This is a narrow passage, with doors on each side of the rooms, but the doors of the first few rooms are open, and there is no one inside, probably they have rushed out to attack Zhang Yang and them before.

But a little further, when Zhang Yang and the others passed by, new soldiers would come out and attack them.

After chopping melons and vegetables, the team quickly passed here and came to a hemispherical building. Although it occupies a large area, it is much smaller than the blood pool before. times.

A man wearing a white robe is sitting in a chair. On his left and right sides, there is a young and beautiful girl snuggling up. Behind him is a row of guards with a size of 12 people. They are all covered in iron armor. Take the spear.

[Maphados] (gold-level leader, humanoid creature)

Level: 95

HP: 1.9 million

Armor value: 1700

[Iron Armored Guard] (Elite, Humanoid)

Grade: 92

HP: 200,000

Armor value: 1000

The boss still held a goblet in his hand, which was filled with blood-red wine. When he saw Zhang Yang and the others barging in, the 12 soldiers immediately took a step forward, holding their spears in both hands, and pointed at him. Make them public.

And Maphados was going to be much quieter, he was still sipping the fine wine, and said, "Is that idiot Julio dead?"

Zhang Yang swung a few sword flowers from the Devouring Sword in his hand, carried it on his shoulder, and said, "I'm sorry, I accidentally couldn't keep my hand!"

"Haha, if you die, you die. Anyway, I never liked that idiot!" Maphados passed the wine glass to the side, and a girl immediately reached out to take the wine glass with both hands, while another maid took out the snow-white glass. handkerchief, carefully wiping the corners of his mouth.

"My lord—" behind Maphados, all 12 soldiers showed a questioning tone.

"Kill them all!" Malfados stood up suddenly, with a staff in his hand, he glanced at everyone in Zhang Yang, and said, "Master Shengzi's plan cannot tolerate any mistakes! "

"Yes!" The 12 soldiers obeyed at the same time.

tread! tread! tread!

These armored soldiers lined up neatly, holding their spears flat, with the tip of the spears raised slightly, and they stepped towards Zhang Yang and the others with uniform steps.

"Xingguang, you go to fight the boss, these mobs are handed over to me!" Zhang Yang said.

The boss is only at the gold level, and it can easily be defeated with the equipment foundation of unlimited starlight. Moreover, Malfados is obviously a magical boss, and it is more effective to be tanked by a guardian knight.

On the contrary, the 12 elite soldiers are much more of a threat than the boss. Although their health is not as good as the boss, their combined attack power is far from what the boss can match. On the contrary, they need to be equipped with better tanks.

"Understood!" Starlight Infinite had already thrown a flying shield at the boss, and rushed towards the boss.

The 12 elite guards didn't have a clear target at first, but when they saw Xingguang infinitely approaching him, they immediately surrounded him. But Zhang Yang also charged forward, stomping on his foot, and the thunder struck heavily, which immediately attracted the hatred of these monsters to him.

"A futile struggle!" Malphados snorted softly, pointed his staff at the 12 soldiers, and said, "God says that his followers will have unlimited power!"

Immediately, the size of the 12 soldiers grew a lot, and they screamed like beasts!

These soldiers have an additional buff effect - the blessing of Malphados: increase the attack power by 30%, and last for 5 minutes!

It doesn't matter if one monster's attack power increases by 30%, but if 12 elite monsters increase their attack power by 30% at the same time, the damage will be a bit fierce!

Zhang Yang quickly said: "Speed ​​to kill mobs!"

Sun Xinyu and the others rushed forward one after another, using group damage skills, causing huge damage to these monsters!

Oscillatory waves, thunderous blows, heroic jumps, brutal blows, Zhang Yang's control skills are all used to minimize the damage he suffers. If it really doesn't work, shield walls, fury recovery, and all-or-nothing can be used! In this boss battle, Maphados has nothing to fear, the trouble is these mobs!

Under the powerful firepower of the crowd, even these elite monsters with 200,000 HP were quickly blasted dry, and lay down one by one.

But when the last elite monster died, Maphados suddenly pointed at the corpses of those soldiers with his staff, and said, "God says, those who believe in God will have eternal life!"


Twelve streaks of black brilliance shot out from Malphados' staff, and poured into the corpses on the ground respectively. .

Card! Card! Card!

The 12 dead soldiers got up again and launched a fierce attack on Zhang Yang again!

【Guard of Resurrection】(Elite, Undead)

Grade: 92

HP: 200,000

Armor value: 1000

Damn, it's endless!

Zhang Yang said: "Don't kill the mobs, go kill the boss! Otherwise, after these monsters die, the boss will revive them again!"

Instead of hardtopping, he thunders down slow monsters, then pulls them and starts kiting. But the moving speed of these monsters is really too fast, even if they are slowed down by the thunderbolt, they still run faster than Zhang Yang!

"Ding! The resurrected guard was affected by the wrath of the Titan God and fell into a coma for 10 seconds!"


"Ding! The resurrected guard was affected by the wrath of the Titan God and fell into a coma for 10 seconds!"

Under the intensive attack of monsters, the effect of the eight-piece Titan suit was finally triggered, and a phantom of a metal god emerged from behind Zhang Yang, and just stretched out his finger and pushed a monster into a coma state!

On the other side, under the siege of Sun Xinyu and the others, Maphados' blood volume dropped wildly, and soon dropped to 10%!

"God said that his servants are indestructible!" Malphados pointed his staff at one of the 12 guards, and with a "snap", the guard burst into pieces, and only one piece was shattered. Armor fell down. But the boss's body was filled with blood, and he returned to full health in an instant—even with the negative effect of Wei Yan'er's Destruction Strike Reduction of 50% Healing!

"Damn!" Seeing this scene, everyone uttered foul language.

"If the boss can resurrect the pile of broken bones on the ground, he will be really invincible!" Xingguang said infinitely.

"You crow mouth!"

Fortunately, this scene did not happen.

Papa papa, in a little over a minute, Mafados' blood volume dropped to 10% again.

"God says his servants are immortal!"

Unsurprisingly, Malfados pointed out his staff again at a guard, and at the cost of sacrificing a guard, he returned to full health!

"...Fortunately, this boss only has 1.9 million blood. If the Zijin boss has more than 9 million blood, it will be really cool!"

"It's unreasonable, how can a golden boss be so perverted!"

But the boss will not discuss fairness and unfairness with them, and continues to bombard the stars infinitely! Fortunately, guardian knights are naturally suitable for tank monsters, and the equipment of Unlimited Starlight is very good, and it is not difficult to top the boss at all!

On the contrary, Zhang Yang was under a lot of pressure. Although there were two mobs missing, the attack power of the monster group was still strong, and he was ecstatic when he was beaten, jumping up and down like a roller coaster.

Fortunately, because the pressure on Starlight Infinity is very small, the Lord and his dream sweetheart can take the time to apply recovery skills and holy shields to Zhang Yang, so that Zhang Yang can persevere with difficulty.

There is no way, Zhang Yang can only grit his teeth and hold on until the boss "eats" all the mobs.

The third mob was "eaten", the fourth, fifth, sixth...

Finally, the team survived the most dangerous stage. As more and more mobs were "eaten" by the boss, the pressure on Zhang Yang became less and less, and he became more and more calm.

3, 2, 1!

When the last mob was "eaten" by the boss, the battle finally came to an end!

Zhang Yang didn't go to fight the boss, but rested with Han Yingxue. Just now, one of the two had a hard time, and the other had a hard time, and they both needed to rest.

The boss still has 80% HP!

"God said, let there be light, and this world will have light!"

Boom, a blazing white light flashed on the boss' staff, like a golden crow falling, piercing people's eyes with pain, and only seeing a vast expanse of whiteness.

[Open eyes as if blind]: Unable to see things for 10 seconds.

Although the boss's skill has no lethality, it almost brought the team's output to a standstill!

In "Miracle", all attacks need to be locked on the target to hit. If you can't see the object, you can't lock the target at all! Fortunately, everyone reacted very quickly, and immediately switched to group damage skills to attack an area, although the damage was greatly reduced.

After 10 seconds, the blind-eyed effect disappeared, and everyone was enraged by the boss, so they slashed and slashed at the boss with all their might!

Although everyone can easily blast the boss if they use Shengui Luanwu at the same time, this is the first of the twelve disciples! If you use up the big skill at the bottom of the box now, what should you do if you encounter a more ruthless boss later?


"God said, if there is water, there will be water in this world!"

Clang! Clang! Clang!

A series of ice spears pierced the ground and stabbed at everyone, with a base damage of 12,000. Immediately, Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart were in a hurry, desperately bleeding everyone.

"Nimma, is this ice?" Fatty Han said loudly.

"Boss has never studied physics, so he doesn't know that water has three states!" Wei Yan'er smiled smugly - there are not many opportunities for her to teach others.


"God said, let there be fire, and there will be fire in this world!"


The ice gun was still there, but the ground was cracked with cracks, endless fire spurted out violently, and the base damage was also 12,000 if it burned once!

Everyone was thrown into a frenzy by the boss, running around incessantly, in a panic. . ).

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