Seeing Zhang Yang's powerful strength, there were still a few ogres around who were eager to try, and they all stopped their flags and drums. They didn't dare to have any other thoughts. Seeing Zhang Yang passing by, they automatically gave way.

This is a world that is respected entirely by strength. There are no officials or rich people. Everyone speaks with their fists. Whoever has more power can win respect.

Zhang Yang walked for a while, and gradually went deeper into this ogre's lair.

The Molten Ash Cave is astonishingly large, and the wall on the top of the cave is at least thirty or forty meters above the ground. Even with the tall ogre, it can still pass through it. There are white stalactites everywhere in this cave, overflowing with luminescent liquid, which illuminates the whole cave extremely brightly, without any darkness at all.

But after walking for a while, Zhang Yang's deterrent power faded, and another blind ogre wanted to come and snatch Fei Ling, but he punched him back with three punches and two legs. [

This cave is a great place for mining, and there are pieces of high-grade ore everywhere, such as manganese ore and platinum ore, all of which are precious metals necessary to upgrade the fourth-level territory! It's a pity that Zhang Yang only has medicine-picking beasts and no mining beasts, so he can only watch these precious minerals drooling!

However, although this place is rich in ore, it can be compared with mines, but because this is the lair of ogres, all the elite ogres above level 120 are refreshed, so there is no way to occupy it for a long time!

Because full-time miners don't have too high a level and good equipment, they can't beat elites above level 120, and there are too many monsters here. If a large number of players are sent to escort them, the mining income It is simply not enough to make up for the daily consumption of a large number of people.

Therefore, even though Zhang Yang had a large number of players who reached level 150 or above in Zhang Yang's previous life, this ogre lair has never been occupied by players.


A sound as thick as a gong sounded, and a burly female ogre also appeared in front of Zhang Yang. Although she was a woman, she was a head taller than the male ogre that Zhang Yang transformed into. The two mountain peaks on the chest are so spectacular, they all leaked from the fabric, the muscles on the two arms burst out, and there is a mace in the right hand!

She looked at Zhang Yang viciously, and said, "Short man, give me that food!"

Zhang Yang snorted, and just compared his fists to her.

"Short guy, if you dare not listen to me, I'll beat you up!" The female ogre roared angrily, swung the mace and threw it at Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang didn't take out the sword and shield. Although his body transformed into an ogre, the Devouring Sword and Titan Barrier would not change accordingly. Now, the Devouring Sword is like a toothpick to him, and the Titan Barrier is like a leaf, how can he use it!


He swung his fist hard and threw it at the female ogre.

How fast Zhang Yang's punches are, and there is no such thing as an attack interval for auxiliary attacks. After one punch was blasted, another punch was immediately followed, which made the female ogre back again and again, even the mace in her hand Unable to grasp it, it fell down with a "snap".

The attack frequency of the auxiliary attack is completely determined by the player's motor nerves. For example, Zhang Yang can throw about seven punches in one second. Although this is not the highest attack frequency, it is more than enough to deal with monsters.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The female ogre was hit repeatedly, and her fat face was bruised and bruised, making her look even uglier.

"I give up! I give up!" The female ogre quickly raised her hand in surrender after being beaten so badly that her nose bleeds and her speech was lost.

Unless the camouflage is uncovered in advance, Zhang Yang can only use auxiliary attacks if he cannot use weapons, and cannot cause substantial damage to monsters. He snorted softly, retracted his fist, and continued walking forward.

"Small man, let's enjoy that delicious human together! At most, he will stay with you overnight!" The female ogre still did not give up, twisted her fat buttocks to catch up with Zhang Yang, and threw a With a wink, Zhang Yang was so shaken that he almost vomited out the overnight meal. [

Sex, seduction!

Unexpectedly, a savage like an ogre would also think of using "beauty tricks". The love between the sexes is indeed the number one weapon since ancient times!

While Zhang Yang was emotional, he suppressed his nausea and continued to move forward, ignoring this "beauty" who sold her body for delicious food.

"Hey, short man, he is a beautiful devil. If other male devils want to sleep with him, they must treat him to eat such delicious food at least three times! But they see that although you are not tall, you are very strong, so they do this to you. Don't be ignorant of this opportunity!" The beautiful demon continued to be entangled with Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang finally couldn't take it anymore, turned around and punched and kicked this "beautiful demon", until the female ogre lay on the ground humming.

Exhausted enough, Zhang Yang was about to get up and leave, but unexpectedly, his feet tightened, and the beautiful demon hugged his ankles with both hands. He flicked it hard, but Mei Mo hugged him tightly and couldn't break free!

"You are the strongest male devil I have ever seen, oh, my love, I am in love with you, and I will be your female devil from now on!" Said the saliva.

love your face!

Zhang Yang beat her up again and again, the female ogre couldn't bear the pain, so she finally let go, and Zhang Yang ran away in a hurry.

I can't afford to be hurt by a nympho!

"Brother, you're so charming, you'll be so amazing no matter what you become!" Fei Ling looked at Zhang Yang with reverence on his face.

Zhang Yang's head was full of black lines immediately, Xi Shi appeared in the eyes of lovers, but in the eyes of the little girl, he was an impossible god!

After getting rid of the nympho ogre, Zhang Yang had a hard time finding it. As he got deeper and deeper, he finally saw those iron-toothed white wolves. Unlike the ogre, which is displayed with a green name, these iron-fanged white wolves are red, and they will be attacked as soon as they enter their field of vision!

Although these white wolves are just normal-level monsters, and Fei Ling can instantly kill them with a single move, but as soon as they enter the battle, the pretentious disguise will disappear immediately, revealing their true colors! He has gone deep into the enemy's cave at this moment. If he exposes his true body, he must use the earth escape technique to escape immediately, otherwise, if he is surrounded by a lot of elite monsters, he will definitely die!

Walking around all the way, carefully avoiding the sight of Iron Fang White Wolf, Zhang Yang finally came to the deepest part of the cave.

This is a huge cave, comparable to the size of a football field, and the fragment of the God of War inheritance is in a corner of it. If you want to find a fragment about the size of a palm in such a large place, although the difficulty cannot be compared with finding a needle in a haystack, it will not be much easier!

However, this place seems to be a stronghold of ogres. There are at least 20 ogres guarding the entrance of this cave, and there are four white wolves with iron teeth sticking out their blood-red tongues. Roaring, there is no chance of getting away with it!

It is obviously unrealistic to break through, there are more than 20 ogres at the elite level, and one of them is a purple-gold level boss, which directly eliminates Zhang Yang's idea of ​​breaking through!

Theoretically speaking, if you use the method of dragging corpses, you can get in a little bit-the player runs to the soul to come back to resurrection, and it doesn't have to be resurrected at the corpse's location, as long as it runs to 30 meters around the corpse. Therefore, even if they are bombarded and killed together, they can move forward 30 meters every time they run away, and finally can enter the last cave!

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, the molten ashes cave is not a dungeon type, otherwise the soul will be resurrected automatically as soon as it passes through the cave entrance, and all previous efforts will be wasted, and we will have to start all over again!

For Zhang Yang, it was not so troublesome, whether it was the earth escape technique or the shadow of the void, he could easily avoid the enemy's heavy guards.

Because he didn't know what else was ambush in the cave, Zhang Yang chose the earth escape technique. He couldn't see any creatures in the Shadow of the Void state, and if there were heavy guards inside, he would crash into a pile of monsters, and he might be killed instantly!

Taking Feiling into the follower space, Zhang Yang activated the earth escape technique, and the rocks under his feet immediately melted away like mud. He sank into the mud and dived for more than 20 meters. Avoiding the range of the monster's hatred, he entered the cave. [

Fortunately, there were no monsters in this cave. After Zhang Yang left the cave entrance, he floated out from the ground, summoned Fei Ling again, and began to search for the inheritance fragments of the God of War!

After entering inside, Zhang Yang finally knew why this place was so valued by ogres! It turned out that all the coffins placed here were huge coffins, densely packed throughout the cave.

In his last life, he only came here to complete a few ogre quests, bought a few skill books and recipe blueprints, and never came here.

It seems that he is going to be a tomb robber again!

Zhang Yang and Fei Ling worked together to open the lids of the coffins one by one, and searched for the fragments of the God of War inheritance that were buried with them.

Time was slowly passing by, more than ten hours passed, but Zhang Yang only searched for a quarter of the coffins. The only good thing is that this place is a forbidden area for ogres, and there is no ogre. Even if the duration of the ogre coat expires, he does not need to be afraid of being chased by monsters when he turns back into his real body.

As a result, unfortunately, Zhang Yang was still wandering inside after 24 hours, and his eyes were almost cross-eyed!

Fortunately, all inheritance fragments are the first and most difficult to obtain. In the future, as long as you carry inheritance fragments, it will automatically guide you to other inheritance fragments, just like carrying a GPS navigator. Of course, this is only the first step. After collecting all the inheritance fragments, a series of tasks must be completed in order to obtain the final inheritance occupation.

In the middle, I went offline a few times to eat and exercise, teased the little girl, and was molested by the Snow Demon Girl. Two days later, Zhang Yang almost opened all the coffins inside, but he still couldn't find the coffin. God of War inheritance fragments.

Could it be that the American devil was lying and fooling people?

Zhang Yang couldn't help thinking that if he was really tricked by that bastard, he would definitely stop at the portal in North America and kill that bastard to guard his body for three days and three nights!


Just when Zhang Yang was extremely agitated, he saw a gray figure appearing out of nowhere, burrowing into a corner of the cave, squatting there and doing something.

It's... that dwarf Gu Luoluo! (to be continued)

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