Although it is said that the inability to kill monsters in groups affects the speed of advancement, this is also relative! Zhang Yang's attack power can still be classified as top-notch at the current stage-of course, compared to Sun Xinyu and Wei Yan'er's super first-class, it is still somewhat inferior!

However, with the golden-eared Bear King riding pet, Zhang Yang is still a humanoid weapon, and more importantly, his defense. He didn't need to sit down and eat snacks to recover from the fight all the way. If he ran out of blood, he could recover with a rage. The problem is, like a perpetual motion machine, this efficiency is not comparable to the pure output of Sun Xinyu and Wei Yan'er!

More than two hours later, Zhang Yang rushed to the second pass, and another boss blocked his way.

[Three leaders Balague] (silver-level leader, humanoid creature)

Grade: 82

HP: 820,000

Armor value: 900

This is a green-skinned orc, tall and burly, holding a huge mace in his right hand, swinging it a few times from time to time, smashing the nearby boulders into pieces one by one. The orcs are the most primitive but also the toughest race among the four major clans of the alliance. This Balague is wearing a pair of shorts made of animal skin, almost naked, with long hair more than a foot long on the back of his head. There was a hunting sound, and the muscles all over his body were like lumps of meat!

However, Zhang Yang, the mere silver-level boss, didn't even need to prepare. After summoning the Black Water Turtle, Zhang Yang directly used the Broken Spear to start the monster, causing a mess with the boss!

Balague is a warrior-type monster, in addition to flat attack, it can also whirlwind and destroy blow! However, the cooling time of boss skills is different from that of players. Balague’s Whirlwind is used every 20 seconds, while Destruction Strike lasts up to 30 seconds, but the accompanying effect of reducing healing by 50% also lasts for 30 seconds, and There will be no outages!

It's a pity that Zhang Yang doesn't need to recover blood at all, he can kill the boss with just one tube of blood!

In just two minutes, Balague bowed his head under Zhang Yang's sword, revealing several pieces of silver and bronze utensils, as well as an alchemy formula that could be used to refine a fourth-level healing potion.

Although the fourth-level healing potion can be bought directly in the store, the price is too expensive, and it is not as cost-effective as rubbing it yourself! The most important thing is that Zhang Yang has a golden comprehension and can make a mutated potion. He doesn't know what effect the mutated four-level healing potion will have.

After fighting the boss, Zhang Yang changed his mount back to the big white bear and continued walking up the mountain.

The mobs on the road are still at the elite level. Zhang Yang is hunting monsters while collecting herbs along the road. The mountain is rich in purple heart orchids, which can be used to refine flame potions and increase the fire mage's attack power.

After four hours, he collected a total of nearly 132 purple heart orchids, and he also came to the No. 3 boss.

[Second leader Kuruni] (gold-level leader, humanoid creature)

Grade: 83

HP: 1.66 million

Armor value: 1500

After entering the level 80 map, the gold content of the gold-level bosses has shrunk significantly. In a level-70 map, Kourone's blood volume must definitely exceed 8 million. For the supporting role!

Kuruni is actually a small goblin. Like the orcs, this race also has a green appearance. But the stature is shorter than the dwarves. I really don't know how the dwarves took away the title of "dwarves" in the first place!

The characteristic of the goblin is that the nose is very pointed and long, like Pinocchio, there is no hair on the head, and it can be used as a mirror when it is bare!

This Kuronei was guarding the mountain road, dragging a giant ax taller than others in his right hand, and carrying a shield in his left hand, it was obvious that he was a tank professional!

Zhang Yang summoned the Xuanshui Turtle again. Now he is full of confidence and has the courage and strength to single out a gold-level boss!

Broken Spear!


It was a critical attack!

Kourone immediately let out a roar, and rushed towards Zhang Yang with a big axe in hand, shouting: "Humans have unexpectedly attacked the great Kourone, and Kourone will cut you into pieces and make stew!"

Zhang Yang turned over and rode on the black water turtle, waiting for the boss to arrive.




Xuanshuigui's normal attack, tearing, and a sword drawn by Zhang Yang instantly caused 15,000 damage to the boss!

"Damn it, you hurt Kuloney!" The boss screamed strangely and swung the sharp ax in his hand.


-383! The grid file counter-injuries.

-1516! Shield bash.

It's a pity, if Zhang Yang can make out the Titan five-piece suit now, the shield slam can cause double damage, and the attack power will increase a lot! .



The boss's armor is too high, so Zhang Yang naturally put on five layers of broken armor at the first time, but he only got to the second one when Kurone suddenly swung the shield and blocked his attack! Moreover, with Zhang Yang's high damage avoidance, he was actually dealt 582 points of damage by the block counterattack, which means that the basic attack power of the boss' block counterattack has reached 5000!

As expected of a boss, the player needs 5000 points of strength to reach a 5000-point block to counter-injury! Zhang Yang only has 1133 points of power now, which is still far away!

It's a battle of tanks against tanks, shields against shields!

Tanks have always been called tortoises, because their solid defenses are like tortoise shells! So, now it's a battle between two, no, three Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

Boss, like Zhang Yang, will use the skill of parry to avoid damage, but the cooldown time of this skill is as long as 15 seconds, which is far from comparable to Zhang Yang's 6 second cooldown!

A tank without grid skill points is really not a good tank!

Kurone has almost all the skills of a shield warrior, such as shock wave, thunder slam, and shield slam. Fortunately, he does not have the passive skill of holding a shield to defend, and the damage he hits will only be reduced by the armor, not Receive 20% extra damage reduction.

The damage of the boss is still very fierce, a single attack can cause more than 6000 damage, even if the 6-second block damage reduction is deducted, there are still more than 2000 second damage!

In less than a minute, Zhang Yang's blood volume fell to the bottom.

Fury restored!


A super high green healing number that can make Han Yingxue eclipse jumps up on Zhang Yang's head, instantly boosting Zhang Yang's blood volume to full!

On the other hand, the boss, with the cooperation of Zhang Yang and Xuan Shuigui, his HP also dropped to 74%!

In other words, Zhang Yang needs to hold on for 4 minutes to chop the boss to death!

Generally speaking, although the gold-level boss has been greatly weakened on the level 80 map, and a lot of HP has been cut off, it is still not something players can single out! But Zhang Yang has too many ways to recover blood and save life, such as fury recovery, fountain of life, blood bottle, mutated troll recovery potion, shield wall.

Especially the Fountain of Life, which restores health in the form of a percentage. Zhang Yang's blood volume is as high as 110,000, and this 50% is 55,000!

Zhang Yang activates the skills one by one, drinks the blood bottle, the fountain of life, and after the special effect of the necklace is triggered, he can also get 5000 damage absorption. The poor boss really can't stand it, and Zhang Yang forcibly cut down his blood volume to 10% !

Of course, Zhang Yang also paid a considerable price, except for the great skills of the shield wall, he basically confessed all of them.

"Ding! Kuronei has gone crazy!"

After scoring 10% of the blood, the boss's body flashed with blood, and entered a berserk state!


Kuronei instantly turned into a hunk, and struck down with an axe, the damage to Zhang Yang soared!

The shield wall has long been kept, just to prevent the boss from going berserk! Zhang Yang decisively opened the shield wall!

The equipment special effect of the shield titan barrier can prolong the shield wall for 5 seconds, and the ostentatious shield wall lasts up to 15 seconds!

cut! Slash!

9%, 8%, 7%... 3%!

After 15 seconds, Kuronei only had 3%, 50,000 HP left!




"Ding! You killed Kuruni and gained 1.66 million experience points!"


The goblin boss raised his legs, threw the axe, and died lying on the ground, bursting out a lot of loot.

Zhang Yang's gaze was immediately attracted by an ax exuding a golden luster, and he quickly reached out to touch it.

[Goblin Beheading Axe] (Golden Weapon, One-Handed Axe)

Attack power: 732-1132

Attack interval: 2.6 seconds

Damage per second: 358

Equip: Increases your critical strike chance by 1%.


Requires level: 80

It's a pity that it's not the best of 2.8 seconds! But at least it is a level 80 gold-level weapon. After identification, the damage is much stronger than the Xuanming Sword!

From now on, if you kill a single monster, use the Goblin Beheading Axe, and if you kill a group of monsters, use the Xuanming Sword!

Zhang Yang put the goblin decapitating ax into his backpack, and went to see the other drops from the boss. The drop of Kuruni is really complicated, and there is also a Chaos Orb that increases the backpack space, a magic scroll, and a runebook blueprint.

[Magic Scroll: Extreme Excitement] (Consumable)

Use: Increases attack power of team members (up to 10) by 30%, but reduces armor by 50% for 30 seconds.

Requires level: 80

This scroll is very powerful when fighting the boss. Anyway, the armor of the output class is pitiful, so it doesn’t matter if it is deducted by 50%, but the 30% damage increase is a real deal! In particular, the nine members of Zhang Yang's team all have the skill of flurry of gods and demons, which increases their damage by 30%... This is no joke!

After using the Chaos Orb, Zhang Yang's backpack space reached 90 grids. It's a pity that the number of Chaos Orbs produced is too small. Even if players hit them, they usually use them up. They rarely sell them. Even if Zhang Yang wants to directly increase the space in his backpack to 200 grids, he can't do it!

He has learned to gather herbs now, because Alchemy Epiphany has potions of various levels of mutations on his body, and the space in his backpack is really not enough! . ).

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