MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 502: King of Gargoyles

"Fei Ling, don't you feel anything wrong?" Zhang Yang asked with concern after calling the little girl out.

Fei Ling shook his head and said, "No, brother!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help but wonder, when the little girl was fighting the black dragon boss, it was as if she had taken some drugs and got blood, so there must be some sequelae! When martial arts masters are desperate, they have to use the method of disintegrating the demons, which consumes ten years of life, and so on. This little girl will be fine after a night's sleep?

Damn, the black dragon boss died too unjustly!

"Then do you remember anything?" Zhang Yang asked again. [

"No!" Feiling still shook his head, and said, "I don't know what's going on, anyway, when I saw that big lizard, I couldn't help but get angry, I couldn't control it, and wanted to chop it into pieces. Smash!"

Ares said that the Goddess of War was bombed and killed by Hades, the God of Vengeance and Hercules, and the black dragon Anubas was under the God of Hades. Ling regards Ling as an enemy, and the small universe explodes as soon as they meet, killing bosses as powerful as phantom spirits in seconds!

Of course, all of this has to be based on the fact that Fei Ling is the younger sister of the Goddess of War, the Goddess of Hope, Phoebe.

No matter so much, let's clean up this place first!

With the addition of Fei Ling, Zhang Yang's speed of killing monsters was doubled! But there were actually more gargoyles in the palace than in the cave, and it took Zhang Yang another six days to reach the deepest part of the palace.

This is a very majestic hall, 12 jet-black pillars support this huge building. At the bottom of the main hall was a huge metal throne, but there was no one sitting on the throne. On the contrary, beside the throne, there was a gargoyle that had entered a petrified state squatting.

This gargoyle is far bigger than those elite gargoyles, and there is actually a gold border on the edge of its two wings, showing its nobility and extraordinaryness!

[Iros, King of Gargoyles] (Purple-gold leader, undead)

Level: 125

HP: 12.5 million Armor: 3300

Melee attack power: 17310-19310

Skill: [Gargoyle Strike]: Causes physical damage equal to 100% of melee attack to the target, and has a certain chance to weaken the target's attack power by 20% for 15 seconds.

[Petrification]: Petrify yourself, restore 10% of HP per second, reduce damage by 50% when attacked, but increase damage by 100% when attacked by sacred attributes, lasting for 5 seconds.

[Aura of Corruption]: Corrupts the target, causing the target to suffer 3000 points of nature damage every 3 seconds. Halo Range: Centered on the caster, a circular area with a radius of 20 meters.

[Gargoyle Scream]: Screams, causing 40,000 points of physical damage to all hostile targets within 30 meters around. cast time

[Frenzy]: When the health value drops below 10%, Iros will enter a state of madness, the attack power will increase by 50%, and the defense power will increase by 100%.

Note: The loyal minions of the God of Darkness were severely injured by the great gods, and they still haven't fully recovered.

From this point of view, the throne in the hall must belong to the God of Darkness! And this palace should also be the residence of the God of Darkness. He came here with the Great God, but maybe the God of Darkness has fallen, and this palace will stay forever.

Another purple-gold boss! [

Zhang Yang feels secretly refreshed, the reason has already been mentioned before, the high-level bosses on each map will drop extra good things like skill books and special mounts when they are killed for the first time or the second time. What good things will the king contribute to him!

Of course, only Zhang Yang would think that killing high-level bosses and exploding equipment is a matter of course! It's going to be another person, and I don't know what to worry about right now! Ordinarily, without followers as a powerful firepower output point, if Zhang Yang wanted to kill the boss solo, he would have to get taboo scrolls and use money to smash the boss to death.

The hall was spacious enough, Zhang Yang summoned the flying snake again. Although the Flying Snake and the Great Pyrenees are both gold-level mounts, it is clear that spell-type mounts outperform physical mounts in terms of damage output. Moreover, Flying Snakes can fly and attack from a distance, and the venom spray is even more instant. Hair, it will not be affected by the position at all, this damage output is more than a little bit higher than that of the big white bear!

Where the flying snake can be used, Zhang Yang naturally gives priority to it. As for the black water turtle... If you install a rocket launcher, Zhang Yang will ask it to go out again and again!

With great strides, Zhang Yang strode towards Iros. After entering the furthest range of 30 meters, he swiped, and the Broken Spear blasted out.


"Squeak!" The gargoyle let out a snarl immediately, fluttered its wings, and flew towards Zhang Yang.

The flying speed of the boss was extremely fast, and in just a moment of flapping his wings, he had already appeared in front of Zhang Yang. With two monkey paws, he quickly grabbed Zhang Yang.


Zhang Yang hurriedly raised his shield to meet him, bang, there was a muffled sound, and he was immediately pushed back three or four meters by the powerful force of the boss! But at the moment when the two sides came into contact, he also swung his sword and slashed at the boss's body, not wasting a chance to make a flat slash.

Pushing his feet, Zhang Yang quickly stopped his retreat, kicked hard, and rushed towards the boss again.

Iros let out a snarl, and a cloud of black air suddenly appeared on the monkey's paw, and it hit Zhang Yang's body with a slap, not only causing damage once, but also superimposing a negative effect on Zhang Yang, weakening his attack power 20% off!

Gargoyle Strike!

Fortunately, Zhang Yang is not the main output, as long as Fei Ling's attack is not contained, it will not have much impact on the overall damage!

Xiaobai and Feiling were already in their positions, one spit out green liquid, the other sprayed fireballs, and the lights and shadows flashed across, which looked very spectacular.

Not long after the battle, Iros suddenly raised his head to the sky and screamed, and a quick casting bar flashed under his head immediately.

Gargoyles scream!

Zhang Yang made a decisive decision, and Frost struck!


At the same time as a damage number jumped, the boss was instantly frozen, and the spell that was being chanted was interrupted immediately! Fortunately, the additional effect of Frost Strike has taken effect on the boss!

Zhang Yang didn't launch an attack, but directly tied a bandage!

The boss will be frozen for 10 seconds, and it will take 10 seconds to tie a bandage, just right! [

These days, Zhang Yang also fought a lot of monsters above level 120, harvested spiritweave cloth that was one level higher than the magicweave cloth, and made many spiritweave bandages, which can restore 50,000 HP in ten seconds! Coupled with the fact that he has the title of Friend of Physician, that jump is 10,000 blood points once, which is very powerful!

With the last green number "10000" jumping up in the first aid operation, Zhang Yang's blood volume also returned to full!

Iros roared furiously, and kept stretching out the monkey's paw to Zhang Yang, frequently causing more than 10,000 damage. After the boss's skill is interrupted, it will not be used again immediately, but will enter the cooldown timer as if it has been successfully cast.

So it wasn't until 30 seconds later that Iros began chanting Gargoyle Scream again. Although Zhang Yang shot a magic-breaking blow, the word "immunity" just jumped on the boss's head.

A sound wave visible to the naked eye emanated from the boss's mouth, and immediately radiated to the surroundings. Zhang Yang, Fei Ling, and Xiao Bai all felt as if they had been hit hard. Played a damage number.

In fact, if Fei Ling enters the human form, it is possible for the Dragon Spear to stun the boss, but the probability is too small, and the spell of the boss only has a casting time of 0.5 seconds. If you want to interrupt it in time, you must stick to the boss and keep Human form - changing the form will trigger a 1-second public skill cooldown, at the expense of Fei Ling's output, in exchange for a 10% interrupt rate, which is not worthwhile!

Zhang Yang methodically used the shield wall, putting all his eggs in one basket. If Frost Strike could stun the boss, he would immediately bandage it. Although the stun effect on the boss Frost Strike is not 100% triggered, but it can restore an extra tube of blood to him as long as it is triggered once, which is quite good.

However, the blood recovery effect of the shield wall is greatly reduced. No way, this is the special effect of the Titan breastplate, and the Titan breastplate is a level 80 equipment, which is 20 levels lower than Zhang Yang, so the special effect of the equipment has begun to weaken, just like the original Xuanming Sword, when Zhang Yang stepped into level 80 After that, the trigger rate of special effects began to plummet.

Compared with the 10% recovery of blood per jump before level 100, the recovery of blood per jump is now reduced to 5%, and the recovery has been cut in half!

This weakening is really a bit ruthless!

But it's normal to think about it, otherwise, such a powerful titan breastplate can be used to level 300!

Ding ding ding!

The devouring sword hit the boss's body, and a string of sparks burst out, as if the boss's body suddenly turned into a reinforced iron plate. At the same time, a terrifying healing number "312500" jumped up on the boss's head every second. .

The boss activated the petrification skill! Fortunately, Zhang Yang's Destructive Strike reduced Iros's healing effect by 75%, otherwise, the boss' blood recovery per second would have reached an even more terrifying 1.25 million!

Five seconds later, the boss ended his petrified state, recovering a total of more than 1.56 million HP, Zhang Yang can accept it, as long as the boss is born with so many HP.

After using all the life-saving skills for a round, Zhang Yang consciously lowered his output frequency, allowing Fei Ling's hatred to overtake him, and the boss turned around to find Fei Ling. The little girl immediately flew down from the sky, turned back into a human form and activated absolute defense to take over the task of the tank.

After Zhang Yang put on a bandage, his HP immediately returned to full state, and he rushed to the online game Battle of the World, Welcome to You, and slashed wildly again.

Since the boss can also fly, Zhang Yang can't completely clear the hatred with the shadow of the void, because Fei Ling's damage is too strong, he can't pull back the hatred value in two minutes, even if Fei Ling turns into a dragon eagle In the air, the boss will continue to chase up and kill Fei Ling!

Therefore, Zhang Yang needs to bite the hatred value, and wait until Feiling's absolute defense is over before he can immediately take the hatred back.

(to be continued)! .

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