Logan strode down, and the sound of his footsteps was like thunder. With his handsome appearance, they were far more decent than Zhang Yang, and they looked like a prince fighting a dragon.

"Intruders, this is the end of your progress!" Logan said bluntly, swung the huge sword in his hand, and slashed at Zhang Yang fiercely. The sword's momentum was as fast as a flash of lightning!

Zhang Yang's reaction was faster, and the shield was raised high in the blink of an eye.



"Okay!" Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help applauding. The boss's attack speed is so fast that he can hit the block in time within nearly one thousandth, or even one ten thousandth of a second. What a responsiveness!

Unfortunately, the boss's armor value is as high as 2600 points. Even if Zhang Yang has 50% of the armor that Hawkeye ignores, the boss still has 1300 points of armor before completing the five pieces, and his block and anti-injury can only cause 59 Little damage.

Broken Armor!


Shield bash!


Zhang Yang first hit a broken armor, and then slammed the "free" shield on the boss, immediately shooting a satisfactory damage figure.

After he initially established his hatred, Sun Xinyu and the others immediately launched an attack with all their strength, slashing around Logan.

Xingguang burst into tears, and said, "Why don't you come and beat the boss I pulled?"

"Hee hee, you're so frustrated, the one who beats you feels insecure!" Wei Yan'er smiled delicately.

It's not that Starlight Unlimited is not good enough, the main reason is that there is still a gap in the level of equipment between him and Sun Xinyu, Wei Yan'er, the super powerful output. Tanks don't just rely on skills to pull hatred. Without the support of good equipment, they can deal considerable damage. Then how can he hold back the hatred of a bunch of wolves and tigers exporting professions!

Zhang Yang comforted: "The main guardian knight does not have a skill similar to broken armor, and the physical profession will deal a lot less damage to the boss of Knight Tanla!"

Starlight Unlimited immediately returned to normal, and said, "That's right, the system is too biased, why are all good skills reserved for fighters!"

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and said: "You can't say that, the knight can also learn a skill similar to Broken Armor in the future, but it is for the magic resistance of the boss, and it just happens to work with the warrior!"

"However, all the bosses in "Miracle" have high armor, and not many have high magic resistance!" Baifa Yizhong said.

Starlight Infinity's originally high mood immediately sank down again, causing everyone to laugh.

"A group of weak human beings, I can crush you to death with one finger!" Logan shouted sharply, and danced the big sword in his hand more vigorously. Make a sonic boom!

"Come on, let's crush Fat Brother to death!" Fatty Han challenged the boss, while taking advantage of the interval between shooting, he turned around and shook his fat butt at the boss, stretching out his hand to slap and smack.

Logan was furious. Although there was no change in ranking in the hatred list, the boss's target suddenly changed to Fatty Han, and he stretched out a finger at him from a distance, with a faint blood on the fingertip. in the flow.

Fatty Han laughed loudly, and pointed his middle finger at the boss, saying, "Who knows how to pose!"

"The blasphemer must die!" Logan snorted softly, and a crimson light flew out from his fingertips, and flew towards Fatty Han extremely quickly.


This red light hit Fatty Han, but it caused 14694 points of damage to Zhang Yang!

Fatty Han was taken aback. If Zhang Yang hadn't thrown the sacrificial skill on him in time, he wouldn't have died from this attack, but because he still had 6 layers of ice and snow touch, it would be very dangerous! Because Dreamy Sweetheart wants to increase publicity, the rest can only throw a recovery spell, and then rely on Prayer of Mending to replenish randomly, it is impossible to leave tank alone to increase the output!

After Logan made this blow, he ignored Fatty Han and continued to slash at Zhang Yang with his sword.

"Brother Fat, don't mess with the boss if you have nothing to do!" Dream Sweetheart is not Han Yingxue. Although they have taken a lot of equipment with Zhang Yang these days, they are still inferior to Han Yingxue. The point is that she doesn't have as many skills as Han Yingxue, whether it's emergency rescue or battery life, she is far behind. .

She tried her best to clean up Zhang Yang's blood, and she also took the time to replenish the restorative spells for the others, pulling up the blood they had deducted due to the touch of ice and snow, making the little girl very busy.

Zhang Yang said with a smile: "This should be a random skill of the boss. It happened that the fat man provoked the boss, so he threw it on the fat man's head!"

"Haha, wretched and fat, it's called misfortune!" Wei Yan'er gloated.

"Ding! You are affected by the effect of Ice and Snow Touch (10 layers), and you will receive 4500 points of frost damage every 3 seconds for 10 minutes. When the Ice and Snow Touch reaches 10 layers, it can be canceled by the Fire Touch!"

At 60 seconds into the battle, both Touch of Ice and Touch of Fire have stacked to 10 layers! It's not a lot for a single person to lose 5000 points of blood every 3 seconds, but adding together 10 people is a big burden for healing!

Zhang Yang pulled Logan and moved towards the direction of Xingguang Infinity, saying: "Xingguang, pull the boss over, we are ready to understand each other's skills!"


The two tanks pulled Logan and Isali to meet in the middle, and the others naturally followed closely. Soon, the two waves of people successfully joined forces, and the two bosses also got together.


Logan and Isali each shot out a frosty white and red flame light from the "Qihang No Watermark" in their bodies, and flashed across everyone's heads.

"Ding! You are affected by the effect of Ice and Snow Touch (1 layer), and you will receive 500 points of frost damage every 3 seconds for 10 minutes. When Ice and Snow Touch reaches 10 layers, it can be canceled by Fire Touch!"

"Ding! You are affected by the effect of Touch of Fire (1 layer), and you will receive 500 points of fire damage every 3 seconds for 10 minutes. When Touch of Fire reaches 10 layers, it can be removed by Touch of Frost!"

Very good, successfully completed the first round of the cycle, as long as the repeated separation and reunion, although the boss has a long blood bar, in the end, he can only bow his head and surrender.

"Phew, I finally met two simpler bosses!" Fatty Han heaved a sigh of relief.


"Logan, hurry up, kill these useless bugs!" Isali shouted impatiently.

"Honey, I am willing to follow your arrangement!" Logan immediately responded.

The two bosses raised their giant swords respectively, and bumped each other, one white and one red, two beams of light immediately poured into their bodies respectively.

"Ding! Isali has acquired the effect of contempt (1 layer), and her physical attack power has increased by 10%!"

"Ding! Logan has obtained the effect of contempt (1 layer), and his physical attack power has increased by 10%!"

The two bosses raised their swords and shouted angrily at the same time, and there was an additional "contempt" buff on their bodies!

"Damn, fat man, you crow mouth!"

The two bosses of "Qihang No Watermark" separated again, and the battle returned to the previous rhythm, but the physical attack power of the boss increased by 10%. Fortunately, both touch of frost and touch of fire belong to spell damage, and this damage has not been improved!

The two bosses still have 87% HP.

Zhang Yang estimated in his mind that with their current firepower, they would have to go back and forth like this at least 8 times to blow up the boss's blood volume! And after 8 times, the boss's physical attack power will increase to 180%, and the basic attack power will reach about 38,000. Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart can't add up such terrifying damage!

And if the boss is not allowed to meet, then the touch of ice and snow and touch of fire will superimpose infinitely, until the healing can't add up at all!

Nima, this is basically a choice between death by jumping off a building or jumping into a river, either one makes people feel uncomfortable!

"Zhang Yang, if we continue fighting like this, we won't be able to sustain it!" Seeing that Zhang Yang was not the only one who had a problem, Baifa Yizhong immediately asked him.

Zhang Yang nodded, and said: "Squeeze all the firepower potion, and you don't need to keep the ghost flurry, use it all!"

The previous boss gritted his teeth and could survive, but the blood bars of these two bosses are too long!

Everyone poured the potion of firepower, and handed over Shengui Luanwu to the two bosses.

In this short period of ten seconds, the two bosses of "Qihang without watermark" suffered huge damage immediately, but this was only a flash in the pan. Damage, although it is a disaster for the player, but compared to the boss's long blood volume, especially the life sharing, it only deducts 7% of the boss's blood volume!

While facing the boss, Zhang Yang took out all the scrolls stored in the backpack, and threw them at the boss if they lowered the attributes, and added them to the heads of his own members if they increased the damage! All in all, even if he went bankrupt, he would also knock down these two bosses!

Because, if these two bosses are not defeated, he will not be able to see Madeleine. And if you can't see Madeleine, you can't get the seventh fragment of the Void Key, and if you lack one of the seven, you can't open the treasure house in the void!

He has been doing this main task for so long, and he is only short of a key fragment to complete his merits, how can he fall short at this time!

With Zhang Yang's investment regardless of the cost, the team's firepower increased a lot, and the boss's blood volume increased even faster.

70%, 50%, 30%... The blood volume of the two bosses is dropping rapidly, and more and more contempt effects are superimposed on them, and their attack power is getting stronger and stronger!

"Go!" Zhang Yang tore off the last weak scroll and threw it on Isali's body—his equipment and life-saving skills are infinitely more than Starlight, so he chose to throw the last scroll that weakened the boss's attack. To Isali who is the starlight infinite master. . )


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