Is there no one who can get rid of that witch?"

"She is a powerful wizard, and anyone who eats the potion she concocts will become her life continuation. If you kill her once, it is equivalent to killing a townsman here!"

"Then there is no other way to deal with her?"

Alonsus thought for a while, and said, "Her Majesty's Mirror of Truth has the power to disperse all evil forces, which is powerful enough to deal with that wizard! Young man, if you really want to save this town, please don't Be reckless, rush to the city of Hera immediately, borrow the Mirror of Truth from His Majesty the Queen, and destroy that evil witch!"

"Ding! Alonsus has issued a mission to you: Obtain the Mirror of Truth, do you accept it?"

... But the mirror of truth was smashed to pieces by him long ago!

Does this count as shooting yourself in the foot? Zhang Yang couldn't help but wryly smiled, accepted the task, and said, "Old man, I will definitely do my best!"

There can be no missions that cannot be completed in the game, so although the Mirror of Truth has been smashed, there must be other ways to destroy the witch. However, he must go to Hera City once before the mission will turn around.

Zhang Yang rode on the big white bear and rushed to Hera City immediately.

After another trek through mountains and rivers, Zhang Yang came to this majestic ancient city again, and stopped outside the gate of the palace.

He jumped off his mount and said to the guard at the gate: "My name is Zhan Yu. If you have important matters, please see Your Majesty the Queen!"

"Go, go, can His Majesty be able to see anyone who wants to see him after the queen returns?" a guard immediately shouted.

"I came from Longuta Town, where an urgent event happened. I must meet His Majesty the Queen!" Zhang Yang said. Tower town is definitely the key word for meeting.

"Longguta Town?" Sure enough, the guard showed a thoughtful look and said, "You wait here, I want to go in and report!". ).

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