MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 432: The Fierce Battle Begins

"Ah—" Fatty Han screamed like a dead parent, his voice extremely shrill.

"Fatty man, why are you calling Chun for nothing, and the boss didn't explode your chrysanthemum?" Zhang Yang said with a casual smile, he and Fatty Han are naturally used to joking.

"...the boss died and didn't explode anything," Fatty Han said angrily.

"Isn't the boss still dead—you mean Kazakroll?"

"That's right, we clearly killed a Xuanling-level boss, but we didn't rely on anything. Isn't this a bit of a joke?". Fatty Han was filled with righteous indignation and was extremely angry.

Zhang Yang shook his head involuntarily, and said, "Just over 1 million blood volume, just to increase the difficulty, you still take it seriously"

"Cut, even if it's a boss with only 1 drop of blood, we killed it, and of course we have to equip it," Fatty Han said confidently.

"Haha, then vent your anger on the boss." Zhang Yang went up to Madeleine, swiping the Devouring Sword in his hand, and quickly aroused hatred.

Madeleine endured it for twenty years, but all her efforts were destroyed by Zhang Yang and the others in one day. She was so angry that her expression on her face was horrifying. Hitting Zhang Yang on the head, it seems that the anger in his heart cannot be dispelled unless he smashes Zhang Yang into a pulp with his own hands.

Grid file

This Yang was impolite, he raised the shield with his left hand, and blocked Madeleine's staff. At the same time, he slammed the shield with free double damage, dealing 3732 points of damage to the boss.

"Ah" Madeleine couldn't help roaring in pain, his eyes flickered fiercely, he raised his staff horizontally, and pointed at Zhang Yang.

"Ding Madeleine unleashes a lightning storm"

call out

A blazing white light suddenly shot out from the end of the staff, hitting Zhang Yang's body like lightning, and a damage number of "-14694" jumped up. Then the lightning jumped from Zhang Yang's body, and hit the nearest Xingguang Infinite's body, causing 45750 points of damage to Xingguang Infinite's body, killing him in seconds

That's not counting, the lightning jumped from Xingguang Wuhui's corpse again, and hit Meng Buhui next to him, and a more terrifying damage "-126000" jumped up, also sending Meng Buhui to the cemetery

Then, the lightning jumped again, and killed Sun Xinyu and Wei Yan'er without any suspense. On the two women, the damage caused by the lightning reached a terrifying 378,000 and 1,134,000, which is enough to kill the two women dozens of times times

After just one round of attacks, the only remaining members of the team were Zhang Yang, Fatty Han, Baifa Yizhong, Han Yingxue, Narcissus Blossom, and Dream Sweetheart. Except for Zhang Yang, they were all wiped out in melee combat.

"Dizzy, the skill of boss is too scary!" Fatty Han raised the amount with his hand, and screamed like a pig.

Han Yingxue said: "Every time the lightning jumps, the damage will increase by 3 times, and after the second jump, you can instantly kill people."

It can be deduced from Zhang Yang's injury avoidance that Madeleine's lightning storm has a base damage of only 21,000 points, but the damage will increase by three times every time it jumps, and there seems to be no upper limit, and finally reached more than 1 million invulnerable damage of

"Lightning's jump should have a distance limit." Zhang Yang thought hard while facing Kuangchou, "Otherwise, after killing the little girl, the lightning should still jump in a long-distance direction."

"I don't know how far this distance is," Fatty Han said casually.

"It's not easy to know, come here," Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Ah..." Fatty Han's expression turned bitter immediately, "Yangzi, Brother Fatty doesn't want to die young"

"It's okay, brother will take good care of your beautiful wife like a flower, so you can rest assured." Zhang Yang joked, and said solemnly, "Go to the place 10 meters behind me first, and see if you can get the damage of lightning if you eat it." We are probably going to be wiped out, we must understand the skills of the boss clearly."

"Hey, why is fat brother so miserable? It's really careless in making friends." Fatty Han moved towards Zhang Yang carefully, stopped at a position about 10 meters away from Zhang Yang, and continued to shoot at the boss. …

"Ouch!" Han Yingxue suddenly looked terrified, and said, "Si Yu, something invisible is attacking me!"

"Me too" Narcissus Blossom and Dream Sweetheart also said one after another.

"Baifa, Fatty, what about you?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Yes, it seems that there are indeed invisible monsters attacking us, and the damage is not high, about 1000 points each time." Baifa Yizhong nodded and said.

At this time, Zhang Yang also noticed it, because the word "-0" floated above his head, and if the attack from the boss, it is impossible to be so low that it cannot cause damage to him.

"The damage is not high, but the key is to delay the casting of the spell," Han Yingxue said in annoyance.

Madeleine roared fiercely, pointed the staff in his hand at Zhang Yang, a black light burst out, turned into a black skull, hit Zhang Yang's chest, and immediately caused about 15,000 damage to Zhang Yang.

However, this boss is absolutely coquettish. After launching a spell attack, he immediately swung his staff and knocked Zhang Yang on the head.

"Let the lightning devour your souls." The boss waved his staff for a while, and once again sent out the lightning storm that Zhang Yang and the others were looking forward to.


A damage number immediately jumped up on Zhang Yang's body, but the spread of lightning stopped abruptly

"Fatty, go forward another 3 meters," Zhang Yang said.

"My life is just a coffee table full of cups and utensils." Fatty Han took a few steps forward bitterly.

"Wretched and fat, it's good if you can fight the boss." Wei Yan'er said boringly, because she couldn't bear the loneliness, it would be a huge torture for her to lie on the floor and watch others beat the boss.

"The eyes of the ghosts, devour their souls." Madeleine launched the second skill.

"Ding Madeleine unleashes the Ethereal Eye"

Immediately, Han Yingxue, Narcissus, and Baifa Yizhong had a huge black eyeball attached to their bodies at the same time. The eyeball blinked from time to time, looking extremely terrifying and disgusting.

[Eye of Void Spirits]: Can see and attack Void Spirits. If you kill an ethereal within 30 seconds, the state of the ethereal eye will be canceled, otherwise, you will be transformed into an ethereal by the ethereal eye.

Baifa Yizhong immediately said: "It turned out that it was Void Spirit who started attacking us. Without Void Spirit, we can't see it in front of our eyes."

"Hurry up, we only have 30 seconds, otherwise we will become ethereals too," Narcissus Blossom said quickly.

"How many are there? Are the attributes strong?" Zhang Yang couldn't see Void Spirit, so he could only ask Han Yingxue and the other three.

"Three" Han Yingxue posted the Void Spirit's attributes on the team channel.

【Void Spirit】(Normal, Summon)

Level: 95

HP: 100,000

Armor value: 0

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and then said: "Baifa, Narcissus, and the demon girl, you three attack a virtual spirit together, but stop after hitting 10,000 blood, and hand the virtual spirit to the snow demon girl to kill, and kill her as soon as possible." It is not difficult to kill a void spirit independently with your firepower in the remaining time."


Han Yingxue is a healer. She is naturally weak in terms of attack power. Although she is well equipped, she lacks skills with high magic damage bonus. It is too bad to fight. Besides, the longer she is restrained, the dream sweetheart will be more flamboyant It is too much pressure to make up the team again.

The three of Han Yingxue worked together in a division of labor. First, they injected 10,000 blood into a Void Spirit, and after Han Yingxue killed it easily, Narcissus Blossom and Baifa Yizhong each found a Void Spirit to kill. With their powerful firepower, it would take about 15 seconds to blast a 0 armor monster with 100,000 blood points. When they leave the Void Eye state, there are still five or six seconds before the 30-second deadline

In addition, the main reason is that these ghosts will only attack players without the effect of the ghost's eye, so that Han Yingxue and the others can output as much as they want.

"Let lightning devour your souls" Madeleine blew out the lightning storm for the third time. …


Zhang Yang was still scorched by a flash of lightning, but Fatty Han was still alive and well, shooting indiscriminately.

"Fatty, take two more steps forward," Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Get out, Fat Brother's legs are not lame," Fatty Han shouted immediately.

"Haha, fat brother, it's okay to take two steps." Starlight Infinity is also a person who can't keep his mouth shut, and immediately burst out laughing.

"Xingguang boy, are you itchy and want to be whipped?"

"You ruined my life's hard work, you bedbugs, scum, even if you are smashed to pieces, you can't extinguish my anger!" Madeleine roared loudly, whirring, hitting Zhang Yang with his staff, this flamboyant boss has no melee ability Not weak, the physical attack has actually reached 20,000, just because the physical attack will be reduced by the armor, so the damage caused is slightly less. However, the annoying thing about the melee attack of the boss is that it also has a certain stun effect, and the probability is not low

But in this way, Zhang Yang's shield slam can also come in handy. Currently, this skill can deal double damage, but it is a very powerful output firepower point

"Bear my anger." Madeleine suddenly pointed his staff at Dream Sweetheart, and the little girl with childlike face and big breasts suddenly had streaks of white lightning, as if she had turned into a lightning superman, which was extremely miraculous.

[Power of Madeleine]: Explodes after 10 seconds, causing 1 point of nature damage to you and 50,000 points of nature damage to all targets within 10 meters around.

"Dizzy, Mengmeng, hurry up and run away from the crowd!" Everyone immediately shouted at her when they saw the negative effects hanging on Mengmeng Sweetheart.

"Oh" Dreamy Sweetheart nodded quickly, turned around and ran away, a pair of big breasts on her chest suddenly rose and fell, and the scene was extremely spectacular

In the team, the voices of Starlight Infinity and Fatty Han drooling immediately came to mind.



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