[The only survivor] (task difficulty: D level)

Mission description: As the only survivor of the massacre, you feel obliged to spread the news about the massacre of humans by the Naga tribe. Soldiers, hurry up and find Julio, the sheriff on Shengzi Island, tell him the news, and let others Be prepared, otherwise, more people will be attacked by Naga!

Completion: Notify Sheriff Julio 01

With a thought in Zhang Yang's mind, the Xuanshui turtle set me up to swim in the direction of Shengzi Island. Although the speed of this pet rider is not comparable to that of a turtle-shaped boat, it is not too slow. A wave of water separates, and within five minutes, he will be able to swim. came to the shore.

Then, the black water turtle was immediately embarrassed, and resumed its crawling speed like a turtle.

Replaced the black water turtle with a big white bear, Zhang Yang rode on it, checked the direction, and immediately ran along a road to the depths of the island.

The greening on the island is good, there are tall trees everywhere, there are deer and wild animals running by from time to time, the green grass is green and the flowers are fragrant, it is like a paradise on earth.

After passing through the well forest, the island became densely populated, and you could see pious human beings worshiping towards the middle of the island, some of them dropped their bodies to the ground with tears all over their faces.

Zhang Yang asked a question about Julio, the sheriff, and patted the big white bear all the way to a small hill, surrounded by elite guards with weapons, patrolling back and forth. In the middle position, There is a tall and strong man standing with a sword, covered with heavy armor, full of chilling aura.

【Julio the Sheriff】(Gold-level leader, humanoid creature)

Grade: 95

HP: 1.9 million

Armor value: 1700

Zhang Yang patted the big white bear and ran over, saying: "General Julio, I have some sad news to inform you!" He told the news that the sea ferry was attacked by the Naga clan and all were slaughtered.

Julio was furious immediately, and said: "These filthy murlocs dare to sneak attack on the disciples of the Holy Son, which is a blasphemy to the gods! Adventurer, I don't care where you come from, but since you listened to the Holy Son Your lord's call comes here, you must obey my command! I order you to immediately go to the ruins of Naga's lair, Alboni, and cut off the head of their leader, Senab!."

"Ding! Sheriff Julio has issued a mission to you: kill Senabor, do you accept it?"

Zhang Yang couldn't help sweating profusely, and said, "Dear General Julio, I'm alone. You want me to kill the enemy's lair? And, you want to kill their leader?"

"Very well, you heard my order clearly!" Julio nodded.

***! Zhang Yang really wanted to give the npc the middle finger, he sighed, and let's talk about this task first, to see if the reward is worth it for him to take the risk alone.

【Kill Senabor】(Task Difficulty: Level A)

Mission description: Sheriff Julio wants you to go into the lair of the Naga clan, kill their leader Sabina, and bring back his head to Julio to prove that you have indeed completed the mission.

Those crunchy naga lairs are located in the ruins of Alponni, just under the waters for a kilometer to the west of the Son of God.

Completion: Bring back Senabor's head 01

Mission Reward: Julio's Praise

【Praise of Julio】(Silver Ware, Ring)

Stamina: +120

Use: All attributes increase the pit point for 30 seconds. Cooling time: 5 minutes.

Required level: 90

Looking at the mission description, Zhang Yang can only be speechless for a while, can Nima be more cheating than this? Although Zhang Yang has not met Senabor yet, as the leader of the Naga clan and even his younger brother is a golden boss, he can common?

Definitely a purple-gold boss!

Moreover, as the boss of the Naga tribe, Senab must have countless guards. To kill him, he must pass five levels and kill six generals, which is extremely troublesome! Such a cumbersome task must be given a purple gold weapon to justify it!

Just a silver ring, whoever makes it is a second!

If there is no quest of the Key of the Void, Zhang Yang would have given up on this quest without even thinking about it! But from the current point of view, this quest may still be a branch of the key quest, and if he gives up, he may not get the last piece of the key fragment !

Zhang Yang thought about it, and decided to put this task aside. Anyway, each player can accept as many as 100 tasks at the same time. He can go around the island first to see if there are other tasks that can be accepted. Finally get the seventh Void Key Fragment.

But after a long circle around the island, there are other tasks, but they are all meaningless ordinary tasks such as killing a few lobstermen and chopping a few firewood. Moreover, Zhang Yang, the palace in the middle of the island, cannot enter , There was a ding, the magic circle was shrouded, even if Zhang Yang used the earth escape technique and the shadow of the void, he still couldn't pass through.

It seems that if he does not complete the task of "Kill Senabor.", it is impossible for him to enter the palace and meet Madeleine.

Pit father ah!

Zhang Yang had no choice but to ride a big white bear to the west side of the island, and then put on a black turtle and swim all the way to the west.

Anyway, riding on a black turtle can breathe underwater, Zhang Yang simply dived to the bottom of the sea. Along the way, he picked the magic algae in the water, killed the monsters guarding the herbs, harvested some ingredients, and gave them to the culinary masters in the club after returning Cook food that can add various attributes.

After swimming for more than two hours, Zhang Yang finally came to the ruins of an ancient palace. This palace was obviously made by humans, and there were statues of humans everywhere, including warriors, hunters, mages, and so on.

Perhaps several years ago, this place used to be an island, but an earthquake sank the entire island, sinking this majestic palace into the waters.

In the waters outside the palace, there are nagas swimming everywhere. The men are warriors with spears, while the women are archers with longbows on their backs. All of them have hostile faces and murderous looks. These The monsters are all 94 elites, with blood volume up to 94000.

There is only one way to kill blood!

Under the command of Zhang Yang, the black water turtle swam towards the nearest male Naga, and when it entered the three-meter range, Zhang Yangli threw a broken spear at it. -4423

"Dirty human beings!" The Naga warrior immediately roared, twisted its tail, and swam towards Zhang Yang. -7902-9613

Xuanshuigui's normal attack followed by another tear, immediately caused extremely terrifying damage to the Naga warrior!

After Zhang Yang has been promoted to level 90, because there is no change in equipment, and only by increasing a few skill points, there is no change in health or attack power! However, it is different for riding pets. Substantial growth occurred!

At the concave level, the average attack power of the black water turtle was 7579, but after reaching level 90, the average attack power of the black water turtle suddenly soared to 84%, an increase of 11%

"Useless race, the underwater world is not your world! The Naga warrior stabbed at Zhang Yang with his spear, and his figure was extremely agile.

It's a pity that in front of Zhang Yang, the elite monsters are quite ordinary monsters compared to ordinary players, and after a random fight with the Xuanshui turtle, this Naga warrior was killed.

Picking up a clam shell dropped by the monster, Zhang Yang opened it casually, but there was only a piece of clam meat and no pearls. He didn't take it to heart, and continued to pull the monster and kill it, heading towards the palace.

After killing for a while, Wei Yan'er and Fatty Han found out that he had entered the super map, and they all said they wanted to come and see for themselves. Zhang Yang had no choice but to ask them to go to the warehouse to bring the underwater breathing potion, and then He took the team summoning order and pulled the nine members of the fixed team over.

The murloc has only one lung, which can only allow Wei Yan'er to breathe underwater alone (the little girl insisted), so he must bring underwater breathing medicine. However, because Zhang Yang has alchemy epiphany, the underwater breath he made Naturally, part of the breathing medicine has also mutated, which can increase the game speed by 10%-100%.

Therefore, even though Wei Yaner took the lungs of the murloc, he still took a mutated 10% underwater breathing potion, which increased his swimming speed by 100%.

But after seeing Zhang Yang's Xuanshui Turtle and Han Yingxue's Scarlet Gold Crab, everyone was envious, this is how fast they run!

Zhang Yang tried to share the task, and everyone could receive it, but everyone was speechless at once—this task is too cheating!

When a team of ten people arrives, it is naturally invincible! And in the waters, the power of the mysterious water turtle is fully displayed, it can advance and retreat freely, and is extremely flexible.

Soon, the team broke through the monster's defense and entered the palace.

This place was supposed to be a garden, but at this time, it is actually covered with aquatic plants, and there are countless small fish swimming in it. The black water turtle looks greedy, turns its long head and looks back at Zhang Yang, as if it is about to rush over Eat big chunks.

Zhang Yang patted the turtle's back and said, "Get the business done first, and I'll let you have a good time later! . . .

The Xuanshui turtle could only keep drooling at the swimming fishes, while reluctantly continuing to swim forward.

Under the strong firepower of the team, the monsters in the garden were quickly cleared, and the team finally came to the first boss.

【Squad leader Zhuvasi】(gold-level leader, humanoid creature)

Grade: 92

HP: 1.84 million

Armor value: 1700

Glancing at the boss's blood volume, everyone laughed, Meng Buhui said: "The current golden boss is too watery, with a blood volume of less than 2 million, and he will be killed in two or three hits!"

"Regardless of the water, you can't kill without a tank!", Starlight Infinity is most jealous of Gao Shuaifu, and it has always been at odds with Meng Buhui.

Meng Buhui snorted, dissatisfied and said: "As long as there are ten thieves with up to the standard equipment, take turns to dodge for ten seconds, and then use the disappearing skill to clear the hatred, the boss can definitely be defeated! , (to be continued) .If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (Xianmcbi) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.), Thanks to Ranm Feng He, Tian Zilou, Happy Old Wolf, Dragon Wife ,, People who read ink in summer... Yesterday's tip...

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