MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 456 Death Demon Blade

Kakaka, 12 ribs were quickly dismantled by Jess Rogg

Wei Yan'er laughed loudly and said:

Jess Rognu let out a whistle, and turned to me, 12 more bone tips protruded from the spine, and then grew rapidly, returning to the original state!

Wei Yan'er was dumbfounded, pointed at the boss and said:

Card, Jessrog broke another rib, held it in his hand and sliced ​​towards Zhang Yang, and once again exploded a ball of gorgeous brilliance on everyone's bodies, causing a lot of damage [

Fortunately, Jessrog has other skills besides the Bone Spur Burst move. However, this move is already ruthless enough. Not only Han Yingxue has already activated enough milk power, but even Zhang Yang has also activated the self-sacrificing skill. Throwing the sacrifice skills on the teammate with low blood and not being able to be pulled up by Han Yingxue is already in jeopardy. If the boss makes another ruthless move, the team will definitely collapse in an instant!

This boss is difficult to say, easy to say is not easy!

Because, there is no need to move around or talk about tactics, anyway, the damage from the bone spur burst can't be avoided, so it can only be carried hard! The attack strength of the boss is terrifying, as if Mount Tai is overwhelming, and the team may be at any time. Crash instantly!

There's nothing to say about it, just fight output! 90€% 70% Jessrog's blood volume dropped very quickly, and Han Yingxue's blue bar also dropped in a hurry. With the recovery of 7500 points of strength and the existence of the recovery aura of daffodils blooming, Han Yingxue couldn't hold on for a long time!

Hearing her panting like a wild cat in spring, fortunately, Zhang Yang had already lost his temper once before, otherwise, he might have turned into a super pervert with a bark in the sky

This is an ingenious battle, simple and brutal, all you need is to fight hard! But the pressure of the crowd is extremely high, and they are precarious in front of the boss's large-scale group damage attack, and may collapse at any time

No one is still stingy with the use of potions, they are all pouring the level 4 healing potion of mutation 10, as long as they cool down, their blood volume has never been full anyway!

..., the blood volume of the boss is getting less and less

There is nothing worth describing in this battle, it's just desperately hacking and desperately fighting!


After entering the beheading stage, the team's output ability is further improved, and the speed of reducing the boss' blood volume has been sharply increased by a level of 10% 6% 1%

In the end, Jessrog let out a scream, and the glowing skeleton suddenly dimmed, and fell to the ground with a bang. Three pieces of equipment exploded, a pair of snow-white cloth armor gloves, and a pair of dark red quaint gloves. long knife and finally a golden hat

The five of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and they finally passed the level smoothly.

Wei Yan'er giggled and went to pick up the equipment dropped by the boss. The little girl picked up the gloves first, and posted the attributes on the team channel

【Silver Silk Gloves】(Goldware, Cloth Armor)


Stamina: 168[

Intelligence: 151

Spirit: 67

Equip: Increases your damage or healing by 2%

Equip: Increases your maximum strength by 500 points


Required level: 100

Although it is said that this pair of gloves is almost comparable to the top-level Zijinware, there is still a gap after all. Han Yingxue and Narcissus Blossom both have Zijinware gloves, so naturally they will not need this pair of gloves, so they can only be left to Zhang Yang to deal with

Wei Yan'er picked up the dark red simple long knife again, the blade was mottled, as if it was stained with bloodstains in patches! In "Miracle", there is no distinction between the knife and the sword, even if it is a knife-shaped design, They all belong to the type of sword, but I don’t know which designer came up with it

[Death Demon Blade] (Purple Gold Weapon, Two-Handed Sword)

Attack Power: 3020-3620

Attack interval: 38 seconds

Second injury: 874

Equip: Increases your attack power by 10%

Equip: Increase your chance of critical strike by 3%

Equipment: After hitting the target, there is a 1% chance to launch a death shock wave, causing all enemy targets 3*3 meters to be affected by the pain of death effect, each receiving 1000 points of shadow damage for 15 seconds. The pain of death effect is superimposed, not identified

Required level: 100

After seeing the special effects of this weapon, Zhang Yang and the others looked at each other in amazement! 10% attack power increase! 3% critical strike chance bonus! Just these two additional effects are already very, very awesome! And this Weapons can also be used in group ot, which is very powerful when fighting group monsters!

It can be said that this is a two-handed weapon version

Wei Yan'er's eyes immediately glowed with gold, and said:

Zhang Yang smiled and said:

The other four were all smiling, and it was very unusual for the little girl to call others stingy

Except for the little girl, no one knows how to use two-handed swords, so this death magic blade was naturally put into her package

Finally, there's that shiny gold hat

【Brilliant Crown】(Purple Gold Item, Leather Armor)

Armor: 48

Stamina: 706

Power: 202

Agility: 463

Equip: Increases your damage and healing done by 5%

Equip: Increases your maximum health by 1000 Unidentified

Required level: 100

Sun Xinyu was also very satisfied, and put the Brilliant Crown into her backpack. She was still three levels behind before she could really put on this piece of equipment.

After the three pieces of equipment, Jess Rog also contributed an intermediate aura stone, which seems to have become a special product here, every boss will give them a piece, this time it was taken by Han Yingxue, which improved the team's survivability improved a bit

But before they opened the entrance to the treasure room on the fifth floor, they were forced to teleport out because they had reached the time limit for entering the treasure room this time.

But Zhang Yang was not in a hurry to enter it again, their flurry of gods and ghosts hadn't finished cooling down yet, it would be better to wait until the cooldown of the big skills was over before entering, after all, they were about to face the final big boss without the support of super skills, really a little lack of confidence

Zhang Yang called Luo Xinyan and asked about the details of the falling out between Liu Wei and Yijian Qingcheng. After talking with the other party in detail, Zhang Yang knew that Luo Xinyan had great ambitions and was not willing to be Liu Wei's underground lover. But I want the grand young lady who is prosperous today!

Liu Wei will definitely not marry her as a regular matchmaker, but it is different with a sword. Although he can be regarded as the second generation rich, he is not as well-established as the Liu family! The commercial secrets that were deliberately found there were given to Yijian Qingcheng, and Tianhai Electronics, which was opened by Yijian Qingcheng's family, made a lot of money!

Moreover, Luo Xinyan was so big on the bed that he was so fascinated by Yijian Qingcheng that he became her servant

The reason why Luo Xinyan is willing to disclose these things is that there is no lack of revenge and publicity, and said:

Pa , she hung up the phone after she finished speaking

Zhang Yang can only shake his head and laugh, but that woman is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, and her eyesight is extremely sharp and unique. In the last life, she really won the "Miracle" with all kinds of sponsorship fees and endorsement fees. With an annual income of 500 million, Tianhai Electronics has also grown into a billion-dollar company through his image endorsement, which can be called a veritable financial backer!

It's a pity that Zhang Yang has been relentlessly suppressing him in this life, and he has been a master for more than half a year.

Zhang Yang went online again, and went to the auction house to buy a lot of herbs to supplement the consumed potions. But this time, he finally saw the formula of "Zombie Potion", and successfully bought it for 30,000 gold!

【Zombie Potion】(Consumable)

Use: If you die within the duration of the zombie potion, the player can temporarily turn into a zombie to continue fighting. The effect lasts for 30 seconds. After turning into a zombie, you will ignore any attack, but you can be controlled by the zombie potion for hours.

Required level: 70

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