MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 326: Saving Longuta Town

"Ding! You have completed the task: repair the magic mirror and obtained 10 million experience points!

Seunita looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Adventurer, you have fulfilled your promise, now it's my turn to fulfill your promise! This Mirror of Truth can be lent to you, but you must return it within ten days! .”

In the mirror of truth, the man's face emerged, and after seeing Zhang Yang's appearance, he immediately exclaimed: "My dear lady, please don't let him take me away. He is the bastard who killed me!"

Zhang Yang picked up the mirror of truth and said with a smile: "If I were you, I would shut up quickly, lest I be smashed again!"

Sadly, the Mirror of Truth found that Seunita ignored it and obediently kept her mouth shut.

"Ding! You got the item: Mirror of Truth!."

"Ding! You have been affected by the return effect, which lasts for 10 days. If you do not return the Mirror of Truth after 10 days, all your attributes will be reduced by 100%!"

Zhang Yang walked out of the palace while observing the attributes of the Mirror of Truth.

【Mirror of Truth】(Mission Office Product)

Use: Inhibits all black magic.

"Hey, I'm an all-knowing fetish. It's your blessing that you can get me! So, you have to offer me every day. I like to eat energy crystals, and they must be of the highest quality. Once you feed them, What are you doing!.,

Zhang Yang casually stuffed the stinky Mirror of Truth into his backpack, summoned the big white bear, and rushed away to Longguta Town.

Stepping onto the main street of the small town, the sky suddenly darkened, and there was a dead silence again.

Zhang Yang found Alonsus in the plaza in the middle of the town, and said, "Old man, I got the Mirror of Truth!" He took out the Mirror of Truth from his backpack.

"Bah, bah, damn it, what the hell did you put in your package, it made my back ache! Hey, I'm a peerless artifact, I shouldn't be treated like this! My lord is sternly warning you. No!" Again..." The Mirror of Truth spat out a few bird feathers from its mouth, chattering and chattering.

Alonsus stared blankly at the Mirror of Truth, gradually showing a surprised expression, and said: "Young man, Your Majesty the Queen is really willing to lend you the Mirror of Truth? That's great! It's really great! World!."

...Thank you for the wrong person! This is what I got in exchange for being an underwear thief all day long!

"Ding! You have completed the mission: get the Mirror of Truth and get 12 million experience points!

Alonsus looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Young man, I now believe that you can defeat the evil witch and save our town! Take the Mirror of Truth and set off. The witch is in the old manor on the west side of the town!" .,

"Ding! Alonsus has issued a mission to you: save Longuta, do you accept it?"


【Save Longuta】(Mission Difficulty: Level A)

Mission description: You have got the weapon to deal with the evil witch, adventurer, take the mirror of truth, kill that, evil witch, the whole town of Longuta will thank you!

Completion: Kill the Wicked Witch Debani 01

Zhang Yang set out again. Debani's lair is not far from the town, only two or three kilometers west of Longguta, and you will see a small manor, surrounded by a large area of ​​strange plants. There are two bungalows, one of which still has black smoke behind it.

There are a few bright spots on the small map. Zhang Yang saw that there are several precious medicinal herbs in this manor, none of which can be mass-produced!

In the game, there are nothing more than two points that limit the production of herbs: 1. Less refresh points. 2. Long refresh time! These few herbs take up both points, although they are only level 70 herbs, they are still very precious!

Zhang Yang quickly patted the big white bear and walked over, jumped off and went to dig grass.

"Bold, you dare to steal the precious medicinal herbs I planted, and you still don't stop me!... A hoarse voice sounded, and a 60-year-old old man also appeared at the door of a room.

Her face was haggard, and she was so thin that only skin and bones remained. She was wearing a black mage robe, holding a staff that was only a foot long in her hand, and she just swung it at Zhang Yang, shooting out a black light. -4574!

Lixin floated a damage figure above Zhang Yang's head.

[Wizard Debani] (Silver-level leader, humanoid creature)

Level: 75

HP: 750,000

Magic value: 400,000

Armor value: 400

Zhang Yang quickly turned over and rode on the big white bear, and rushed towards the boss. A mere silver boss is nothing to be afraid of, besides, there are walls everywhere, so you can just get stuck in the camera. You can let the spell-type boss ****!

While patting the big white bear and rushing over, he took out the Mirror of Truth and said, "Qi Ling, it's time for you to show off your power!"

"Call me the great magic mirror!" The mirror of truth yelled, but its mission is to fight against evil, which is written in the program, just like the opposition between anti-virus software and virus programs.

call out!

A white light shot out from the Mirror of Truth and shone on Debani.

scoff one by one

Clouds of black smoke immediately floated up from Debani's body, and the old witch let out a scream. It was as if the vampire was going to be melted when it encountered sunlight!

"No, no, the boss screamed. "Why can't I sense those lives? My immortal body is shattered? Damn warrior, what have you done to me?"

What did an old woman do to her when she was asked tearfully? Zhang Yang felt very innocent, swung his sword and slashed at her, saying: "Old witch, you should go to hell!"

"Hmph, it doesn't matter even if there are no living puppets, I will find another batch later!" Debani began to chant spells again.

Amidst the dissatisfied complaints from the magic mirror, Zhang Yang put it back into his backpack, pulled out his sword and shield with his backhand, and slashed at the boss.

"Warrior, you will be the first of my new rejection puppets!" Debani let out a strange laugh, and another shadow arrow hit Zhang Yang's body, blasting away about 4500 of Zhang Yang's HP.

Zhang Yang put on the fifth layer of broken armor first, and began to sharpen it, saying: "Old witch, you are not my type, so I will give up!"

"Ignorant idiot, you are doomed to enter endless sleep, crying for your own future without a bright future! The boss's Shadow Arrow reads very quickly, Sha can throw one, and the damage per second has reached more than 2200!

In front of the spell-type b.s. the shield warrior is quite at a disadvantage! Because the most powerful damage-free weapon, the block, has no place to be used, and the armor value has become a decoration, and the damage suffered is quite high!

However, the damage received is high, and the rage value is quite considerable. Zhang Yang can use his skills as much as he wants without worrying about insufficient rage value!

Although Debani is only a silver-level boss, but because the legal profession is naturally restrained against tanks, the damage to Zhang Yang is not much worse than that of a gold-level physical boss. In just half a minute, Zhang Yang's blood volume is close to the bottom.

The blood recovery effect of the suit was triggered. In addition to knocking down a level 4 healing potion, Zhang Yang's blood volume increased a lot. He quickly patted the big white bear to the corner of the wall, and interrupted the boss with the method of blocking the angle of view. the casting of spells.

Although his output will be greatly reduced in this way, the decline rate of blood volume is also controlled. As long as he can delay for two minutes before being knocked out of blood volume, then a fury recovery can completely solve the problem.

After all, he is a boss, it's too easy to fight, and I'm sorry for the status of a silver-level leader!

Grinding and grinding, after four minutes, Debani's blood volume also dropped to about 130,000!

With a thought in Zhang Yang's mind, the flurry of gods and demons starts!


A phantom suddenly burst out of Zhang Yang's body, forming a figure holding an epee, and slashed wildly at the boss! -10000! -10000!


Every time a sword is cut, a damage figure of 10,000 points will jump up above the boss's head. After cutting 10 swords in 10 seconds, the boss will suddenly drop 100,000 blood.

Full of rage beheaded!


Zhang Yang poured a bottle of rage potion with variation 5. Not only did his anger value immediately increase by 100 points, but also his attack power increased by 50%!



Hit hard!

A series of damage was thrown out, the boss was beaten to death, and the big white bear also stretched out its claws and slapped wildly, completely emptying the boss's 130,000 HP in a short time!

"Ah" Debani let out a scream, and fell to the ground, mad.

This flurry of gods and demons is too powerful at this stage! Especially in the first pass of the death mode of the next instance, when encountering a powerful boss that needs to be killed instantly, as long as the nine members of their team activate this skill at the same time, they can instantly blow up 900,000 bosses Blood volume, suddenly no difficulty!

With a slight smile, Zhang Yang bent down to pick up the boss's drop.

You don't need to look at a few pieces of silverware, but the boss also released a combiner part.

[Shards of Glass Fire Necklace] (Silver Ware, Necklace Fragments)

Use: Gather the fragments of the five-nosed glass fire necklace, which can be recast into a glass fire necklace.

Required level: 70

This combiner only needs to collect five fragments, no special parts are required, that is to say, if you kill one repeatedly, bossss may make this necklace.

Zhang Yang threw the necklace fragments into his backpack. Just one fragment can’t be sold for a good price, but if you collect five pieces, the price can go up. For example, you can get ten thousand gold for each fragment. The finished product can be sold for at least 70,000 to 80,000 gold, and if the additional special effects are good, it can be sold for a better price.

Because collecting fragments needs to take risks. Maybe after collecting 4 fragments, these 5 fragments will never be released again! Moreover, before the finished product is made, no one knows whether the attribute of that piece of equipment is good or bad !

After putting away the booty, Zhang Yang went to dig out those few precious medicinal plants, which can be used to refine invincible potion!.

The invincible potion is immune to all damage after drinking it. It is one of the most powerful potions in the game. Like the free action potion, the invincible potion is also divided into three levels: primary, medium, and high. The duration of the effect is 3 seconds 5 seconds and 10 seconds

Of course, the effect of the invincibility potion is awesome, and the cooling time is relatively long, it takes a few minutes. That is to say, don't even think about drinking it in the arena.

Zhang Yang rode on the big white bear and rushed back to Longguta Town.

When I came to the entrance of the town, I saw that the time on the clock tower had changed to: 58 minutes. In other words, the curse of the wizard was lifted!

Stepping into the town, the originally gloomy sky became bright and refreshing, and the breeze dragged by, blowing on the body very comfortably.

Windows and doors were opened one after another, countless people's heads poked out, and the townspeople came to their senses.

Alonsus greeted him from the other side of the street with a turning pole, his old face was full of joy, and he said from a distance: "Soldier, respected soldier, you saved the entire town of Longuta, you are our hero!.”

Slowly, many townspeople took to the streets. They were all dazed, they didn't know what had happened to them.

Zhang Yang Le Xiong stopped beside Alonsus and said, "Old man, it's a good luck not to disgrace your life!"

"Young warrior, you are brave and not lacking in wisdom, and your great deeds will be praised forever on the mainland!"

," "Ding! You have completed the mission: save Longuta and gained 1 million experience points!"

Alonsus took out a piece of shiny metal from his arms, handed it to Zhang Yang, and said, "Young warrior, this is handed down from my ancestors. It is said that it is a treasure, but I don't know what it is for." ! I have nothing else to give you, this thing, you take it, maybe you can find its use!."

"Ding! You got the item: the third fragment of the Void Key!."

[Piece of the Void Key Part 3] (quest item, unique)

Description: Collect seven fragments of the Void Key to form the Void Key, open the door of space and enter the imperial city of the Tianwei Empire. When other players who hold the Void Key fragments are on the same map as you, the system will Announce their coordinates to you every ten minutes. If you are killed by a player holding a fragment of the Void Key, then your Void Key fragment will have a 100 chance of dropping; if you are killed by other players, then Void Key Fragments can never drop.

A unique item, that is to say, it is impossible for a second such item to appear in the Middle Kingdom region!

After going around for a long time, I finally got the first key fragment!

Zhang Yang bid farewell to Alonsus, patted the bear and rushed to Chilayu, and returned the Mirror of Truth to Seunita. As soon as the magic mirror was in Seunita's hands, she immediately looked like a wronged child. Mother, keep accusing Zhang Yang of how "abusive, it is.

The descendants of the second seven ministers are in Chishanyuan, and the npc's name is Tiffany.

Zhang Yang was on his way, but he received a voice communication from Wei Yan'er, saying, "Anemia warrior, it's time for supper!"

" ate so much at night and still not full?,,

"He is developing, he needs to eat more!"


Zhang Yang went offline and went to the kitchen to make supper, but then again, he was a little hungry.

Within a few minutes, three suppers were prepared, Zhang Yang called the two girls out, and the three of them lay down on the table and started eating.

Wei Yan'er was still using her laptop to surf the Internet while eating, and suddenly said: "The news said that a certain young man accidentally caught fire at home while he was playing "Miracle". A professor Tao jumped out and said that playing "Miracle" is easy to make people addicted, and he called on the government to stop this game immediately!"

(To be continued). If you like this work, you are welcome to come (called Xue.cbi) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.).

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