MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Three hundred and ninetieth chapters vampire attack

Zhang Yang didn't know how to draw out the vampire inheritance mission, so he had to keep testing Xue Lier's tone.

He is not worried that if he does the task, he will not be able to hand it over to others to complete the real inheritance task in the future. All inheritances are the same: 1. Complete a series of pre-quests to get a piece of inheritance. 2. Collect all the inheritance fragments of the inheritance (the number varies), and officially start the inheritance task. 3. Complete the inheritance task (of course, this is a very huge task chain), and get the inheritance skill.

Some inheritance does not have the first step, but there must be a second step and a third step!

The inheritance fragments are all non-binding, so Zhang Yang can collect all the vampire inheritance fragments before handing them over to someone to guide the final inheritance task chain.

Xue Lier hesitated for a moment, and said: "There are too many ties to me here, I can't leave alone!"

"Ding! Xue Lier's affection for you has decreased!"

Halo, this is also a good impression?

However, Zhang Yang understood that if he wanted to start the pre-quest of Vampire Inheritance, the key was to gain the favor of this beauty, Xue Lier! He nodded and said, "When you were fighting vampires alone, did you ever think about finding a partner?"

Xue Lier looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Soldier, do you mean to help me deal with vampires?"


Xue Lier paused, shook her head and said: "This is not your battle, I can't be so selfish and involve you!"

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and said: "I have already killed a vampire, and it is impossible not to get involved! Killing one is killing, killing a hundred is also killing, Xue Lier, let us work together to drive those aliens out Shuangning Town!"

"Warrior, you are the most confident person I have ever seen!" Xue Lier smiled slightly, "Do you know how many vampires there are in the vampire castle? At least 1,000! The two vampires we killed earlier were nothing more than strength The weakest, there are many vampires in the castle that are far stronger! Moreover, vampires with high bloodlines can also enslave low-level undead, and the ocean-like number alone is enough to drown us!"

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "If you don't try it, how will you know if it will work!"

While talking, there was a sudden commotion in the town. Zhang Yang and Xue Lier looked at each other and left the room.

Above the town, there are hundreds of vampires with wings covering the whole town! A vampire uttered a sharp scream from time to time, the sound was as sharp as a knife, and it hurt people's eardrums!

"It's time to offer tribute this month!" A woman's voice suddenly sounded, although the voice was not loud, it was clearly heard throughout the town.

Xue Lier's face changed suddenly, and she said: "It's... Desronia! She is the second wife of the vampire king Madros, and she is extremely powerful! Why did she come here in person? , it’s just a dozen or so vampires here!”

Zhang Yang thought to himself that it was because of me this time that the new plot finally started!

But just say it in your heart, Zhang Yang smiled slightly and said: "Come on, let's meet that Tessronia!"

Xue Lier smiled wryly, and said: "Soldier, I really don't know what to say about you, Desronia is a powerful vampire with high bloodlines, you... Sigh! Soldier, please help us drive away these aliens! "

"Ding! Xue Lier issued a mission to you: repel the vampires, do you accept?"


[Repel Vampires] (Mission Difficulty: Grade A)

Task Description: Repel the vampires who came to Shuangning Town. If Cheryl dies or is captured, the mission fails.

Completion: Repel Vampires 01

The two came outside the house, only to see all the villagers in the town staggering out of the house with their ears covered by the screams of vampires in the sky, and came to the plaza in the center of the town* *.


A female vampire descended from the sky flapping her wings. She was a beautiful girl with black hair and blue eyes. Although it was snowing heavily and the weather was extremely cold, she was only wearing a snow-white wedding dress, with a stick wrapped around her right arm. With a black leather whip, blood-red light flashed faintly in a pair of blue eyes.

[Tessronia, Vampire Bride] (Gold Level Leader, Undead)

Grade: 87

Health value: 1.74 million.

Armor value: 1500

No wonder Xue Lier's face changed when she talked about it, how can an elite npc be an opponent of a gold-level boss!

Zhang Yang and Xue Lier blended into the crowd calmly.

Desronia swept across the faces of the townspeople one by one. Whenever she looked at a certain person, that person would tremble with fright. She didn't let out a sigh of relief until her eyes moved away! This is the eye of the god of death, whoever is picked by her will definitely have a dead end!

"—Xue Lier!" Desronia suddenly screamed, "Who is Xue Lier, stand up!"

Zhang Yang wanted to keep Xue Lier behind him, but almost half of the townspeople turned around and looked at Xue Lier! Damn, these guys must be the pigs that Xue Lier said would be willing to eat and die!

"Xue Lier... What a beautiful girl!" Desronia flapped her wings and flew to Xue Lier's body with a whir. She stretched out her left hand and supported Xue Lier's chin , tilting his head to look at her for a while.

"Demon, go to hell!" Xue Lier yelled suddenly, and swung out her right hand hidden behind her, holding a silver-white dagger in her hand. It was the one that blasted an elite vampire to death with one blow. dagger!

"What a wild little girl!" Desronia stretched out her hand and grabbed Xue Lier's right hand. She smiled coquettishly, without showing any murderous look on her face, but put her nose close to Xue Lier's neck. Suddenly sniffed it, "It smells so good, where should I drink it?"

The townspeople retreated one after another. According to the "convention", each time these vampires pick out a "tribute", they will have another month to rest and recuperate.

As for what will happen to the chosen tribute, that's none of their business! Living such a precarious life, being able to live every day is a day, how can there be any extra sympathy! Now, only Zhang Yang stood beside Xue Lier abruptly.

Xue Lier turned her face away without fear, and said, "Devil, I'm not afraid of you!"

"Hahaha!" Desronia retracted her head, but still grabbed Xue Lier's arm, and said, "Little girl, you are wrong, we are great vampires! We are a great race that never dies! And You—my dear Cheryl, you are one of us!"

"Shit!" Xue Lier spat out a dirty word.

At this time, Zhang Yang took a step forward and said, "Xue Lier, let go!"

Xue Lier immediately understood what Zhang Yang meant, and as soon as she let go, the silver dagger fell off immediately.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand, grabbed the silver dagger, and stabbed at Desronia.

[Holy Silver Dagger] (props)

Use: Baptized by the holy light, it has great lethality to undead, because of its silver material, it does more damage to vampires.

Remaining uses: 33

Requires level: 80

Tesronia obviously didn't expect that among the "tributes" who had always been weak and obedient, besides Cheryl, there would be another person who was not afraid of death! This caught her off guard, and the silver dagger streaked across her chest with blood!


Damn, this damage is too bad!

It's a pity that you can only use it three times, otherwise, even if you face the king of vampires, you only need to stab it 100 times for 10 million blood, and you will be done casually!

"Ah—" Desronia flapped her wings and flew into the air, her charming eyes showed an extremely angry look, she screamed loudly, pointed at Zhang Yang, and shouted, "Kill him!"


Immediately, vampires all over the sky rushed towards Zhang Yang and Xue Lier.


Zhang Yang quickly pulled Xue Lier, and hurried to Xue Lier's room. Although he can have the advantage of riding in this open-air environment, he will be hit three-dimensionally by monsters. The disadvantages far outweigh the advantages. It is better to stay in the house, and he can use buildings to block him.

Teng Teng, the two quickly ran back to the house, Zhang Yang was guarding the entrance, and returned the silver dagger to Xue Lier, saying: "You take it!" He can only use this thing three times, but give it to Xue Lier If so, maybe you can use it a few more times, after all, he is a plot character.

"Ah—" With a shriek, a vampire rushing in the front had already rushed to the gate, retracted its fleshy wings suddenly, and stretched out a sharp claw towards Zhang Yang, its five fingers were as sharp as a knife.

"Get out!" Zhang Yang yelled lightly, and the Devouring Sword rolled, and immediately counterattacked fiercely.

Plopping, many more vampires fell from mid-air and gathered in a pile at the gate, screaming at Zhang Yang inside.




This roar formed waves of sound visible to the naked eye, and it could actually cause nearly 600 damage when hitting Zhang Yang's body! What's even more frightening is that these sound waves can ignore obstacles, and the sound wave attacks of dozens of monsters are superimposed, which immediately caused serious damage to Zhang Yang!

"Warrior, wear this!"

At this moment, Xue Lier suddenly handed over a silver-white pendant, her big eyes were full of concern.

Zhang Yang doesn't know what the use of this thing is, but since the npc gave it to him at this time, it must be of great use!

[Holy Silver Pendant] (Props)

Item description: Baptized by the Holy Light, it can effectively resist the temptation of all evil music. Duration: 1 hour.

"Ah——" At this time, the army of vampires outside the gate had gathered nearly a hundred of them, and there was another wave of screaming, and hundreds of voices came together!



The sound waves hit Zhang Yang, but all of them jumped up with the words "immune"!

Thumbs up!

Zhang Yang was very excited, and said: "Don't think that you are the only ones who can yell, brother can too! Ah—" He yelled loudly, and the shock wave blasted out! . ).

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