MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 378: Destroying the Portal

First of all, the competition is speed, every second counts, and no moment can be wasted! old

Sun Xinyu and the others were all fully fired, slashing the blood volume of the demon portal.

In the first ten minutes, relying on the accumulation of Shengui Flurry and Blazing Flurry, and the fact that there were not many demons coming out of the portal, the blood volume of the demon portal dropped very obviously, and a total of 56% of the blood volume was knocked out !

However, every minute, the boss will use a demon acceleration on the demon portal, increasing the original transmission speed by 100%! At first, everyone was able to deal with it easily, but after 10 minutes, they finally reached a qualitative change. They could no longer kill the first demon before the second demon appeared!

In other words, it is meaningless for them to fight mobs again! That would only be dragged down by the mobs until the entire castle became a sea of ​​demons, drowning them all!

Zhang Yang said decisively: "Don't fight mobs anymore, let the npcs be human shields, and attack the portal with all your strength! Xingguang, as long as the monsters don't attack our people, you don't need to fight the monsters. If the number of monsters is too large to If you accept it, you can let me and Shengdun block it first, and the Snow Demon Girl and I will use Tianshuang and Yuelu to clean up!"


Everyone nodded.

Although the situation is a bit grim, as long as Zhang Yang doesn't give up, everyone seems to have a backbone, and will be inexplicably full of confidence!

1, 2, 3... 18... 46...

As time goes by, more and more demons are mined from the portal. Because Sun Xinyu and the others did not attack demons, most of these demons fought with npc soldiers, and only occasionally a few fish that slipped through the net would attack Chop Xinyu and the others, but Li Fang would be pulled away by Xingguang infinitely and brought into the npc A regiment of soldiers.

Especially the two gold bosses, Winchester and Brunos, they all have range attack skills, as long as the monsters are pulled to their side, the npc's attack will naturally splash to them, thus pulling the two bosses into the water.

However, the number of NPC soldiers is limited. Although they are also at the elite level, monsters who cannot hold back can be continuously replenished from the demon portal! At the 20th minute of the battle, the NPC army was on the brink of destruction, only two gold bosses and seven bloody soldiers were still supporting them.

"Boss, I can't stand it here!"

Starlight shouted infinitely.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Snow Demon Girl, come, let's use Tianshuang Yuelu!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Lever this is it would be fun!" Wei Yaner said enviously.

"Yan'er, why do you keep looking at Yang Zi? Come and fit with Fat Brother!" Fatty Han teased.

"No!" Wei Yan'er flatly refused.

Fatty Han made a sad expression and said, "Why?"

"You look too frustrated!"

Fatty Han: ..."

Tianshuang and Moondew activate!

Suddenly, the sky was full of frost and snow, and the moonlight surged!



Huge swaths of damage jumped wildly, like a violent storm, sweeping the audience!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The elite demon monsters were blasted out of blood, or fell to the sky, or fell to the ground, dead bodies littered the field! After 30c seconds, except for the two demons that came out of the portal, the other demons were all wiped out!

"No! No!" Wagla roared like thunder, "You hateful human being, I will crush you! I will crush you!"

Sun Xinyu and the others didn't have time to marvel at the power of Tianshuangyuelu again, so their subordinates stepped up and continued to slash at the demon's portal!


The demon's portal has only less than 4 million HP!

However, one by one demons are still coming out of the portal, and the npc army is almost dead and injured, and we can no longer pin our hopes on them! At this time, it is the most dangerous moment in the whole battle. Regardless of the fact that the portal has only enough HP, it still takes about 10 minutes to fight, and how many elite demons can escape in this amount of time? This text is provided by Qihang Evil Dagger Qishen

If these demons are ignored, it is very likely to collapse at the last moment!

"Open the portal with all my strength, and I will take away a batch of monsters that come out!" Zhang Yang shouted.

He turned the Broken Spear on the monster coming out of the portal, sharing the pressure of Starlight Infinity and NPC.

As a result, his pressure suddenly increased!

2, 4, 10... more and more monsters were taken away by Zhang Yang!

Shock wave!

Thunder strike! .

Heroic jump!

Controlling skills are thrown out one after another, and Zhang Yang has no reservations. When the blood is low, he will turn on fury recovery, and open the shield wall to passively return blood!

Hold on!

Definitely hold on!




"Come on! The portal is about to be destroyed!" Everyone roared in frustration! 300000! 200,000! 100,000!


Following Wei Yan'er's final strike, the portal that was surging with black light finally came to an end. After a violent tremor, it finally turned into fragments and collapsed!

"Wow" everyone cheered!

"Don't be too happy! There are still mobs and bosses left!" Zhang Yang quickly reminded these guys who were too happy.

Everyone quickly stopped cheering and began to clean up the mobs that filled the venue.

"Damn human, you ruined my three-year plan!" Wagla roared angrily after seeing the collapse of the demon portal, and the dark fire in his eyes blazed, "Death! I'm going to die!"

Zhang Yang laughed loudly and said, "Stupid devil, you have planned this kind of bullshit plan for three years, but I ruined it in a few clicks. Obviously your IQ is very low!"

Meng Buhui also laughed, and said: "Zhan Yu, why are you getting more serious with NPCs?"

"Squeeze it!"

"Wagra, you have no backup now, let's see how you can leave Chiya Castle alive!" After killing all the mobs, Winchester stood in front of the boss.

Wagla let out a low and thunderous laugh, and said: "How can a few pawns be the opponent of the great demon general!"

"Smelly!" Wei Yan'er brandished a big ax to face the boss, and she charged over, and Li Hui launched a fierce attack.

"Devil, die!" Brunos took out the longbow from behind and attacked the boss. He is a Galewind Ranger. This is a profession that can be used for both melee combat and long-distance attack. He is a combination of a thief and a hunter.

After the mobs are cleared, it becomes a situation where a bunch of people besiege the boss!

At this time, the blood recovery effect on Wagla's body has disappeared, and it is just an ordinary purple-gold boss, so the attack is higher and the blood volume is more! But in front of Zhang Yang, does the boss still dare to say that the attack is high? Under the firepower of Yu Xinyu and the others, is the high HP of the boss useful?

The difficulty of the task is actually to destroy the portal, and this is accomplished, the boss is like an extra gift, providing everyone with some purple gold artifacts!

Well, goodness!

90%, 80%... The attacking lineup includes not only Sun Xinyu and Wei Yan'er, who have strong damage output, but also Winchester and Brunos. Can the volume drop quickly? This text is provided by Qihang Evil Dagger Qishen

In just 3 minutes, Wagla flapped his bat-like wings in disorder, his huge body flew four or five meters high, fell down suddenly, and died!

"No, no! This is impossible!" As soon as the boss died, Leonardo immediately stood up, screaming helplessly like a little girl facing a dozen satyrs.

"Leonardo, my brother." Winchester strode towards Leonardo.

"Winchester, you can't kill me! I'm your brother, I'm your own brother!" Leonardo screamed.

"You are wrong, my brother Leonardo died a long, long time ago!" Winchester showed a trace of sadness, and he stretched out the long sword in his hand, piercing Leonardo's chest, knocking out The opponent's last trace of blood.

So far, the three mission goals of killing the chief culprit have all been achieved!

Winchester turned around and walked towards the crowd. He bowed first and said, "Adventurers, you have saved Chiya Castle, preventing the people here from falling into darkness and being ruled by demons! I represent everyone in the castle. , I extend my highest respect to you!"

"Ding! You have completed the mission: kill the chief culprit and get 5 million experience points!"

"Ding! You got the reward: Titan Necklace!"

Everyone was overjoyed, and equipped the newly acquired necklaces one after another. This task is good, and the equipment given can be worn without identification!

Zhang Yang now only needs a pair of gloves and a pair of boots, and he has assembled the Titan suit!

"Winchester, please order the release of the Honduras oranges!" Of course, Zhang Yang did not forget his other mission, which was also the main purpose of his coming here!

Winchester nodded, and said to Brunos: "Brunos, go to the prison and release Honduras! Not only is he innocent, but he has also made great contributions!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Zhang Yang quickly rode on the great white bear, and followed Brunos towards the prison.

Soon, the two came to the prison and met the big businessman of Honduras.

"Warrior"..."You succeeded?" Honduras was surprised when he saw Zhang Yang and Brunos coming in side by side, and Zhang Yang didn't look like a prisoner.

"Fortunately, life is not disgraceful!" Zhang Yang smiled slightly.

Brunos said: "Honduras, under the orders of Lord Winchester, we are here to release you from prison! You have made great contributions to Qiyabao, and the Lord will reward you in the near future!"

"Gods bless! Gods bless!" Honduras smiled happily, and hurriedly took out the key to open the cell door, which made Brunos stare straight, as if he was going to explode angrily.

"Oh, my precious daughter Adela, I'm going to see you right away!" Honduras walked out of the prison.

Zhang Yang hurriedly chased him out, this npc still owed him a thousand year old heroic vine! . .

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