"Ding! You accidentally got the news that Tiffany has escaped from the clutches of the Batman and is hiding somewhere in the Magic Mountain! Find her and escort her out of the Magic Mountain!"

No wonder there is no set time for the task of rescuing Tiffany. It turns out that "run away" can solve the problem. When the player who receives the task comes to the magic mountain, then when will the search for the monster start, which is very cooperative.

Where would Tiffany be hiding, though? This magic mountain is not big, but it is small... it is not small at all!

Zhang Yang thought for a while, the Xindao system will definitely not allow players to easily complete the task, then, the most likely hiding place for Tiffany is the top of the mountain—there is no one else, because the higher you go, the player must be clear. There are more and more monsters. Fighting monsters, this is the supreme essence of online games!

Set off!

Zhang Yang patted the big white bear and continued to walk up the mountain. Naturally, countless people were killed along the way. I don't know how many mobs died tragically under his sword.

No leader-level monsters appeared, and they couldn't stop Zhang Yang's footsteps. Three hours later, Zhang Yang arrived at the top of the Magic Mountain.

Zhang Yang shuttled through the dense woods. There were no more batman monsters here, but wild beasts like tigers and jackals appeared. Unfortunately, they were just ordinary monsters, and they were killed by him in a few or two shots.

call out!

When Zhang Yang was walking, the cold light of a weapon suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, he subconsciously raised his shield to protect himself, and opened the block!


That sword cut on the shield, splashing out a series of sparks!

Zhang Yang put down his shield and immediately swung his sword at the attacker. But as soon as he swung the long sword, he found that the one who attacked him was neither a beast nor a batman, but a young and beautiful girl with black hair like clouds, a slender and graceful figure, holding a sword in her hand. The long sword!

He quickly took a step back, letting the long sword swing in vain! Even if the other party doesn't have the word "Tiffany" on her head, she is the only human woman who will appear here!

[Tiffany] (elite, humanoid)

Grade: 77

HP: 77000

Armor value: 400

Tiffany also discovered Zhang Yang's human identity, and at the same time canceled the attack, inserted the long sword back into the sword sheath on her back, stared at Zhang Yang with a pair of light gray phoenix eyes, and said, "Who are you? How did you appear here? of?"

"The person who saved you!" Zhang Yang said casually, "I have a relationship with you, and I came here from the distant Baiyu City to find you. I just heard from your villagers that you were captured by the Batman, so I tried to come here. here!"

"You have a way to leave this magic mountain?" Tiffany was overjoyed and asked Zhang Yang excitedly.

"Well, in the cave halfway up the mountain, there is a teleportation magic circle, which can be teleported directly to the bottom! As long as we can enter that cave, we can return to the ground safely!"

"Very good!"

The two immediately walked down the mountain. But Tiffany does not have a mount to travel, and this speed is very slow.

Zhang Yang patted the big white bear's buttocks, and said, "Sit up, you're walking too slowly!"

Tiffany hesitated slightly, and sat on the big white bear astride, but the long sword on her back pierced the big white bear's ass with a "Zi".

"Roar——" the great white bear roared in pain, threw off its limbs, and rushed down the mountain.

The monsters along the way had already been cleared by Zhang Yang, and the two of them were not hindered by anything, and they arrived at the entrance of the cave that Zhang Yang teleported to here very smoothly.

Hey, the task can be completed so easily?

Zhang Yang couldn't help being surprised, but the facts were in front of him, as long as they entered the cave and activated the magic teleportation array, they would be able to reach the bottom of the mountain!

The two got off their mounts and walked into the cave.


A giant hand like a beast's claw suddenly swung out from the dark cave, and the five fingers even exuded a light silver luster, like five silver swords, piercing Zhang Yang's chest!

"There's an ambush!" Tiffany yelled, and kicked Zhang Yang's left hip abruptly, kicking him three or four meters horizontally. At the same time, she drew out the long sword behind her and greeted Zhang Yang.


The sharp claw collided with the long sword, and there was a crisp sound of metal collision, and sparks shot out!

Zhang Yang had already raised his shield to activate the grid, but was kicked out by Tiffany, wasting a grid cooldown in vain!

This npc is doing bad things with good intentions!

With a mutter in his heart, Zhang Yang immediately ran back with his sword straightened out. In the dark environment, he could vaguely see the appearance of the attacker. .

This is a tall batman. Even if the fleshy wings on the back are shrunk, it is a huge horror. The upper body is naked, and the lower body is a pair of shorts made of animal skin. The feet are bare and the hands are surprisingly long.

He has a handsome face, a hooked nose like an eagle's beak, and a protruding forehead, as if he has a single horn! A pair of gray eyes were lifeless, filled with faint killing intent!

[Magic Mountain Batman King] (gold-level leader, humanoid creature)

Grade: 78

HP: 7.8 million

Armor value: 1400

Zhang Yang kept complaining, why did he have to meet a gold-level boss when doing a branch mission, you must know that this is a level 70 map, and the gold boss is far from being flooded!

"Hahaha, do you think you can escape?" The Bat King gave a strange smile, the wings on his back suddenly shook, and a gust of wind blew out, forcing Zhang Yang and Tiffany's feet to slip, and they had to retreat out of the cave!

The Batman King also strode out, and under the sunlight, his appearance was clearly visible. The height is more than 3 meters, and after a pair of fleshy wings are spread out, the width of the horizontal side reaches seven or eight meters!

Tiffany, however, was not afraid at all, and greeted her with her long sword, and shouted: "Devil, you have killed so many of our villagers over the years, and today I will make you pay with blood!"

The Batman King laughed strangely again, and while fighting fiercely with Tiffany, he said: "I thought it would take some time to find you, but this king discovered the appearance of this human being, so I didn't take immediate action. Action, but first found the teleportation array here, if you want to leave, you have to come back here! Sure enough, I let the king come to catch the turtle!"

Zhang Yang was sweating profusely, he was designed by a monster, shame on him!

"Devil, do you think you're sure to win?" Tiffany's long sword was swaying like lightning, and her attack power was quite good, but the boss's blood bar was too long, which made her look a bit inconspicuous!

Zhang Yang didn't stay idle either, he put on five layers of Broken Armor to weaken the boss's defense and maximize Tiffany's damage. He quickly pulled back the hatred from the boss, and immediately slurped the blood bottle and the fountain of life.

"Hahaha, woman with extremely yin blood, obediently donate your virgin blood to our great ancestors, our batman clan will rule the land again!" The boss launched a fierce attack on Zhang Yang, while talking nonsense non-stop.

brush! brush!

The boss's two huge fleshy wings were like knife wheels, spinning from time to time. Although it didn't cause any damage, it would cause a knockback effect, knocking Zhang Yang and Tiffany back three or four meters frequently.

Tiffany screamed, and danced with the sharp sword in her hand more urgently, frequently hitting the boss with more than 3000 damage.

It is not impossible to single out bosses of the same level in the game, but this requires that the equipment level is at least one grade higher than the boss! After Zhang Yang's great skills are fully activated, he can single-handedly fight the silver boss, but the gold-rank boss...however, he needs a purple gold weapon to do it!

Drinking the red bottle, pouring the fountain of life, turning on fury recovery, Malinda's shadow, and shield wall, which can use life-saving skills, Zhang Yang has already activated them once, but this only made him stand firm in front of the boss for a minute. However, the long blood bar of the Batman King has only dropped by 10%. Even if Zhang Yang clears all the cooldowns of all his skills with heavy equipment, it will not help!

I can't hold it anymore, I have to change to an NPC to come over!

Zhang Yang jumped off the great white bear, escaped from the battle as the shadow of the void, ran to a place 30 meters away from the boss and appeared, and hurriedly took out snacks and gnawed wildly.

Because the Golden-Eared Bear King had been in a "combined" state with Zhang Yang before, the pet itself had no hatred at all. As soon as Zhang Yang left the battle, all the boss's hatred fell on Tiffany. Although the Great Pyrenees only has 1 point of residual blood, and it will die after just filling it up, but because of the hatred system, the Great Pyrenees is still alive and well.

With a thought in Zhang Yang's mind, the Golden-Eared Bear King immediately activated the wild recovery skill and began to recover 5% and 5% of his health.

Looking at Tiffany, unexpectedly, this npc is extremely vigorous, and under the stormy attack of the boss, the blood loss is very smooth and slow!

Zhang Yang chose Tiffany to take a look, only to find that this npc actually has a very powerful buff effect.

[Spirit of Ancestral Protection]: When attacked, the damage received is reduced by 90%.

Powerful, it is equivalent to opening the shield wall and fighting the whole time, I can't stand it!

Considering that Alonsus, the descendant of the first seven ministers, was also the only one in Longguta Town who was not poisoned by witches, it is obvious that the descendants of these seven ministers all have quite magical qualities. There is still a lot left behind! .

Zhang Yang quickly recovered to full health, ran to the boss, and swiped, he rushed over with a charge, and quickly jumped onto the big white bear, once again becoming one with the pet.

However, although Tiffany's damage avoidance ability is excellent, her attack power is not strong, and Zhang Yang soon pulled back the hatred of the boss.

Zhang Yang started reloading and was ready to go. After confessing all the life-saving skills, he left the battle again as the shadow of the void, and continued to eat snacks to restore his blood while running.

Although he has even used reloading, the boss still has more than 80% HP. Unless his Shadow of the Void has no cooldown time, if he gets hatred again, he will have to be beaten to death by the boss up!

After returning to full health, Zhang Yang took off his shield and rushed to the boss again, without riding the big white bear, trying to share the hatred as much as possible, and let Tiffany take on the role of the tank.

Although Tiffany is very resistant to fighting, the boss's blood bar is too thick, and the health value is more than a hundred times higher than Tiffany's! As for Zhang Yang, one person, one bear, and one npc, the combined attack power of the three cannot exceed a hundred times that of the boss, so there is absolutely no way to blow up the boss before Tiffany dies!

Now Zhang Yang can only hope that Tiffany will be able to yell "Brother Xinchun will live forever" when she is out of blood, and her health will be fully restored after a rage recovery!

The health bar of the boss is slowly decreasing, and so is Tiffany. Although her damage avoidance ability is excellent, the damage from the boss still hits her around 1,000, and her 70,000-plus blood volume can last two weeks. More minutes!

10000... 5000... 2000, Tiffany is on the verge of death!

"Devil, no matter how high the price is, I will destroy you!" Tiffany yelled, and she took out a piece of silvery white metal from nowhere.

She pinched it hard, and an incomparably bright light burst out of her hand, enveloping her whole body in it!



The boss's damage was hit, but they all did useless work!

Tiffany has another buff effect on her body.

[Ancient Magic Shield]: Immune to all damage, and the attack power is increased by 100%, lasting for 10 minutes.

...The invincibility that lasted for as long as 10 minutes, this is too much! Zhang Yang couldn't help but secretly thought that when he met such an npc, even the boss would yell at him!

However, that piece of silver metal was very similar to the key fragment he got, probably the second key fragment!

The Batman King showed a hint of shock, and said, "This is...an ancient power!"

Zhang Yang didn't pay attention to the boss's mood, and hurriedly took the time to output.

After Tiffany's attack power is doubled, not only does the damage increase greatly, but also her hatred is more stable, so that Zhang Yang can confidently and boldly output!

But their output ability is still not enough, the ancient magic shield is about to expire, but the boss still has more than 2.5 million HP!

Zhang Yang quickly took out his key fragment and said, "Tiffany, can you use the power you just had?"

Tiffany turned her head to look, she was very pleasantly surprised, and said: "You also have the ancient fragment? Throw it to me quickly, and extract the power from the second ancient fragment, I can hold on for a while!"

It turns out that in the eyes of npcs, this key fragment is called Xiangu fragment! Zhang Yang hurriedly threw the fragments to Tiffany.

Swipe, another white light surged, and the duration of the ancient magic shield on Tiffany's body returned to 10 minutes!

Naked cheating!

It's a pity that the boss will not complain about this, and still perform diligently, doing useless work on Tiffany!

30%, 20%, 10%... The blood volume of the boss is getting less and less.

500,000, 300,000, 150,000, 80,000!

The Batman King let out an angry roar, his wings flapped wildly on his back, and his figure flew into the air, shouting: "This king will come back again!"

... Do you think you are Big Big Wolf?

Zhang Yang also roared, and the flurry of gods and demons started! (to be continued).

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