MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Three hundred and thirtieth chapters gain time

Christian immediately changed from a green npc to a red hostile monster, and two more effects immediately appeared on him.

[Twisted Heart]: Attack power increased by 1000%, immune to all damage, lasts for 3o minutes.

[Arrogance]: The movement speed is reduced by 50%. But every time a guard dies, the movement speed will be restored by 10%, which lasts for 30 minutes. Invincible for 30 minutes, the attack power is increased by 10 times, but the movement speed is slowed down, which is very in line with this The central idea of ​​the task: stall for time! Don't just show off one person, hundreds of people will be moved out, the system will not give players the opportunity to cut corners, if the task says it will be delayed for half an hour, then it must be delayed for half an hour, don't even think about pushing the boss directly Something went wrong!

But the body of the Yanming guard has an extra "effect, the movement speed is increased by 100% and lasts for 30 minutes!

Zhang Yang turned around and ran, playing hide-and-seek with the five guards around the fountain. These five monsters are the key to restricting Chris'an's movement speed, and he must die, otherwise, Chris'an will resume normal progress. Invincibility plus attack power increase, 10 times, who can stand this!

Tenten, the five guards followed closely behind Zhang Yang, but Chrisanne directly chased Meryl.

Zhang Yang quickly jumped into the fountain pool and swam towards Meryl.

", the base of the statue suddenly cracked a passage, the entrance is very narrow, only one person can pass through.

"There's no water inside, I can't get in! , Meryl looked at Zhang Yang with a helpless look on her face.

A mermaid can only evolve tui if its tail doesn't touch water!

Zhang Yang had already swam to Meryl's side, carried Meryl on his back, bent down and got into the passage.

With the reduction effect, Chrisan could only watch Zhang Yang and the two slip away, and suddenly became furious and shouted at his five guards.

"The five guards got into the passage one after another, chasing after Zhang Yang and Meryl.

Zhang Yang is in front with Meryl on his back, and the big white bear is behind his buttocks. The passage is not dark, the east wall is dotted with blue gemstones, even in the dark, it emits a faint light. , making the entire channel faintly visible.

After walking a few tens of meters, the passageway gradually becomes spacious, with a width of four meters and a height of two meters, which is enough for people to run wildly.

thump, thump, the sound of footsteps coming from behind clearly, the armored boots stepped on the hard stone bricks in the passage, making a crisp sound. There were echoes in the passage. thump, thump, more and more echoes, until In the end, I couldn't tell which was the footsteps coming from behind and which was the echo.

Zhang Yang looked back, and saw the five guards holding torches, approaching from a distance of 100 meters behind them!

Although he carried Meryl on his back, he didn't feel any weight, but in fact it had an impact on his movement speed, the big one was only 80% of the normal speed, so it would be a matter of time before he was caught up by the pursuers !

Zhang Yang didn't pay attention to the five guards. But the key point is that he can't kill these guards, otherwise Chrisan, who has no movement speed limit, will be really invincible!

Didn't it mean that there is an agency in this passage? where!

While running, Zhang Yang looked around the passage, and after running several tens of meters, he finally saw a crank handle on the wall in front of him.

【Organ handle】

Level:, HP:, Huo Zhuo:, Zhang Yang hurriedly rushed over, stretched out his hand to grab the dark red handle and pulled it hard!


A stone door fell from the top of the passage," and hit the ground heavily, separating the five guards who were about to pursue from Zhang Yang and the others by only a hair.

【Defense stone gate】

Level: , HP: 1000000 Armor value: 1000

This stone gate should be able to block the five guards for a while, but as long as Chrisan comes, this stone gate may not be able to withstand his three punches and two tui!

Just as Zhang Yang was about to move on, he saw countless things like will-o'-the-wisps jumping towards him. When he came close, he realized that these things turned out to be big gray mice, about the size of a kitten, with two eyes. A cold light of bloodthirsty and greed flashed!

【Sewer Rat】

Level: 75

HP: 75oo

Armor value: 7o

Although they are just ordinary monsters, they can't stand the large number. At a glance, they seem to be endless!  …

", Meryl suddenly let out an exclamation and scream, and kept patting Zhang Yang's shoulders with both hands, and kept rubbing her body upwards, as if she felt that the current height was not safe!

"Zhang Yang roared, put Meryl aside first, swung out the long sword, and vibrated dangbo one by one carrying a person on his back can't fight, just like a player riding on a non-combat mount. He can only move forward, but cannot attack .

call out!

A cone-shaped impact wave was shot out. In this narrow passage, it immediately filled the entire plane, and the mighty dangdang blasted forward for a distance of three meters!

Don't underestimate the distance of three meters. Although these mice are considered giants among their peers, they are still only about 20 centimeters long, and they are crowded into a dense group. In the three-meter-long space, at least it is crowded. Thousands of mice!

Vibrating dangbo is also a penetrating attack skill, as long as it is within the attack range, it will definitely take damage!

Immediately, nearly a thousand -723 damage numbers jumped up, and then the special effect of the Xuanming Sword was triggered without accident, and, more than once, it kept being triggered as if setting off smoke! -723-723

Zhang Yang can't see anything in front of his eyes, only countless \\"-723 damage numbers are bombarding the screen. If this is placed in the previous online games, if he hits so much damage in one shot, he will either freeze or be disconnected directly. up!

It took at least a minute for the damage figures to stop beating. In front of Zhang Yang were all the corpses of rats. There were only a few hundred rats that survived!


These mice screamed angrily and surrounded Zhang Yang.

This vibration dangbo has already cooled down!

come again!

Swipe, the cone-shaped impact bo hits again, and the damage jumps one after another!

After this attack, only dozens of mice are still alive!

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and blasted out with sweeping and thunderous blows, killing all the remaining rats!

These rats don't drop anything, but Zhang Yang looked at the experience points, and unexpectedly increased by more than one bar!

Oh my god! You have to know that after entering the power level, it takes 10 days to level up according to the normal speed. One grid represents one day and one night. Achieved!

Is there a better leveling speed than this?

Xuanming Sword, it is a bug in group killing and leveling!

There are a lot of mice spawned here, the original intention is to block the player and the pursuers at the same time. If the player solves the mouse first, then he can continue to escape; if the five guards break through the barriers first, it is almost a gameover!

I didn't expect the Xuanming Sword to be so powerful, these mice are also very cooperative, small and densely packed, and the vibration dangbo is a penetrating group injury skill, the combination of these three finally formed the Zhang Yang for more than a minute It just went up, a miracle of 10% experience value!


What Zhang Yang is looking forward to most now is to have more traps in this channel, the more the better!

Looking back, the stone gate behind him still had Wang Wan's health, so Zhang Yang let go of his legs and ran away.

Teng Teng Teng ran for about three or four minutes, but suddenly heard a loud bang from behind, and then the dense footsteps sounded again immediately! Zhang Yang knew that it must be Chrisan who had arrived. In front of this bloody boss, all roadblocks are scum!

But Zhang Yang has already won himself at least three minutes!

The second mechanism handle also appeared in front of Zhang Yang.

pull down!

Boom! The stone gate falls, also with 1 million HP and 1000 armor value!

Creak creak! Countless big rats rushed over from the front like a tide.

But in Zhang Yang's eyes, these mice are surprisingly cute, that's a lot of experience points!

Vibrate dangbo!

Zhang Yang's experience value increased at a speed visible to the naked eye in the frenzied jump of piece by piece damage numbers, a sudden increase of 12%!

Zhang Yang turned his head and looked at Meryl, wondering if he dumped her when he reached the point of depression, and then gave up the mission and tried it all over again? But, I’m afraid it’s not going to work, Meryl is only an ordinary level now npc, but the task says that her father is a prince of the mermaid tribe, and her mother is also a mermaid princess. She is definitely a highly intelligent npc. If you offend her once, you will definitely be punished by her!"

Forget it, you can't lose the big because of the small!

Meryl felt a little embarrassed by Zhang Yang's strange gaze, and shyly said: "

Zhang Yang laughed, talking nonsense while continuing to move forward: "After eating this flattery, Meryl's pretty face blushed but it was very helpful, and she pinched her face with both hands and shook it from side to side.

The third organ, the fourth organ, the fifth organ... the seventh organ!

A golden light surged over Zhang Yang's body, and he was promoted to Mo level magnificently!

So cool!

But, the good things came to an end, a bright spot appeared in front of the passage, and as they moved forward, this bright spot gradually magnified, and finally turned into an exit.!


There was a big roar, Zhang Yang, two people and a bear appeared on a semi-circular platform. The three sides of the platform were cliffs in front of them, and the last side was an endless lake. There were a lot of eels and snakes swimming in the lake. amazing!

Zhang Yang said: "Meryl hastily hugged Zhang Yang's head and neck tightly with her two white arms," ​​a. ~~ ~~


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