MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 415 Titan Suit Consummation


"Ding! You have completed the task: kill Enlia and get 5 million experience points!"

In the ears of the three of Zhang Yang, the system's beautiful prompt sounded.

"There won't be three people killing the boss anymore, I'm exhausted!" Han Yingxue shook her head repeatedly, her blue bar had been exhausted once, and now it was killed again.

Wei Yan'er said, "Sister, less people are killed, and more money is paid!"

Han Yingxue immediately showed a tangled look.

Wei Yan'er went to pick up the boss's drop, and after putting away the 20 gold coins with a smile on her face, the little girl picked up a pair of purple gloves and said, "Anemia warrior, come and worship Miss Ben's red hands! Look what I've got for you!"

[Titan Gloves] (Purple Gold, Armor)

Armor: +80

Stamina: +282

Strength: +81

Agility: +40

Equip: Absorbs 162 damage when attacked.

Unidentified Required Occupation: Shield Warrior Required Level: 80

Titan suit (88)

It's finally here! Zhang Yang burst into tears, it was not easy, from the time he got the first Titan tui, until now he finally consummated his merits, it took almost five months!

Ignoring that the Titan Gloves have not yet been identified, Zhang Yang has already equipped them, replaced the Earth Spirit Gauntlets, and created an eight-piece set effect: every time you are hit by an attack, there is a 1% chance of getting the God of Titans Blessing of , puts the attacker into a stupor state for 10 seconds. This effect can work on boss monsters of purple-gold level and below.

This effect is so cool to trigger when fighting the boss, but it can save lives!

Wei Yan'er was jealous, and said: "All the anemic fighters have put together all the suits, but this lady only has two. How long will it be!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "There will be bread, and there will be butter!"

"Sarcasm!" Wei Yan'er snorted, and continued to pick things up.

【Resurrection Banner】(Consumables)

Use: Place a battle flag on the ground, and restore 2000 health points to team members (up to 10 people) within a range of 30 meters every 3 seconds for 5 minutes.

Requires level: 80

This is a recovery weapon in team battles, it is equivalent to a group recovery technique, absolutely practical! Zhang Yang immediately put it away happily.

"Yan'er, open the suit, don't fill up with useless things!" Han Yingxue said.

"Yeah!" Wei Yan'er nodded vigorously, trying desperately to find something that was full of purple energy.

[Blade of the Endless Abyss] (purple gold weapon, two-handed sword)

Attack power: 2356-2956

Damage per second between attacks: 699

Equipment: When hitting the target, there is a 1% chance to reduce the target's Strength by 5%, stacking up to 3 layers, lasting 10 seconds.

Unidentified Requires Level: 80

"The weapon damage is great, but the special effects are a bit tasteless!" Zhang Yang commented. The attack power of the boss is fixed, and it’s useless to reduce the power, and against players, unless it’s a protracted battle, either the enemy will die or you will die.

"It's still worth a lot of money if you sell it!" Han Yingxue nodded and said, but she was not interested in making money from trading, far less excited than when she was picking gold coins.

"Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth out.

[Ice-cold warrior tui armor] (purple gold weapon, armor)

Armor: +80

Stamina: +564

Strength: +161

Intelligence: +80

Equip: Absorbs 162 damage when attacked.

Unidentified Requires Level: 80

"...worked for that Xingguang kid Bai again!" Zhang Yang sighed, and the intelligence-intensive tank suit was naturally tailor-made for the guardian knight.

"Hmph, at least 100,000 gold will be charged from him!" Wei Yan'er bared her teeth and claws, she was in a bad mood because she didn't offer a suit for herself.

Zhang Yang put away the remaining few gold utensils, and said, "The boss is over and the task is done, let's go back!"

He was anxious to identify the Titan gauntlet.

Both women nodded, but they all asked Zhang Yang to go back to the city first and then use the team summoning order to pull them back.

What else can Zhang Yang say when he meets these two women who can extract oil from even a stone?

After returning to Baiyu City, Zhang Yang naturally went to the appraiser to identify the Titan Gloves first, and then put on a third-level stamina gem, and strengthened it to 50%. His whole body was already covered with level 80 purple gold weapons! Before the Titan suit was assembled, each piece of equipment only emitted a soft purple light, but after the Titan gloves were identified, the complete Titan suit suddenly burst into dazzling purple light, which is extremely dazzling!

There were many players beside the appraiser. They all exclaimed in unison when they saw Zhang Yang's sudden brilliance like a god. Those who reacted quickly had already turned on the video recording function in the game. If you go to this scene, you will definitely earn a lot of clicks! .

Zhang Yang was also caught off guard, and hurriedly turned off the special effects of the equipment in the game options. The Titan suit suddenly became plain and unpretentious, and the purple brilliance contained on it could only be seen when it was assembled to the fullest.

Otherwise, if he runs around the city with such an effect, it will be like a big 1000-watt light bulb, it will light up wherever he goes!

Squeezing out the crowd of players who had already surrounded him, Zhang Yang quickly summoned his mount and ran towards the auction house.

Every time he returns to the main city, he has to go to the auction house to try his luck, and he can still find some good goods in many cases!

As usual, he searched for the pet skill book first. Although he didn't find the best skill book, he found two engraved scrolls of pet skills, which made him shout out! Then I searched in the professional skill book, but I didn't have such good luck.

With all the suits together, he will have no equipment requirements for at least level 20, and the only parts that can be replaced are two rings and two accessories! The effect of the suit is definitely irreplaceable before the emergence of Xuanling-level equipment, and the Devouring Sword still has two seals that have not been unlocked. As long as the corresponding task chain is completed, this "divine" sword can continue to grow!

Then level up!

He has been doing tasks with a lot of experience these days, and he has killed a lot of elites in the process of the task. He is only one step away from level 87. After only one day, he completed the upgrade and became the number one in China. A player who reached level 87.

But he wanted to practice leveling quietly, but all kinds of unexpected situations happened.

Because of the rebirth of the Xianxian Group, many business partners have changed. This time, the company has a big contract to be finalized with the Hongyan Cosmetics Company in Beijing, Beijing. The two companies intend to make an attempt to cooperate and adopt a bundled sales strategy to fight a price war.

But how to distribute the profits is a big problem. Any one-thousandth discrepancy may be in the millions, so don't be sloppy!

Therefore, Zhang Yang, the president who knew nothing, had to go to Jingtian City to negotiate with the boss of Hongyan Cosmetics Company in person to finalize the details of the cooperation. Although he actually went there just as a spectator, but it is indispensable, and it has to show that Xianxian Group attaches great importance to this cooperation!

This is the biggest attack of Xianxian Group after its rebirth from the ashes, so the whole company attaches great importance to it, and the heads of various departments have dispatched a lot. As the president, Zhang Yang didn't have to worry about anything. Anyway, when it was time to leave, there would naturally be a car to pick him up at the airport, and a car would pick him up to the hotel after he got off the plane.

But on April 29, he set off with three secretaries. When the car stopped, Zhang Yang discovered that the place where they stopped was not the airport but the train station!

Three beautiful female secretaries giggled and pulled him onto the train, saying that the negotiation would not be until the day after tomorrow anyway, there was so much time, how romantic it was to shake slowly on the train!

Surrounded by three hot and beautiful young girls, he swaggered through the city alone, and he was secretly envied by so many passengers in the waiting room that his saliva almost flowed out. The secretaries booked a soft sleeper, the box was luxuriously decorated, and there was even a bathtub in the bathroom, the level of luxury was not inferior to that of a five-star hotel!

No wonder this ticket is more than three times more expensive than the first-class cabin on the plane, it's worth it just for this luxurious box!

Originally, all six secretaries were going, but Zhang Yang thought it was too exaggerated. After the reduction of personnel, half of the quota was finally reduced. The three winners, Mei Mei, kept laughing and laughing, went to the bathroom to take a shower as soon as they entered the private room, and then dangled in front of Zhang Yang in sexy underwear, teasing his nerves.

Fortunately, he was wearing a game helmet. After Zhang Yang put it on, he lay down on the bed and started playing games by himself.

This road is full of beauty, and the three secretaries take care of him so much that he only needs to "stretch his hands for clothes and open his mouth for food", and he is almost getting used to laziness. But although the train is not as fast as the plane, it only takes about 16 hours to get to the station from Zhousu to Jingtian.

First went to the hotel to meet with the negotiating team of Xianxian Company. After a night's rest, the large team drove to Hongyan Cosmetics Company to start a three-day negotiation on cooperation details.

The CEO and chairman of Hongyan Cosmetics Group is a handsome young man, twenty** years old, with a slender figure, a firm chest, and a rosy pretty face, so many men can't help but sneak glances at her. past.

The beauties at this age are really mature, every move is full of mature charm, the kind of charm that comes from the depths of the bone marrow is not comparable to that of young girls!

Xu Lan, this is her name.

When Zhang Yang saw the other party, he couldn't help but let out a little gasp, and said, "Xue Qianxun!"

"Zhan Yu!" Xu Lan was also surprised.

Xu Lan is the president Xue Qianxun, who is angry and beautiful. The two met in the finals of Shang Hai's sword against the sky.

"Haha, I should have thought about it a long time ago, there is no connection between Yiqi Hongyan and Hongyan Cosmetics Group!" Zhang Yang laughed. @.


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