MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 472 Narcissus is guarded

"Ding! You have completed the task: you have gained 5 million experience points without doing anything else!"

The boss is dead, and the next step is to harvest the loot.

Rokoa dropped a total of four pieces of equipment, but only one piece of purple gold equipment, and the other three are all gold equipment. After the purple gold bosses began to emerge in large numbers, the gold equipment has withdrawn from the ranks of the strongest equipment and gave way to the purple gold equipment. device.

This Purple Gold Ware is a light silver leather armor garment, with a hint of purple in it, making it look very extraordinary.

【Silver Tiger Skin Chestguard】(Purple Gold Item, Leather Armor)[

Armor: 48

Stamina: 847

Strength: 242

Agility: 548

Equip: Increases your damage done by 3%.

Equip: Increases your health by 1200.


Required level: 120

3% increase, 1200 points of extra health bonus, quite admirable! Zhang Yang smiled in satisfaction, and put the leather breastplate into his backpack. He planned to give it to Sun Xinyu, since she was one of his wives, so of course he had to be partial. As for Fatty Han, he could only be sorry.

After putting away the three gold utensils, the boss's body did not disappear immediately. Zhang Yang thought that he might still have the goods, so he flew up and kicked the boss a few meters away, and there was a blue token on the ground .

Without looking at the attributes of the token, Zhang Yang knew that this was the Territory Order he urgently needed! Because the token is clearly engraved with the words Territory Order, and the reverse side of the token says Mourning Town.

【Territorial Order: Morning Town】

Use: After 72 hours, launch a territorial battle against Mourning Town. The battle lasts for 3 hours, and the player who finally holds the Territory Order will become the new owner of Mourning Town.

Holding the license card, Zhang Yang wanted to laugh out loud. He is the only commander who can enter the realm of chaos. The competition for the territory is completely stressful. He can move out a chair and bask in the sun while sleeping. Can lay out a territory!

If Yijian Qingcheng and Qianqian Junzi knew about this, would they stare out their eyes with envy!

Zhang Yang immediately used the territory order, and immediately, the server began to refresh the screen!

"Server notice: A master's territory has appeared in the realm of chaos, and the competition will start in 72 hours. All players, please get ready! The location of the territory is Dubai's wilderness, and the specific coordinates will be released when the territory competition begins! Territory competition The battle will last for 3 hours, and when the battle is over, the player who finally holds the territory order will become the master of the territory!"

Repeatedly, the server brushed a total of five times.

And in the next moment, Zhang Yang was immediately bombarded by several secret words, and the guild was also boiling! Almost everyone knows that Zhang Yang has reached level 100 and can enter the realm of chaos, so there is no doubt that the person who has obtained the territory order must be Zhang Yang! [

While Xue Qianxun, Young Master Qingshan, Jian Zhimang and others expressed their congratulations, they also praised Zhang Yang's luck. He was able to obtain a territory order in such a short time after entering the realm of chaos!

Because Zhang Yang is the only one who has reached level 100 so far, this newly created territory is equivalent to being given to Zhang Yang for nothing, how can this not make them jealous!

When Liu Wei saw the news, he smashed the game helmet.

"Soldier with anemia, Sister Narcissus is guarding her body, come and help!" Zhang Yang suddenly received a secret message from Wei Yan'er.

"What?" Zhang Yang couldn't help being angry, he was born to protect the calf, even if his own people made mistakes, he would rather lock up and fight by himself, and he will definitely stand up to the end outside! Narcissus has always been gentle and introverted, and is known in the guild for being gentle and kind. Now that someone guards her corpse, how can this not make him angry!

He quickly connected to the voice communication with Narcissus, and said, "Narcissus, where are you?"

Narcissus bloomed for a moment, then said: "In Chi Huoyuan, I was about to go to Shihuanghai to level up, but I was suddenly stopped by a group of people on the way, saying that they wanted to buy the magic staff on me. I didn't agree, they They fought with me! I killed three of them, but there were more than a dozen of them, and I died! They have been guarding my body, and I dare not resurrect. I am afraid that if I am killed again, I will really explode my staff !"

She is also a smart woman, from Zhang Yang's somewhat angry tone, she knew that he also knew about the situation, so she simply told the whole thing from beginning to end.

Zhang Yang suddenly thought of the Lord Lei they met in the appraisal store a few days ago, and while tearing up the teleportation talisman and returning to Thunderstorm Fort, he asked, "Is it from the Myth Guild?" "It's them, the leader is Lord Lei!"

It really was him! That day he showed greed and covetousness, and Zhang Yang also reminded him that the daffodils were blooming, but at that time, the server update was shut down very quickly, and one level lasted for three days, so Zhang Yang also forgot about this little guy!

And this guy is really ruthless, after the server is restarted, he will go to guard the daffodil blooming equipment!

Swipe, with a flash of white light, Zhang Yang returned to Thunderstorm Fort, walked out of the Teleportation Hall, and summoned the Flying Snake.

As soon as this majestic flying snake appeared, it immediately aroused the cruel onlookers of the surrounding people, because ordinary pets are not so huge!

In the game, big is a kind of cool performance. You have to ride on a mount like a hill. Even if the mount is black iron-level garbage, it is no more eye-catching than the three golden dragons. Inferior!

What's more, the flying snake is quite attractive, with snow-white scales all over its body. Even though it grows so big, its eyes are still as small as mung beans. It doesn't give people a scary feeling at all, but it looks very cute.

"Wow, what kind of riding pet is this, it looks too cool!"

"Is this a snake? How can it have wings?"

"If a snake can fly, can't it be Jackie Chan?"

"Tch, how can there be a flying pet now, you are a piece of shit! Don't think that if you grow wings, you will become flying, and the ostrich can also blow!"

"That's right, the official website says that you have to go to the Realm of Chaos to catch the flying mount. Now the Realm of Chaos has only been open for a day. How can it be so easy to catch the flying mount!"

Zhang Yang jumped onto the flying snake, and with a thought, the flying snake immediately spread its wings and flew straight into the sky!

People at the bottom: "..."[

Zhang Yang threw an invitation to Narcissus to form a team, but Narcissus already had a team, but soon Baifa Yizhong formed Zhang Yang into the team. In addition to Zhang Yang, there were several other members of their fixed team in this team, only Sun Xinyu was not present at work. They also all got together and rushed over to help when they learned that the daffodils were in bloom and being guarded by corpses.

Everyone directly used the teleportation talisman to return to Thunderstorm Fort, and then rushed to the Red Volcano Plain. Red Volcano was originally a level 70 map. Although it is adjacent to the Danila Forest where Thunderstorm Fort is located, it will take at least three or four hours to get there.

Zhang Yang's flying mount was at least three times faster than the ground mount, piercing through the sky like a rocket, and soon caught up to the second-to-last starlight limit, and soared directly over.

Xingguang was extremely curious, and said: "Boss, just now I clearly saw that you were the last one, why did you run in front of me after swiping the ground! Damn, why are you moving so fast? Boss, even if you want to save Sister-in-law Narcissus You can't cheat, that's a title!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help but have black lines all over his head. Fortunately, there was only one vinegar jar in the team, and the other one was not here for the time being, otherwise there would be a catastrophe.

brush! brush! brush!

Zhang Yang is close to surpassing Mengbuhui, Baifa Yizhong and Wei Yan'er. With the high speed of flying mounts and the ability to see the terrain, the actual efficiency is at least four to five times that of ordinary mounts!

Wei Yan'er was also very surprised, and said: "When did you run in front of me, anemic soldier? I didn't even see you running past me!"

Zhang Yang laughed, and finally posted the reins of the Snowscale Flying Snake on the team channel.

"...Zhan Yu, you are so lucky! Not only did you get a territory order, but you also got a flying mount for the first time!" Meng Buhui said enviously.

"Silly Yu, hurry up and take this girl to practice leveling, this girl is going to the realm of chaos!"

"Me too! Me too!"

Zhang Yang doesn't take the two lazy people, Han Yingxue and Wei Yan'er, with such leisure. The next month is very important to him, and he wants to use this time to occupy as many territories as possible! Of course, for such a portal-type territory, from an economic point of view, occupying two is better than occupying one!

Because each region is hostile, even if he wins the portal territory of Japan and South Korea, it is impossible to open the territory to players in Japan and South Korea. Only players in China can use the teleportation array there. And the cost of maintaining the teleportation array is not discounted no matter how much you use or how little you use, so occupying two territories is just paying an extra cost of teleportation energy in vain.

Occupying the portal territory of other major regions is more of a strategic significance. The eight major regions are opposed to each other. In the game, players from the eight major regions are encouraged to fight against each other. He is taking the first step!

brush! brush!

Zhang Yang quickly surpassed Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart, and became the one who rushed to the front.


On an empty mountain somewhere in the Red Volcano Plain.

Lord Lei and more than a dozen people from the Mythological Guild are spreading a siege net, surrounding the dead body with daffodils blooming in the middle. Because the player can be resurrected anywhere within 30 meters of his corpse, if he wants to guard the corpse, he must surround the entire 30-meter area around that person.

"Master Lei, we have guarded this little girl's body for more than two hours. This little girl just refuses to be resurrected. Should we continue?" A mythical person said to Lord Lei.

"Nonsense, of course you have to keep it! Damn, didn't you see that chick spent 10,000 gold for the staff appraisal? Nima, when did you see that it cost 10,000 gold to appraise a piece of equipment? Huh? If this staff is taken out, it will cost 10,000 gold." Sell ​​it, it can definitely go up to 10 to 20 million! Not to mention two hours, two days, two months, I will keep it for the fuck!" Lord Lei yelled at the man, spouting The other party was drooling all over his face.

"Yes, what Master Lei said is true!"

"Besides, didn't the first time I killed that chick explode a purple gold boot? Haha, this boot alone can sell for tens of thousands of gold. Hmph, I not only want her magic staff, but also her The whole body equipment is exposed, let this chick run naked to show me!" Lord Lei laughed arrogantly.

But at this moment, a shadow covered their heads, and there was a strong wind whistling faintly! (to be continued)

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