In the cartoon, Hercules is a member of the Decepticons, and the robots that can be combined are extremely powerful!

I have to say that it is very refreshing to ravage a powerful villain in a childhood cartoon! At least Zhang Yang is very excited, although "Transformers" was already fifty or sixty years ago when he watched it Old movie.

Fury recovery, shield wall, and death warrior's heart are opened successively. The potion of mutation 10 seems to be crazy and free of money, plus a bottle of life potion. Reload and start again. Fury recovery, shield wall, publicity and abruptness Blast Hercules' blood volume to below 10%!

"No! Damn native!" Hercules roared again and again, his body shook, and a left arm suddenly fell off, but before it hit the ground, it transformed into a drag bucket, "I'm going to crush you! I will definitely do it!"

Drag Dou is still a silver boss, with only a little residual blood left, but an invincible effect hangs on his body: immune to all damage, until Hercules is completely torn apart.

In other words, the main body is indestructible, and this dragger with only 1 point of blood will never die!

This is a very different kind of violent way for the boss!

Zhang Yang is still holding a Titan shield in his hand, which is his last resort to save his life! Now he still has more than 50,000 HP left, which is not yet the most dangerous time!

bang bang bang!

Hercules was quickly knocked down by 2% of his blood volume by Zhang Yang, and his right foot was also separated from his main body, and he became a Bone Crusher, continuing to attack Zhang Yang fiercely! 3v1! 6 %, the left leg of Hercules suddenly fell off, and turned into a hook!

The boss lost two legs and couldn't move immediately, but its one big hand was enough to cover a distance of 30 meters. If Zhang Yang continued to attack the boss, he would definitely not be able to avoid the boss's bombardment!

Under the joint attack of the 4 bosses, Zhang Yang's blood volume drop speed increased sharply! Oh! The right side of the boss finally fell down, and became a chess-like 5vs1 of a bulldozer

Zhang Yang originally thought that the main body of the boss would only be beaten, but he didn't expect Hercules' eyes to flash and shoot two powerful lasers, causing more than 8,000 damage to him immediately!

The Titan shield is activated! 2%! As the main body, the blender has also changed back to its main body, and now it is just a sweeper that still maintains the shape of Hercules' head. As long as you blow off 2% of the boss's blood volume, there will be no loss. Thunder Blow, Sweep, Shockwave, any group damage skill can kill six bosses at the same time!

, a gold boss and a silver boss are indeed mighty, but the Titan shield can absorb 300,000 damage, which is equivalent to increasing Zhang Yang's health by 4 times! Who can stand this! 1%! 0%

Hercules was finally blown out of the last trace of blood by Zhang Yang. That huge head also became a sweeping machine!

The six silver bosses all only have 1 HP. The invincibility effect has disappeared!


A gorgeous sword light swept over the six bosses and fell to the ground at the same time, a golden treasure chest fell out.

Zhang Yang hurriedly opened the treasure chest, no matter what quality the chest is opened, the players are full of expectations!

[Puppet: Hercules] (Silver Level)

Use: Summon a Hercules to fight for you, last for 5 minutes. You can only summon one puppet at a time, any puppet summoned will make other puppets enter the same cooling time. Cooling time: 30 minutes.

Requires level: 80 Binds when picked up.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and then directly erected the puppet. His original puppet, Qinglian, could no longer keep up with Suliu. Although the stand-in skills are still powerful, it is a bit extravagant to summon them once in 30 minutes!

He conveniently summoned Hercules to see what level the puppet had reached.

【Hercules】(Silver Puppet)

Grade: 88

HP: 22400 (25980 when there is a physical aura)

Armor value: 2500

Melee attack power: 4689-25980 (attack interval: 3 seconds, damage per second, 1663

Skills: ground strike, shock retreat, heavy punch.

[Ground strike]: Bombard the ground continuously with the double swords, causing 2000 points of physical damage every 2 seconds to all targets within the surrounding area, lasting 10 seconds, during which the caster must always maintain the guiding state. Cooling time: 5 minute.

【Shock Back】: Shock all targets within 5 meters of the caster for 10 meters, and interrupt the target's casting. Cooling time: 5 minutes.

[Heavy Punch]: Hit the target with a huge fist, causing physical damage equivalent to 100% of melee attack. Cooling time: 5 seconds.

The basic attack power of this puppet is about the same as that of a player with a level 80 golden weapon, but its offensive skills are very insufficient. It only has a heavy punch. Although the ground strike and knock back skills are very powerful, the cooldown time is too long .

However, this puppet is really big enough!

Zhang Yang is only as high as the toe of Hercules, I don't know what it will be like if he is summoned in a place where there is not enough space!.

After this silver-level puppet, nothing good came out of the box, only two gold artifacts with not very good attributes, and none of the silver artifacts! Come to think of it, the silver artifacts are all included in the previous six independent silver artifacts. The boss is falling.

After picking up the items, the golden treasure box will disappear automatically. Zhang Yang moves on.

It is not so cheap to let the player face the boss all the way, and many mobs jumped out frequently and attacked Zhang Yang along the way. It is also good, with experience, and a lot of ore ingots!

After nearly two hours, Zhang Yang finally reached the deepest part of the cave.

When we got here, the terrain became more open. The small map finally showed bright spots, indicating that the sixth key fragment was within 200 meters!

Zhang Yang raised his eyes and saw a small site with a height of more than 10 meters in front of him. Mei Kechuang was standing on it, fiddling with something like a Rubik's cube, and shooting strange rays at pieces of metal ore.

As long as they are hit by this ray, those metal ores will tremble and transform into mechanical puppets one by one! The robots transformed from large pieces of metal ores will be bigger in size, while the robots transformed from small pieces of metal ores will be larger. They are smaller in size, but the size is relative to them. To Zhang Yang, every robot is a monster-level existence!

That's the source of fire!

Sure enough, it is miraculous. It can continuously create mechanical life!

Fortunately, the mobs created by Makechuang through Huo and Yuan are only ordinary-level mobs, no matter how much publicity they make, they won’t take it seriously! But the key problem is that Makechuang is not The one-eyed dragon is dead, and the wounds all over his body are completely healed.

What makes Zhang Yang even more depressed is that Mei Kechuang was originally a gold-level boss, but now he has become a purple-gold-level super boss

【Meikechuang, the leader of the desperado faction】(Purple-gold level leader. Mechanical puppet)

Grade: 89

HP: 8.9 million

Armor value: 3000

This should also be the role of the fire source, since even mechanical life can be created, healing a mere injury is nothing!

It's a pity that Zijin rank boss Zhang Yang can't fight alone.

Intercept the team assembly order. Zhang Yang put Sun Xinyu and Han Yingxue in a group and said: "Come and help me fight a boss,

"Zijin boss?." Wei Yan'er said excitedly. Although she got a two-handed ax of Zijin level, she didn't even see a shadow of the suit, which made her anxious.

"Stupid girl, it's not the Zijin boss that I can swipe by myself, why do I still need to call you over?"

"Hmph, if you don't have my stupidity, can you show your cleverness?"

"...When did the little girl become smart?"

After all nine people entered the team, Zhang Yang activated the team assembly order. Immediately, all nine of them appeared beside Zhang Yang.

"Meike Chuang?."

"The leader of the Decepticons?."

"Is this the legendary Transformers?"

Waiting for the dream not to come back, the men are startled, there is no boy who doesn't like Transformers!

"Where's Optimus Prime?"

"Dead, something to burn paper!" Zhang Yang shrugged.

Wei Yan'er has no idea about Transformers, and doesn't know that it represents a fond memory of some men's childhood. She swung the big ax and said murderously: "Hurry up and kill the boss, give me the explosive suit come out!"

Zhang Yang laughed, and said, "I'm going to pull the boss, Xingguang will take down the mobs. Pull them together and kill them first!"


Zhang Yang went straight to the boss with the Devouring Sword, Starlight Infinity didn't act immediately, but stayed in the crowd. When killing a group of monsters, it is most taboo to have a bunch of people here and there, it is very unsuitable for the tank to pull Strange, even if you want to disperse, you have to wait for the tank to pull the hatred.

"Indigenous, you still dare to follow?" Mei Kechuang looked at Zhang Yang, with strong hatred in the eyes of the machine, and it put away the source of the magic seed. With both hands, he took out a light knife with a flashing red light from behind, and the big He walked towards Zhang Yang step by step, "Very well, this will be my battle of revenge." The boss made a move. All the mobs in the vicinity were chained by hatred, and immediately formed a mechanical ocean, flooding towards Zhang Yang violently.

That's good. You don't need Starlight to bother pulling monsters, the original hatred is all on Zhang Yang!

"Snow Fairy, Dream. Don't treat me. Now all the monsters' hatred is on me. But as long as you add blood, you will change! Let me use the fury to recover first. Then you can treat me!" Zhang Yang shook his sword and shield, and said in the team.


Mei Kechuang strode forward and came first, swiping the light saber in his hand, slashing Zhang Yang's head and neck.



Before the five fragments, even though Zhang Yang had 50% of the armor of Hawkeye ignoring the boss, but the armor value was as high as 1500 points, Zhang Yang's Geza could only deal 1 point of compulsory damage. -3196

Zhang Yang immediately hit another free "fee" shield slam, this time the damage is very powerful! (To be continued). If you like this work, welcome to visit (标m.比m) to cast piles Recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.) Thank you Tianzilou, Tiantianguan, Yunyu Yelan, lonely Xiaohuoqiong, happy old wolf, Xia Kanmo, yesterday's fight reward..

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