"Even if the price of this ring is 100,000 gold, there will definitely be people rushing to buy it!" Fatty Han said while holding the ring of indifference in his hand.

Rings have always been hard to come by, so even if they are not the top purple gold artifacts, there will definitely be a large number of players rushing to get them.

"Fatty, you missed a zero!" Narcissus said.

"Worth that much money?" Fatty Han was excited.

Zhang Yang nodded and said: "A superb ring is indeed worth so much money! However, you don't have a purple gold ring, so you should keep this ring and put it in the canteen when you get a better ring. sell."

"But the longer the delay, the more worthless the equipment will be!" Fatty Han felt distressed.

Zhang Yang shrugged helplessly, and said, "Fatty, are you still short of money?"

Fatty Han grinned and said, "Who would think too much money?"

Wei Yan'er picked up two more gold utensils, but the attributes were not very good. The cloth armor had too much spirit added, and the armor had magic resistance added, so he had to throw it at the canteen and sell it "Qihang without watermark" up.

"Go, there are still eight bosses to be cleared!"

The crowd continued to move forward, hitting the sixth blood pool all the way, and after releasing the believers there, they entered the boss room again. But tragically, it was another empty room.

"Fuck, I won't say that the next boss will be together again!"

"Obvious thing!"

After finishing the eighth blood pool, the team still did not encounter the No. 8 boss.

"...This time it won't be the five bosses together!"

Everyone is heartbroken.

Fortunately, after "liberating" the ninth blood pool, Zhang Yang and the others finally saw three bosses in the boss room.

[Lately, Shield of the Three Saints] (gold-level leader, humanoid creature)

Level: 95

HP: 3 million

Armor value; 3000

Note: One of the 12 disciples.

[Duro, the Spear of the Three Saints] (gold-level leader, humanoid creature)

Level: 95

HP: 3 million

Armor value: 1500

Note: One of the 12 disciples.

[Xue Li, Feather of the Three Saints] (gold-level leader, humanoid creature)

Level: 95

HP: 3 million

Armor value: 1000

Note: One of the 12 disciples.

Laitley is a shield warrior, holding an ax in his right hand and a shield in his left hand. His whole body armor is shining like a god of war. And Du Luo is a thief holding a long sword in each hand, his figure appears and disappears from time to time. And the last Xueli is a beautiful woman who is obsessed with a magic staff. She is wearing a loose white cloth gown with the neckline open so low that half of the two towering jade peaks are exposed to the air, and the slit in the gown reaches to the waist. At the moment, with a slight movement, the two slender legs can be seen at a glance.

Fatty Han immediately covered his nose and said: "It's too disgusting, it's so sexy to dress up like "Qihang without watermark", how can I be so cruel when I call you Fat Brother! "

Like the previous four knights, these three saints also share their lives, but the difference is that these three bosses don't even have a halo!

"It's impossible for the bosses to get easier!" Meng Buhui frowned, "I'm afraid these three bosses have some other terrifying skills!"

Zhang Yang nodded and said: "These three bosses, one is a tank, the other is a thieves output, although the last Xueli doesn't know whether it is a mage or a priest, but according to common sense, it should be a combination of tank, supplement, and output !"

He continued: "Xingguang, you go to La Laiteli, the boss is a tank type, with the highest armor value and the lowest attack power, just hold it! I'm La Duro and Xue Li, and Xue Li's The armor value is the lowest, everyone should give priority to snowballing!"

"En!" Everyone nodded, which was very obvious.

Zhang Yang drew out his sword and shield, and said, "Let's fight once!"

"An ignorant mortal dares to behave wildly in the sacred hall!"

"On behalf of the Holy Son, I will impose a judgment on you!"

"In front of God, any mortal is an insignificant existence!"

As the battle broke out, the three saints roared and rushed towards Zhang Yang and Starlight respectively.

Xueli stopped after running a few steps, pointed the staff in her hand at Zhang Yang, and began to chant Holy Light Punishment. But Du Luo raised one hand and entered the stealth state directly, and there was no trace of him at all! .

Swipe, charge!

Zhang Yang immediately rolled up wildly, swung out the Devouring Sword in his hand, and dealt a damage to Xue Lida, and at the same time threw the first Armor Breaking effect.

"Sorrowful mortals, surrender under the power of the gods!" Xueli's light of punishment had been read, and a white light flashed across Zhang Yang's body immediately, causing more than 9,000 damage to Zhang Yang. This injury was not terrible, and everyone who was a little worried was relieved immediately.

At this moment, Du Luo suddenly appeared from behind Zhang Yang, and hit the back of Zhang Yang's head with the hilt of his backhand, knocking Zhang Yang into a coma immediately.


Du Luo dances his sword like the wind, and each swing of the sword can cause about 10,000 damage to Zhang Yang-the boss has a synergistic effect: increase the attack power by 30%, lasting for 10 seconds.

This is the same as assassinating a thief. Whenever you emerge from stealth, your attack power will increase by 30%!

Zhang Yang hastily used Warrior's Fury to remove the stun effect. He hasn't started aggro yet. If he doesn't move for 2 seconds (the death warrior's heart accessory can reduce the time to be controlled by 50%), at least Han Yingxue who added blood to him will become Du Luo's first hatred! Sweeping out, the damage figures of "-8421" and "-8134" jumped up on Xue Li and Du Luo respectively, and Zhang Yang initially stabilized the hatred.

Sun Xinyu and other output professions swarmed up and launched a fierce attack on Xueli.

"In front of God's servants, no matter how many mortals are, they are just ants!" Xueli snorted contemptuously, and waved the magic staff in a semicircle, and a white arc of light immediately radiated to the surroundings.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Within the reach of the light arc, everyone was shocked back 10 meters and suffered 20,000 points of sacred damage at the same time!

"Fuck, it's unreasonable for a holy priest to be able to fight like this!" Fatty Han complained.

Fortunately, Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart are both holy priests who are good at group replenishment. Moreover, the single-target damage of the boss is not high, and there is almost no threat to the tank. The two women can calmly increase the blood volume of several melee combat .

After Sun Xinyu and the others returned to full health, they killed them back again. Fortunately, Xueli's knockback skills were not activated frequently, and they didn't knock them back immediately.


Du Luo possessed all the skills of a thief, and quickly launched a kidney shot skill at Zhang Yang, knocking Zhang Yang into a coma for 6 seconds. However, due to the effect of "Death Warrior's Heart", Zhang Yang woke up after 3 seconds, immediately raised his shield and launched a block, immune to the boss's next fierce attack.


After playing for another ten seconds, Du Luo raised his hand again and entered the stealth state. The boss immediately appeared behind Zhang Yang again, and knocked Zhang Yang into a coma for 4 seconds with a "sneak attack".

Although under the influence of the death warrior's heart, Zhang Yang will only be under the control of half of the time, but from time to time he is stunned and makes him really dizzy. Can this be good?

There is no way to be unhappy. Although Zhang Yang's Warrior's Fury has been added to the full level, there is still a 1-minute cooldown. It is impossible to remove all the stun effects. It is already very heaven-defying to be able to be controlled for only half of the time!

And Starlight Infinity is also uncomfortable, Lightley frequently used brutal blows on him, knocking him into a coma for 4 seconds! This skill has a 2-minute cooldown on the player, but the boss can use it almost every 20 seconds, making Starlight Infinity crazy!

Once Starlight Infinity is stunned, Laitley will temporarily put him at the bottom of the hatred list, and go find the trouble of the second hatred! When Starlight Infinity was fainted for the first time, Dream Sweetheart was almost knocked out by the boss. Fortunately, Zhang Yang threw the sacrifice skill on Dream Sweetheart in time!

After gradually becoming familiar with the boss's skills, Zhang Yang asked Xingguang to move closer to him, pulling the three bosses together. First, he can grab Laitley's second hatred, so that Starlight Infinity will not be crushed by the boss as soon as Dream Sweetheart is stunned. His sacrifice skill has a 1-minute cooldown!

Second, his sweep and Wei Yan'er's whirlwind are not only the main skills of single-target attack, but also the ace of group damage, and the boss standing densely can also maximize the advantages of these two skills!

"Lightly, protect me!" Xueli suddenly yelled loudly at the 60th second of the battle, when the blood volume of the three bosses dropped to 73%.

"Willing to serve you!" Laitley, who was entangled with Starlight, immediately raised his right hand, adding a sacrificial skill to Xue Li! .

At this time, Xue Li began to chant a spell called "Holy Nova", which lasted for 5 seconds!

"The boss has the effect of sacrifice, so it can't interrupt her spell!" Meng Buhui used a "kick." But it just jumped up a "transfer" on top of Xue Li's head and then acted on Laitley's body.

"Feel the divine power!" After 5 seconds, Xueli finished singing "Holy Nova", and a cloud of milky white brilliance burst out from her body, and then turned into three small light clusters, respectively pouring out "Sailing without watermark" "Into the bodies of Laitley, Duro, and herself.




Three extremely high healing numbers jumped from Xueli, Lightly, and Duro respectively, adding up to a total of 900,000 blood, which was evenly distributed to each boss, and the blood immediately returned to 83%!

"Depend on!"

Seeing this scene, everyone scolded their mothers in their hearts, and what Nima said was too harsh!

Fortunately, Xueli still has the effect of Destroy Strike reducing healing by 75%, otherwise the recovered HP would reach 1.2 million!

Although these three bosses are not as terrifying as the previous four knights with superimposed auras, but they can fight well, and they know how to cooperate with each other. I really can't stand it! . )


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