Chapter 468: Survival

"You, who are you?" Of the three teenagers, one was stung, and the other two were frightened out of drunkenness by the spurt of blood. All three looked at Zhang Yang in shock and anger.

"The people who killed you!" Zhang Yang said sternly.

It's a pity that these three teenagers are all green-named. That is to say, killing them will not do any good to publicize. On the contrary, it may arouse the resentment of other residents of Mourning Town, affecting his completion of other tasks, and even obtaining the territory order. !

But at this moment, Zhang Yang was already furious, so he didn't have the time to worry about that, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and the Devouring Sword was already raised high. And Fei Ling also entered the room, seeing the scene in the room, the girl was also furious, dazzling sparks flickered from the spear in her hand! [

"Dare to kill us?" A young man stepped forward, patted his chest, and said, "I am the only son of the mayor Rokoa, if you dare to touch me, my father will definitely mobilize the town guards and arrest you!" Corpses to pieces!"

"That's right, you outsider, you dare to slash me with a sword! Master Bendock, you must help me out, I will beat him to death!" The young man who was slashed by Zhang Yang said to himself, the mayor of the town. The boy of the son said.

Bendok's courage grew stronger and stronger, he pointed at Zhang Yang and said, "You untouchable, quickly kneel down and kowtow to me to admit your mistake! Otherwise, I will ask my father to kill your whole family!"

"Master Bendok, look at that chick!" Another young man who was not injured suddenly pointed at Fei Ling.

"It's so beautiful!" When Ben Duoke saw Fei Ling, his eyes straightened immediately, and he looked like a condescending pig brother.

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing outrageously, these three people died imminently, not only did they show no repentance, but they became lustful again, they are simply the scum of scum! All they rely on is a father who is the mayor of the town, yet they dare to act so recklessly and in vain!

"You should die early and reincarnate early, and be a good person in your next life!" Zhang Yang screamed, swung out the Devouring Sword, and slashed at the three playboys.

"Ah!" "It hurts!" "Come on, help me!"

The three teenagers screamed again and again. That little bit of blood was nothing but scum in front of Zhang Yang and Fei Ling. After three or two blows, only a trace of residual blood remained, dying on the ground, but it was this little bit of blood that Zhang Yang No matter how you cut it, you can't blast it!

"Forgive me! Forgive me!" The three teenagers all lay on the ground begging for mercy vigorously.

"Ding! You have encountered an optional task. If you choose to spare these three teenagers, the optional task will be automatically canceled. If you choose to kill these three teenagers, the optional task will start, and in the next three hours During this period, you will be hunted down by the guards of Morning Town. During this period, if you are killed, the mission will fail and you will be punished by a level drop of 5 levels."

If he falls to level five, then Zhang Yang will be blasted out of the realm of chaos!

But Zhang Yang didn't hesitate at all, swung the Devouring Sword, and the three teenagers immediately let out the last scream in their lives, ending their short and sinful life.

"Big brother, did you kill them?" Ruilina said tremblingly.

"Don't worry, everything is fine now! Although your brother is gone, I will protect you from now on!" Zhang Yang said loudly.

Ruilina shook her head again and again, and said, "Big brother, Bendok is really the only son of the mayor, you have caused a disaster! Go, get out of here quickly, Bendok has a magic amulet on him, as long as something happens to him , Rokoa will immediately notice that he will definitely send someone to deal with you! Big brother, run away quickly, no matter how powerful you are alone, it is impossible to deal with so many of them!"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Ruilina, come with me!"

Ruilina shook her head slowly, and said, "I was born and raised here, and I can't leave here!"

"But if these bad guys die here, the mayor will definitely blame you!" Fei Ling also joined the persuasion team, saying, "Leave with us, brother will definitely take good care of you!"

Ruilina refused to agree and just shook her head.

Zhang Yang understood, and said, "Are you worried that we will be implicated?"

Ruilina paused, and said, "I'm blind, you can't leave with me! Besides—" She took a deep breath, and said, "This is my brother's and I's home, I don't want to leave this place !"

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and said, "Well, we won't leave, and we will meet those town guards here!"

Ruilina became anxious immediately, and hurriedly said, "Big brother, you can't stay here, it's too dangerous!"

Zhang Yang just smiled and said nothing, after a while, Rui Lina finally compromised, saying: "Big brother, I will leave with you!"

The little girl didn't have anything to clean up, she just took a flower shovel, saying that it took her brother three months to build it for her.

Zhang Yang summoned a flying snake and rode on it with Ruilina, while Fei Ling transformed into a dragon eagle and flew into the air.

"Ding! You have compulsorily accepted the mission: Survival in a desperate situation. If you give up the mission, it will be automatically judged as a mission failure. If you or Ruilina die during the mission, the mission will fail. If the mission fails, your level will be reduced by 5 levels punishment."

Huh, not only can he not hang up, but even Ruilina can't die!

Zhang Yang thought for a while, carried Ruilina and got off the flying snake, and called the great white bear out. Ruilina is blind and bad for walking, so she has to use a mount to travel, and the flying snake cannot fly because it is only level 32, and its blood volume is low, so it is very easy to be bombarded and killed, which is far less reliable than the big white bear.

"Brother, there are a lot of people rushing out of the town!" Fei Ling suddenly lowered his head and shouted at Zhang Yang because he could see far in the air.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Let's go!"

The big white bear immediately spread its four legs and ran in the opposite direction. The bear's buttocks twisted and turned. The way it ran was extremely funny, but the speed was not slow at all. However, the Great Pyrenees has lost one more person after all, so the speed will slow down a little. Fei Ling has been watching from the air, reminding that the pursuers are getting closer!

However, after another seven or eight minutes, Zhang Yang didn't need Feiling's reminder anymore, because he only had to turn his head to see the flames behind him. They were all soldiers on horses, holding torches in one hand, It only takes three or four minutes at most to catch up.

Zhang Yang frowned in thought, his eyes suddenly lit up, he turned the bear's head, deviated from the main road, and ran westward.

Behind him, the chasing soldiers were no more than a hundred meters away!

However, a pile of rocks also appeared in front of Zhang Yang. He was determined, and after patting the big white bear and rushing into it, he stopped his mount, turned the bear's head around, and waited for the pursuers to arrive.

Tread Tread!

The chasing soldiers rushed to form an encirclement circle that surrounded Zhang Yang and completely blocked his way.

Although Ruilina couldn't see, she could hear the clue from the sound of the horse's hooves, her face turned pale immediately, and her hands clenched tightly into fists.

Zhang Yang smiled calmly, and looked at the pursuers. There were about fifty of them, all of them in full armor, reflecting the dazzling light under the torchlight. [

Mornington Troopers (Elite, Humanoid)

Level: 105

HP: 1.05 million

Armor value: 1100

Melee attack power: 7464-8264


Powerful Strike: Launch a powerful blow to the target, causing physical damage equal to 150% of melee attack, and has a 10% chance to trigger an additional attack.

Note: The guard force of Mourning Town is only ordered by the mayor Rokoa.

In addition, this team of cavalry has a leader!

Cavalry Captain Seyan (Gold-Level Leader, Humanoid)

Grade: 110

HP: 5.5 million

Armor value: 2000

Melee attack power: 9812-10812


Desperate Strike: Sacrifice one's own life to cause heavy damage to the enemy. Every 1% of the life value sacrificed can reduce the enemy's life value by 2%, but the maximum can reach 90%.

Bloodthirsty Recovery: Sacrifice a subordinate to recover 50% of HP.

Note: Cavalry Captain Seyan is known for his cruelty, Rokoa's most loyal lackey.

Damn, more than 50 elite monsters are already terrible enough, and there is even a gold-level b! Although it is said that gold b is worthless now, but no matter how valuable it is, it is still gold b. Just look at Cy Young's super high attack power, this guy is not easy to deal with!

"Bold guy, you dare to kill Master Bendok, and I declare that you will be sentenced to death immediately!" Saiyang said fiercely, and with a wave of his hand, the more than fifty knights immediately rode their horses towards Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and said, "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you!" He let out a soft whistle, and said, "Fei Ling!"

Fei Ling immediately flew down from mid-air, Zhang Yang picked up Ruilina, threw it to Fei Ling, and said, "Fly higher with Ruilili!"

"What about you, brother!" Fei Ling asked hastily after taking Ruilina.

"Don't worry, I have my own solution!" Zhang Yang smiled confidently at Fei Ling.

Fei Ling nodded, grasped Ruilina with both claws, flapped his wings, and immediately flew into the air.

Zhang Yang jumped off his mount, shouted loudly, raised the Devouring Sword high up, and slashed at a boulder!


A spark flashed, and a damage number actually jumped above the stone!

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud rumbling noise, and the whole ground trembled violently like boiling water! All the war horses neighed endlessly, staggered to and fro, and some even half-kneeled to the ground!

Boom! Boom!

Two huge stone arms broke through the ground, and then propped up to the ground, revealing a huge stone man's head!

Zhang Yang's feet trembled, and the ground rose suddenly. It turned out that the pile of rocks was actually the stone man's chest. As the stone giant stood up, they rolled down, not even their horses!

Rumbling, amidst the chaos, this stone giant finally fully revealed his true face—he was sixty or seventy meters high, and his body was as huge as a small mountain!

As soon as the stone giant stood up, he roared angrily, and slapped Zhang Yang, the culprit who disturbed his rest.

Shadow of the Void!

Zhang Yang immediately escaped into a different space and left the battle in an instant!

The stone giant roared again, his eyes became more murderous, and he glanced at Sai Yang and a group of cavalry near him.

——This group of poor children were also involved in the battle by the stone giant. Because the first hatred Zhang Yang left the battle, each of them may be attacked by the stone giant! ro! .

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