【Brainless Zombie】(Elite, Undead)

Grade: 86

HP: 86000

Armor value: 450

Although the brainless zombie is called brainless, its head is still quite complete, but the flesh and blood are already rotten, and there are corpse insects moving between the rotting flesh that has not rotted. The disgusting appearance is enough to make people sick!

The faces of Han Yingxue and Wei Yan'er twisted at the same time, it hurt so much.

"Yo, why does it feel like watching a zombie movie!" Wei Yan'er shivered.

Zhang Yang pulled out his sword and shield, and shot Broken Spear at a brainless zombie.

"Aw!." The brainless zombie let out an angry roar immediately, strode towards Zhang Yang Feiben, ran all the way, and rotting flesh fell off his body. Behind it, there were two other The zombie was hooked into hatred, and also roared the same original.

Although these zombies usually walk very slowly, when they encounter enemies, they are flying like flying, and they are all flying faster than the champion of the 100-meter sprint! Human occupations can easily kite to death, which is unfair to melee occupations.

Zhang Yang met the monster, swung his devouring sword, and swung a fierce sword energy, pulling the hatred of the three zombie monsters on him.

"Smelly monster, so Rurui must be so ugly! It's okay to look so disgusting, and it will run out to scare people! Moreover, there are so many of them, it's really driving people crazy!" Wei Yan'er charged Going up, still muttering in his mouth.

Zhang Yang laughed out loud, and as he slashed the Devouring Sword, he firmly attracted the hatred of the three monsters. Unfortunately, because the number of monsters was too small, it was difficult to trigger the special effect of the Devouring Sword, so he could only rely on himself. skills to inflict heavy damage on monsters.

"Anemia warrior, do you choose my cousin or sister Yu?" Wei Yan'er chopped and chopped, then suddenly turned her head and asked Zhang Yang in a low voice.

Zhang Yang was sweating all over his head, and said: "Little boy, study obediently, don't worry about adults' affairs!"

"Tch, you're only five years older than me, and you're so old-fashioned!" Wei Yan'er snorted.

"Hey, what are you two muttering over there!" Han Yingxue asked.

"Cousin is really stinging, cool jar, even Xiao Shanzi is worried about talking to elder sister, alas!" Wei Yan'er pretended to be helpless and defended her shoulders.

Zhang Yang was slashing at the monsters, but there were waves in his heart.

Ever since Han Yingxue confessed his love to him, he has never responded positively. Because he didn't know if he was only physically infatuated with Han Yingxue, or if he really fell in love with this witch, and Sun Xinyu and Yu Li made him Constantly cutting and messing up.

Fortunately, Han Yingxue never forced him to express his opinion. She just teased him habitually every time. Recently, because the weather was getting warmer, this demon girl even showed off her hotness in front of Zhang Yang wearing thin and seductive clothes She is not afraid of tossing Zhang Yang into a vain fire at all, and he directly kills her.

Zhang Yang asked her, but the woman said that sooner or later an accident would happen if the lonely man and two women lived together. In order to prevent Zhang Yang from doing something worse than a beast to the little girl, she decided to sacrifice herself to save others, and wiped out Zhang Yang with her body. of evil fire.

For this, Zhang Yang could only sweat coldly.

This witch, does he like it or not?

Zhang Yang thought in his heart, but the movements in his hands were not slow at all, in the dance of the devouring sword, he chopped down the zombies one by one to the ground.

"It's so strange, all these monsters are almost rotten, and they can still drop silk cloth? It's better to pack yourself directly, so as not to scare people when it comes out!" Wei Yan'er said while cleaning the spoils.

"Little girl, why are you nagging so much? This is just a game. If you really do it so practically, you won't lose anything if you kill the monsters. Aren't you going to rebel again?" Zhang Yang said.

Wei Yan'er wrinkled her little nose, and said, "Oh, I'm just sighing, you insist on being so serious, you are so old-fashioned!"

Talking to the little girl does require some psychological quality, otherwise she might be mad at her to death!

Zhang Yang laughed, ignored her, and blasted the Broken Spear at another group of monsters.

Zombie teeth are also not easy to drop. The three of them cleared most of the monsters in this usurped land. But they only harvested nearly 30 quest items. It seems that this land usurped must be cleared to complete the quest.


Suddenly, a piece of soil rose into the sky, and a huge rotten hand protruded from the ground, slowly clenched into a fist. Immediately afterwards, another rotten hand protruded from the ground. Then the third , the fourth... until the eighth rotten hand blasted out of the ground, a huge and ugly monster also appeared in front of the three of Zhang Yang.

This is a super-big zombie monster with a height of at least 2 meters. It seems to be quite "fresh", and thick fluid is still oozing from all the wounds on his body. Two Dong's thick thighs are thicker than Hao's legs! If his lower body is still like If it's just "big" for a person, then the upper body is completely out of the definition of a person!.

In addition to the normal arms under the two shoulders, he has a pair of arms under his ribs, a pair of arms under his lower abdomen, and a fourth pair of arms growing like wings on his back!

【Black Rock Zombie King】(Gold Level Leader, Undead)

Grade: 87

HP: 1.74 million

Armor value: 1500 Boss's fat face is almost corroded, only the left half of his face is still a little bit, "human appearance", but it is even more disgusting, there are faint corpses crawling from his tears and nostrils , directly disgusted Han Yingxue and Wei Yan'er to the point of death.

"No matter how ugly you are, you are still a boss, at least you can drop some gold items and sell them for money!" Zhang Yang laughed.

As soon as the Zombie King was activated, he immediately patrolled with his eyeball-less eyes, then locked his target on the three of Zhang Yang, and rushed towards them with big strides.

Zhang Tuo casually threw a Broken Spear in the past, establishing a primitive hatred.

"Ah! The boss let out a roar, and in three steps, he came to Zhang Yang's body, raised a big hand, and slapped Zhang Yang down.

Zhang Yang held up the shield and activated the Zigeza skill.


The big hand of the boss was bounced back abruptly, but Zhang Yang didn't move at all! After almost wearing purple gold equipment, Zhang Yang already possessed the strength not weaker than the gold boss!

"Hee hee!." Wei Yan'er was so nervous that he had recovered from bisc's disgusting appearance. He swung his big ax and began to slash wildly, saying, "Boss is even stronger than the third prince Nezha! Little Zhengtai is only six years old. Dong’s arms, but the boss has eight!.”

Zhang Yang laughed loudly and said, "Then why didn't you say that Nezha still has three heads!"

"It's useless to have too many heads. If one goes to the right, one goes to the left, and one goes to the middle, I'll fight myself first!" Wei Yan'er said with a curled lip.

Sure enough, the little girl Si Fei is different from ordinary people.

Zhang Yang intentionally teased her, and said: "Then, the pedipale is definitely the most powerful in the world, how many hands do you count?"

"Haha! Don't fool me!." Wei Yan'er rolled her eyes at Zhang Yanghu, "The centipede is a foot, not a hand, you are so stupid!,,

Zhang Yang: "..."

"Roar! Roar! Roar! The boss is roaring again and again. Although he has eight arms, he can't attack at the same time. They share the cooling time of normal attacks. After one palm is shot, the other arms must wait for 2 seconds before continuing. Swing out, in fact, this is no different from the one-armed king.

Phew, a red light suddenly surged from Zombie King's body.

"Ah! Why can't I move!" Wei Yan'er exclaimed suddenly.

Zhang Yang slashed at the boss's body with a sword, and felt his whole body go numb, and he couldn't even move!

[Paralyzing Corpse Poison]: Paralyzed for 5 seconds, during which time no action can be performed.

Zhang Yang hurriedly lit up Warrior's Wrath, removed the paralyzing corpse poison, and then looked at the Boss, Feiran has an additional buff effect: when attacked, the attacker will be affected by the paralyzing corpse poison for a period of 3 seconds. 2 minutes.


Although this is not enough to pose a threat to Zhang Yang and the others, it will greatly reduce their output. The boss who was able to fight in just one or two minutes will now take at least three or four minutes to fight!

Because Zhang Yang and Wei Yan'er were both riding horses, once they were poisoned by the corpse, even the buttocks under their buttocks would be paralyzed, just like wood carvings, whatever posture they were in when they were poisoned, they would always maintain that posture.

Wei Yan'er's smile was too low. Seeing Zhang Yang's gesture of slashing, he was infected with the poison because of the big white bear's bite. His movements froze in an instant, and he couldn't help laughing loudly as he swung his sword and roared. laugh.

After being freed from the corpse poison, Zhang Yang quickly jumped off the big white bear. The combination of human and pet is too disadvantageous at this time. If anyone attacks at will, as long as they are infected with the corpse poison, they will be paralyzed at once. This is too powerful!

Wei Yan'er followed suit and jumped off the chocobo.

Because she uses a two-handed ax with a super slow attack speed, her attack frequency is low, and her single attack damage is high, so she is far less affected than Zhang Yang!

Of course, for Zhang Yang and the others, a mere gold-level boss is already at the level of food delivery. Although the zombie king caused them a little trouble, it was only a small trouble. After more than three minutes, the zombie king let out a roar, It fell down, and the huge weight shook the ground in front of it.

"Oh, it's dirty!" Wei Yan'er shouted joyfully, and ran over to get the boss's drop.

The Zombie King dropped 3 pieces of gold and 7 pieces of silver, quite satisfactory, but the boss is the boss, and there are actually 3 zombie teeth dropped, which makes the three of Zhang Yang very happy. If there are 3 zombie teeth on the body, at least 20 or 30 teeth must be chopped off!

Continue to chop monsters, after three hours, they almost cleared the ground, and finally filled up 50 zombie teeth.

Zhang Yang and the three hurriedly went to the NPC to hand in the task.

After climbing over the mountains, the three of them came to Cadylon's thatched hut again. This npc has been waiting for them there. (To be continued). If you like this work, you are welcome to come Stake recommendation votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.) Thanks to the legendary Fan Shao, Tian Zilou, and happy old wolf for their rewards yesterday, thank you all friends for your votes..

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